• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 16,285 Views, 573 Comments

Twilight Shares The Narrator - Stratocaster

The sequel to the hit one-shot comedy that started it all, where Twilight shares her life with an unseen narrator.

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For An Unseen Friend

Chapter 10: For An Unseen Friend

"Hey Narrator, would ya please tell everypony who's really at fault here?"

"Wait a minute. Why can't I hear him?"

"Hear who? Shining Armor? That's because he's not here, silly! Oh wait you mean the Narrator! Hello! Narry! Olly olly oxen free!"

"Dear me! Is he ignoring us?"

"Hey buddy! Quit giving us the silent treatment and settle this!"

"Guys, he's not ignoring us. He's unable to speak! He might even be gone entirely!"

"What are you talkin' about, Twi?"

"He told me about this. He said that if he uses his powers to act against others, then he'll lose them! Oh gosh, he warned me that would happen but I didn't listen! This is all my fault!"

"What do you mean it's your fault?"

"I told him to spy on you since you wouldn't return my book. But I didn't realize how crazy I was acting. Rainbow I'm so sorry! I don't even care about the book anymore. All this situation has done is drive the Narrator away."

"No, it's my fault too. I should have fessed up to you. And I shouldn't have tried pinning the blame on Pinkie."

"Oh you were right. I did mess up your book after all. And Rarity, I'm sorry for yelling at you and forcing you to owe me work."

"Oh please, Pinkie, it was my gluttony that put you at risk. Besides, it was rude of me to scold Applejack about my dress."

"Nah, I'm the one who's sorry for tearin' it. And Fluttershy, I must've overreacted. You didn't really say that Granny Smith's food tasted like moldy crap, did ya?"

"Oh goodness no! I said that it tasted like golden sap. Of course I did have a lot of cider last night. So I'm sorry if I misspoke. And Twilight, please forgive me for being so harsh."

"It's alright, Fluttershy. But none of this matters now that the Narrator is absent."

"What have we done? We abused the poor thing's powers and let this mess turn us into monsters!"

"I feel like a right two-timer."

"But there's gotta be something we can do to help! We have to bring him back somehow!"

"How can we? I've barely begun to understand his existence, let alone how to find him."

"Come on, Twi! We've managed to whoop supernatural flank over and over again! I'm sure that finding a narrator will be easy peasy with your help!"

"Don't you have any kind of spells or inventions that could find him?"

"Well I do have a spiritual energy detector. I recently created it so I could bring the Narrator into physical view. Unfortunately it requires a rare emerald to power it, and I lost my only one...somehow. I had to search the ends of Equestria to acquire it."

"Well then what are we waiting for?! Let's get out there and find a new emerald!"

"Yeah! Don't you worry, Narry! We will brave the farthest corners of the world to find the key to your salvation! We will risk life and limb! We will see dangers unknown to ponykind! Friends will become enemies and enemies will become casual acquaintances! We will point our caps towards the horizon and face down the light of a new-"

"Hey Twilight! Guess what! I got your emerald back!"


"Here ya go! Now you can find your Narrator guy with that crazy machine! Sup, Rarity. Lookin' forward to our date sometime."

"Our what now?"

"Twilight this is wonderful! Now we might have a chance to save the Narrator!"

"...Um...thank you, Spike...I'm not even concerned at all about how you managed to get this emerald back. I'll just levitate this, thank you very much."

"Not a problem!"

"C'mon, Twi! Let's get to this contraption ya got!"

"You're right. There's not a moment to lose! It's still in the basement!"

"This castle has a basement?!...Holy cow it's huge! I bet we could fit a whole arcade down here!"

"Yes Pinkie, we should totally be thinking about moving a pool table into Twilight's basement, when we're not TRYING TO SAVE THE NARRATOR!"

"Alright, here it is. I just need to install the emerald and power up the machine."

"Shoot, Twi, how come ya haven't been able to catch the Narrator with this kinda gizmo?"

"I would have if he hadn't been so stubborn. But I guess I just lost it and took him for granted. Whoa...De Ja Vu. I think something might be wrong with me! Am I just socially abusive?!"

"Less talky, more emerald stuffy!"

"Right. Here goes nothing!...Powering up."

Come on, come on! The suspense is killing me!"

"Ooh! Groovy green lights! Why can't more crazy inventions do that?"

"I think I see something! Oh gosh, it's awfully hard to make out."

"It looks like some kinda weird blob."

"Wait a minute, it looks like...a pony? That must be him! It's the Narrator! And he's...lying down?"

"Dear me! He must be hurt!"

Oh please just let him be asleep!"

"Narrator! Narrator it's me, Twilight! Can you hear me? Please wake up!"

"Twi, I think we would know if he could hear us."

"There must be some way we can get him out of this comatose state."

"How can we? It's not like we can do anything to him."

"Maybe not physically. But perhaps if we use the right kind of magic."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I think we need the Elements of Harmony."

"Oh yeah! I keep forgetting about those!"

"I know it sounds like a longshot. But if our greed and dishonesty were what drove the Narrator away, maybe our friendship could bring him back. So I say we retrieve the elemental jewels from within this castle and call upon their power once again to save our friend. They've helped us numerous times in the past. I don't see why they shouldn't now."

"Alright! Throwback!"


"Boy I hope this works."

"It feels weird doing this harmony thing again. How do we know it'll even affect the Narrator at all?"

"Twilight is right. These jewels have helped us with a lot of odd situations before."

"I just hope deeply that we're not too late."

"Let's fire this thing up already!"

"Okay, girls, stand together. Let's hope the elements are still on our side."







"...Did it work?"

"...I still don't hear nothin'."

"Ugh! I forgot how weird that spell feels!"

"Oh my! The Narrator's image! It's gone!"

"What does that mean? Did we...lose him?"

"Narrator?...Narrator can you hear us?...Please just give me a sign."

"Oh no. Don't tell me we used all that magic for nothing."

"...I'm so sorry, Narrator. It was because of me that you're gone. I couldn't just be happy to enjoy your unique presence and accept you for who you were. I've gone and drove you away, this time for good. And now nopony will be able to experience your company. I don't deserve to hear your voice. I don't think I ever did..." said Twilight.

"HOLY CRAP!" shouted Fluttershy.

"IT'S HIM IT'S HIM IT'S HIM IT'S HIM IT'S HIM!!!" Pinkie bounced all over the basement.

"I KNEW IT! I JUST KNEW IT!" beamed Rainbow.

"OH MY STARS!" Rarity nearly fainted.

"YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAW!" added Applejack.

Twilight gasped. "Oh my gosh Narrator I'm so glad you're back we used the detector and the Elements of Harmony to bring you back to health I'm so sorry for everything I did we're all just so happy to-"

GAH!!! Would you all please stop shouting?! I have the most splitting headache in history! Yes, yes, it's good to be back, I'm glad to see all of you, yaddah yaddah yaddah. Listen, I just need to lie the freak down for like thirty-six hours and maybe take an aspirin. I'll explain everything when I get back. For now, I just- Oh. Oh I'm gonna be sick. Ugh, nothing serious. Just need to...ugh. Zzzzzzzzzzzz