• Published 1st Jul 2015
  • 2,398 Views, 33 Comments

Destroy! - Breakdramon

Me Destroy! me looking for friends. will yuo be friend? no, no leave! me just want to play 'Water Fight'!

  • ...


Sister!” Luna yelled, wide eyed, as she ran into the main hall.

She had just risen the moon, and she knew at around this time her sister was on her fifth slice of cake.

And so she was, frosting coating her lips as she looked up mid bite.

“What’s wrong Luna?” she asked, completely serious as she wiped the frosting off with the back of her hoof.

“Sister, as you know I prefer to do fly-overs of the garden to help clear my mind before sessions, correct?” Luna asked, making Celestia sigh.

“I wish you wouldn’t call your game marathons that, but yes. If it’s about discord’s new pose I’m going to have to tell you not to sleep in so much anymore.” Celestia lectured before taking another bite of her cake.

“It’s not that, sister!” Luna protested. “Destruction is missing!”

What Luna wasn’t prepared for was a perfect spit take with cake, unfortunately right in her face.

“Are you sure, sister?” Celestia asked, looking perturbed.

Luna wiped her face. “Yes. I saw his platform empty, and a hole in the ground bigger than your rump.”

“leave my rump out of this.” Celestia protested, before Luna face-hooved. “Ah, my bad. Please tell me you didn’t send anyone down those tunnels.”

“Yes sister.” Luna sighed. “I’m not stupid. I remember that Destruction is more at home under the ground then above it. It would be like invading a diamond dog nest!”


‘Me have no idea where me is.’ I thought, looking around me in confusion.

Me was in tunnels.

But… me no understand where tunnels came from! After me eat all metal in castle, me dig until me reach favorite iron and copper field! But now, is full of gems and tunnels?

And then, me distracted from thoughts by something hitting me back. Me turned, curious, only to smile as me saw a puppy!

It look odd for puppy, on two legs and brown fur.

It also saying something about dragon? Me no dragon type, me steel/rock!

But as he bark, me decide like all puppies back home he must want to play! Me know lots of fun games!

Oh! How about whistle! Me love whistle!

And with that, me start whistling. Me force heat under back plates where holes are, and brain send water there.

Me whistle like teapot!

But me not pay attention to that. Me just focus on making firework!

As me let firework go, the puppy screamed in happiness as bright orange light filled tunnel. Me so happy me could make puppy happy.

But… where puppy go? Where this black dirt come from?

Ah, me no care. Me more interested in more puppies, coming at me from all sides!

They must want to play too!

Me play water fight!

Me slam tail on ground, raising arms as me feel for water, before smiling wide.

Then, me tug hard, pulling it out from around me as big wave appear behind me. Water fight!

And then, puppies disappear. Must have run off to play with their puppy friends!

Oh well. Me go to surface, maybe more puppies up there!

Oh… no puppies here either. Must all be digging away.

But then, me see bird! I think me can reach it! Just need to jump!

HUP! HUP! One more time, HUP!

No, me can’t reach birdy. But me jumps make field crack in places, and holes disappear. Did puppies close their doors as they went home? Awe.

But me have other things me can do. Like find fluffy things so me can play with them!

Deep in the catacombs of the now destroyed diamond dog cavern, one dog still remained.

Spot. Being the smallest of his brethren, he had been able to avoid the rocks caving in from the earthquake, and had been fast enough to outrun the tidal wave that had washed so many away into the deep underground.

And he, unlike Fido, KNEW to avoid things that looked like dragons. Stupid mutt got himself burned alive.

But now, spot was alone. He couldn’t go up to the surface incase that… BEAST was still around. So what could he do?

Then, a lightbulb came on.

The whiny pony.

She was a big deal in the pony community. If he told her what happened, would she take pity on him and give him a few gems, maybe even a new den?

With greed in his thoughts, he dug to the surface, forgetting that the monster that did this destruction could STILL BE THERE.

That proved to be his last mistake.

As soon as he scrambled above ground, he froze at the sound of that metal roar.

Followed by quite literally freezing solid, before being shattered by the winging tail of the beast with one last thought.



Found another puppy! This one looked all hot and sweaty, so me decided to make snow day!

But then, puppy disappear as me dance around in me snow.

Poor puppy probably wanted to go home.

And then, something hit me in head!

As me looked at it, me frown.

It not food. It not even toy!

But me keep it anyway. Me open chest plate, revealing me pouch, and dropped in.

Me no know why me have pouch, just that me have pouch. Pouch have weird paper holder, strange screen with odd pictures, and me Stone!

Me no know what so special about stone, but me wanted to keep close to me. Me hope it help me get home.

Home. Where home?

Me no know, me only know me have to get there soon. No want kitty and metal boy to disappear. Must protect them.

No time for me to play. Me need to find way home!

… How me do that though?
‘Me head hurt.” Me groan in head, as me can’t speak. Only make roars!

Me no know why this is either, but me know is important.

…just no ask me how.

Author's Note:

again, first story on this sight. I hope it does well.

constructive comments please. even if its 'hey, this sucks!' then tell me why.