• Published 21st May 2012
  • 3,711 Views, 81 Comments

Twilight's book of the most dangerous creatures in Equestria - The Psychopath

Twilight goes to Ponyville's school to teach the children about the most dangerous creatures alive.

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The 9 magic beasts

Author's Note:

Nearly two years ago, Samaru163 asked me if I could write his creatures into this "story"...Like an inconsiderate prick, I never did. I had started the chapter, but deleted it quickly after because I didn't know what to do. Instead of figuring out a solution, my word document stayed hidden in my computer. Since he keeps giving and I've never done so in return, I'm going to make up for it with this. Do note that these are his old works and do not reflect his incredible advancements in both drawing and literature. I've spruced up some of the old descriptions a bit.

It will not, however, have the same "Twilight goes to the school to explain everything" style to it. It will still have Twilight with a book, but, well, you'll see.

The library had been left in quite a mess after Twilight's last experiment. It was rather dirty, dusty, and books were everywhere. Her attempt to extract magic from the scale of a watyer ejge proved too complex, and her spell backfired, destroying the lab and everything everywhere. Reassuring Spike after plucking him out from the book-alanche. Spike had to dust himself off, with muffled annoyance and went to pull the blinds open, bringing in a blinding sunlight.

Using her magic to lift and organize everything alphabetically, Twilight suddenly came to a stop on a rather thick tome. Its hide was of a copper color and similar in consistency to leather, although it seemed to be made out of plant materials. Many parts of it were peeled off by age. It also wasn't saved from the dust devil flying around the library. On the cover of this heavy book were written, in shiny green characters: "The 9 magic beasts."

"Huh? Hey, Spike, have you ever catalogued a book called 'The nine magic beasts'?"

"No. And before you ask, I checked your list listing the lists listing listed books that are themselves listed in lists."

The dragon put a claw to his forehead. That's alot of lists!

"Then how long has it been hidden? I think I'm going to explore it a bit before reorganizing everything. I need to know about every book here before organizing them alphabetically. It will give me a good way of cataloguing them them in specific categories."

Walking towards her only table in the library area, the lavender unicorn used her magic to bring the lamp closer to her. She then flicked the switch with a quick hoof gesture, and the book was now illuminated. The little dragon was also curious. The title intrigued him mostly, but he didn't have much patience to read with what Twilight just did and what was to come, and he knew that Twilight had the nasty habit of speaking the contents of a book aloud whenever there was somepony nearby to hear it, so with a flipping sound and the creaking of old paper, the unicorn began her lecture.

"Let's see here."

Reality is made of two plains of existence. The realm of life, full of the universes, and the realm of magic, full of the endless void. The two are connected to one another by cosmic rifts, and it is through these rifts that magic is transferred between the plains. The energy given off by Life is given to Magic, allowing it to grow. In exchange, Magic gives some of its energy to life to assist in the evolution and survival of species. However, Life cannot hold too much magic at one time or it risks destroying itself. As a solution to this problem, Life evolved certain species and gave them unique abilities, the most important being the ability to feast entirely on magic. This way the levels of magic would not exceed the limit Life can hold. Nine of these special creatures are native to Equestria, and they are the following:

"This means there are nine in Equestria. I wonder where the others are. This als gives an interesting conceot of magic, although I wonder what is so special about magic if 'Life' cannot hold it all."Twilight wondered aloud.

The Mak'thri.
Highly intelligent and savage hunters. They have the appearance of a bipedal lizard with bat-like wings as well as a body of blue genstones fit together to resemble the scales of reptiles. Their "eyes" also appear to be two purple gems. The Mak'thri are entirely blind, but they possess the ability to smell magic, for it is their sustinance. Their usual habitat is in mountainous regions, or anywhere magic can be found in high quantities, though, curiously, many sightings have been made elsewhere after a thunderstorm has passed. Being relentless predators that won't stop a hunt until the prey has been claimed, they have a specific method of feeding. Once the prey has been caught and restrained, the Mak'thri extends a sharp, needle-like tongue from their mouths and plunge it into the 'food's' body. They then suck out all the magic from this creature. Usually, the prey is then allowed to leave, although they can be held captive for up to a month so that the Mak'thri can determine if this creature is a good source of replenishable magic. The older Mak’thri are said to have the ability to control some forms of magic, most notably combat and illusion. The only way to kill one is to feed it blood, a substance of extreme toxicity to any and all magic hunters. Just its smell alone is usually enough to send one running if you are attacked.

"Wow. That sounds terrible. I'm glad I'm a dragon." Spike said.

The Bolongi Eel.
One of the nine species of magic hunters, adults can be large enough to swallow ponies whole. These hunters possess a telekinetic magic, which gives them the ability to "swim" through the air, thus explaining the illusion of their flying. The eels are dark purple in color with blue spines and teeth. Their teeth are retractable to allow them to suck magic out of a source without drawing blood, which, as stated earlier; is toxic to this category of creatures. They live around water to lay eggs in but are most commonly found hanging in trees, bushes, and rocks. The eels usually get their magic from eating gythilium crystals, which is magic in a stunning and beautiful crystalized form, unfrtunately for some, they won’t hesitate to pursue magic users if the opportunity presents itself. Even so, they are probably the safest of the nine to fight directly.

"A flying eel? That sounds like it would be funny." Spike laughed.

"It's big enough to swallow ponies whole. How big are you, Spike?"

"I'm not...as...tall..."

"And dragons are known to be great sources of magic."

The little dragon become silent and his eyes widened. Twilight knew she had scared him and gave an evil smirk as recongition of her work.

"What else is there."

The Gas'pidu.
Magic hunters that possess the head of a featherless bird, with long wrinkled bodies shaped like a rotten fruit, and huge, purple eyes. This creature feeds by filtering magic out of the air itself and storing it in large sacks on its body. These sacks allow the Gas’pidu to travel vast distances without ever having to touch the ground. In fact, it is believed that some individuals have never felt land. Because the magic is so widely dispersed in the air, the Gas’pidu always flies with its mouth open. Like all magic hunters they prefer to hunt species that can manipulate magic. When they find one they inhale deeply and the magic simply exits their victim like evaporating sweat. They are able to defend themselves with high pitched shrieks that will bring most creatures to their knees. Unsurprisignly, they also possess the ability to cast lightning magic with great ease. Other magic hunters, such as the Mak’thri, often follow them to steel their prey.

"Ew. I don't think there will ever be a monster as gross as that if I ever see it." Spike shuddered.

Twilight looked down the list, gave a little gasp, then looked evil over her shoulder to look at er assistant who was twiddling his thumbs.

The Dafaldara.

As the name suggests the Dafaldara resembles a large water plant, but it is actually a magic hunter. It has a row of purple ‘petals’ around its head and a long thin tongue in its center. BElow the ground sits their long spidery legs which allow them to outrun any creature. This magic hunter feeds off of magic in the water, so they are almost always found in areas of high humidity, such as swamps and lakes. If you are captured by one, it will trail its tongue over your skin and lick up the magic exiting through your pores. They rarely stay in the same area for long and frequently move around. You can usually tell if they are in an area because the normal animal life will be scarce around the water. The Dafaldara is also nicknamed the 'Hunter of magic hunters' due to its method of reproduction. To procreate, it will capture a magic hunter and lay its egg on them. Once a victim is caught by the host, the absorbed magic is, instead, diverted to the egg which then hatches when it has absorbed sufficient energy. The young will still cling onto its host, although it will leave when it is more than capable of fending for itself.

"Sounds alot like what some wasps do to caterpillars, without the brainwashing chemicals. It also makes me think of the Ivamora" Twilight laughed.

Spike just sat in his corner of books, trembling.

Altrox, the boldest of magic hunters. They have the appearance and shape of a huge yellow serpent possessing four purple claws at the end of two short appendages. Their face is eteched with four pink eyes along with a pink crest, and their tail breaks into two separate ones near the end. They feed on magic in decaying matter as well as those in living creatures. Because of this, despite their homes being in caves above the ground, they are often seen traveling to cemeteries and crypts to absorb the "ripe" decaying magic. Bizarrely, they do this during times when they can be spotted. This does not faze them in the slightest as they actually want to be spotted. Thanks to their hunter species' innate magic, they can control the mind of any who stare at them directly in the eyes. Once subdued, you will remain its servant until its death. Victims of this magic can be identified by a yellowing of their iris and a lack of any thinking or free will. A single altrox will usually have up to twenty servants to help dig up the corpses it seeks. They are also the most dangerous of the hunters to fight as, unlike the other hunters, it will not hesitate a second to kill you, but they usually prefer methods without bloodshed due to obvious reasons.

"That one is dangerous. I'm pretty sure you'll love this one though, Spike," Twilight taunted.

"Really? What is this one?"

The Hesili.

An odd beast that is little more than dozens of blue-green eyes with red pupils attached to many, many long pink tendrils. This whole mass is balanced on a single purple leg.It prefers to live in populated areas where it feeds off the creativity and imagination of ponies' minds. The hesilli has the magic of shape-shifting. This magic allows it to hide in plani sight of the general populace. Once somepony's imagination sparks, or somepony falls asleep and begins dreaming, it comes out to feed. It is thanks to its many eyes that it can do this, as they see into the pony's mind and can literally suck out thoughts. As they feed, one of their many eyes rgows bigger and bigger until it breaks off, giving birth to new Hesilli. How? I don't know. I'm just writing this for others to be aware of the beasts, so leave me alone.If feeding is plentiful, then a town can be infested with hesilli in mere weeks.

This is dangerous as they can reduce any thoughts and creativity in a town to absolute zero, practically turning them into mindless zombies. Due to their shape-shifting abilities, they are difficult to fight. However, remaining uncreative for a time will starve them and makem desperate to feed, making them stand out more, and, in the process, allowing one to easily fight them off.

Twilight looked at Spike and laughed to see his face repulsed by the thought of what the thing could look like and if it touched him. The lavender unicorn chuckled quite a few times, although the idea of losing her creativity scared her.


These large insect beasts are the size of a pony. They possess dual scythe-esque claws, spiked tails, and feeding beaks attached to tubes in their throats. Their bodies are also completely transparent, making it impossible to keep track of them during fights. As they mainly absorb magic through plants, they can usually be found in large forests, although they are more than capable of draining a magic user dry. The cadasava always travel in groups of of up to ten relatives. Despite their somewhat frightening appearance, they are actually the most social and caring of the hunters. When they find a food source, they will share it equally between every member, and if one of those members is attacked or threatened in any way, the others will go all out into helping them. Their magic control is that over wind. This allows for quick movement and to strike at deadly speeds and with great accuracy. Despite this, they are often mocked by other hunters due to them being the smallest of the bunch. A usual show of force will keep them away, but blood is always the best method.


This huge beast is as large as a hydra, with a red blob-like body, a mouthless head, and dozens of tentacles tipped with long purple hooks with another tentacle growing every year of its life. It lives underground in a series of tunnels that it dug so its tentacles can erupt from hhe ground anywhere and snag a hapless magic user. Their magic is attuned with the earth. This is how they're capable of digging tunnels so easily. Once a victim is in its grasp, a Jofa'korah will pierce its victim's skin with its hooks and suck up all the magic it wants. They also have a nasty habit of fighting with their victims to get more magic, so many never truly escape its grasp. Possessing earth magic abilitites, the creature can absorb needed sustenance through the soil, but only if magic users are far and few in-between. These hunters are also extremely territorial, attacking anything non-magic that comes into their domain. You will know if you are nearing their lands when you find a large rock in the shape of the letter T. This is called the border stone, and should not be crossed at all. They are one of the hardest magic hunters to escape from as the only method to kill them is by putting blood on the tips of their tentacles. All of the tentacles. This becomes more than impossible for the elderly Jofa'korah.

The most powerful of the nine magic hunters. Unlike the others, there is only one in all of existence. It was originally the size of an average lizard, but recorded documents of its last sighing put it at an imposing size rivaling that of a dragon. Its maroon body is adorned with long glowing lilac fins. These fins store immunity to individual spells, and it has thousands along its body. Every spell it has immunity to it can cast with a master level of intelligence and skills. The Eru’Dia, like all magic hunters, feeds only on the purest forms of magic in the world. Unlike the others however, it is unaffected by the smell of blood due to the huge wealth of spells at its command. It is so powerful that the other eight species of magic hunters run away from fear of it. Fortunatly the Eru’Dia has one weakness; Like us it can get sick. It gets sick when forged spells (spells that have been created by ponies and other races) are used against it. Due to this weakness, since its birth, races have kept the beast at bay with this knowledge. This is only a temporary solution however, for when it gets sick the Eru’Dia goes into a state of hibernation. During this time it builds up immunity to the spell, and when it awakens it is larger, stronger, and has more fins on its back. It is unknown if one can truly kill the Eru’Dia.

"Welp, I guess that's it. I'll put this in the 'Creatures and mythos' section." Twilight said calmly.

"But...what if we ever find one?"

"I doubt they would ever come to Ponyville."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Canterlot is a more likely target, but there are plenty of defences up there."

"I hope you're right."

"I hope so too. Let's just clean this up and I'll send a letter to Princess Celestia just in-case."

"You got it!" Spike hopped up and saluted with glee.

What they didn't notice was a book on the floor of the room crawling like a caterpillar towards a pile of its dusty brethren.

Size comparison.