• Published 6th Jul 2015
  • 829 Views, 10 Comments

My Dear Nightmare Moon - Scarith

A tale of how a spirit, once bound to another lonely soul, is given a second chance to live her own life, instead of a twisted one bound to another. This is the tale of Nightmare Moon, a confused and lost mare that has to find out who she truly is.

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High Flying, More Crashing

When Nightmare Moon blinks into existence, her eyes are quick to refocus and take in her surroundings. With the adrenaline pumping through her now, any residual numbness to any of her senses had been flushed out of her system. She stands in a miniature crater a couple dozen feet wide, but only a few feet deep. Past the rim of the crater and extending out quite a ways lies pure, barren soil, stripped clean of any and all plant life. No dust hung in the air, having been carried away by the shock wave that had knocked her flat on her barrel. Only a thin plume of light clouds, the remnants of the lightening trail the pegasus had had trailing behind it, remained now as it hovered over the center of the crater and extended a few hundred feet into the sky. What was in the middle of the crater however, was thankfully not the complete pony-sized smear she'd expected, though it wasn't to much better.

In a bloody heap lay a yellow-coated pegasus with a mane and tail of fiery orange that bled into a red at the ends. Across her eyes, which were a light crimson, lay the remains of a pair of flight goggles, their glass completely shattered upon impact with the solid ground. What little clothing that remained on the mare, was a shredded forest-green flight suit that looked as if it had already been worn from age before the crash. Her figure was extremely athletic, a fair bit of muscle, but clearly stream-lined, what Nightmare Moon could glimpse of the mare's flanks revealed a cutie mark of a wing made purely of flame. However, on top of that athletic figure lay hundreds of various cuts and bruises covering the pegasus from head to toe. While most of these were oozing some amount of blood, they were nothing in comparison to the streams of blood flowing freely from the mess of her left foreleg and left wing. Both limbs were contorted in extremely unnatural directions with the major bones either bulging against the flesh or in a couple places, poking through the flesh straight out.

A grimace washed over Nightmare Moon's features as she took in the gruesome sight of the bloody pony. It wasn't out of disgust, for she'd seen much more gore-filled sights before, rather it was out of a hatred at fate for throwing something like this at her after she had just come back to life. It was as if fate were saying, "You want a second chance? Earn it!" and challenging her to not be her old twisted self once again. The scorn she felt whipped itself into a fierce determination, she was not going to let herself repeat history and let an innocent die when she could do something about it. She was going to be better than what she once was. Her horn illuminated the crater as she reached out with her pale-blue magic to the injured pony. Carefully, she levitated the broken body into the air and stripped it of the shattered goggles and ripped flight suit.

Memories came to the surface of her mind, ones of Luna using her great magic for healing. The most prominent ones were those of a long ago war against the madpony King Sombra, where his dark magic had done horrible and sickening to the bodies of those that he turned it on. The memories of that being struck her anger momentarily, for he and those like him were the reason so many ponies vilified dark magic. It was just another school of magic like so many others, but it yielded so much power so quickly that it was very tempting to abuse it. While Nightmare Moon had access to all sorts of magic as she was an alicorn, dark magic was the one that in the end was her true power, and the very foundation of her magic. Just as Celestia's was the magic of the Sun and Luna's was the magic of the Moon. Her pale-blue magic, that was now washing over the pony to keep it a float in the air, didn't have the total black and purple bombastic nature of usual dark magic, though it did take that on when using a great deal at once, but that was because it was refined, tempered, she was the Alicorn of Darkness, and dark magic was her domain. Unlike so many before, and even herself once upon a time, she used the darkness for a purpose of compassion instead of lethality, to start to heal this broken body.

However, healing magic is an extremely complicated field of magic, so detail oriented, it required remarkable precision and an out-of-the-box type of thinking to wield it properly. It was why there was just as many doctors from other races as there was unicorns, most only had the ability to match regular medicine's effects, albeit quicker. Those that could wield healing magic for healing internal organ damage damage, powerful diseases, and the like, almost always had to be born with their special talent being a specialized form of healing magic. As such, in her weakened state, even as an Alicorn, there was only so much Nightmare Moon could do. Her magic seeped into the shallower cuts and softer bruises of the pony, wiping them away, but for the many, many deeper wounds all she could do was aid the body in scabbing over and stopping the bleeding, as she had to pour most of her strength into the two wrecked limbs of the pony. For those, a scrying spell was first needed to fully assess the damage, and the new 'locations' of each broken bone. This had the side-effect of giving her some good news, somehow, there was no internal bleeding or organ damage. It seemed that these limbs had absorbed the brunt of the impact. Though even still, she was impressed that a pegasus pony could be so hardy after such a crash.

Nightmare Moon set herself to the task of carefully realigning each broken bone, finding and then fusing together each piece of bone that her magic could find inside the battered body and around the crater, though that was hardly all the pieces by a large stretch. At this point, her brow was set in a hard furrow, a headache thumped away in her skull, and her magic yelled at her to stop as it began to tap into its lower reserves to keep going. But, she didn't listen to the pain, she had a pony to save, and a challenge to rise to the occasion and prove she was better than whom she once was. And so she went on, pumping her power into the fire-haired mare to close up the parts of flesh that the bones had broken through to reconnect blood vessels and scab over the flesh as she had done with the other deep wounds on the pony's body. The job that she did could easily be undone if those limbs went through any more trauma though, and to that end her magic reached out to the discarded clothing she'd found on the mare. It was a simple work of magic to clean the shreds of the flight suit and leather of the goggles to be worthy of their new jobs, being carefully cut and shaped into on-the-spot bandages to wrap the damaged limbs in and keep them firmly set in the correct positions for the bones to heal. The leather was pulled tight where it was used, making sure there was no give or slack as it had to take the place of a proper hardened cast. As a last act, she let a numbing spell wash over the pony, taking the majority of bite of the wounds, though they'd still ache and hurt to the point of making a pony not take to kindly to the idea of being awake for it. She opted for duration over strength in this, the idea being to let the numbness spell take longer to wear off so that by the time it did, the wounds would have had enough time to heal that it wouldn't be unbearable without the spell.

That last act had her magic running on fumes, the pale-blue light of her aura now dimmed to just a faint outline over the pony's body. Nightmare Moon was breathing in ragged breaths, sweat matting most of her huge form. Carefully, for both the pony's sake and her own, she picked her way out of the crater and out on pass the barren landscape surrounding it. She went for a small ways, until she found the tall and soft sea of grass once more and could lay her charge upon it as if it were a bed. With her having now done as much as she could for the mare, she laid herself out to the right side of the mare. Her massive right wing rose and spread itself out over the broken mare as a blanket, Like a sheet of feathery, warm, and comforting darkness enveloping the broken body and promising safety inside it. Such a gesture immediately made her think of the 'wings' and darkness that she'd just been held in by her father. And while she still couldn't put any details or a face to that parent of hers, the love and care from them still filled her. With a smile on her exhausted snout, she tried to funnel some of that care into the pony now under her wing. And while she passed out of consciousness from her own exhaustion, that care found its intended home and brought warmer dreams to the pegasus that now found herself under the wings of darkness, a caring, striving to be good, darkness.