• Published 24th May 2012
  • 3,587 Views, 51 Comments

Stuttershy - Shadowflash

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Stuttering Mouths

Stuttering Mouths

Fluttershy woke up, unfurling her wings and yawning quietly. She stretched out her limbs and folded them gently underneath her as she started to open up her cyan eyes.

Her eyelids slid up into her cranium and she smiled, looking around her bright room. The beautiful pictures of her friends were placed all around the room, and neatly stacked on top of a series of bookshelves. The pictures of her friends showed Fluttershy smiling next to Rarity and Rainbow Dash, and Angel Bunny right next to her.

Fluttershy couldn't help but grin widely, as she looked at these pictures. She hopped out of her bed and stretched her body further, ready to do her morning activities. The warm sun gleamed on her pale, yellow, torso and warmed her fur and skin within the bright light.

Angel Bunny opened the door and hopped in, staring up at Fluttershy.

"Oh, hello, sweetheart. Ready to help mommy with her morning chores?", Fluttershy smiled at Angel Bunny, who was grinning brightly.

Fluttershy's heart was warmly melting in her chest as she saw Angel grinning. Angel rarely grins like this. Maybe he was eager, or maybe he was just ready to eat. Either way, it doesn't matter.

Angel Bunny hopped onto Fluttershy's back, and gently patted his feet on her back, to make her move. Fluttershy moved forward, with a an-gleeful expression crossing her face. She knew today was going to be a good day, especially with Angel being like the way he is.

Fluttershy opened her bedroom door, and stepped down the mahogany steps, leading herself down to the living space, where all her animal friends plopped into the middle of the room, and sat on their rumps, waiting. Squirrels, Raccoons, Birds, Bunnies, et cetera.

The living space had one couch, and many bird cages lining the walls. Along with that, there was a few chimes and many little cages for bunnies to hop in and out of.

"Oh my, are you all so hungry this morning? I'm so, so, sorry for this. Momma must've slept in too late.", Fluttershy gave a bit of a frown, but the animals re-assured her with chirps of excitement.

"Oh? you're not mad at me? What's with the enthusiasm, then?", Fluttershy asked.

Angel Bunny hopped off her back, and gently hopped up a large, small-spiral, staircase and pointing to a calender. It was labelled 'May' and the date was the 13th.

"May thirteenth. What about it?", Fluttershy tilted her head, unsure what it meant.

Angel Bunny pointed the date again, and then at Fluttershy, and finally at the animal crowd. He was jumping up and down, with excitement and anger as he tried to play charades again, as he usually does.

"I don--.. Wait...", Fluttershy's eyes squinted at the date, and she looked around the room once again.

"Oh! It's mother's day!", Fluttershy smiled brightly, raising her hooves in excitement.

The animals all around her were squeaking and chirping in excitement, jumping around.

Angel Bunny smiled and bowed lightly, looking at her 'Momma' in the eyes.

"Does this mean I get to take the day off, or something? I mean... If that's... Okay with you.", Fluttershy squeaked softly, whispering warmly.

Angel Bunny nodded, as he pointed to the food bowls.

"Oh, of course I'll feed you guys, silly!", Fluttershy smiled and turned around, heading to the kitchen and pulling out a large bag of seeds, veggies and fruits for her little animals.

"This should be enough for all of you, all day. Now, please, share for Momma. That's all I expect from you guys and girls.", Fluttershy set the bag down slowly, and opened it up, as the animals lined up and single-filed themselves to take pieces of food one at a time.

Fluttershy smiled, as she walked to the front door, turning her head behind at the animals.

"Behave, please. Momma wants to come home to a nice house.", Fluttershy smiled, as the animals nodded.

She opened the door, gently closing it behind her. Fluttershy walked out of her house, and crossing the small bridge that was over top of a pond. The light shimmered upon the pond, and reflected outwards into a gentle array of lights, brightly flowing.

Fluttershy smiled as she took this in, and took a deep breath of air.

Today is going to be swell... Maybe I'll go visi--

Her thought was cut off by laughing. The laughter came from just down the road, from her house. She could see ponies pushing each other back and forth. The laughing didn't seem the very kindest, and Fluttershy knew when a pony was being kind, or not.

Fluttershy slowly approached the group, seeing them pushing somepony, who had the same pink mane as Fluttershy, and coat colour, and seemed to be drifting tears from his eyes.

"Stupid colt! That's all you are, a colt!", A large, grey-coat and yellow mane, stallion yelled.

"Yeah, you piece of junk!", Another stallion yelled, his coat brown, and his mane black.

"J-j-j-just l-l-le--... Leeeeave m-me aaaaahhhh-l-l-lone!", The small stallion cried, being kicked onto the ground.

The two laughed loudly, making large, goofy faces as they stared downwards at the pale stallion.

"Can't even speak right! Dear Celestia, this is too rich!", Both stallions laughed in unison.

"P-p-p-p--....", The pony struggled to speak, as he stood on his hooves.

"... P-p-p-p-p-pleeeee-aaase l-l-l-l-leave m-m-m-me aaaaahhh-lone!", The pony was crying, and backing away a bit, hitting a tree as he did so.

"Nah, we'll have a bit more fun with you... Hehehe...", The large stallions moved in closer, laughing lowly.

Fluttershy needed to intervene, now. She moved in closely and stood inbetween the three.

"Back off, now!", Fluttershy yelled, lowly.

"If... That's okay with you.", Fluttershy said softly.

The two stallions looked at each other and then laughed.

"What is this? Your sister?! GAHAHAHA!", They laughed louder.

Fluttershy's instincts took over, and she was furious at the two. How they were mistreating a pony because he was a bit different.

"How could you two be so insensitive towards a pony?! Are you seriously this low to insult and make somepony feel so different?!", Fluttershy was pushing herself closer to the stallions, giving her 'the stare' as her eyes widened, and made them walk backwards.

"Are you two going to be like this to everypony who is different?! You two should be ashamed of yourself for what you did! This is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life! Now, you apologize to him, right now!", Fluttershy yelled loudly, making the two shake on the spot.

"S-s-sorry, Stuttershy! We.. Uh.. Have to go!", The two ran away, like little fillies, in fear of Fluttershy.

Fluttershy softly sighed, and turned around, seeing the stallion dubbed 'Stuttershy' shaking softly, with tears streaming down his face.

"Are you okay.. Uhm.. W-what was your name?", Fluttershy asked softly, looking at him.

"S... Stu... Stummbbfff..", The stallion said softly, unable for Fluttershy to hear.

"What?... I .. I can't hear you... I'm sorry..", Fluttershy said.

"S-s-s-s... S-s... Stut-t-t-t-t-t... Stutter---... Stuttershy.", He spoke up, looking away from Fluttershy.

"Oh... I'm Fluttershy. I... I hope you're not too offended by those stallions. They were really rude, and shouldn't make fu--"

"J-j-j-just g-g-g-go away! Y-y-y-u--- you'll j-j-j-j-just m-mmmmm-make f-f-f-f-fun of mmmmmmm-me!", Stuttershy said, crying softly.

Fluttershy stepped back a bit, not believing what he was saying.

"I would never do such a thing! I promise you, Stuttershy.", Fluttershy said softly.

"How c-c-c-could I t-t-t-t-trust y-y-y-u-you?", Stuttershy asked.

"Because... I'm Fluttershy, one of the kindest ponies in Ponyville. I may not be like Applejack, but... You can trust me.", Fluttershy gave a small smile, tilting her head a little bit.

Stuttershy sniffed lightly, rubbing his tears out of his eyes. Fluttershy couldn't stand seeing a pony cry, and gently wiped up his tears with her hooves, and Stuttershy gasping a little at this.

Fluttershy only smiled at him, gently wiping it up and stopping him from crying. Stuttershy couldn't help but smile a little, and giggle softly. As he giggled, his cheeks blushed red and he placed his hooves over his head as the next thing popped out of his mouth:

"I... I-I-I l-l-like y-y-you.", Stuttershy was laying on the ground, shivering softly.

Fluttershy's eyes went wide at this. A pony she just met already likes her, and she barely knows him. All she knows is that he seems to have a bit of a speech impediment and that he's shy. Just like her...

Just like her...

Just like me..., Fluttershy smiled softly.

She gently removed his hooves from his head, revealing his bright, pink, mane and cyan eyes. He had a worried expression on his face as Fluttershy was smiling brightly.

"C'mon... Let me bring you to my place. Let's get you settled in.", Fluttershy smile went a bit bigger, as he stood up, and began following her.

A few minutes of walking back to her house, which wasn't far away from the 'scene of the crime', they opened to door to be greeted by a barrage of animals.

"Oh my... Hello!", Fluttershy said softly, to all her animals.

Stuttershy stared all around at the animals, smiling brightly.

"W-w-w-wwwww... Wow! T-t-this i-i-is amazing!", Stuttershy walked to one of the animals, a bird, and started to make a small chirping noise.

It chirped back and placed its wings around his mussel, as if to hug him.

"Wow, you speak to animals too?", Fluttershy smiled.

Stuttershy blushed softly, pulling away form the bird, and then nodded; looking away from Fluttershy. Fluttershy softly giggled and whispered to the bird that hugged his mussel before. The bird chirruped and flew onto Stuttershy's back, gently nuzzling the back of Stuttershy's mane, making light chirp noises.

"I-I-I-I...", Stuttershy softly spoke, as a grin grew on his face.

Fluttershy giggled, and smiled, gently walking over to the couch, sitting down just in front of it. All her animals gathered in a little group, making light squeaks, chirps, and howls to her. Stuttershy sat behind all the animals, looking at what she was doing.

"All right, Momma wants all of you to help me with something... My guest here needs a proper welcoming. Would you all mind helping me with a bit of a tune?", Fluttershy softly asked, giving a bright smiled to each of the animals.

Slowly, the birds started to whistle a bit of a harmonic E tone and C tones, allowing a flowing rhythm between each note. As a pause happened during each note, light squeaks and howls added for a base, creating a low A and an E flat. Slowly, Fluttershy started to hum, and then lead into song:

"Hush now, quiet now

It's time to lay your sleepy head

Hush now, quiet now

It's time to go to bed.

Drifting off to sleep

Exciting day behind you

Drifting off to sleep

Let the joy of dreamland find you

Hush now, quiet now

Lay your sleepy head

Hush now, quiet now

It's time to go to bed."

Stuttershy slowly drifted back and forth, his vision hazing slightly over his cyan eyes. He could see Fluttershy softly flutter over to her, and her bright smile looked him in the eyes.

"Are you sleepy, Stuttershy?", She smiles brightly, letting him speak softly.

"Y-... Y-y-y-y... Y-y-yes...", Stuttershy softly shakes his head up and down, rubbing his eyes.

Fluttershy quickly listens to what he just said, and realises that this isn't what she really intended, and just wanted to impress the stallion a little.

"Oh, uhm, I'm so, sorry! I-I didn't mean to make you sleepy!", Fluttershy gently shook Stuttershy back and forth, making him break his trance.

Stuttershy then shook his head, breaking the trance that Fluttershy dawned upon him, and making him look deep into the mare's cyan eyes.

"I-I-I... I-IIIII... Erg... I'mmmmm...", Stuttershy blushed softly, trying to spit out the words to this... 'Companion'.

"I... I'mmmm... Sssss... Ssssso--Sorry.", Stuttershy, after a second more of struggling to spit it out, said it, his cheeks flushed a bright red of embarrassment.

Fluttershy smiled at Stuttershy, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Stuttershy:

"Fffff... Flut--.. Flutterrrrr... Fluttershy... D-doo... Y-y-y-yu--you c-c-c-consider mmmmmm-mee a fffffrrrrrr-iend?", Stuttershy asked, although not completely abrupt, it was a bit quickened this time.

"Of course I do. I know I just met you, Stuttershy, but, I believe you're a friend.", Fluttershy smiled, looking at Stuttershy.

"Thhhhh... That's... Annnnnnn.... Another...", Stuttershy sighed, looking down at the ground.

Fluttershy noticed that tears were welling up in his eyes, making her a bit concerned.

"Is something wrong, Stuttershy?", Fluttershy asked, looking down at him with inquisitiveness.

"I-I-IIIII... D-d-don't llllll-... Like being c-c-c-called Sssss--... S-Stuttershy...", Stuttershy sighed softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I mean, I didn't mean to call you it this entire time.. I just didn't know... I hope you're no--"

"IIIIII'Mmmmmmm... N-n-n-not mmmmmm-mad at y-y-y... Y-y-you. I j-j-just wish you c-c-call me L-L-L--....", He stuttered again, trying to speak his real name.

"'L---'?", Fluttershy sounded out for him.

"L---Livid... Livid D-d-... Dream.", Stuttershy, or now known as Livid Dream, spoke softly and stuttering continuously.

"IIIIII... I know it... It ssssssss-sounds sssssss-stu--... Stupid...", Stuttershy sighed, sitting on his rump, now.

"It's not stupid, Stut--... I mean Livid. It's a good name for you. It's better than being teased... Back in Cloudsdale, they use to call me Clutzershy",

Livid said nothing, and only blushed at this.

"It's really nothing. I find it funny, now, since one of my good friends defended me from those bullies. Kind of like how I helped you.", Fluttershy smiled gently.

Livid couldn't help but let out a gentle smile, looking around the room.

"D-d-do... Do you th-th--.. Thiiiii-iink I c-c-could ... Hhhhhave ssssssome time wi-wi-with you llllllater?", Livid asked, blushing furiously. His cyan eyes darted around Fluttershy, embarrassed completely from it.

"You mean like... A play-date with animals?", Fluttershy tilted her head, trying to guess what he meant.

"Ssssss... Ssssort of... J-j-j-just ... Wwwww-with us innnnnn-sssstead.", Livid explained, plainly.

Fluttershy still seemed like she wasn't guessing right, and tried again.

"You mean... Like... A 'date'... Like... Date, date?", Fluttershy asked, to clarify.

Livid Dream nodded softly, looking away for a second, his cheeks blushing again.

"I think I could do that...", Fluttershy smiled brightly.

Livid Dream jumped with excitement, hugging her tightly and Fluttershy could feel his heartbeat against her chest. As her head was a bit over his shoulder, she could see that his flank was blank.

"Why is your ... Why don't you have a cutie mark?", Fluttershy asked, pushing him away gently.

"IIIII.... C-c-c-can... T-t-t-tell you llllllater.", Livid smiled softly, to re-assure this statement.

Fluttershy only nodded, making a bright smile in return.

Maybe that later won't be so soon, but, it will happen. In time.