• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Jul 20th, 2015

William Cipher

Hey! Just because I'm a triangular eldritch abomination doesn't mean I don't like to enjoy myself once and a while, okay?


They had it all wrong when it came to stars.

As far as the pony world was concerned, their sun was the only one of its kind, and the lights dotting the night were simply something else. However, when an alien pony arrives in Equestria, begging Princess Celestia to reignite the magic that powers her own star, this assumption was broken. Their sun was just one of many, the only difference being that not all stars have a Princess Celestia to power and control them, or a Princess Luna to drive away their warmth at night.

Unfortunately, Princess Celestia isn't even sure she can pull off such a feat, and to make matters worse: the alien's ship meant to take her to do the job has lost most of its crew, victims of a mysterious foe lingering in the shadows. Not to worry, though: nothing the Mane Six and a few other select ponies can't handle, right? Now if only they can figure out how to use a hyperdrive...

Inspired by the beautiful music of Hans Zimmer from the movie, well, Interstellar.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

It seems promising. I feel like you need to strike a balamve with how serious you want the story to be, however, because the story seems to keep forcing comedic elements in a story that doesn't seem to want to be a comedy. That wouldn't be bad, per se, except there are more present then you could reasonably expect from a story about worlds and races dying.

It was just a bit jarring, jumpijg back and forth between serious and not-even-remotely-serious.


Aye, I was a little worried about that when I wrote the first chapter. Part of me just can't help but throw in references, though :pinkiesad2:

Sounds good 'nuff.

Great wiggering stallions,

I think you mean "Great whickering stallions."

whick·er (wĭk′ər, hwĭk′-)
intr.v. whick·ered, whick·er·ing, whick·ers
To whinny.

wig·ger (wĭg′ər)
n. Offensive Slang
A white person, usually a teenager or young adult, who adopts the fashions, the tastes, and often the mannerisms considered typical of urban black youth.

Did anyone else notice this author is banned.

Also good story, I loves me some space.

Inspired by the beautiful music of Hans Zimmer from the movie, well, Interstellar.

Awh mah gawd, this guy!

6226883 'Tis a good thing you are no niggard with your spelling advice. :pinkiehappy:

Amused and interested.

That insta-ban. :rainbowhuh:

6231766 I'll go ahead and look at it.

I love how Pinkie already knows the Doctor is a Time Charger.

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