• Published 28th May 2015
  • 23,244 Views, 358 Comments

All Our Villains Are Horny - billymorph

After the defeat of Starlight Glimmer, Rainbow Dash comes to a startling conclusion about the villains they fight.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The miles disappeared with the steady clack-clack of the wheels on the track. Twilight and her friends lay in various states of exhaustion around the private carriage. Fluttershy was snoring softly next to a pensive looking Rainbow Dash. Applejack and Rarity were having a quiet argument about which of them had more work waiting for them back in Ponyville. Pinkie Pie was playing tic-tac-toe against herself, and was losing seventeen to three.

A happy sigh escaped Twilight. It was moments like these she treasured. Starlight Glimmer had fled. Equestria, or least a small part of it, was safe for another day. She could once more settle down for some hard earned rest with her friends.

“Hey,” Dash said, suddenly, her head shooting up. “I just realised something. All our villains are horny!”

“What?” Rarity sat bolt upright, spluttering. “Rainbow Dash, how could you say such a thing?”

Rainbow shrugged. “It’s true, isn’t it? What’s this, the third mad unicorn we’ve had to show the power of friendship right in the kisser.” She said while shadow boxing, startling Fluttershy awake. “It doesn’t take a genius to see the pattern. They’re all horny.”

There was a moment’s stunned silence, then a collective, “ooh,” of understanding.

“You mean, all the villains we fight have horns, sugarcube,” Applejack said with a sigh.

Dash cocked her head at her. “What’s the difference?” There wasn’t a trace of irony in her voice.

“We’ll tell you when you’re older.” Applejack rolled her eyes. “And besides, it just ain’t true. There have been all sorts with a sore spot for Equestria. There’s nothing wrong with unicorns.”

“Ha, tell that to The Great and Powerful Trixie,” Rainbow shot back. “When was the last time you ever heard of a power mad pegasus trying to conquer Ponyville? Besides, I didn’t say unicorns. I said horny.”

“Horned,” Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight sighed. “Look Rainbow Dash, I realise that we’ve been having a bit of a bad run when it comes to powerful unicorns, but you can’t tar us all with the same brush. Just having a horn isn’t enough to make a creature evil.”

“So Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie were all just unhappy accidents?” Rainbow crossed her forelegs and shook her head. “I don’t think so. I’m telling you, it’s because they’re horny.”

“Urgh.” Twilight dropped her head into her hooves. “This is the very definition of confirmation bias, Rainbow Dash. Being horny-- horned! --doesn’t make a pony evil. I bet you can’t name another evil unicorn.”

Rainbow clapped her hooves together. “King Sombra. Total nutcase and an evil unicorn. Heck, his horn was so evil even when it got cut off it was still shooting off dark magic like nopony’s business.”

“Okay, but Sombra was born thousands of years ago, he’s hardly a contep--”

“Flim Flam,” Applejack exclaimed. “That was the name of those no go shisters, I almost forgot about them.” Twilight glowered at her. “Sorry sugar, but you have to admit they were bad news, almost ran us clear out of Ponyville.”

“Thank you Applejack,” Twilight hissed, through clenched teeth. “But again, it’s just an isolated incident. Do you understand what I’m saying, Rainbow Dash? What you’re seeing is a case of pattern recognition gone rogue.”

“Hey, what was the name of that Prince that threw Rarity at a cake?” Dash interjected, ignoring her. “Blue... something, something.”

Rarity’s eye twitched. “Blueblood, darling. And I believe we agreed never to speak of it again.”

“Right, that jerk. See, Twilight, that’s another one.”

Twilight groaned. “No, no, no that’s not how it works. We’ve had plenty of villains that haven’t had horns. You’re just picking all the horned examples.”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Right, because we’ve also fought Nightmare Moon, who had a horn. Discord, who had several horns. Queen Chrysalis, who had a horn, and so did all her drones.”

“Don’t forget Tirek, his horns were huge!” Pinkie cut in. Twilight had no idea where she’d managed to find and put on the plastic horns but the pair were so big they dragged Pinkie to the ground.

“Argh!” Twilight exclaimed, slamming a hoof down. “Fine. You know what? I am going to write a list of all the villains we’ve ever faced and we are going to disprove this once and for all.” There was a pop as a quill and parchment materialised. “Okay, so we have a few names for the horned column. Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer--”

“Has anypony else noticed those are both really similar to Twilight Sparkle?” Pinkie Pie interjected.

Twilight twitched. “Focus please, Pinkie. We’ll deal with that one later.” She began to scrawl down names. “Now, we’ve also got Trixie, Flim Flam...” she continued to mutter to herself as the quill scratched away. “Queen Chrysalis, and Tirek. Now, moving on to the non-horned column we--”

“Hold up.” Dash leapt into the air. “We haven’t finished all the horny--”

“Horned!” the others chorused.

“--whatever! All the horned villains yet.”

Twilight ground her teeth. “Fine! So, who else is for the list? Snips and Snails perhaps?”

“Well they did bring an Ursa to town, but I think we can blame Trixie for that one.” Rainbow Dash rubbed her hoof on her chin. “Oh, of course, the dragon. You know, the one that was terrorising all of Equestria and I chased off.”

Applejack tutted. “You mean, the one that beat you up and Fluttershy scared off? He didn’t have horns.”

“He had those weird head frills though, that counts.”

“A dragon,” Twilight muttered, scrawling down another name. “I guess I should add Garble to the list too.”

“Don’t forget about Spike,” Pinkie Pie cut in. Everypony pony shot her confused look. “What? He destroyed four thousand balloons on his rampage, before they even got a chance to make anypony happy. That gets him on my naughty list.”

Twilight twitched, a strand of mane slipping out of place with poing. “Right! Fine! Spike is on the list, now does anypony else have any more horned villains, or can I please get on with disproving this fallacy?”

“The buffalo perhaps, darling?”

“I reckon timberwolves have those little horns. They probably count.”

“There was that Nightmare Rarity thing that happened in the comics.”

“Umm, Iron Will had pretty big horns.”

“See Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said, smirking. “I was right. All of our villains are horny.”

“HA!” Twilight slammed her hooves down on the bench, a manic grin on her face. “You are wrong, Rainbow Dash. If I can name one villain, just one, without a horn, will you please let this whole thing drop?”

Dash frowned, then shrugged. “Okay. Hit me with your best shot, Sparkle.”


Stunned silence descended on the cartridge. Dash’s triumphant expression faded, warping into a look of horror. Twilight Sparkle rubbed her hooves together with glee.

Rainbow Dash slumped, hanging from her wings. “Darn. Okay, you got me.”

“Good, now if we can just--”

“Um, actually,” Fluttershy interjected.

“What?” Twilight roared, rounding on her.

Fluttershy scrambled backwards, but then, took a deep gulp of air and drawing herself up to her full height. Then said in a whisper, “Gilda’s half horned eagle.”

Twilight stared at her.

“Um, Twilight, are you okay?”

“Argh, it’s true!” she wailed, slamming her head against the bench. “The evidence is all right there. Every horn in Equestria is a ticking time-bomb!”

“Umm... Twilight?” Rainbow Dash dropped to the floor next to her and, hesitantly, put a hoof on her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

Twilight whipped around, a rictus grin on her face. “Don’t worry, Rainbow Dash, I know just how to fix everything.”

Dear Princess Celestia,

Due to the danger horned individuals present to Equestria, I have pre-emptively placed myself under house arrest. Please do not attempt to free me unless a greater villain than I is currently threatening Equestria.

Sincerely yours,
Princess Twilight Sparkle

Celestia set down the letter and sighed. “Again, Twilight?”

Author's Note:

This story now has an awesome reading, by Monanniverse

Comments ( 358 )

Oh damn that's a good one. I needed a laugh today.

Europa #2 · May 28th, 2015 · · 4 ·

B-But... B-But... the sirens don't have horns. :raritydespair:

6028437 Hmm, looking closer at the pictures on the wiki they just have a frill on their heads. I think I'll cut that line.

This reads like something I'd write. Glorious! :pinkiehappy:

If you're going to include the comics... Mane-iac? Sorry, I just think that this is incredibly contrived.

Iron Will wasn't a villain in the episode he appeared in. Fluttershy was.
Horned Gryphon? Just it being in their name doesn't mean they have horns, does it?
Spike doesn't have a horn...


Remember, Spike and his frill apparently counted.

That what was I thought you meant, or I'd commented on that siren line myself.

If they're going to count ones who weren't really evil overlords, just dickish, then Suri Polomare, and Lightning Dust.

Exaxtlty what i was thinking when i saw Tirek. Heck i evem quoted TFs Krillin on that.

Ha. horny.

Innuendo everywhere!

Heh, yeah, that was fun. Have a Like.

True, most villans have magic or are really strong, a la dragons.

Also, I came here expecting edge horny villans. Not horned villans.

Ahuizotl, Doctor Caballeron, the Mane-iac, Suri Polomare, the parasprites, the Diamond Dogs, the manticore, the Shadowbolts, those pegasus asshats in Cloudsdale, the cockatrice (unless a rooster's comb counts as a horn :ajbemused:), the Wonderbolts in "Rainbow Falls," Philomena (since we're apparently counting any even mildly antagonistic entity,) the windigoes, Lightning Dust...

Also, I'm pretty sure those pointy bits on timberwolves are supposed to be ears.

the sirens and a whole host of others didn't have horns either

Can't be worse.

Yeah... it's a bit contrived. All of the major antagonists have horns, there's no doubting that (although one of Discord's 'horns' is actually an antler). However, ignoring all the genuine villains who don't and trying to justify the dragons' spines as horns tested my suspension of disbelief. Stating that Gilda was 'half-horned eagle', (a species which doesn't exist on Earth and has never been mentioned in the show) and somehow counted despite not having an actual horn, broke it.

It's a good idea, but I think it requires another angle to properly work. Maybe have the story told from the POV of a conspiracy theorist who believes this.

6028763 Like with the dragons, Ear frills.

Haven't read it yet but I must say that this story has the best tittle I have ever seen for I swear I've never laughed so hard in years. :rainbowlaugh:
(Note to self: becareful not to read funny things before drinking my drink I swear I nearly ruined my laptop..... again :twilightblush:)

Dang I didn't think that short thing could be that good xD

You forgot Angel Bunny, the greatest evil still free in Equestria.

Yeah, but he doesn't have horns, so Twilight and Co. give him a pass.

If he did have horns, you know they'd take him down in his first appearance.

6029024 an antler is considered a horn.


This comment, pretty much. Around the "horned eagle" part, I just gave up. I still read the rest of it, of course; every story deserves that level of respect, at least, But right around there, they were just trying to shoehorn (pun not intended) every reference to horns they could find. I'm sure if there was an antagonist that had to do with brass instruments like trumpets and tubas, he'd probably be put under "horned" as well, since he plays a type of horn.

I wanted to slap RD for blaming Trixie for the Ursa. THat was all Snips and Snails, not her. And at least she tried to fight it off unlike most of the town.

Not entirely solid reasoning for this one, but the ending sold me on it. That's totally something Twilight would do. Apparently Celestia's seen it more than once, which honestly doesn't surprise me. At all.

Discord, who hard several horns.


“Has anypony else noticed those are both really similar to Twilight Sparkle?” Pinkie Pie interjected.
Twilight twitched. “Focus please, Pinkie. We’ll deal with that one later.”

Please, make it happen.

Confirmation bias is magic.

And tomatoes are often considered vegetables, but they are actually fruits.

Horns are a sheath of keratin with living bone inside them. The animals keep their horns their entire lives.

Antlers are pure bone tissue, outgrowths of the skull, and initially covered in skin. Once fully grown the skin tissue leaves and the bone tissue solidifies and dies. In certain species antlers are shed and regrown every year.

After an exhausting venture, I can see why certain facts & characters would be forgotten or pushed to the recesses of the mind's eye. So I had a hearty laugh and thank you for this fic!

Haven't read the story but the title made me think. Yeah all their main villains had horns in some form.

6029405 except the sirens and sunset shimmer's demon form but hey lets not let facts get in the way of an already tenuous excuse for a story eh?

6029070 ear frills are not horns. they are frills on their ears


That's not how you spell Diamond Tiara.

6029436 for got the sirens, however Sunset's true from is a unicorn thus fits.

Not the first time people have noticed the abundance of evil unicorns in Equestria

The Reform School For Formerly-Evil Unicorns

I'm still waiting for a season premier/finale where Twilight herself goes flat-out evil

6029455 90% of EQG sunset had no horn. she doesn't count.

it seems the author of this 'story' also conviniently forgot the sirens


I'm still waiting for a season premier/finale where Twilight herself goes flat-out evil

Everyone is.

Gilda is half horned eagle, but she doesn't have a horn. By that logic, turtle doves are reptiles.

6029493 doesn't matter she had a horn at points os counts. and i admitted the sirens are the only ones that don't have a horn

Pinkie Pie was playing tic-tac-toe against herself, and was losing seventeen to three.

:facehoof: Let us hope that Pinkie never discovers Calvinball. I'm not sure the multiverse could take it.

“Hey,” Dash said, suddenly, her head shooting up. “I just realised something. All our villains are horny!”

“What?” Rarity sat bolt upright, spluttering. “Rainbow Dash, how could you say such a thing?”

Rainbow shrugged. “It’s true, isn’t it? What’s this, the third mad unicorn we’ve had to show the power of friendship right in the kisser.” She said while shadow boxing, startling Fluttershy awake. “It doesn’t take a genius to see the pattern. They’re all horny.”

There was a moment’s stunned silence, then a collective, “ooh,” of understanding.

“You mean, all the villains we fight have horns, sugarcube,” Applejack said with a sigh.

Dash cocked her head at her. “What’s the difference?” There wasn’t a trace of irony in her voice.

“We’ll tell you when you’re older.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

“Okay, so we a few names for the horned column. Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer--”

“Has anypony else noticed those are both really similar to Twilight Sparkle?” Pinkie Pie interjected.

Twilight twitched. “Focus please, Pinkie. We’ll deal with that one later.”

:twilightoops: Oh god. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm with 6029345 on this one.

“There was that Nightmare Rarity thing that happened in the comics.”

:facehoof: Goddammit, Pinkie Pie!

Celestia set down the letter and sighed. “Again, Twilight?”

Agreed. :rainbowlaugh:

oh sh:yay:t.

“Okay, so we a few names for the horned column. Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer--”

"so we have a few..." I can't believe we didn't saw that.

“There was that Nightmare Rarity thing that happened in the comics.”

Wonder if evil Luna and Celestia from the comics count too...


6029518 While she may have been horny for Dash, I don't see a horn on Lightning Dust...


Unless I am blind

Even if their weren't a bunch of cases where Rainbow is straight up wrong... It's still a logical fallacy. Correlation does not equal causation.

Putting that aside, this little story amused me.

Also the whole thing with a vast majority of major pony villains being unicorns reminds me of the old saying regarding D&D classes leveling. Fighters progress linearly, Wizards Progress Quadratically. So it would only make sense that an evil pony that can become powerful enough to be a major threat to town,city, or country would be a magic user and hence a unicorn.

There might be villains that aren't horny, but the majority of them are. Makes some weird sense to me.

6029779 Yeah, that's what I mean, they're struggling to come up with a non-horned villain, and I was suggesting one

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