• Member Since 30th Jan, 2014
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Published Science Fiction Author and MLP G4 fanfiction writer. Like my work? Buy me a cuppa joe or visit my patreon!


So Fluttershy said, “Pretty much everypony knows you’ll ask us out. Your performance at the Gala is the talk of the town. The Downtown Rag ran a transcript.” I said, "Well, then, dinner out?" To which Fluttershy replied, "Yes, if Tree Hugger agrees."

And there in a nutshell lies my problem: This red-maned Bohemian was inscrutable and unflappable. And picky about the food she puts in her temple. Worse, I had the uncanny feeling she was playing me. Me? Yeah, she didn’t remember meeting me. That was my line! So, how do you arrange a double date, without raining down chaos, and keeping every pony happy?

Well, I started by asking Spike about Rarity...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )
Comment posted by scifipony deleted May 23rd, 2015

I liked it, have a fav and a like.
It's a pretty good story

I enjoyed it a lot. I loved how you had Discord and Tree Hugger bond.

The only criticism I can think of is that it's a little bit hard to follow at times, but I didn't have that much trouble. *shrug*

@Hillbe: Thanks, and I can see how that might be. I'll do better next time.

Fun story, stumbled a bit at the beginning as it was a little difficult to follow the scene breaks. I like how even an immortal avatar of chaos can learn something new.

That Discord seems to suffer from a similar condition as Spike was humorous. Everyone knows his secret feelings yet we politely look the other way.

What in the world did i just read ?!

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