• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
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I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes; HEY!

Comments ( 72 )

While the shippings aren't anything new, the concept definitely is. color me intrigued.

You're back! Least I have this to distract me until To Find A Rainbow 2 comes out. :pinkiehappy:

Meanwhile, in the vanity's drawer, Mr. Happy feels abandoned...

Woooooo hoooooo! Very much looking forward to reading more of this.

D'awwwwwww how cute!! Gotta say, this was a really nice story. Just the right balance of sweet and sexy :rainbowwild:

I have a very strong inkling that I've read this already somewhere a few months back... and I'm not speaking about just a few random facts, but the whole thing. Or I have once dreamed about reading this and what I dreamed was actually me guessing the future exactly.
Nevertheless, can't wait for more of this :twilightsmile:

Rarity’s personal favorite was a blank-flanked Applejack showing off the empty space where her two front baby teeth had been. The two pig-tails either side of her widely-grinning face truly set the picture off, and Rarity couldn’t help but smile fondly every time she passed it.

I like this detail.

Rarity had unknowingly passed Big Macintosh’s silent room

Most of the time his door is closed we can hear bedsprings and a mares squeaks.

A large, broken-in bed covered in apple-printed blankets and sheets.

Courtesy of Rarity...is it too much to imagine them having sleepovers when they were kids?

Applejack had already let her hair down, as she was wont to do immediately before bed,


It would be uncouth to ogle her lover’s body like some base lowlife.

That's what you're supposed to do Rarity.

“Rares, he and Soarin’ just want a foal that’s theirs, y’know? If Soarin’s donates the… y’know… seed and I carry it, it’ll be related to Soarin’ and still be an Apple. It’ll be everything they want!

There's a rather easy way to donate seed, another big ship I approve of.

Everythin’ll be fine, Rares, just you see!

Way to sink the Titanic Applejack!

Though it was easily large enough for the two of them, their backs were still left mere inches apart, to the point Rarity could still feel the warm of her lover’s body.

That's why smaller beds are better for sex.

Why’d they have to drag Applejack into everything?

Applejack could say No.

He started that orchard when Appleloosa was founded... what was it? Nearly thirteen years ago now? Hay, has it really been that long?

If it's been that long, Apple Bloom would be old enough to have a child too. Why not her?

It took me days to clean all the dust out of my coat last time we visited!

Then This time don't go mining for gold! We all told you it was stupid Rarity.

Applejack splayed out upon her back, her long mane spilling across the sheets like liquid gold and herself leaning sideways over her so that she could drink in the sight of her lover looking so vulnerable with anticipation.

Who doesn't like the sight of a woman's head on a pillow?

“We c-can’t… Mac and Apple Bloom are just down the hall!”

Mac does it where he wants. And his mare(s) is/are never quiet.

Applejack was singing a siren’s song in the back of her throat; her every gasp and pant only egging Rarity on to greater heights.

Nearby, Apple Bloom turns up her music and closes her door.

“Rares, I… I’m–!” Applejack began to cry before a violent shiver wracked her body.

Big Mac scowls at his own door and turns back to who he's doing.

“Hah… T-that was… amazin’, Sugarcube,” Applejack panted. “You, uh… you enjoy it, too?”

<bang><bang><bang>:eeyup:Keep it down in there!:applecry:Yeah!:twistnerd:You heard him!

Why can't I upvote your stories more than once? This chapter was phenomenal, especially with Rarity biting the bullet and letting AJ go through with it despite her own wishes. :ajsmug: One thing she said that I think applies to both herself and AJ, was if she had stopped her, I have a feeling that Rarity would have eventually come to despise herself for denying AJ the chance to do something so meaningful... :raritydespair:

Hnnnnngggggggggggg. :heart::heart::heart::heart: Thank you for that. My heart needed some fixing after the last chapter of BBA.

6171851 http://www.fimfiction.net/story/248113/bon-bons-acceptance JeremyStorm and PussPuss are amigos so he'll know what I'm talking about. I highly recommend reading the story just make sure you read this (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/240148/lyras-confession) first.

now we need rarity having brae give her a kid so we can have 2 kids incoming.

6172169 >< and I had just got done reading that chapter before I went to this story.

Having both Rares and AJ pregnant at the same time is probably too much stress to bear. One of them should really be hormone free to support the other.

I do expect it to be Rarity's turn after AJ has the first foal though.

...and Rarity knows that it's only matter of time and than Beburn can return the favour.

...and I think Applejack and Rarity are not redy to have their own foal yet.

PS: If I guess right than this is right now just before Rainbow Dash's Wonderbolt trial right?

The best things come with time :twilightsmile: I'm excited for the next chapter like you wouldn't believe :rainbowkiss:

Uh oh.

And here I'm wondering how many degrees of marshmelodrama Rarity will show once she hears the news

Cliffhangers man... You and your flamin' cliffhangers. I love hating them. :twilightsheepish:
Even if I did see this one coming. :scootangel:
Seriously bloke, that was an amazing addition to this tale. Well done Jeremy, well done. :twilightsmile:

However, I will neither confirm nor deny my reaction to Applejack's line:

“Rares… I’m pregnant.”

I still remember my wife saying it to me for the first time, clear as day. :fluttershysad:
Screw you all, it's dusty in the desert.

Cliffhangers! Nein!

Can't wait for the next chapter though :twilightsmile:

I'm really liking this story! Can't wait for the next chapter. Hope you upload soon! :twilightsheepish:

There's one teeny, tiny thing I want to wrap up in the last bit. Just an epilogue to kind of cap things off. Hopefully it'll be up before the end of next week.

occasionally giving her cheek a tender lick

What the hell?

OH MY GOD! I can't explain how adorable that was! Thank you for a great story!

F@#K You! JeremyStorm! You flamin' wanker! :twilightangry2:

As a father who has lived through this twice, do you have any idea how dusty this chapter made my office? Do you? :rainbowdetermined2:

Telling the story from Rarity's perspective was particularly riveting to me. You have done an absolutely tremendous job of capturing the emotions of the party that has to endure the utter hopelessness of not being able to do anything while the one you love suffers. It's heart wrenching :applecry:

Brilliant, bloody brilliant. :scootangel:

I see you anticipate the next chapter. :trixieshiftright:
It's good to see the gender of the foal did not dissuade you from reading further, you'd surely be missing out if that were the case. :twilightsmile:

Good onya mate, hang in there. :scootangel:

I'm not sure what the problem is? :fluttershysad: He's just doing all he can to try and comfort her. Try to remember, these are ponies, not humans. They'll sometimes do things differently than we would.

Thank you kindly! (BTW, I love your avatar! Makes me want to watch Markiplier's series of Kerbal again!)

Twice? Oh man! :fluttercry:

I actually have never really gone through this myself. I based the general idea off of what I remember when my step-mother was having her first child, but that was nearly fourteen years ago. Granted, I wasn't allowed to be in the delivery room at the time (I was twelve, so yeah...) so all I could really do was imagine what someone in that situation must be feeling like.

Strewth mate, you composed this purely from memories from when you were twelve? And you weren't even present at the birth? :pinkiegasp:

That just makes it all the more astounding with what you have been able to do here. My kids were born seven and five years ago respectively and I still remember it as vividly as if it was yesterday. They were the most amazing moments of my life. :pinkiehappy:

Never before have I made such a deep emotional connection with a story, in any form. You my friend, are an amazing author, don't let any one ever tell you different. :rainbowdetermined2:

I just wished I possessed the skill to truly impart to you how much I have thoroughly enjoyed this tale. :twilightsmile:

I have nothing but love for 'To find a Rainbow,' but for me, this little tome has outshone it in every way. Maybe it is because I have experienced close to everything that has transpired here. (Forgive me if I don't go into details here.)

I know I usually just say some stupid and sometimes mildly amusing in my comments. Not this time. I want it to reflect how deeply I have been touched by your work. :ajsleepy:

Thank you for sharing it.

You have mates,

6292564 But licking? They behave more like humans, than dogs.

I felt it was something ponies would do. Nuzzling, grooming and the like. Sorry you didn't care for it. :fluttershysad:

That was really sweet. Feels all around, everywhere.
So just an epilogue left? Looking forward to it. You've written a very nice story so far, and the conclusion will be no less fitting I believe :twilightsmile:

For all the human characteristics we project onto them, they are still ponies, and contain many of the associated traits and mannerisms. communal grooming, including but not limited to, nuzzling, nibbling and licking is a common bonding practice among equine herds. :twilightsmile:

By all means correct me if I'm wrong 6292564, But this being a side story to TFAR, where family members shower and bathe together. Surely a few comforting licks, as a sign of nervous support cannot be misconstrued as something of an alternative nature. :scootangel:

Or maybe I'm wrong and it was only added in to antagonize Pusspuss. :trollestia:

Thank you kindly! And if I do say so myself, I think what I have planned for the epilogue will be a nice little end note. :pinkiehappy:

As to your first point, yeah, that's exactly what I was going for. I wanted to inject just a little more... for lack of better word, animalism into their actions. To help show that they are different from humans and behave slightly differently in certain situations. And yes, all those things you mentioned are absolutely things ponies do to bond with one another in their culture as it's presented in TFaR.

As to your second point, well... I mean, a few comforting licks could be misinterpreted, I suppose. In the same way a hug in our culture could be misinterpreted to mean more or less than was intended. But did Big Mac intend it as anything other than a sign of brotherly affection and support? Well... I'd never dream of putting words in his mouth.

Who am I to judge what may or may not have been implied in such an action? I wasn't there during the long, lonely nights on the farm when all they had was each other. When they were stressed and exhausted from having far more work than two young ponies should have ever had to manage on their own. I wasn't an overworked, hormonal teenager lost in the confusing throws of puberty with only my closest sibling to even interact with throughout the day. I didn't have to balance trying to do enough work during the day to keep my brother from breaking his back doing too much with getting my schoolwork done. I didn't have to drop out of school at fifteen to care for my two baby sisters. As such, I could never judge one way or the other if they happened to find just a tiny bit of solace with one another.

...Or I could just be messing with Puss. Yeah, that totally sounds like me. :scootangel:


...Or I could just be messing with Puss. Yeah, that totally sounds like me.


:rainbowhuh: ...
:rainbowderp: That went... Places.
:facehoof:*sigh* What is wrong with you two?

luv ya :pinkiehappy:

Suck it up princess... :raritywink:

I don't know precisely what your issues are. :rainbowhuh:
But I'm sure they are hard to pronounce. :trollestia:
You just keep being you, you wonderful you, you. :pinkiehappy:

Soo Applejack will be the one whose going to have a baby...again? I tough it will be Rarity the pregnant one.
This fanfiction is full of surprises.

Soo is there any info about what will be the next side story or fanfiction before the squel of the "To findig a Rainbow"?


Weeeeeeell... I'm actually going to be jumping straight to the sequel after this.

I originally had two other side stories planned. One was a short fic from Scoots's Dad's perspective on the day that Scoots moved out of their house and into Will's. It was going to be sort of a little introspective on the circumstances around her birth and her mother leaving. This might still happen, because it's a story I'd kinda like to tell, but it'll happen later. Maybe in between TFaR sequel updates.

The other was going to be a clopfic starring Rainbow's mom and dad. I LOVED those two and thought it would be a ton of fun, but I've kind of fallen out of love with writing clop lately, and there's going to be more than enough of that in the sequel to deal with as it is. So this one probably won't happen.

That being said, I'm also on my off-time working on an alternate universe fic where Rumble joins Scoots and Will in a herd. Just because I really, really wanted to write some m/m, since I haven't done it in forever. :twilightblush: This one probably also won't get posted, unless a lot of people really want it, I guess.

Those ones sounds really interesting I can't wait to see what's going to happening since there are some things you left hanging in the TFaR like the pegasus show Scootaloo mentioned to Will when they were hanging together before Rainbow Dash's Wonderbolt trial oh and the double date with Sweetie Belle and Spike.

A Bisexual herd with two male and a female way? :pinkiegasp: Sounds interesting and unusual.:rainbowdetermined2:

Oh and could you please post a time line some way for this fanfiction because I could barely put the events on the time line of of the TFaR because of how much you zoomed on just the Applefamily and RariJack.

I could only guess that AJ was in her 4th month around the event of Rainbow Dash's trial because of Rarity's comment about the right member to make a photo from AJ's stomach.

Well, most herds are inherently bisexual in nature, unless everypony involved is the same gender. Which does happen in the TFaRverse, but I can't remember if I've mentioned any of such a composition before or not.

And the timeline's fairly straightforward. Only the first two chapters of Apple From a Seed took place roughly during (though perhaps a little before) the events of To Find a Rainbow. Starting from Chapter Three, where Rarity noticed Applejack was starting to show, everything takes place after TFaR has finished.

As for Will and Scoots going to a show or the double date, I can't really say what will or will not happen in the sequel, but I'll admit the double date was more of a throwaway joke. I don't really have any plans to include it at the moment, but if I can find a good place to put it, who knows?

Such a lovely story, keep up the great work!!!!

Now that was, dare I say, romantic.
Or, well, the entire story; the feelings between AJ and Rares. They were so genuine. Two ponies which really cared for one another and yet stayed true to their personalities.

This might be the first RariJack fic I've read.

Whichever way.
This was very enjoyable.
Liked and fav'd.

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