• Published 25th Jul 2015
  • 3,178 Views, 45 Comments

Sunset's Life After Graduation - AllegroShine

Sunset Shimmer decided to get married to Adagio Dazzle. Meanwhile, Sunset want's to start a family with Adagio Dazzle.

  • ...

Bonus Chapter Part 5

'' Sunset, Allegro and Diamond are dying to get their own sibling. Should we have 2 other kids?" Adagio Dazzle asked.

'' Okay, we'll make them tonight.'' said Sunset Shimmer.

'' Okay.'' said Adagio Dazzle.

'' Mom! Can we invite Melanie, Lexi, Alexa, and Delancy for our sleepover?'' Both Allegro Shine and Diamond Melody asked.

''Sure!'' said Sunset Shimmer.

When Sunset had to use the restroom, she grabbed a pill that'll make you pregnant.

The next day,

As soon as Sunset woke up, she felt horrible. Luckily she took a pregnancy test.

'' Adagio! It worked! We're having 2 girls!'' said Sunset Shimmer excitedly.

9 months later, Sunset named her 2 daughters, Sapphire Blaze and Jade Sunlight.

Comments ( 11 )

Sunset Shimmer & Adagio Dazzle got married and a new change begins in the first chapter. The Mane 6 are really angry, but Sunset didn't cared about having a baby looking like Adagio Dazzle. Meanwhile, Sonata tell's Aria she's moving out to stay with Sunset and Adagio. Uh oh... this might not end well... or will it?

Didn't cared should be didn't care.

Tell's should be tells.

Haven't read, added to Read later but I saw that off the bat.

6369866 By that, what are you talking about?


Its in your description.

Comment posted by Au Revoir deleted Sep 27th, 2015

This story is really fast-paced, lacks narration, and has a lot of grammatical and spelling errors. I didn't enjoy it. I'm sorry. :fluttershysad:

A pill that'll make you pregnant? :rainbowhuh: ... :rainbowlaugh: Patently absurd.

6370124 She's correcting your grammar. :facehoof:

6466606 Woah thank's for editing! I'm going to edit also right now but because of the Lunar Eclipse tonight, I hope that won't put out my internet. The next one will be in 2033! Who's going to see it then!?

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