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Comments ( 49 )

I thought Cherry Blossom was her sister.

Cheer #2 · Feb 10th, 2017 · · 2 ·

I enjoyed this. Cheerilee with a cock is always a plus.

What even

Majin Syeekoh

This story is equal parts sexy and hilarious.

But mostly hilarious.

Is Cheerilee really Berry Punch's sister?

I've only one thing to say after reading this, and that's including removing the shades.

"Sweet mother of Celestia..."

Cheerilee has always been just a little jealous of her older sister. She would never admit to it, of course, least of all to herself, but spending her life so decidedly average and having an elder sister who was so decidedly unaverage has left her with a bit of an inferiority complex.

Go oooon...?

Specifically relating to her body; where Cheerilee is a normal, somewhat frumpy mare with small breasts and a decidedly average figure

Veeery interested...

Berry Punch is a bombshell with tits bigger than her head and a three-foot long cock, complete with a set of hyperproductive balls capable of filling entire rooms with cum in one shot.

... Why would you do this? :applecry:

No less than 8 chats I reside in spoke of this story.

I had to investigate.

I am equal parts happy and concerned that I did so.

~Skeeter The Lurker

overboard? :rainbowhuh:

pfft nah not even close.... sequel?

7939172 I see it as the other way: this was so overboard, it probably hit the stratosphere. And that's perfectly OK with me. I do agree with a sequel, though. Maybe Cheerilee has sex with Dinky somehow and Dinky's weird sex magic reignites something in Cheerilee? Even MORE OVERBOARD!?!?!?!

Not that this wasn't great fun, but I just can't help but be disappointed when a story like this goes so far and does so much good stuff and then ends before anyone gets a dick put inside them.
I guess you have to leave something for the sequel, huh? :)

Have you never read one of Azure's stories before? This is, like, tame for them.

Okay but see. If we have all this lewd magic, surely we've got like, incest-fixing spells. Like, the next one of these loads has to be right in Berry, and Ruby ends up with a sister.


Fuckin' BALLER!

7939624 Well, no because I generally avoid this kind of content. I think I saw it because it was featured or popped up in one of the thread thingys.

7939713 Silly Rory. Pony magic can do anything.


I would find it hilarious if as good-natured vengeance for Berry springing this on her, Cherrilee went right out of her way to get Berry knocked up while staying at her place.

Aw, hell yeah.

This was wild, I never expected it to be like that.

I sure loved it, you're awesome with these fics! I'm just hoping you're still gonna keep working on Dinky's Big Adventure...

Did you know that a not-insignificant amount of pregnancies occur just from exposure to semen on the outside portion of the vagina? And with normal non-magical-fertility human cum at that?

Definitely gon' be a bunch of little Cheerilees popping up in 9 (or 11 depending on headcanon) months. :duck:

Couldnt get past the first third of this, Berry is so insufferable and annoying. Think you couldve tossed more f-bombs in there? Downvoted.

When I read pony porn I like to read Celestia with Morgan Freeman's voice.

7938327 7938627 it's a pretty common headcanon, at least, and fuck it it's not like anything in the show directly contradicts it.

7939449 :3

7939892 oh hey i got featured. neat. thanks for letting me know, and sorry this wasn't your cup of tea!

7939713 7939914 7940923 preg is something i'm into, but why is everyone so intent on babies? babies are the biggest turnoff ever.

7941038 i'm sorry that this clearly labeled pornography contained lots of swearing friend.

7939059 i have a hard time processing that people outside of the handful of chats i'm in actually talk about my stories. i'll take this as a compliment!

"I may have gone a wee bit overboard. <_<"

And that's why I love you. :rainbowwild:

7941217 It's more the hilarity of Cheerilee giving Berry her own "present" in response to the events of this little story. The baby would be a warning for Berry to consider her gift-giving more carefully in future.

Especially the first time she had to celebrate Father's Day with the new little one. :rainbowlaugh:


"Yeah, kid?"

"Why is Aunt Cheerilee coming over to visit for Father's Day?"

"Ah...well, y'see, kid, that's a good question, and I'll tell you just as soon as I RUN AWAY!"

Where is the picture from?

S'okay. Enjoy feature dude!

funny, i thought the lingerie set included a bra.

Majin Syeekoh

Oh yeah as a side note several people blamed me for the existence of this fic based on

capable of filling entire rooms with cum in one shot.

That was actually why I initially checked it out.


While I am a bit of a preg fanatic, I mention it because I always like thinking of the hilarious ways over-the-top fetish porn would end up if you actually fast-forwarded past what the audience sees.

Like in this case, 100+ paternity suits.

In a macro fic, literally being able to do anything in a world made for people not -insert macro size here-.

Finding clothes ever again after some sort of expansion fetish.

Or back on the subject of preg, like a hyper/multi-preg fic and having like... 50 babies and having to raise/find homes for all the little bastards (well, probably bastards there is a fimfic group for married couples doing fetishy stuff after all).

A vore fic and having to beat a murder rap.. er wait that one's more depressing and less funny.

You get the idea.

7941360 Not what most readers focus on, but there's something for everybody.


I like the breeding aspect. My thing about actually noting the kid as having happened is more along Common Tater's explanation.

tits bigger than her head and a three-foot long cock, complete with a set of hyperproductive balls capable of filling entire rooms with cum in one shot.


She stared blankly for a few moments, before sighing. “Nnnnnnnnope,” she said succinctly, before turning around, slamming her door behind her, and going right the fuck back to bed.

RD said it best:rainbowlaugh:

as you can prolly tell, i went a wee bit overboard <_<

Hm? Overboard you say?:trixieshiftright:

Comment posted by Horse-With-No-Name deleted Feb 16th, 2017

Bwahahaha! Hilariously done, indeed!

I wanted to like this cause of the picture and I like this ship but then you started making jokes guess that's my fault for not seeing the comedy tag

This just makes me want you to update the Dinky fic from the series..

There's a picture on Derpibooru that I think you'd love to make a story out of, if someone asked you too. Can't link to it (VERY NSFW), but... look up 'impossibly large everything' and 'xk-class end-of-the-world-scenario' as tags with filter set to 'Everything'. It'll be the leftmost of two pics.

Have fun with that.

I will fap to it as soon as I can, my dick can't wait. Haven't been checking fimfic a lot as my favorite writers aren't posting a lot of stuff ;3.

I'm sure this will be amazing too. <3

Pretty silly and lewd story if I must say so. I really like how you jumped to other characters, and the interactions between Candace and Celestia was perfect humor

What makes me a good Demomare?
If I were a bad Demomare, I wouldn't be sittin' here, discussin' it with ya now would I?

The textbook definition of 'too much'...

“But incest is wincest!”

I couldn't agree more. (In regards to fictional characters, anyway)

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