• Published 18th Jul 2015
  • 675 Views, 12 Comments

Letting Peewee Go - Chaotic Note

Story about Spike learning about what is truly responsibility.

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Chapter 2

“You sure this is the one?”

“It set fire to my coal. I definitely know it for sure.”

A dark stallion with a trenchcoat of matching color inspected the inside of the iron cage carefully, staring at the little phoenix inside. Peewee chirped fearfully and tried to hop away, but alas the cage kept it lock in. The little phoenix looked around his surroundings and noticed he was somewhere similar to the inside of Lugnut’s store, but darker. Only a singular column of light shone in the room, and it was on Peewee’s cage and the two stallions, the one in the trenchcoat being a bit larger than the other and being a unicorn.

“Hmm… good job, good job Mr. Lugnut. You’ve done a good job spotting this one. This phoenix shall fetch a high price on the market.”

“Uh huh, and you’ll leave me alone after this, right?”

“Hmm? Having second thoughts, ole friendo?”

Lugnut growled. “I hate being involved with this sort of deal. That little dragon didn’t deserve this, you know.”

“But we have such a good business deal. You provide me and my compadres the materials needed, and we give you money.”

“Only now I realize it’s dirt money. If I wasn’t indebted to you goons, I would have you reported to the law right away!”

Peewee had enough of this and started chirping loudly, banging itself against the cage.

“Hey!” The dark stallion growled. “Stop bashing the cage. You’re lowering your own value doing that!”

“The bird ain’t doing anything wrong, Heist!”

The dark stallion named Heist turned towards Lugnut. “If this thing gets any bruises, it’s value will plummet more than your ‘precious’ store has, and it’ll be on your head!” Heist stepped closer to Lugnut with an intimidating figure, and that’s when Lugnut remembered that the poacher he’s dealing with is a whole lot stronger than he was.

“W- Well what do you want me to do about it?”

Heist huffed in his face. “Fix it. The owner came in here with the bird, didn’t he? Why?”

“H- He wanted some coal! That’s all.”

“Coal… should have known.” Heist picked up a piece from a nearby pile and dropped it inside the cage. Peewee stepped back from the coal, suspicious of the stallion who placed it. After a while, the phoenix reluctantly ate it up. “Well that wasn’t too much trouble, was it Lugnut?”

“I… I guess… now could you kindly get out of my store? I don’t want to see your face around here again.”

“Heh, acting all tough again?” Heist tossed a cloth over the cage, hiding Peewee inside it. He then cast a spell to nullify all noise to come outside it. “Well no matter. I was on my way anyway. In the end, I always get what I want.”

Lugnut gave Heist a scowl before looking at the cage. He then noticed it was glowing dangerously orange. That didn’t look good. Cautiously, Lugnut then made his way towards the door.

Heist furrowed his brows at that. “Hey where did you think you’re going?”

As Lugnut opened the door to the main part of his hardware store, he looked back at Heist. “Well I got something to take care of. Don’t stay too long, alright? Bye.” He then bolted straight out of the storeroom and out the front door.

Heist let loose a cuss under his breath. “He’s gonna sell me out! The traitor!” He then looked back towards the cage and saw it was on fire. “What the… oh I’m so screwed…”


Spike slammed the front door out of the way and rushed outside of the library. Behind, Twilight caught up with him, slightly out of breath.

“Spike, slow down! We’ll eventual-”

“No we can’t!” Spike whirled around towards Twilight then randomly pointed behind him towards the town. “It’s probably the same guy who tried to poach one of Fluttershy’s animals. If we don’t find Peewee soon, he’ll be gone forever!”

“I know what’s at stake here, Spike!” Twilight said. “But we need to think about this rationally. First we’ll report this to the guards, then make an organized sweep across town.”

“But what if the kidnapper is already gone? What then?!” he snarled.

“I’m telling you to calm down! We’ll find Peewe-” It was that moment when Twilight’s eyes widened as she looked up. “Um… Spike.”

“What?” he said as he turned around, then shared Twilight’s express. There was smoke climbing up in the air.

“We gotta go there,” Twilight said.

Spike and Twilight looked at each other for a moment before sprinting towards the direction of the smoke. Upon reaching the spot, Spike stopped to stare in horrified awe. Fire was rising to the heavens above. Its dark smoke soon became the roof of the town, and all around the source were the townsfolk, concerned about the tragic event churning right before them. The call of the fire department’s emergency bell filled the air, and was soon followed by the sound of rushing water and hissing steam as Rainbow Dash and other pegasi gathered rainclouds to put out the fire.

As soon as water hit the building set ablaze, the fire rose enough higher, scattering the flying ponies away. The column of fire took form and screeched madly, shaping into a familiar avian form. Spike’s eyes widened as he witnessed all, and there was only one thought that swirled in his mind. ‘Peewee… how could I have let this happen?’ He helplessly watched as the bird of fire separated itself from the building and made it’s way outside the town, flying towards the direction of the Everfree forest.

“Spike! Twilight!” He turned to see Fluttershy coming towards them. She slowed to a stop in front of him. “Spike, Twilight what happened? Are you two alright?”

“We’re alright,” Twilight said, “but Peewee is still inside.”

“Peewee?” Fluttershy gasped. “He’s inside there? But why is he-”

“We think he’s been kidnapped and held inside there,” Twilight replied.

“I can understand that, but what I want to know is why is Peewee inside Mr. Lugnut’s shop.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Wait, what? This was Hay’s Hardware?”

Spike shook his head. “I… I don’t understand it either, but I know one thing for sure. I got to get Peewee back.”

Fluttershy looked towards where the flaming avatar had flew. “He’s going to be at the Everfree forest. I- It’s going to be dangerous, Spike.”

“I don’t care. I’m going after him.”

With that said, Spike began running towards the Everfree, but Fluttershy held him back. “Hold on, a moment Spike. If you’re going… then let me come with you too.”

“But Fluttershy, I thought you were afraid of the Everfree,” Twilight said.

Fluttershy looked at her with stern eyes. “For Spike and Peewee’s sake, I will be brave. Plus I know my around the forest a little and flying there will be faster.”

“Fluttershy,” Spike said softly. He then pressed his head against her chest. “Thank you.”

“You can thank me later,” she said, lowering herself. After Spike climbed onto her back, Fluttershy turned towards Twilight. “Don’t worry. We’ll back back soon.”

With a strong flap, Fluttershy and Spike took liftoff and made a beeline after Peewee once high enough in the air. Twilight pressed a hoof against her chest and sighed. “Good luck, you two.”


“Whoa. He left a huge trail,” Spike said as he looked down below.

As Fluttershy landed near the edge of the Everfree forest, she nodded in agreement. “Well hopefully, this will scare off any monsters nearby.”

Spike nodded as he looked at the trees in front of him, or at least what was left of them. Nothing but charred messes were left, leaving behind blacked pillars of what used to be life. The ground around the burnt trees had a blanket of ash upon them, sitting as a pale contrast against the green growth. It was an odd but frightening sight to behold. As the pair walked among the devastation, Spike found it weird to be seeing the sky while inside the Everfree. The two silently decided it was best not to talk while they followed the way to Peewee. It didn’t take too long as at the end of the black and white path was an orange speck sitting on top of a blackened stump.

“Peewee,” Spike whispered as he saw him.

He looked towards Fluttershy for assurance, who then gently nudged him towards the phoenix. “Be brave, Spike.”

With a gulp, Spike made his way towards the little phoenix. As he got closer, he could see Peewee was facing away from Spike. The dragon stopped within about a meter from him.

“H- Hi Peewee,” Spike said.

The phoenix didn’t answer.

“I’m… I’m sorry what happened to you. I thought I could take care of you, protect you. Teach you what it’s like to be a pony and everything… but that didn’t turn out well, did it?” Spike took a look around him, observing the ruined forest around him. “You’re… probably angry at me, aren’t you? I probably deserve it, seeing how I took you away from your parents.” Spike thought he saw a flicker of orange out of the corner of his eyes, but when he turned to look at Peewee, it didn’t appear he moved at all. “Yeah I admit that wasn’t the best move I could have made, but I did because… because I felt the need to protect you. Those mean, awful dragons dared me to help them smash the eggs, but luckily they were already hatched and managed to escape them. But… you were the only one that was left.

“It didn’t feel right, leaving you there, so I ran away with you, away from harm’s reach. I thought I was doing good and saw a chance to take care of someone. Take care of you.” When Peewee didn’t respond, Spike brought his head down and got on his knees, feeling defeated. “Peewee… I felt that I did wrong. Even though I thought I knew what was best for you, it didn’t work out. I wasn’t responsible enough, I couldn’t to care for you. In fact, I was doing the opposite by keeping you away from your real home. I hope… I hope you could forgive me, even though I don’t deserve it. And if you allow me… I’ll bring you back to your parents… I’m sorry, Peewee.”

A few moments have passed, but it might as well be hours to Spike. He felt the heavy burden of guilt weighing on his shoulders. He felt he didn’t deserve forgiveness. ‘What was I thinking,’ was all that echoed in Spike’s mind.

Then it all washed away when he heard a chirp above him. With a small gasp, Spike stood up and peered upward to find Peewee standing upon his head. Hesitantly, Spike brought his arm out and Peewee hopped down onto it, facing Spike. Peewee then gave him a snuggle against his purple cheek, bringing out a small chuckle out of Spike.

“Thank you. Thank you so much, Peewee. Let’s get you home.”

Author's Note:

Pushing them away may seem cruel, but it's sometimes the kindest thing you can do.

The End

Author's Notes
Lugnut is a character that appears in the main MLP FiM IDW comics. Issue #10 I believe, which is the second parter of Big Mac's story.
Heist is a random OC I came up to be the 'antagonist' of the story. He's not a very good one, I'll admit.

Comments ( 11 )

Entry noted!

Good luck in the contest!

~Skeeter The Lurker

This is an amazing story. Good job.

Thanks. Although I think this story is the weakest link among all the entries.

Author Interviewer

It might help if you read the dialogue aloud to yourself to see how it sounds. Most of it just didn't sound the way people talk, not to me.

My writing is very rusty. More rust than Mars.

I've reviewed this story (and the other contest entrants, minus mine) here. Good luck tomorrow! :twilightsmile:

6267591 gee thanks for reminding me how rusty my writing is. Again :rainbowlaugh:
Though I appreciate your real feedback. It's been a couple years since I did a serious attempt for a full story and I needed to know what the damage is from that

Hopefully the advice is useful in shaking that rust off!

I meant it, though, this has some bright spots for being your first story in so long. I think as you get back into it you'll see quick improvement, and even this story could be significantly better with an editing pass. I look forward to future tales. :twilightsmile:

Well my editor is coming back on Sunday. I could probably have him take a look at it.

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