• Published 31st May 2012
  • 5,200 Views, 62 Comments

feathers and scales - The watchful pony

a love story between Spike and Rainbow Dash.

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chapter 2

chapter 2

Rainbow and Spike were in Twilights library. It was dark outside and the inside was lit by a fireplace. Both were under the covers kissing each other. Rainbow was on top of Spike as the drake used his hands to feel all her muscles and curves. The two broke there kiss and stared into each others eyes.

"Your a great kisser.", Spike said in between breaths.

"Your not so bad yourself, big boy.", said Rainbow as she pecked Spike on the lips.

"You know, when I told you my feelings, I was worried you were going to say you didn't like me."

"I didn't know I liked you until yesterday, I'm just glad you like me to." Rainbow leaned in and gave Spike another deep kiss. "So how do you think Twilights going to take the news when she gets back."

"I don't care, let be just enjoy this moment." Spike leaned in for another deep kiss as he put his long, Snake like tong into her mouth. Rainbow broke the kiss and instead started to kiss him on the neck. She gradually lowered her kissing closer to the chest, then the stomach, and then got down near his-



Rainbow fell out of her cloud bed to be met with the floor. She got up as she rubbed her head.

"What the hay kinda dream was that.", said Rainbow as she got up to inspect her bed, it was covered in sweat and saliva from her biting and tong kissing her pillow. Rainbow was more confused then she had ever been. She would have wet dreams a lot. sometimes it was Spitfire, sometimes it was Pinky Pie, but she never had these feelings for a guy before, or Spike for that matter. but the even weirder part was that she actually liked it. She wasn't having the dream because she wanted sex, she wanted Spike close to her, she wanted to hold him, she wanted him to say that he loved her. However, she had no time for that, she needed to help Fluttershy that day and was running late as it was. Rainbow grabbed the sheets in her mouth and put them in the storm cloud she used as a washing machine. "I'll clean it later." , said Rainbow as she bolted out the door. She did her best to concentrate on flying but she replayed that moment over and over again in her head. She just kept thinking about it untill she made it to Fluttershys cottage.

"Oh Rainbow, I'm so glade you made it.", said Fluttershy.

"Yea yea, sorry I'm late.". Said rainbow

"Oh, it's okay Rainbow, whats important is your here now."

"Good point, lets get started.", said Rainbow as her and Fluttershy went towards the animal kennel. Rainbow and Fluttershy did stuff like collect the eggs from the chicken coop, feed the birds in the trees, and play with the land animal to give them exercise. The whole time they were working, Rainbow kept getting distracted by memories of what happened. After she finished feeding the birds she was standing in one place thinking about it over and over again, playing the same seven words over and over again.

Do I have a crush on Spike

"Rainbow-.", Said Fluttershy finally getting Rainbow attention "-are you okay, you've been standing there for five minuets." Rainbow finally recomposed her self and was about to tell her something, anything, But then she let out a sigh when she realized that she had to tell somepony, and there was nopony she trusted more then Fluttershy.


"Yes Rainbow."

"-Can... can I tell you a secret."

"Of corse."

"Do you promise to tell no pony about this."

"I Pinky promise.", she said while making the appropriate gestures.

"I'm serious Fluttershy. If you tell anypony about this, then I'll tell everypony that you sleep naked.", said Rainbow to the now deeply blushing Fluttershy.

"I won't tell anypony, I swear." Rainbow leaned in closer so she could whisper.

"Fluttershy, I... I think I like Spike.", said Rainbow to a giggling Fluttershy.

"Well I like Spike to."

"No mean I really like Spike."

"Well so do I."

"FOR BUCK SHAKE FLUTTERSHY, I AM IN LOVE WITH SPIKE!!!" Rainbow immediately put both of her front hooves over her mouth. She looked around to make sure no pony was looking there. Then she looked up to see a wide eyed Fluttershy.

"Oh....... my. How do you know it's love."

"Well, I don't to be honest. You know i've always liked fillies so this is the first time I have had feelings for a guy, or a dragon for that matter. I also know that i'v never felt this way before. Last night, I had the most intense wet dream I have had in months. I'v never said this before, but it's good to talk about this ."

"Well I'm glade you told me this instead of keeping it pent up."

"Well, actually, there's another reason I told you Fluttershy-." said Rainbow as Fluttershy leaned in "- I have never had a crush before. So, I was wandering if you could give me advice about..... you know........ telling Spike my true feelings." she didn't need to have any feeling in her face to know she was blushing like crazy. Fluttershy was quiet for a couple minuets, looking off as if she was deep in thought. After a while, she took one of her hooves and put it on Rainbow.

"Well Rainbow, if you want my advice, I say you tell him your true feelings to his face."

"But what if he says no, you know I don't take rejection well."

"I know, Applejacks black eye is reminder enough, but You need to know that you tried or your going to live in uncertainty the rest of your life." Rainbow let out a big sigh before she looked at Fluttershy.

"Your right. I am going to tell him, but i'v never tried to hit on a guy before." Fluttershy went back into deep thought.

"Well..... I could give you the same advice Rarity gave me about Big Mac."


Spike had just awoke from his nap. Thanks to Twilight being out on her mission,Spike didn't have to restock books on a regular basses. He did miss the company of Twilight around, but on the bright side, he could sleep in without Twilight waking him up early. Spike awoke to realize he forgot to clean his breakfast from earlier. Spike picked up everything and just tossed it into the sink. "I'll clean it later." Spike went to browsing the books to find something to read. As he was about to pick out a book, there came a knock on the door. He opened the door to find Rainbow standing in front of the door. "Oh, hi Rainbow, what's up." Spike asked Rainbow. She was standing extremely up right, like one of the royal guards. she was also looking at Spikes lips. "uh Rainbow, are you okay."

"ofcorseimfine.", Rainbow said so fast it scared spike a little.

"Ooooookay, you must be here to read the rest of your book."

"Yea, sure." Rainbow laid on the couch while Spike got the book. Spike went over to the couch and gave the book to Rainbow.

"Here you go Rainbow.", Said Spike as he gave a quick look at Rainbow's figure. He also noticed that she was staring at him. Is.... is she looking at my lips. He brushed it off and went back to cleaning.

"Say Spike, would you like to read with me again."

"Sure." Spike went over to the couch and went under Spike like last time. He did his best to not rub up against her, in fear of blushing. As the two read on, Spike felt Rainbow push herself against him, and wrapped her tail against his. He just thought Rainbow was getting tired (She did nap more then anypony in ponyvill) but then she started nuzzling Spikes cheek. "Rainbow, what are you doing."

He's catching on. Alright Rainbow, remember what Fluttershy told you to say "Spike, you know how we've been friends for a while now."


"Well, I was wondering, if maybe we could be more then friends."

"Wh...what-." Before Spike could keep talking, Rainbow flipped Spike on his back and pressed her lips against his. She leaned into him, wrapping his front hooves around him. When Spike finally recomposed himself, he closed his eyes and leaned into Rainbow's kiss. The two kissed for a good minutes before they brook away, panting for air. Rainbow looked to the side with a look of shame on her face.

"I'm sorry Spike."

"Sorry for what."

"I'm sorry for catching you off guard like that, I just.... I did what Fluttershy told me to do. I thought that if a was unexpected you would-." Before she could finish, Spike put a hand on her chin and made her look at him.

"Rainbow, I... I feel the same way, you don't have to worry so much." Rainbow smiled and gave Spike a kiss on the lips again. When the two stopped kissing, Spike said "So does this mean were dating.

"Hehe, yea I guess it does.". Said rainbow as she leaned back in for one more kiss. the two just looked into eachothers eyes for a good minute before Rainbow broke the silence.


"Yeah Rainbow."

"As much as I would love to stay here, I need to go back on weather patrol."

" I under stand, just promise we can continue this later."

"I promise." Rainbow got off Spike and flew out the window, waving back at Spike. When Spike stopped waving, he fell back into the couch and let out a loud YES.

"I'm never washing these lips again." He just laid there and dosed off. He could sleep well knowing that he was dating the mare of his dreams