• Published 1st Jul 2015
  • 1,185 Views, 17 Comments

The Unity Pact 2 Side Story: Catalyst And Starburst - Truthseeker

A conversation between an Equestrian Arch Magister and a renegade Bloodmage.

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The Conversation

Starburst sat on the floor of the hallway of the New Humansville Hospital. Full Spectrum was sitting next to him while they waited for Captain Joyner to convince Arch Magister Catalyst to speak with the young Bloodmage openly.

Starburst was a young Pegasus stallion who had, until a week before, spent his life among Bloodmages. In a series of complex twists and turns of fate, he had been present when Beacon, overcome with the weight of his grief and guilt, attempted to commit suicide by breaking off his own horn. Starburst managed to keep Beacon alive while Full Spectrum went for help, but he did so by using Blood Magic. Blood Magic being as highly illegal as it was, as soon as the Community Welfare Guardians arrived to assist, Full Spectrum had intervened to keep them from arresting Starburst for his use of Blood Magic. They managed to save Beacon and at that time he was in the Intensive Care Unit, stable but in critical condition. The officers filed their reports as was procedure, and Captain Mike Joyner had run across them in due course.

The Captain had approached Starburst personally about what had happened. As the Captain of the Community Welfare Guardians, he was required to uphold the law. He placed Starburst under arrest for ten seconds then let him go. The Captain had explained that any confirmed user of Blood Magic had to be arrested and reported to the Arch Magister as soon as possible however, because of the number of personal sacrifices Starburst had made in aiding the C.W.G. and again in saving Beacon's life, the Captain was certain that the young stallion was not going to run away. Instead he had said that Starburst might just be what he needed to convince the captive Bloodmages to attempt to co-exist with other Kavim, Humans, and other species.

After a giving Starburst a full day to recover from the ordeal, the Captain and Full Spectrum agreed that if Starburst was to meet with Arch Magister Catalyst then the two of them could come to a compromise about how Blood Magic was to be handled. And so Starburst and Full Spectrum found themselves sitting on the floor and across from the door leading to the room where Arch Magister Catalyst was recovering from the injuries she had sustained at the hooves of the Bloodmage Midnight Haze.

Captain Joyner opened the door, stepped out, and closed it behind himself. He kept his hand on the handle of the door, "She says she'll talk to you, but don't expect a warm welcome."

Starburst swallowed hard and slowly rose to his hooves, "I-is there any way I could have you and Full Spectrum in there with me? She's the most powerful Unicorn in Equestria and I'm still scared of her kind. She's been trained specifically to hunt and kill Bloodmages..."

Mike shook his head, "I'm sorry but no. I have preparations to make for tomorrow." He gestured to the young Sorcerer next to Starburst, "I'm sure that Full Spectrum will go with you though. She's the only Human who knows Blood Magic after all. If Catalyst trusts her enough to teach her even a single Bloodmage spell, she trusts her a great deal..."

"I'm capable of speaking for myself, Captain." Full Spectrum said waving her hand dismissively, "You said you have things to do... don't let us keep you from them."

Mike inclined his head and walked away down the hallway. Full Spectrum rose to her feet and looked down at Starburst, "Well Starburst this is it, do you think you can handle her, or do you need me to warm her up first?"

Starburst gave the young woman a small, nervous smile and shook his head, "No, I need to be the one to do this. I just want you there so she doesn't do anything to me."

Full Spectrum nodded, "I'll be there and don't worry, she won't do a thing to you."

Starburst took four deep breaths to steady himself, "I can do this."

He slowly walked across the hallway and bit down on the door lever. He twisted his head and pushed the door open. Arch Magister Catalyst was sitting up in her bed staring at the young stallion. Her expression was neutral, giving nothing away. Her eyes though burned with intensity, "Come in and close the door." she said in a brisk, clipped tone.

Full Spectrum walked past Starburst into the room and leaned against the wall just to the left of the door, "How are you feeling Arch Magister?" she asked in a friendly tone.

Catalyst kept her eyes fixed on Starburst as he closed the door, "I have mostly recovered from what the Bloodmages did to me."

Full Spectrum nodded, "That's good to hear. Oh by the way, you know that Pegasus mare who stabbed you and collapsed your lung, Midnight Haze?" She gestured to Starburst, "He's her little brother."

Starburst turned his head toward his friend, "I already told you, that mare is NOT my sister. She took me away from my family." He snorted and scuffed the floor with his right forehoof, "I hope she dies here and I hope it's painful."

Full Spectrum smiled and looked back and forth between Catalyst and Starburst, "See, now you two have something in common. You both loathe the same mare."

Starburst turned his attention back to Catalyst, "I'm sorry she stabbed you, Arch Magister. I don't know you, but from the way everypony talks about you, you probably didn't deserve it."

Catalyst still did not take her eyes off Starburst, "I do not believe I did, but now I am healed and she is the one who is in the I.C.U. That is beside the point though. Why are you here?"

Starburst shuffled his hooves nervously, "I want a truce and I want freedom to do what I'm meant to do... I can prove that Blood Magic is not evil."

Catalyst held his gaze evenly, "A bold claim." Her eyebrows crinkled together, "What did you mean when you said it was what you were meant to do?"

Starburst turned his body to the left, "My cutie mark is for Blood Magic research. I attained it when I was ten. I found a new Noun to use in our spells: Energy."

Catalyst's cheeks instantly puffed out like a balloon and Full Spectrum burst out in riotous laughter. The Arch Magister's cheeks deflated and she looked to Full Spectrum in disbelief, "If this is some sort of fabrication meant to be comical, I am NOT amused."

Starburst was utterly confused as he looked back and forth between Full Spectrum and Catalyst, "What? Wh... what's going on?"

As Full Spectrum rolled around on the floor laughing out loud, Catalyst turned back to Starburst and spoke sternly, "If this is a joke it's in VERY poor taste indeed."

Starburst shook his head, "I don't understand. Why is she laughing?"

Catalyst sighed in irritation, "I searched for the elusive thirteenth Noun all my life, more than two-hundred years. I never found it," Catalyst pointed to Full Spectrum, "She did... and apparently you did too." Catalyst huffed and crossed her forelegs, "If I missed something that a Human woman with no background in magical theory and a Bloodmage found then maybe I should just retire and let YOU TWO take over."

Starburst couldn't help the snicker that snuck out from between his lips. Catalyst huffed and turned her head away, "Go ahead and laugh at the oblivious old nag."

Starburst held his laughter in check, knowing it was a losing battle, and held up his left forehoof in a placating gesture, "I'm sorry Arch Magister, but the ice in here had to be broken by something... though I never thought it would be by..." he could hold it back no longer, "BY MY BUTT!" He too broke down laughing as well.

Despite her dour mood, even Catalyst gave in to a few chuckles of her own. Despite her personal feelings toward Bloodmages and their craft, even she had to admit that there was a real Pony behind the mental mold she had put Starburst into.

After everybody had time to let their laughter die down, Catalyst cleared her throat, "Yes, as humorous as it was to laugh at my oversight, we are here to discuss a serious matter. We should get ourselves back on topic." Starburst sat down on the floor and looked up at Catalyst as she spoke again, "I think proper introductions are in order. My name is Catalyst. I'm the Arch Magister of Equestria and the Dean of the School For Gifted Unicorns And Magical Study."

Starburst nodded, "I'm Starburst, Acolyte and researcher of Blood Magic. Good to meet you Arch Magister."

Catalyst nodded back at him, "It is good to meet you too Starburst, I think." She cleared her throat, "Now, what do you know of Blood Magic?"

Starburst shook his head, "I believe what we should be asking is, 'what do YOU know about Blood Magic?' I know as much as the Grand Magus, perhaps more. The Grand Magus is the strongest Bloodmage, but it was widely accepted in our safe house that any and all questions about Blood Magic should be directed to me. I'm not exaggerating when I say that even the Grand Magus named me a prodigy..."

Full Spectrum suddenly interrupted him, "Then why the hay were you out on guard duty when we found you?"

Starburst blinked in confusion, "Because I wanted to see the night sky again and I volunteered?" He lifted his wings, "I'm still a Pegasus you know. I practice Blood Magic, but I'm still a Pony."

Catalyst was struck by his simple words but said nothing about her thoughts. Instead she cleared her throat, "As you were saying?"

Starburst lowered his ears, "S-sorry Arch Magister. I was saying that for all you know about Blood Magic, I'll bet I can teach you new spells by the dozen. The books you learned from are hundreds of years old and there have been more than thirty new spells developed in my lifetime alone. In all honesty, I created eight of those."

Starburst paused for a breath and continued, "I know more than a hundred runes and symbols, I know spells that require constant concentration to maintain and several that will last until midnight, if cast in the morning. I know about the Threshold Theory and the True Name Theory. I know about etching runes, etching symbols, and material properties for more powerful casting. How many of those are you familiar with?"

Catalyst was dumbfounded, "I-I only know thirty-three runes. I've never even heard of Threshold Theory or True Name Theory."

Starburst nodded, smiling smugly, "I can teach you all of that..."

Catalyst shook her head, "No, I need to keep away from such temptations."

Starburst rolled his eyes, "Oh yes, the terrible temptation of using a tool that is available to you." he said sardonically, "Eternity forbid that you use a type of magic that you studied for and were born with the capability of using." Starburst blew air out through his lips, "Forget the stigma attached to Blood Magic. Look at it objectively. You know something about Blood Magic, right? You studied for it and on occasion, you have had to use it. Are you an evil, murdering, megalomaniac?"

Starburst shook his head and looked down, "Do you know what Bloodmages are taught about Unicorns?"

Catalyst nodded, "You are taught that we massacred a group of academically minded Ponies who were interested in recording Blood Magic books and spells."

Starburst nodded, "Yes, but we're also taught that all Unicorns have a superiority complex. That Unicorns think they are better than everypony else because you can use magic. That Unicorns TEACH those kinds of things to their foals." He looked Catalyst in the eye, "That's not true is it?"

Catalyst shook her head, "Certainly not. Most Unicorns would throw a fit if they found out that another Unicorn were teaching such things. We're normal Ponies, we just have horns."

Starburst then asked, "What are Equestrian Ponies taught about Bloodmages?"

Catalyst cleared her throat and began to explain, "Bloodmages are Ponies and other species who drain Unicorns of their blood to use to cast spells. They hate all tribes of Ponies who live alongside Unicorns and will kill anypony who gets in their way. They want to kill the Princesses and enslave us all. They have been responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent members of all species all over the world."

Starburst listened, nodding along until Catalyst finished, "Would you like to know something? Most of the Ponies being held by the Community Welfare Guardians had no idea that our so-called 'scavenging parties' were doing things like killing and setting off diseases. I didn't even know. We are taught that the entire world hates us. The Grand Magus makes us believe that we're fighting for the freedom of those who are enslaved by Unicorns all over the world. We are told that the Princesses led the Unicorns in enslaving the other species and that we as Bloodmages are the only hope of the world. We're told that Bloodmages are heroes fighting against tyranny and oppression."

Starburst sighed and hung his head, "I used to believe that garbage, but I don't believe that anymore." He looked up at Catalyst, "Blood Magic IS a viable form of magic. It's a type of magic that everybody can use. It would be foolish not to take this chance to learn more about it. Set aside your preconceived notions about the, 'evils of Blood Magic' and look at it objectively. Use yourself as an example, hay use ME as an example! I've studied Blood Magic nearly every day of my life and I HELPED the Humans. I told them things which aided in the rescue of their friends. I risked being ostracized and worse because I did what I thought was right. Where was I controlled by the Blood Magic? I've been free to use it at any time I wanted since I've been here but I've only used it once. The only time I've used it was to save the life... OF... A... UNICORN. Blood Magic isn't any more evil than Unicorn magic. Neither one is inherently evil, only the Ponies or beings using it."

Catalyst braced her chin on her right forehoof and began to think. Starburst opened his mouth to speak, but the Arch Magister held up a hoof for silence. Starburst sat down on his rump on the cold floor and waited patiently.

After a time, there came a knock on the room's door. Bobby opened the door and poked his head around the edge, "Is everypony decent?" he asked with a chuckle. He opened the door all the way and closed it behind himself, "Alright, I've got all your discharge forms here. I need to go over them and have you sign them..." he finally noticed Catalyst's posture, "Uh, hello?"

Catalyst shook her head, blinking rapidly, "My apologies Doctor Jewel..." she looked at the papers in his hands and cracked a small smile, "May I borrow some of that paper? I have a message I need to send the Princesses."

Comments ( 17 )

This brings up a question that I don't think anyone has asked, as yet.

I s Bloodmagic its own Noun and Verb? cause it sounds like it is a totally different form of magic than the others.

It IS a different form of magic, but it shares the Nouns and Verbs of Unicorn magic and can do many other things as well.

I like this, but why is it a new side story, instead of an interlude chapter in UP2?

Arch Magister Catalyst was recovering from the injuries she had sustained at the hooves of the Bloodmage Grand Magus.

Should be Midnight Haze, not the Grand Magus.

Read this before the main story itself. I take it that Starburst got recognized legally per the princess' letter?

I'd like to see this continued.

I'm picturing a series of vignettes that are relevant to the main story, but don't fit into the pacing of it. Each one focusing on two characters from different cultures sitting down, and talking, until they understand each other better.

6162384 I was actually considering something along those lines. Not sure whether or not I will really do it though.

the two of them could come to a comprise about how Blood Magic was to be handled.


:twilightsmile: Nice, the un-demonizing of Blood Magic begins!

Need. Moar. Chapturz. :pinkiecrazy:

I'd like to see some more of this. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Bluespectre :twilightsmile:

You should put in a disclaimer. Something along the lines of "don't read untill after you have read chapter *blank*"

After a giving Starburst a full day to recover from the ordeal, the Captain and Full Spectrum agreed that if Starburst was to meet with Arch Magister Catalyst then the two of them could come to a comprise about how Blood Magic was to be handled.

s/b compromise. Also needs the following minor change:

And so Starburst and Full Spectrum found themselves sitting on the floor and across from the door leading to the room where Arch Magister Catalyst was recovering from the injuries she had sustained at the hooves of Starburst's sister, the Bloodmage Midnight Haze.


You should put in a disclaimer. Something along the lines of "don't read untill after you have read chapter *blank*"

This, and likewise, a note in the main stories pointing to such side stories in the appropriate places.:moustache:

10223439 Midnight Haze is Starburst's sister.

I fixed the spelling error though.

You, me, and everyone following the series from the beginning know that, but anyone who happens upon this without the benefit of having read the earlier stories won’t. You and I both know you can’t control how someone will pick which story they’ll start with.
Starting it the way I suggest would be the best way to quickly convey to a new reader Starburst’s level of trepidation at meeting Catalyst in that setting—yes, later you revealed Midnight Haze is his sister, but that is, as they say in the school of journalism, called “burying the lead”.

Nice bit more worldbuilding here in this story about the Bloodmages and how modern Equestria continues to change. If I had to offer a bit of criticism here though I guess it's that it feels to me like Starburst's boldness is a bit of a drastic change compared to where he was at that point in Unity part 2, still working out his fear/hatred of unicorns. Maybe his interaction with Beacon and the events of working to save his life could have brought about that drastic of a change in personality but it doesn't seem that believable to me.

Also, I concur with what others have posted. This should probably have some kind of disclaimer about where it takes place after in Unity part 2 just as a warning for spoilers.

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