• Published 27th May 2015
  • 7,054 Views, 53 Comments

Big Sis Twily Shorts - The SideKick

"Your" mom doesn't have that much time to spend with you, despite her best efforts, but that's okay. You know she had super important things to do. Plus you can just hang out with big sis Twily!

  • ...


It was a cold day, the weather team having had to push Winter Beginnings up on the schedule this year. The weather team hadn't started bringing in the snow clouds yet has the sudden schedule change had them just as flustered as everypony else was.

You were enjoying a walk through Canterlot main street with Twilight by your side. You had on a button up tweed jacket and a pair of baggy jeans while Twilight just wore a scarf and some saddle bags. She had a book with a title that you couldn't read levitating in front of her, checking to make sure you were still by her while she read. You had to kind of push her left or right to keep her from running into anything, but you didn't mind. It was like a game!

Normally you would have one of your personal body guards with you, but your mommy trusted Twilight enough to let her watch over you by herself, despite her apparent obliviousness. With you being diligent for any potential hazards you lead Twilight to your destination, a little coffee shop on the corner of Trot Well Ave. Normally if you and Twilight went out into the city to eat you went to Doughnut Joe's, but you decided you wanted to change things up today. Ounce you got close to the entrance of "Cozzy's Cafe" you nudged Twilight in the barrel.

"Twily we'er here!"

Blinking up from her book she looked around. Chuckling nervously she pulled a bookmark from her saddle bag, marked the page she was on, put her book away and smiled down at you.

"We got here pretty fast Anon, I must really not have been paying much attention."

Opening the door you let Twilight go in first, mom had told you it was gentalcoltly thing to do.

"Naw, I just know Canterlot like the back of my hand."

Twilight giggled as she passed you. You two quickly find a seat near one of the windows. It's not long after when a earth mare waitress come up to you too. She looked bored, holding on to the menus she brought with half lidded eyes looking more at the table than you two. When she went to put the menus in front of you she finally took a good look and froze. She just starred, looking back and forth between you two. You were used to it, you know your not like other ponies so they tend look and being the princesses son wasn't going to do much to help that. Twilight wasn't quite as well know as you are, but it wasn't often that your mommy took students, or that student passed her entrance exam by turning a baby dragon into an adult.

It wasn't until Twilight coughed that the waitress snapped out of it.

"O-oh Miss Twilight, Prince Anonymous! I'm so sorry for not addressing you prop-"

You hold up a hand to quiet her. It's something Mom taught you to do when ponies were acting really funny because your a prince. It always seemed funny to you that ponies get really quiet just because you held up your hand.

"It's cool, we'er here just to enjoy our self's, no reason to act all weird. I know what I want Twily, what about you?"

Twilight glanced down at her menu still in the mares hoof one more time before smiling back up at the waitress.

"I want some choco covered hay fries and a cup of that sweetie cider you have here."

"And I want a grilled cheese sandwich with cool-a-coola!" You say excitedly.

The poor mare nodded nervously, took back the menus and walked away. With her gone you look at Twilight.

"So has mommy taught you any mega cool new tricks?"

"Celestia doesn't teach me "tricks" Anon, she's teaching me spells and different ways of exploring magic."

"Okay, so has she taught you any mega cool new spells?"

*Hehe* "Yes Anon, she's taught some mega cool new spells recently."

"Oh oh like what?!"

"Well there's this one where I can-"

"Prince Anonymous! Can we please get your autograph?"

You both were startled out of your conversation when two ponies spoke rather suddenly, seeming to come from out of no where. One was a short white pegasus stallion while the other was an average looking pink unicorn mare. She was holding a napkin in her magic while he held a pen in one of his wings. They had taken you by surprise, but this isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened, so you recover fast enough.

"Um..Sure, no problem."

You take the pen and napkin.

"So who do I make this out to?"

"Bright Light and Harsh Winds!" They reply adorably at the same time.

You quickly try scribbling something on the napkin, tear through it due to your haste, grab a new one from the napkin dispenser thingy, and carefully write a quick little blurb on it.

Bright grabs it after you hold it out to them and she reads out loud what you wrote.

"To Bright Light & Harsh Winds, I hope you have the bestest day ever and plenty more after it! - Anonymous Solar."

The pair had the hugest grins. They thanked you profusely and went off on their way. When they were out the door Twilight looked at you slyly.

"Well look at just whose mister popular~."

You felt a small blush creep up on your cheeks.

"We-well of course! I'm a prince after all, why wouldn't ponies want my autograph? It's not like it's a big deal or nothing..."

Twilight always love poking fun at you when ever somepony went all star crazy over you.

"Riiiiiight, I'm sure you don't care at all that all these ponies treat you like a celeberty."

"Yup! Like mommy always says, a good prince is a humble prince."

"So you really didn't care when that candy store owner gave you free gumballs?"


"OR when that street performer played your favorite song just because you walked by, or that they even knew what your favorite song was?"

You sunk a little in your seat, heat practicly radiating off your face.

"Not at all..."



In exasperation you shouted out, rushing to get the words out before Twilight could continue. It worked, but only because she was nearly falling out of her seat laughing. You slouched fully into your seat now as you waited out her laugh attack. When she got a hold of herself she looked at you with a grin worthy of fancy analogies used in books.

*Ha*"Did you say I'm a prefactly homball prince?" *HaHa*

"Big words are hard when your trying to talk fast..."

Shacking er head as the last of her giggles got out of her system Twilight lit up her horn. You felt a light pressure on your head that ruffled your hair a little.

"Your just too adorable sometimes, you know that?"

You didn't meet her gaze.

"I'm not adorable, I'm regale."

Twilight just let out one more ha.

"Right, how could I ever forget? Now do you still want to hear about my spell? It let's me make mustaches!"

That caught your interest, but you didn't want her knowing that you were THAT interested.

"Yes..." You grumbled under your breath.

To say your waitress was confused was an understatement. You guess she wasn't expecting you to have not only a mustache all of the sudden but also a full grown beard as well? You need to remember to leave a good tip.

Author's Note:

ANNNNND I LIVE! Sorry for all those waiting, I've had a lot of changes going on in my life recently, but I'm hoping that I can start getting back into the swing of things now. For a little while it'll just be small updates to my smaller stories, but I am working on bigger stuff in the background I promise. As for those here just for this, there will be more doming, promise.

That's really it for now, so thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!