• Published 3rd Jun 2015
  • 15,338 Views, 153 Comments

The Queen of Equestria - Mega NewWays97

After Twilight's assension, somepony has returned. The mother of Celestia Luna, Discord... wait mother? For the Alicorn one thing is clear. "Why did I pick up the medal."

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Family History Part 1

Author's Note:

Ok yeah I have no idea how Faust really acts like so don't get mad at me.

This is part one. Part two should be up soon.

Sitting in a table Discord summoned up the six bearers of harmony couldn’t wait to hear the Explanation from Discord and the royal sisters. “Ok then so were should we begin? How a child comes to be or?’ Discord started using toy puppets until Celestia gave him a glare to stop.

“How about this: who was that?” Twilight asked, she had never once heard about Celestia mother.

“You know why me and Luna only call ourselves Princesses?” Celestia asked hoping for a recap.

“Actually, nopony never asked that.” Twilight answered back.

“It’s because technically Equestria has a Queen, our mother Lauren Faust.” Luna told them.

“You see shortly after the three tribes united Star Swirl the bearded had a vision about a being with the traits and powers of the three tribes in one, with the leaders of the three tribes he went to find this being.” Celestia started. However Discord decided to interrupt.

“Mine if I give them visuals?” Discord asked.

“Why?” Luna asked.

“Because it's more fun that way.” Discord answered.

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Fine, whatever.”

With that images appear like a story book showing Star Swirl and the three tribe leaders. Star Swirl showing the vision of the creature with all three races powers and traits. “In a forest that Star Swirl recalled seeing he found the being of his vision, our mother Lauren Faust and her foals.”

The images saw the four finding the Alicorn from before with two little playing foals. However the images soon showed the three leaders and Star Swirls bowing to Faust.

“Ok I get the whole reason you both are her daughters, Alicorns and all but what about him?” Rainbow Dash asked, pointing an accusing hoof at the Spirit/god of Chaos.

Discord seemed disgusted at the hoof. “Well if you must know I was… well… you know.” Discord started but refused to say that word. He never wanted to say that vile, evil word.

“Oh I see, Discord was adopted.” Pinkie Pie said. Suddenly the whole room seemed sixty degrees colder. In fact it was sixty degrees colder. Both Celestia and Luna moved away from Pinkie Pie and Discord.

“Oh Pinkie Pie.” Discord started his head low and his voice calm. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy all felt a little voice in their minds telling them to run. Pinkie Pie however ignored the voice trying to save her from the horror she had just unleashed.

“Yes Discord?” Pinkie asked. Discord walked up to the pony with a smile. Then grabbed her by the neck choking her and slowly lift her up to his eyes.

There was nothing but pure, undiluted rage. For a moment all of Canterlot, -minus the room Faust was in- was turned inside out upside down and all around. A great voice boomed across the whole of the continent, from the frozen north, to the badlands of the south, and even to the Griffins’ homeland of Griffinstone. “IF YOU EVER SAY THAT WORD TO ME AGAIN I WILL UNLEASH UPON YOU A FATE SO VILE, AND TERRIBLE IT WILL BREAK YOU VERY SOUL AND MAKE YOU BEG FOR THE MERCY OF DEATH ITSELF!”

With that Canterlot returned to normal. In the room Celestia and Luna started to calm down. It had been a thousand years since anyone was foolish enough to say the forbidden word to Discord. They were used to it but for Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity all were shaking in fear at the outburst.

On the ground Pinkie Pie was foaming at the mouth as her mind was overloaded by the pure, undiluted, unedited fear. However Discord was in a corner all depressed with an aura of depression around him as the part of the room -though perfectly lit- was darkened around him.

“What. Was. That?” Twilight asked as she and the others took deep breaths at what they had seen. Celestia gestured them closer and whispered to them:

“Discord doesn’t like to be reminded he was adopted.” Celestia then pointed to Pinkie Pie. “That was actually pretty mild compared to what Discord use to do.” Celestia warned them.

“So how did Discord get adopted, if you don’t mind me asking?” Rarity asked.

“Well It kinda went like this.” Luna started.

(Flashback to the day of Discord’s adoption)

Faust gave a sigh at all this. “I can't believe I agreed to be their Queen, what was I even thinking?” Faust asked herself. It had only been a few years since she came to Equestria as it was known. A lot had happened to the poor girl.

One she had basically just become a mother. That was actually the mildest change to her life. She soon became Queen to a race of techno colored ponies. The paperwork was a hassle, but so was ruling the fledgling nation.

The room to her study burst open as Luna was seen racing away with a toy in her mouth. Celestia running right after her. “Mommy, tell Luna to give me my doll back!” Celestia screamed.

Luna shook her head as she held it in her hooves. “No, I’m keeping it.” Luna said. Faust gave a groan at this.

With her horn glowing the two fillies were picked up in her magic. Magic was a saving grace for her. Turns out she had the magic of the three races all within her. This fact was what helped the three tribes get behind her. She wondered how much that really played into it and how much horse, or in this cause pony, herd instincts played into it.

“Ok, what are you both fighting about now?” Faust asked.

“Luna took my doll of a dragon!” Celestia accused her sister.

“I want one, and you never play with it!” Luna countered back.

Faust gave a sigh at this. ‘What else could go wrong?’ Faust asked herself. She however she have known never to tempt fate.

“My queen, you must come quickly! We found something in the forest to the south.” A guard exclaimed as he shot through the open doors. Faust cursed fate for doing this to her as she spread her wings.

Faust flew to the forest where the sighting came from, and had to admit things were a bit off. For one, it seemed the trees were now sporting polka dot colored leafs, with trunks colored blue. The grass which was normally green was now a mix of blue, yellow and white.

Above them, a few clouds seemed to be made of cotton candy. As she walked deeper she saw animals floating around, dice the size of basket balls, vines playing the harp, and animals dancing around doing the tango. All the crazy stuff happening around her made her want to know what could cause this mess.

Finally, she got her answer in the middle of a glowing bush she saw a little... thing. It was the best she could come up with at seeing the miss matched newborn thing. “What are you?” Faust asked the little thing. The little creature was scared of her and reacted. All around her everything shifted with the clouds coming to attacker her, and the animals growing long legs and running around.

Faust used her magic to put up a barrier around her. The clouds hit and fell over revealing chocolate milk, and the animals parted around the shield. As the barrier fell, the little thing moved back with a look of fear in its eyes. Faust turned off her magic at seeing its fear. She laid down hoping to show she meant no harm.

“I'm not going to hurt you.” Faust said using a calm voice. With great hesitation the little creature slowly moved towards her. Once it touched her muzzle its fear was replaced with a look of joy. This confused Faust greatly. Then she saw her mane was now rainbow colored and her coat was poka dot. The little thing gave a laugh at her.

An hour latter Faust had came back to the castle with the strange creature on her back. “What is it?” Luna asked, the doll forgotten. She attempted to poke it with her hoof only for Faust to stop her.

“I don’t know but he has some kinda strange magic, he was altering the forest around him in chaotic way.” Faust answered.

(Flashback end)

“Afterwards, he started causing mischief and discord, within the castle, so mom gave him the name Discord and he became our brother.” Luna finished the story.

“There something I don’t get, if you three grew up in Canterlot why did you move to the castle of the royal sisters?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Because Rainbow Dash, I left Canterlot in ruins.” Discord said answering her as he stood up.

The entity of Chaos looked at them all. “The day that my… our mother.” Discord said as he emphasized Luna, and Celestia as well. “Disappeared into the Ethereal plane was the worse day in my life.”

Discord turned away. Celestia decided to continue for him, as Discord didn’t want to remember this. “Discord slowly slipped into insanity after she disappeared, we tried to help him, but by then it was too late.” Celestia finished.

“So then he conquered Equestria forcing you both to find the Elements of Harmony to imprison him.” Twilight finished.

“It couldn’t be helped, nothing we did got through to him, and by the time he took over Canterlot he had disowned us as family.” Luna added. Unknown to Twilight and her friends, that day was actually one of the worse days in the royal sisters lives. For they didn’t use the elements immediately when they got them. They attempted one last time to get Discord to stop. When he attacked them and tossed them away, they knew there was no other choice.

Discord however knew what he had done would make Faust disappointed in him. ‘Mother I’m sorry.’ Discord said with a thought.

In Celestia's room Faust awoke with a groan. “What happened? Am I back in Equestria?”