• Published 28th May 2015
  • 608 Views, 5 Comments

Lost Twins - PhoelynFabulous

Everyone always thought Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight were the only alicorns. They didn't know about the twins. Their hiding spot was working.

  • ...

The Last Alicorns

Author's Note:

Time to write Chapter 3! Enjoy!

Shimmer woke up first, enjoying waking up to something that wasn't a grey cave. She saw a beautiful blue sky, with fluffy white clouds drifting into view, and a few pine trees at the corners of her vision. She smiled. They were free from chaos and hiding, and would soon attempt to find civilization. She got up onto her hooves, and nudged Sizzle awake.

"Wha- The cave... our hiding spot... No chaos!" Sizzle mumbled as she woke up. She was remembering everything that had happened.

"Yeah. Come on Sizzle, we have to find other ponies so we can fix our wounds here." She pointed to her scars, and then to Sizzle's wing.

"Um, okay." Sizzle said as she got up, cringing at the permanent pain in her wing.

"Okay, I think I might know a good spot for a village to be." Shimmer said,"Valleys are good, right? Maybe there's a village over that mountain!" Shimmer pointed to the mountain that they landed near. They even recognized it slightly from the time where they fell down.

"Good idea! Can you carry me with you? If you fly it'll be faster."

Shimmer didn't need to respond. She picked up Sizzle with her magic and flew over to the mountain, near the top.

"There, with this ledge here, we'll be able to see-" She interrupted herself with a gasp.

"What? What is it?" Sizzle was placed down, and she galloped to where Shimmer was standing. She too gasped in awe.

Below them, in a valley, was a village. But it seemed way to incredible to be a simple village. Below, there were shops and houses and unicorns roaming the streets, wearing fancy clothing and amazing manestyles. But that wasn't exactly what they were gasping at. The entire village was in a beautiful castle, with gold and purple roofs and white bricks for the walls. A waterfall went down the mountain into a pond on a ledge, which created more waterfalls and fountains. It was breathtaking.

"A kingdom..." Shimmer said finally,"Incredible..."

"We need to get down there and talk to those ponies! Maybe they know when the war ended, or... or where all the alicorns are..." Sizzle said as she realized that there were no alicorns in sight. Shimmer realized this too, and became worried.

"Yes, lets go..."

Shimmer lifted her sister again, and flew down to the kingdom. As they got closer, ponies began to notice them, pointing and gasping. Some wore incredibly confused expressions. Others looked as if they would faint. Shimmer wondered whether it was their injuries, or... No, Shimmer would not let the thought of alicorns being extinct enter her mind. Though it would be a good explanation for all the looks... Perhaps it was both.

They landed, and many ponies ran up to them, saying things like "Who the hay are you? What happened to you?! You two need to get to the hospital right away!"

"I'm not answering any questions right now!" said Shimmer, "You are going to be the ones answering questions. So here is my first: Where are all the alicorns?!"
The ponies seemed to give each other slightly confused looks. "Princess Twilight is in Ponyville, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is in The Crystal Empire, and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are here in Canterlot." one of the ponies finally answered. Shimmer could feel her heart sinking. She did not want to ask, or say, what she was about to say.

"Only... four?"

"Six now, counting you two. What happened to you?!"

Shimmer and Sizzle felt like somepony had ripped out their hearts, torn them to pieces, and burned them. "I... have one more question... or... two... Can we see them, and... When did the Discord war end, if.. if anypony knows..." Shimmer felt like she was going to burst into tears. Six alicorns. Only six alicorns, in the whole universe.

Shimmer was speaking for Sizzle, so she didn't have to waste energy. Shimmer didn't fell very much pain from her scars, but Sizzle had been feeling horrible pain for as long as they were in the cave. This meant that she lost her energy faster, and didn't talk too much to waste it.

Again, with the confused and concerned looks. "Over a thousand years ago."

Sizzle and Shimmers jaws dropped. Shimmer had begun to cry. "Over.. a thousand... years...? Sizzle said.

This meant that Sizzle and Shimmer could have left their silly hiding spot and gotten help, over a thousand years ago. Sizzle fell down onto her knees, making all the ponies worried, so they picked them up carefully and brought them to the hospital in a serious hurry. The alicorns were a little less extinct, and the doctors would help them immediately, with the rareness of alicorns.

While some ponies got the alicorns to the doctors, some ponies called all four princesses, and said they needed to be at Canterlot Hospital ASAP.