• Published 31st May 2015
  • 7,369 Views, 63 Comments

Balloons - Summer Dancer

The spirits of the mane six are finally released after 35 years of imprisonment.

  • ...

The Happiest Day

Starlight Glimmer wrinkled her nose as she stepped inside the long abandoned Pizzeria. “Ugh. I was right to come here,” she rasped as she wandered through the dark empty halls. “This place reeks with your stench.

She paused by a life-like figure of Spike the Dragon, holding balloons. Starlight found it strange that the statute hadn’t decayed. She grinned cruelly and poked it. “How goes it, Balloon Boy?

She cackled as she continued down the hall. She failed to notice a pair of green eyes following her movements.


Starlight made her way to the main room where the stage was. There stood three animatronics. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Before the elements had died, somepony created a restaurant in their honor, even making replicas of the six friends. It was a place where fillies and colts could play, eat and sing, all while knowing a little more about the saviors of Equestria.

Starlight scowled. It was the most foolish idea she had ever heard of. Why do they need any more praise than they had already received? They already had a stupid glass window in the Canterlot Castle. They didn’t even deserve that. The unicorn levitated a wooded ax and twirled it around as she strode towards the stage.

“It’s good to see you again, ladies,” she sneered. “Really, it is. What’s it been, thirty five years? Forty? I’m afraid I’ve lost track. Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess.”

She hopped up on the stage behind the animatronics. The atmosphere was still and quiet.

She stood next to Fluttershy, her famous bib still tied around her neck.

“Starlight! What are you doing! Stop, please! HELP!”

Starlight shook her head in mock pity. “It’s a shame you had to go like that, Fluttershy.” She ran her hoof along one of the animatronics’ wings. “But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it.” She laughed. “Who knew such a meek and quiet pony could scream so loud.”

Starlight moved in front of Fluttershy. Her turquoise eyes remained blank as they stared straight ahead. Starlight’s cheery demeanor shifted into a hateful scowl. “Traitor.

Lifting the ax, she swung hard. An audible crack was heard. With clenched teeth, she hacked into the animatronic, again, and again, and again, until it was nothing but a heap of nuts and bolts. All that remained intact was the head. Starlight panted with exertion. After catching her breath, she straightened up. “Now then…on to the next one.”

She went over to Pinkie Pie next. The star of the show. She still wore her little bow tie and top hat. The microphone that she held in her right hoof glinted in the dim spotlight that hung in the ceiling. “You were the most fun, Pinkie Pie,” Starlight quipped. “Then again, you always were. I loved the way you squirmed. You just cried, and cried, all up to the end.”

The mare stopped short when she saw something odd. Pinkie seemed to be…looking at her. And her smile…was it the trick of the light, or did it seem larger than before?

Starlight shook her head. Now she was imagining things.

“I actually almost felt bad for hurting such a joyous soul.” She raised the ax with her magic. “Almost.” She finished the robot off in a matter of seconds.

“Please, please stop! It hurts!”

Something moved past her. Starlight whirled around. “W-Who’s there?” Her crazed eyes darted in every direction. “Show yourself!” she barked. After a few moments of silence, Starlight drew in a small breath.

There was a small gust of wind followed by a giggle.

Starlight gasped, so startled, she almost dropped the ax. “It’s…it’s all in my head….it’s all in my head…” She gave a crazed laugh. She looked at the last animatronic on the stage. “Hee… even…even if the rumors are true…I still beat you, Twilight Sparkle,” she taunted, circling the figure. Unlike the others, Twilight was faceless.

“How’s spending an eternity inside of an animatronic, Princess? Oh, you should have seen the headlines. ‘The Pizzeria tragedy…the fourth Princess, dead, just after three months of her reign.’ It’s funny. It was like a part of Equestria died along with you and your little friends. But at least you were gone.”

Starlight stopped. “But now, I had to come back to this place, because even in death, you just had to get in my way. Why won’t you go away!?”

Twilight looked up, her face and mane dripping with blood. She gave a choked sob. “Why?”

“Because you ruined me!” Starlight screamed. Her outburst fell on deaf ears. “Now look what you’re doing,” she murmured quietly. “You’re trying to haunt me. You’re trying to get me to feel some kind of remorse. You want me to confess! I-I’ll do it again…I’ll do it again! Don’t worry, Twilight!” she cackled. “This won’t be the first time you’ll die!”

With that, she slammed the ax into Twilight’s back. Laughter echoed throughout the building as she repeated the notion.

Starlight’s ears perked up. It was the sound of something falling over. “Wha—" The clopping of hooves shocked her to silence.
A figure emerged from Cloudsdale Corner.

Starlight gasped. “N-No…” Animatronic Rainbow Dash charged at Starlight at alarming speed. It screamed an awful sound that Starlight had never heard from any creature in existence. The high pitched scream gave way to a raspy, feminine voice wailing in agony.


Starlight lunged forward and swung her ax, only to miss. Rainbow Dash wailed again and dove at the unicorn, but Starlight dodged, whirled around, and cut the animatronic’s head clear off its body. Enraged, Starlight attacked the torso, her own screams drowning out Rainbow’s.

Rainbow Dash’s lifeless eyes stared at Starlight as she was shoved into her animatronic as if silently judging the unicorn for what she had done...

The battered endoskeleton fell at Starlight’s hooves. Damp with sweat, the unicorn let her head fall back, swallowing in gulps of air. “Pathetic,” she rasped. “Just as I remembered you.” She reached up to wipe the sweat from under her bangs. “It’s done." She chuckled heartily. “Let's see them put me away now!”

Starlight Glimmer.

The unicorn’s heart stopped. That voice. It…It couldn’t be… “It’s…it’s not true…I…I…”

She turned to run, but a masked figure stood in her path. Its features were plain white, but there were thin black streaks emanating from the eyes. Like the black mascara that cascaded down her cheeks… Starlight took a step back, shaking. “N-No…” The Marionette silently stepped forward. “L-Leave me alone!”

Suddenly, the puppet’s mask evaporated. With another step forward, the figure revealed itself. A pure white unicorn with a purple mane stood in front of the shocked mare, her sapphire eyes glinting in disappointment. “R-Rarity?

Rarity began to glow a soft white as she spoke. So, you’ve come at last. After all this time.

“Leave me alone!” Starlight shrieked and bolted in the other direction. The rumors were true. Starlight blinked the tears from her eyes. Rarity was her first victim. The designer somehow got locked out of the Pizzeria, and she stood outside, holding her sister’s birthday cake. As she was trying to yell over the music for somepony to let her back inside, Starlight took her chance and…

Starlight sobbed as she ran blindly through the building.

I’ve changed.

Starlight squeaked when she heard Twilight’s voice, clear as day. I need your forgiveness. Starlight shut her eyes tightly as her own words were being said back to her. I have nowhere else to go.


She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it, for Twilight was standing right in front of her. “You can’t get me!” Starlight spat. “You’re not real!”

She backed up and went down another hallway. We know what you did, Starlight. The unicorn stumbled backward when Pinkie Pie appeared next to her, her expression sullen. We know what you did, she insisted.

“You’re dead!” Starlight squawked, doubling back. “You’re all dead! I don’t believe it! I won’t believe it!”


Said mare’s blood ran cold. She turned around slowly. Applejack’s spirit came into view, regarding her sternly. Stop lyin’ to yourself.

Starlight backed away, scared out of her wits. It was Applejack she had tortured the longest.

You know who we are.

The pony she had hurt the most.

You know why we’re here.

The pony that she had banished to the shadows…

And you know full well who I am.

The pony she had killed on her birthday.

It’s me.

Starlight tripped and fell onto her back. Trembling, she suddenly realized where she was. She was in the exact room where she killed the elements. As the truth sank in, the spirits of Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash appeared where Applejack had vanished. Starlight quickly scrambled to her hooves and backed away. “I…It…No…”

We remember, Starlight, Fluttershy murmuered.

The sides of Rainbow Dash’s mouth curved into a tiny smirk. We knew you’d come back to cover up your tracks. We knew you’d come back. You always do.

“Stay away from me!”

Twilight frowned. You still don’t seem to get it, do you? You deceived us, Starlight. You took advantage of our feelings, knowing exactly how and why Rarity went missing. Your act of evil bound us here.

You lured us, Fluttershy continued. Invited us to lunch. You said that you had changed your ways.

Rainbow Dash scowled. Then you stripped us of our cutie marks. By the time we knew what was happening…it was too late.

You took our lives, Pinkie said, her eyes filled with hurt. You took us away from our friends and family…we never even got to say goodbye…

Starlight started to hyperventilate. “I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry, okay? I…I was young and angry. I’m sorry, just leave me alone!”

Apologizes won’t cut it, Starlight, Rainbow said shaking her head. Those were long overdue, don’t you think?

“Then what the hay do you want from me!?” She tried to run, but the four spirits blocked the only exit.

Just then, Rarity reappeared behind her. Starlight bolted to the other side of the room. Rarity followed. “No!” Starlight screeched, trying to get away from Rarity. “You’ve come to kill me! I won’t let you! Let me out!”

You will reap what you sew, Starlight Glimmer, Twilight whispered.

“Go away!”

Something in the far corner suddenly caught Starlight’s eye. Another animatronic sat there, slumping against the wall. It was a unicorn with a dull yellow coat and a vivid red mane with bright yellow streaks. Starlight instantly recognized the suit, and how she could use it for her advantage. She had applied at the resturant years ago in order to get closer to her enimies.

Without a second thought, she dove for the suit and quickly put it on. The elements regarded her in confusion. When she was fully adjusted, Starlight let out a booming laugh. “Let’s see you get me now! You stupid, stupid mares. I’ve won!

Suddenly, the cutie mark of the suit began to glow. Starlight blinked. “Wh-wha—"

Something sharp skewered Starlight through the back. The unicorn gasped in pain. Another went through her hind leg. “Ah!”
All at once, the springs inside of the suit clamped down on the mare, tearing through her torso, her horn, and her neck. Starlight screamed as her body tore apart. It was the worst pain imaginable. She managed a bloody hoof from out of the suit and reached for the spirits surrounding her. “H-HELP ME!” she wailed. “PLEASE!”

None of the mare’s moved an inch. Some gazed at her in slight pity, while others simply gave the dying pony solid stares as she continued to crumble. To Starlight’s horror, the message was clear. They would do nothing of the kind.


All at once, suit crumbled within itself and fell to the floor in a messy red pile. Starlight twitched and gasped before finally going still.

The Pizzeria became silent once more.

Pinkie Pie blinked. “I feel…different,” she said after a while.

“…Me too,” Fluttershy whispered, looking around at the others for some kind of explanation.

Rarity looked down at the unrecognizable corpse of Starlight Glimmer. “I…I think it’s over, girls.”

“Over?” Rainbow Dash repeated. “But….how….”

Twilight’s eyebrow furrowed in deep thought. “She was the one who put us here…I guess it was her demise is what finally set us free.”

No one spoke for awhile. They had dreamed of this day for years, but now that’s it's come, it was pretty jarring and almost hard to digest. But there was also great sorrow. Everyone that they knew and loved had either grown old or died. The Princesses didn’t know of their plight. Their lives as they knew it were no more.

“That doesn’t erase what we did,” Fluttershy said with an edge of bitterness. “All those ponies we’ve killed…we kept thinking they were Starlight and stuffed them into suits like she did to us. But they were just…watching over the place.”

Twilight placed a comforting hoof on the pegasus’ shoulder. “We didn’t know any better. Being trapped in those animatronics for all those years poisoned our souls…changed us." She closed her eyes, remembering the horror on those ponie's faces when they attacked. "Though I wish we could take it all back.”

Rainbow Dash thought for a moment. “There was one pony I remember that survived. I can’t remember her face though.”

“So…what do we do now?” Pinkie asked. “We’re not back inside the animatronics, but we’re still in the Pizzeria. Why?”
Just then, a lone door far down the hall started to glow a golden aura. The five mares stared at it in amazement.

A thought came to Twilight and she smiled in realization. “I know why. There’s something we need to do first.”

Applejack sat alone at a large table. She brought up her hooves and stared at them. Her hooves. Her own flesh, not some robotic, monster-like contraption that she was trapped inside of for decades.

The country mare sniffed.

It was with these hooves that she used to wrap around her little sister.

It was with these hooves that she used to help her big brother whenever he was in need.

It was these hooves that she used to stretch above her head, giving her Granny the indication that she wanted to be carried.

Applejack didn’t bother to wipe away the tears that streamed down her face. It didn’t matter if she cried now. Applejack was dead and gone, and she knew it. No need for pride any longer. She was nothing but a lost soul, a grisly allusion to anypony that had the misfortune to lay eyes on her. With that thought lingering in her mind, Applejack hunched over in her seat and began to sob quietly.


Said mare stopped crying and lifted her head, a single strand of her blonde mane clinging to her cheek.

It was her friends. They all sat around at her table with warm smiles. As Applejack stared at them, she saw no traces of pain or suffering in their eyes. They all beamed at her with all the love in the world.

“W…What’re y’all doin’ here? What happened to us? What’s goin’ on?”

“We’re free, Applejack,” Twilight said with elation. Happiness radiated from her.

Applejack blinked. “We’re…what? Starlight….is she…”

Rarity nodded. “She’s gone, Applejack. She can’t hurt us any longer.”

The farmer slowly sat back in her seat.


Mixed feelings and emotions surged through her, but only one question stood out in her mind. “But shouldn’t we be…y’know…somewhere else by now?”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “We know. But we have some unfinished business to take care of first.”

Applejack tilted her head to the side. Starlight was already gone, what else did they need to do that’s so important?

Pinkie Pie came over and placed large cake and placed it on the table in front of her. Applejack gasped and put a hoof to her mouth. Twenty three lit candles flickered and glowed brightly, giving the room a safe and warm feeling.

Pinkie smiled widely. “Happy Birthday, A.J.!”

Tears came to Applejack, but this time, they were full of joy. It was the Birthday party they never had. For the first time in decades, Applejack laughed, a laugh filled with happiness that warmed her to the very core. The six mares all got up and shared a group hug, one they hadn’t had for the longest time.

As promised, the elements had their own party, eating cake, laughing, singing, and dancing. It truly was the happiest day.

The ceiling disappeared and a heavenly light shone down on the group of ponies. Everyone stopped what they were doing and regarded the light in complete awe. The sky opened up and a chorus of voices reached their ears. It was a sight full of splendor, glory, beauty, and majesty.

“What…What’s that?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

Pinkie beamed. “I think It’s where we were supposed to go!”

“It’s…the most beautiful…no….I…I can’t even describe it,” Rarity breathed.

Fluttershy gasped. “I…I think I see my animal friends! And my great uncle!”

“Granny Pie!” Pinkie cried. “And Daddy!”

Twilight’s lip trembled. “Mom…”

“Omigosh,” Rainbow squeaked. “Is…that my brother?”

“I never thought I’d see my father again,” Rarity said shakily.

“I see Granny Smith too,” Applejack choked. “A-And…Ma…a-and Pa…” The group of friends smiled at one another. The light grew ever brighter as they soared into the open sky, on their way to the greenest pastures and endless comfort and joy.

“Watch me, mommy, watch me!” A tiny pegasus dived towards the ground and swooped over her mother’s head.

The older pony laughed. “Radical move there, Jitterbug. Much better than I ever was at your age.”

“Do you think I’ll be a Wonderbolt like you someday? I hope so.”

Her mother smiled fondly. “I hope so too. Stick with me, kid, and I’ll show you the ropes.” The two flew over the broken stature of Pinkie Pie’s Pizzeria. The fourty year old mare frowned down at the darkened silhouette of the building. Who knew such a happy place could hold such dark memories, huh?

Look, mommy!” The pegasus looked up and saw what her daughter was pointing at. Six balloons floated up towards them, rising at a steady pace. The two ponies marveled at the unusual sight. The mother looked down at the Pizzeria and back at the colorful balloons. What…

The disturbingly familiar balloons floated past them, save the cerulean balloon, which circled around the mother before joining the others into the starry night.

“Whoa…that was really cool….uh, mommy…why are you crying?”

Scootaloo gazed up at the twinkling stars, smiling through her tears. “I’m…I’m just happy, Jitterbug. That’s all.”

Author's Note:

I'm a comedy writer, it's what love to do, but I thought I'd try something a little different. It was a bit daunting, but I hope I did alright. As soon as I heard the song "Balloons", I just had to do smething like this. Felt obligated. I hope everything was near accurate, because I'm too scared to play the actual game :twilightblush: So I hope you've found this interesting, it was really sad to write. The next story I'll put out will be comedy though, this was just testing the waters in a way :pinkiesmile: Thank you for reading.

Comments ( 63 )

I wish I could say I didn't cry... But the tearstains on my glasses would call me a liar.

This made me laugh and feel sad and happy it was a roller coaster of emotions in this one shot I congratulate you :pinkiehappy:

My heart..... it is in pain from how many feels I am experiencing.

Six balloons?
What about Spike?

I've gotta' say, this was a fantastic blending of MLP and Five Nights at Freddy's, with great incorporation of original elements as well! It was certainly a satisfying story that can actually stand alone pretty well without deep knowledge of FNAF, in my opinion. Great work! :D

I never thought a story involving Five Nights At Freddy's would make me tear up and cry a little.

Congratulations for proving me wrong.

Manly tears were shed this day

Who's Spike?


I love the smell of a dead Glimmer in the morning.

Also. Sunset Shimmer bot.


Twenty Three lit candles flickered and glowed brightly, giving the room a safe and warm feeling.

Why is the three capitalized? It's not the first word of the sentence, and even if there was wrote like"Twenty-three", it would still be lowercase.

6038294 He never made it out :ajsleepy:

For a comedy writer, you sure know how to give way to emotions other than laughter. Great job!

6041016 Well. That's... sad. Hopefully the eventual deterioration or destruction of his machine body will set him free...

6042868 Wouldn't Spike still have an important role to play? He has to provide the laughter for Fnaf 3 so the security guard could survive Springtrap.

You have my applause, and a few of my tears. And a Pinkie. Fantastically done. :pinkiehappy:

So, where's Spi-oh never mind, he's the Balloon Dragon. :P

Brilliant Job Summer Dancer. Almost teared up. Just a wee bit. But hey i'm rather proud of ya. Taking your story writin out o da norm fer a bit. Loved the story. Funny thing is, I wrote a FNAF story with an adult Scootaloo in it to. But none of the ponies made it out alive cause, they weren't ponies. They were humans. Cause....... logic?:pinkiecrazy:

Quick Edit: the game ain't that scary and you got it just about right. Except for the addition of BB in the restaurant. But other than that you got it right. I'd love for your own take on the video game itself. If you ever take this one tip if you ever play it

Always expect the jumpscares. If you need to, put headphones on and when you know you're gonna die take the headphones off. Works everytime

Nother quick edit: cuts scare factor down by, like, 50% at the least

One last edit: sorry for the long message. Just...... word

FNAF? Yus. :pinkiecrazy:

*one read-through later*

That. Was. Awesome! :pinkiehappy: First of all, I loved how your story was not as predictable as I thought it would be. I loved how you gave a reason that Pinkie Pie's Pizza was opened in the first place, how you have Starlight Glimmer have the role as The Purple Guy. I loved how the other mane five resolved their "unfinished business" at the end.

By the way, since you said so yourself that you mainly right comedy, I think you did a great job at pulling off the feels here. Your writing gave it a heartwarming touch, actually.

Theres barely anything I can find to dislike this story. I really hope to see more from you in the future. :pinkiehappy:

Oh wow. I like it.

That made me cry bummer I being sad. (squee)

Hey remember me? It's been so long? Didn't know you made this. Amazing job.:pinkiesad2:

6231512 Hey, So Long comment quartet buddy! Thanks for the follow! :pinkiehappy:

6231564 Wouldn't make us a quartet if we didn't.:yay:

I don`t cry in stories. Barely, if any.
I wasn`t crying.

Not until you *sniff* put in that last sentence....:pinkiesad2:
*Now were both crying...*:pinkiesad2:
Nice story, and thank you for joining and putting it in FNaF forever!:twilightsmile:

First Read:
*blackout before I even commented*

The feels still stick...

Scootaloo gazed up at the twinkling stars, smiling through her tears. “I’m…I’m just happy, Jitterbug. That’s all.”

I have to admit that I was feeling like crying throughout the story, but this line was what made it all change and gave me an excuse to.

:raritydespair: I cried, like omigosh, that ending was just so- I can't evn to begin! :raritycry:

For the Record, I am not a Hardcore FNAF Fan (I'm only interested in the Lore of FNAF) but this is kind of good. A good story to read just for seeing Starlight Glimmer getting killed (TAKE THAT COMMUNISM) but the ending is full of Feels Although I didn't cry due to Feels overload (the only things that make me cry are Vegeta's Death in the Majin Buu saga, Maya's Farther fusing her with her dog in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Arith's Death in Final Fantasy 7 and My Little Dashie, and Xion's Death in Kingdom Hearts 385/2 Days). But still this is a good MLP/FNAF Fanfiction. Nuff Said

Comment posted by PokemonVirus deleted Nov 22nd, 2015

Ach, the feels man, they hurt. Just a few words to say:


But over all, really good story man.

Damn. That ending tho.

I... I'm about to break down sobbing in school... WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?! :raritydespair: :fluttercry:

That got me when i saw that SCOOTALOO is the mom at the end :(. The FEELS MAN> and to have Dash's SPirit circle her :(

"Management has also been made aware that the spring Twilight animatronic has been noticeably moved. We would like to remind employees that this costume is not safe to wear under any circumstances."-Phone Mare

The disturbingly familiar balloons floated past them, save the cerulean balloon, which circled around the mother before joining the others into the starry night.
“Whoa…that was really cool….uh, mommy…why are you crying?”
Scootaloo gazed up at the twinkling stars, smiling through her tears. “I’m…I’m just happy, Jitterbug. That’s all.”

Oh my god that is amazing. I love you dude!!!

You listen to MandoPony too? :rainbowkiss: *squeals*

7343072 He's the best there is! :pinkiehappy:

Says something about a story about the afterlife when it moves even an atheist. Good work.

There were many stories that made me ALMOST cry, but this one came the closest... :fluttercry:

That was, that was amazing!:fluttercry:

*cough* i stole the starlight is the killer thing from you *cough*

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