• Member Since 18th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago



A private detective in pursuit of a missing stallion finds himself at a peculiar village where everypony has the same cutie mark. Before long, the uncanny turns horrific.

Entry for the Weekly Contests week 22 contest "Short Adventures".

Cover art is from Arylett Charnoa for first prize in the contest. She is a gem.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

Double-Diamond is an Earthen Stallion.

I'll read and edit this one day i'A. Congrats on winning the contest! I knew you could do it. :heart:

"Uncanny. feel into the internal chest pocket of my Strichtarn camo jacket." You accidentally the subject.

"It’s primary function" ITS

"Days Elapsed: Ⱶ͟͡˧ Ⱶ͟ " wat

"Why would I say her was here voluntarily?" he

"I take the bottle of kvass from my ruck and take a big swig." Dang it, Kalash, you're making me ache for Moscow... and I hate kvass!

"it until midmorning to walk up to the town." Fix this.

“Hi,” I wave back. “Say, is there a chance of me being able to get a bite to eat here? I’m just passing through. <Close quotes>

“Hi there,” she chirps. “I’m Starlight Glimmer and I’d like to welcome you to our town, which I founded. <CLOSE QUOTES> Finally, a pony without a terrifying grin!

“How do you like our little shared slice of equality.” Question mark.

"for all her um charisma," Awkward. Punctuate.

"Nothing happens that i want to discuss," CAPITALIZE I.

"lock are all al the other side" on

"I muster my strength and roar, “A NUUUU!!”" STOP CHIKI'ING THE BRIKI.

"First things first," Period.

"intentionally lur ponies here" lure

"I’ll beat her with my gun until it beaks," breaks

"This is what I get for being an impulsive, thoughtless moron so blinded by wrath" Period.

"just don’ let him die" don't

"No. My cutie mark said I was good at getting facts and piecing them together. Somehow, that led to a life where I spent most of my time spying on <unfinished sentence>

"my savior who walks like a temprress," temptress


This was a great story. I see why it won the contest.

I loved this story:twilightsmile:

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