• Published 21st May 2012
  • 1,248 Views, 4 Comments

PFC - suijin228

A Ponified take on the family guy FCC

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Chapter 1


Today we find ourselves not looking at the start of another adventure in Ponyville, but at the end of one. This one however ended horribly for the partaking parties, which happened to involve Big Macintosh, Caramel, and Spike, all three of whom created large quantities of sweet apple cider to sell for jacked up prices abroad.

This adventure lead to a high-speed chase through the streets of Trottingham as mobsters attacked the three entrepreneurs. When they’d finally made it back to Ponyville, it was found that Applejack, Twilight found out about business confronted the three with the help of fluttershy and Sweetie bell, of who were dating Big Mac and Spike Respectively.


“What were you thinking!?”

“I’m sorry, but did you even think of what would happen?”

As the three were ground out, they kept their heads low. All they wanted to do was help their girls, but instead they were now up shit creek without a paddle.

As the three girls were just about finished with their yelling, Twilight stepped forward with one last bit of news. “Because of all the problems you've created, I had to call in Celestia to fix this mess and give you a fitting punishment.”

Caramel gave a harsh huff at his rulers name, he had quite a few things to say to the princess as you can imagine.

“Oh yeah, I know all about Princess Fucking Celestia.”

Now a common phenomenon in Equestria is the sudden entrance of Music, which always seems to turn what means to be said into a full blown music number. Music began to fill the library as Caramel gave a little dance forward, starting off his own personal ‘Fuck You’ to Celestia.

(To the tune of the Family Guy, FCC song)

She will clean up twilights messes without giving even a gist
when tensions are running high, she’ll be the last to raise a fist
Anyone trolling her and you can bet your flank’ll be missed

Here's the plain situation, there's no negotiation
with that stupid flank-hole called the PFC!

She’s as stuffy as the stuffiest of super special ponies
Complain about her shady methods and she’ll call in the bronies
to you twilight I guess you would call her Princess Joseph Kony

Take a tip, take a lesson, you'll never win by messing
With that stupid flank-hole called the PFC!

And if a colt finds himself with another colt
Then she’ll barge right in and call them both dolts
(‘Cus she’s also sexist!)

So she’ll send a little warning as she’s prepared to do her worst
And she’ll put her hoof into your business, hoping you can be coerced
I can think of quite another place she should have stuck it first!

She may just be neurotic, or possibly psychotic
she’s that stupid flank-hole called the PFC!

As the three closed their little song number to the ponies gathered before them, the three heard a slow stomping behind them. Turning, they found themselves facing Celestia, in all her fury.

Simultaneously, all three spoke.

“aww shit...”

A.N. Yeah while the lyrics may seem a bit off from the song, you at least get the idea of how it should go. I wanted to have a pony/FG fic, but that just seemed to difficult to write and have work. Plus if Peter ever met Pinkie Pie I'd hate to imagine what the fallout of said meeting would be. never the less, I thank you for reading this story and I hope that you will review and like down below. Keep goin and stay golden^^





You still here? I said you can go now. Honestly this is just so that I can fill out the 1000 word requirement it takes to make a story. I guess that the FIM monitors just hate stories that are very short. Which is why I am now forced to write this extra bit of nonsensical literature to fill out that requirement. now, let me just check how many words I've gotten out of this A.N. since I began it.



173 words thus far... just another couple hundred more and I can legally publish this. So to pass the time, let me answer a question that may pop up.

Do you hate Celestia? Actually, no. I very much enjoy her and I find that her character is interesting, even more so for her sister Luna who is shaded in mystery. I'm actually wondering what exactly Luna does when she has free time? Could you imagine another group like the elements? If such a thing would exist, I'd wish for Trixie to be part of it. She's one of the most fan favorites and yet she hasn't been seen since season 1. Let's bring her back in Season 3. Come on, let's make Trixie famous! #trixie2012. LOL.

So yeah, this has been a short and then expanded A.N. that has turned into me just rambling on so that I can have enough words to publish on this glorious and awesome website. I would talk about some movies I've seen or maybe even my political thoughts, but that would probably only get this story rejected even faster by the Mod I'm going to have to send this through. And seeing as how he is probably going to be the first one to read this, I might as well address you mr/ms/mrs moderator... Keep up the good job! You have what many (i believe the count is somewhere in the millions) bronies would call a dream job, right next to EQD. So keep up the good work. :)

Alright everyone/everypony, this is it. I've finally gotten close to one thousand words and I now can send this through to the moderator. It's late at night, I'm tired, and I'm pretty sure that I'll wake up and look at this with a 'what the hell?' look as I read what I've written. Ah hell, for the moment, this is perfect. So to everyone who's stuck and real through this, I solute you.

Comments ( 4 )

quite enjoyed the reading , and i love the FCC song

Love it! One of my favorite Family Guy Songs, followed by Christmas Time is Killing us and A Bag of Weed. This was Brilliant.

Those three are SCREWED

Okay THIS was funny! :heart:

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