• Published 22nd Aug 2015
  • 4,774 Views, 137 Comments

Homesick - SkycatcherEQ

When Adagio struggles with a moment of longing for the oceans of Equestria, Sunset understands all too well. Ever resourceful, she devises a plan for finding them both some comfort.

  • ...

Hospitality and the Taste of Hooves

“Like I said… I dunno how we missed this.” Sunset led Adagio out of the stairwell toward the castle’s large central room. When its raised circular table came into view amid the ring of carved high-back chairs, she took off at a brisk trot.

Hastening her own stride to keep up, Adagio stumbled slightly on her hind footing. At her grumbled curse, Sunset looked back with a small laugh. She walked over to Adagio and brushed noses with a smile. “Sorry… I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it quick.”

Adagio puffed her frustration out through her nose, but after a moment looked up with a chuckle of her own and shook her head. The two then walked the remaining distance together to the table.

An understanding of Sunset’s excitement took hold when Adagio realized just what it was that was laid out before them. “Is this?”

“Yeah. An up-to-the-minute accurate map of the entire realm. I don’t even…”

“I don’t either, honestly,” Twilight said, standing in a doorway across from the one they’d entered through. “And ‘Hi.’” She gave a light laugh. “I heard your voices from the other room.”

Walking over to join them, she continued, “The Tree of Harmony created this of its own… ‘will.’ I’ve given up trying to understand how it works. Just that it shows us where help is needed from time to time.”

Sunset lowered her eyes to the floor and asked quietly, “‘Friendship Emergencies’, you called ‘em, huh?”

Adagio discerned again that familiar tone of regret in Sunset’s voice. She frowned softly at the hint of longing that was present this time as well and brushed her cheek against Sunset’s as a silent, ‘I know…’ This brought her to lift her eyes again with an eventual smile.

“Well…” Twilight replied. “That sounds a bit more serious than they usually are. Though I guess a few have been kind of a big deal. The tree’s given us a lot, but it does come with some responsibility.”

“So we’re thinking of heading west to the ocean,” Adagio prompted, stepping forward to the table with a purposeful change of topic. “This peninsula south of… ‘Las Pegasus?’ Heh… is where we’d like to get to.” She gestured with a hoof. “Any recommendation on where to spend the nights, or things to avoid?”

“Well, normally there’s a train that goes right from here to Las Pegasus. But the tunnel west out of Ponyville has been blocked since Winter Wrap-up last week. Had some rock collapse at the entrance after a few, uh… complications. I mean, we cleared it up quick, but getting materials and repairing the track is taking some time.

“However, you can take the train south to where it crosses Ghastly Gorge, and get off in Edgewood. A road goes west from there all the way to the coast. Then there are a couple of smaller towns along the way before Las Pegasus.”

She pointed with bright eyes at the first of these small towns. “And I hear there are even some gryphons living in Rockridge. Not many places you’ll see them outside their lands these days. Kind of exciting, but I guess you’ll still want to be careful. All-in-all, they’re getting a bit friendlier lately, but… you never know what you’re gonna get.”

“You know, that… actually kinda works,” Sunset said. “I mean, taking a train all the way there in one day sounds kinda boring anyway. Don’t you think?” She turned to Adagio.

“I… Hmm. So much here has changed.” Adagio looked down across the map with a raised hoof. “Over all this time. That does sound nice, yes. And gryphons you say, hm?” A reminiscent smile spread to one side. “It never did take more than a little nudge to get a good meal out of them.” Looking up at Twilight’s raised eyebrow she added, “But yes, yes. Heh… Long time ago.”

Twilight covered her mouth with a giggle before going on. “Alright. So if you take the first train at dawn, you can probably get to Edgewood by mid-morning, then make Rockridge on hoof by nightfall.” She gestured along the road. “Then another day and a half to Las Pegasus, with two smaller towns along the way to choose from. And… nothing else comes to mind as far as things to look out for.”

“Thanks, Twi,” Sunset said. “That sounds like a plan.” She turned to Adagio, who nodded in agreement. “So where is Rarity’s shop in Ponyville?”

“North side of town.” Twilight giggled. "Trust me, you can’t miss it." She smiled and then waved as the two offered their thanks before turning to leave. “Have fun today, guys. See you later at Sugarcube.”


“Welcome to Carousel Boutique! Where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique.”

A familiar singsong voice carried to Adagio’s ears, trailing the ring of the bell above the door. She shared a sideways glance and a snicker with Sunset before Rarity emerged from what appeared to be her workshop doorway.

“Why hello! I don’t believe I’ve seen you in town before. And—” She gasped and trotted up to Adagio. “Oh my dear, your mane.” She fluffed one side with a hoof, mouth still agape. “Simply marvelous,” she whispered. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like it.”

“Mmm, why thank you,” Adagio drawled with a saucy wink as she flicked one of her forelocks. Glancing to the side, she took a silent, apologetic laugh at Sunset’s tightened lip. It’s alright dear, she thought, and then moved to kiss Sunset behind the ear, grinning as her expression softened to a smile.

Rarity cleared her throat. “Now then. How may I help you? You two must be in town for a visit?”

“Hmm… you could say that.” Adagio gave another playful smirk and a curt nod. “Adagio Dazzle.”

Sunset nuzzled up against her. “And Sunset Shimmer.”

“Very nice to meet y—Oh…” Rarity looked down at the floor for a moment, then back up, blinking her eyes. “S-Sunset Shimmer. Oh my…”

Sunset gave a small laugh. “You’ve heard, huh?”

“Uhm, yes. Though… Twilight says things are well now between you?” At Sunset’s nod, Rarity continued, “Well then. This is quite the… ‘visit’ indeed.” Her smile returned with a pleasant laugh. “And as I was saying, it's very nice to meet the both of you.”

“Thanks,” Sunset replied. “And things are good now with Celestia too. And just… all around.” Turning to Adagio, she added, “So much really has changed.” She then returned her kiss on the ear. “For the better.”

Rarity let out a squeal of approval. “That is wonderful, dear! And Twilight says you even played quite the heroine role in dealing with those dreadful siren creatures.”

Adagio felt herself go rigid. She took a sharp breath in through her nose.

What? Blinking a few times, she fixed her quivering eyes on the floor and felt her teeth clench. A long-suppressed anger began to bristle, and it took nearly all of her composure to remain silent. Should I? No. It’s not worth… But… Hearing that shouldn’t hurt like this. I’m not…

She slowly became aware of the room again, sensing the stress Sunset was radiating next to her. The frantic aura calmed after a moment, though, and she felt a nose rubbing against her cheek.

“Dagi…” Sunset said softly.

Adagio closed her eyes and let out the breath she’d been holding “No. It’s... alright.” She looked up to see Rarity had fallen silent, her eyes moving back and forth between the two of them.

“Rarity. Adagio is… ”

“One of those ‘dreadful siren creatures,’ yes,” Adagio finished with a bit of a sneer. “Or… was.” At the sight of Rarity’s widening eyes, she deflated with another exhale. “But like she said, so much really has changed.”

“Oh my…” Rarity shook her head and covered her mouth with a hoof. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t—”

“You didn’t know, yes. And how would you?” Adagio began pacing slowly around the room. “It really does feel like so long ago now. I’ve… put all of that behind me.” She looked up at Sunset for a moment before turning away again. “And I know you have too. I know I don’t want things to be that way again.”

“And they won’t,” Sunset assured her.

Adagio rounded on her, exclaiming, “Then why did it hurt like that?

Sunset blinked twice and bit her lip with a frown, and Adagio cursed herself for having now hurt the one trying to comfort her. She lowered her eyes to the floor and softened her tone. “Why? It shouldn’t bother me any more… Right?”

Sunset took a slow step closer. “It’s because you know that’s not who you are any more. I know the feeling… And I can’t say that it’ll ever really go away. It still hasn’t for me, at least.”

“I truly am sorry,” Rarity repeated quietly with her eyes cast downward.

“No.” Adagio offered a soft smile when Rarity looked up at her. “It’s not your fault, dear. It’s just…” Turning away again, she sighed. “I did this to myself.” She looked down at her hooves and then up at Sunset, who had now turned to address Rarity. So much really has changed.

“Rarity. I’m sure Twilight’s told you about how I’ve come to a much better place now?”

Rarity nodded, and Sunset gave a warm look back toward Adagio. “Well. The three of them have too.”

Hmm. For a moment, Adagio simply looked into Sunset’s eyes, breathing quietly. I really have.

Haven’t I?

She returned Sunset’s smile, feeling the warmth again take hold.


Rarity spoke softly. “Then I am very happy for the two of you.” Recollecting her air of professionalism, she turned to Adagio, “And I stand by what I said earlier. You are very beautiful.” A purple scarf from a nearby table took on a sapphire glow and tied itself gently around Adagio’s neck.

Sunset walked up next to Adagio, and Rarity looked between the two of them with a smile. “And I can see now that it comes from the inside.” With a twinkle of her eyes, her smile spread into an excited grin. “Let’s bring it out further, shall we?”

Sunset let out a small laugh. Adagio hmmed and stepped over to a display table, lifting the ends of a few more scarves, “I believe we are in need of a few things. And what I see on display here is simply marvelous.” She turned back to Rarity with a wink. “So, where do we begin?”

Rarity squealed and gave a light hop.


An hour of light-hearted conversation—and a table of piled garments—later, the pair had settled on a number of scarves, an additional saddlebag, and a hooded cloak each. Their talk had flowed into Adagio’s own design work at the human-side Carousel, as well as the number of similarities between the two boutiques.

“So Celestia did bring with her some of my old savings from the castle,” Sunset said, running a hoof along the embroidered hem of her cloak with a reminiscent smile. “What do we owe you for these?”

“Oh, please, darling. Think nothing of it. It is the least I can do after my… comment from earlier.” Rarity lowered her eyes following a brief glance toward Adagio.

“You know that wasn’t your fault,” Adagio assured her. “It really is alright.” She waited for Rarity to look up again before offering a half smile.

“Well, we should give you something.” Sunset’s glow opened her old dark-cloth saddlebag. “You put a lot of work into making these.”

“Hmm.” Rarity tapped her chin. “How about this, then? Would you two do me a favor instead?”

“What do you mean?” Sunset replied.

“You said earlier that you’re taking the road west to Las Pegasus. Might you stop at the Emerald Emporium on Seventh street in old town and pick up a fabric shipment for me? With the train held up, delivery has been a bit of a problem. I’ll give you the payment and a little extra.”

“That sounds reasonable,” Adagio said. “But how would we…”

Rarity levitated two white flip-top bags embroidered with her cutie mark. One floated over to Sunset and opened its flap. “I have five bolts of cloth there under my name. If you place them through the opening of that bag and then close it again, I’ll be able to retrieve them from this other.”

Sunset’s mouth hung open for a few seconds, and Adagio had to bite an adoring laugh at the thought of that brilliant, beautiful mind she so loved wrapping around what had just been presented. “Rarity,” Sunset gasped. “Did you… make these?”

Rarity nodded with a giddy smile. “Well. I did borrow a few of Princess Celestia’s old books which she’d sent to Twilight. But otherwise… Yes!” she squeaked.

“It’s like teleportation magic, but… no. More like some kind of timespace displacement.” Sunset shook her head with a laugh. “That you thought to apply it like this… What a creative idea.”

“Well, knowing our Rarity,” Adagio said, “I’m honestly not surprised.”

“Your what-now?” Rarity deadpanned, before perking up with an, “Oh!” She then gave a sheepish giggle. “What are they like by the way? Quite similar it would seem?”

“Well, so far we’ve only met you.” Sunset levitated the white bag into the other she’d acquired from the shelf earlier. “And I’m sure you’ve both been shaped by your own experiences. But you do seem to share a lot of the same core values.”

Rarity sighed wistfully. “Oh, I would so love to meet her. Or… me? Or… hmm. Though Twilight has already explained to us why that would be a bit unwise.”

Adagio laughed, and then with a flourish stated, “And I’m not sure either world is ready for that much… fabulosity.”

“Hmm, quite.” Rarity covered her mouth with another giggle. “And where are you off to next? Or are you just taking in the sights today?”

“Well, we have to be at Sugarcube by five,” Sunset replied. “It seems neither of the Pinkies needs more than a few hours to organize one of her events.”

“By five?! Why, that’s only… hmm.” Rarity’s eyes narrowed as she walked over toward the door. With a shake of her head, her glow appeared at the floor and brought a sealed envelope up to eye-level. “I do wish she would knock at times.”

Opening the envelope and skimming its contents, she said, “And it seems I shall see you both again shortly. However… this leaves not much time to put together an ensemble. I hope the rest of your day finds—”

Adagio winced and saw Sunset jump with a startle as the front door burst open behind them, narrowly missing both their flanks. Turning around, she took a protective step toward Sunset, but then shook her head with a half grin as a rainbow-hued mane popped through.

“Hey, Rares. Twilight asked if I’d pick up her dress or whatever for that thing tonight and fly it back to…” Wingbeats faded as Rainbow’s hooves touched the ground. Adagio watched her eyes fall on Sunset’s cutie mark.

“Oh, heyyy. You must be Sunset. And then… Adagio, right? Guess I get to meet ya a bit earlier than tonight.”

“Yes,” Adagio replied. “And you’re no doubt Rainbow Dash.”

“Natch.” Dash looked at Rarity. “See? Even they’ve heard of me.”

“Well of course they have,” Rarity stated flatly. “They’re friends with the other you, remember?”

“Oh, right… heh heh.” Rainbow scratched behind her ear. “I bet she’s just as awesome as me, though, right?”

“In her own… way, yes.” Sunset grinned with a laugh of her own. Turning back to Rarity, she added, “But we’ll be on our way so you can finish getting ready. Twilight has a few other places she wanted us to check out.”

“Yes, I’ll see you both there. And I’m glad to have helped in your preparations.”

After exchanging farewells, the three made their way outside.

“I’ve got a few minutes to hang out too, if you want.” Rainbow said, flapping alongside them as they walked. “Got any questions about the town?”

“Well, there are a few more places listed here before Sugarcube.” Sunset mumbled a couple of the names before chuckling. “Of course she has a store called ‘Quills and Sofas’ as a sightseeing destination.”

“Yep, that’s Twilight for ya. It’s just two streets over by the lunch cafe.”

“Thanks.” Sunset smiled with a shake of her head.

Dash looked at Adagio and tilted her head toward Sunset. “Sooo. She an egghead just like Twilight?”

Adagio chuckled and gave Sunset a sly wink. “Mmmmm-hmm. Even shares her penchant for a good checklist.”

Sunset’s horn spread an emerald glow over the tassel of Adagio’s scarf, lifting it to tickle her nose. Laughing softly as Adagio swatted it back down, she returned her attention to Rainbow with a devious grin. “And are you a closet egghead just like our Dash?”

“What?” Rainbow squeaked as her wingbeat faltered.

“Hmm. I do believe that is a ‘yes’, Sunny dear.”

“Hey! I’ll have you know that Daring Do is about the… non… eggiest of egghead things!” She punctuated the statement by doing a roll and striking the air once with a hoof.

“Wow, so even those books are here too?” Sunset asked. “I’ve enjoyed a few, but haven’t read all of them.”

“I’ve met Daring Do, yanno.” Rainbow crossed her forelegs with a smug grin.

“You mean A. K. Yearling,” Sunset said.

“Well, duh. Same thing.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes with single laugh. “She’s the author, sure. But it’s not like there’s actually a Daring Do who ‘daring-did’ all those things in the books.”

“Of course she did!” Rainbow squawked. “She didn’t just make up all that stuff.”

Sunset gave another short laugh.

“I’m serious! Like I said, I’ve met her.”

“Alright, alright… I’ll take your word for it.”

Rainbow gave a confident nod.

Adagio grinned to herself. She’d long since learned to recognize Sunset’s tone of ‘I’m still not buying it. But I don’t feel like talking about this any more, so have your way.’

“Ah, crap,” Rainbow said, coming to rest on her hooves. “After all that, I forgot Twilight’s dress. I’ll see you guys there.” She took off again toward the boutique, hollering back, “Good meetin’ ya!”


Sunset let out a ragged breath. “So. Here we are. And well, it’s Pinkie… So no telling how big this crowd’s gonna be.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Adagio nodded. “You ready for this?”

Sunset nuzzled Adagio with a half smile. “Are you?”

“My dear…” Adagio winked, returning the smile with a flick of her hair. “Adoring crowds are my thing. Though we are a bit early.” She pushed the door open for Sunset to step through.

“I’m okay with that. Probably a bit less overwhelming this way, to be hon…est.” Sunset stopped mid stride, her breath hitching in her throat.

When Adagio stepped in beside her, Sunset let out the breath she’d been holding and lowered her head to the floor. Looking around the room herself, Adagio’s attention was drawn to the banner hanging on the far wall.

‘Welcome Home Sunset!’

She choked out breath. Welcome… ‘home?’ And looking around further, Adagio found that her own name was nowhere to be seen. She pressed her eyes closed and shook her head, high spirits from a moment ago plummeting. Everywhere I go… With a half-sob, she pushed past Sunset and back outside.

“Dagi. Wait…”

Adagio paused just out of sight around the corner of the door.

“Hey Sunny!” Pinkie’s voice chirped from inside. “You’re early. Oh. Wait… Where’s your friend?”

Sunset sighed. “Pinkie…”

Adagio looked to the side with teeth clenched and then shook her head again. She trotted quickly around to the rear of the building where, finding a secluded alcove under some trees, she sat back against the wall, closed her eyes and focused on her breathing.

Did I miss something in there? Or is this really just all about Sunset to them?

She let out another long breath as a stillness settled in around her.

Once feared. Now forgotten… Is that how it goes? She looked up at the sky through the leaves. Either way, there really is nothing left for me here, is there? And it seems whatever kindness they do show me is just for her sake...

The silence hung in the air for a few minutes before scattering at the sound of approaching hooves. “There you are.” Sunset huffed in relief. “Thank goodness.”

“Why am I here, Sunset?” Adagio didn’t lower her eyes from the cloud she’d been studying. “You were right, by the way. What you said back in your apartment. This seemed so exciting at first. But maybe it really wasn’t…” Sighing through her nose, she closed her eyes and then felt Sunset’s cheek brush against her own.

We’re here for a week of exploring and making some memories, remember? And hey… what was it you told me right after I said that? That making this journey together is what’s important?”

Adagio nodded, lifting her eyes again to the sky through the treetops.

“And I think we’ve found out why things have been kinda… ‘off’ in town here.” Out of the corner of her eye, Adagio saw Sunset turn and wave a hoof, and then looked over to see Twilight walking toward them, her own eyes cast downward.

“I’m really sorry, Adagio,” Twilight said. “I got here just after you guys did. And after talking with Pinkie and Sunset inside, I think this is sort of my fault.” She appeared to take interest in a flower growing against the wall. “I mean, it’s nothing I meant to happen. I just didn’t give enough thought to letting everyone know what was going on with you two lately. Sure, I told them last year about Sunset and what happened to you at the school, but… I haven’t really let anyone other than Celestia know how things have gotten better for you guys since then.”

She turned back to Adagio. “So… they just didn’t know how close you two have become. Or even who you really are, Adagio. I’m so sorry. And now Pinkie feels terrible, too.” Lowering her eyes, she added, “Some ‘princess of friendship’ I’ve been with all of this.”

Adagio looked forward again and nodded. “I believe you…” she said softly. “That you didn’t mean for any of this to happen. And I do feel a bit better now that you’ve told me.”

“Yeah,” Sunset said. “We all get so caught up in our day-to-day sometimes that it really isn’t… practical, even, to share every detail with our friends.”

“But I knew you guys were coming, at least week in advance. I still should have told them more. I said something to Rainbow just this morning, but… too little too late.”

After another long exhale, Adagio stood up and kissed Sunset on top her muzzle. “Well it’s done with now.” She turned to Twilight. “Shall we give this another try?”

Twilight mmm-hmm’d with a soft smile.

As they set to walking, Sunset edged in front of Adagio. “We’ll catch up in a minute, Twi.”

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded before continuing around the corner.

“Dagi…” Sunset sat down in the shade facing Adagio and motioned for her to do the same. They gazed in each other’s eyes for a moment before Sunset took a deep breath and looked down at her hooves. “When I first saw that banner in there…” she began. “All I could think about was what you must be feeling. I’m glad it’s been worked out, but…”

Adagio leaned in and rested her head behind Sunset’s neck.

Sunset sighed comfortably, then sat up and pulled Adagio into a hug. “For me, ‘home’ is wherever we are together.” She tightened the embrace and whispered, “I love you so much.”

Adagio returned the hug and took a long, deep, cleansing breath. “Thank you,” she said quietly, and kissed the back of Sunset’s neck. After a few more calming breaths to smooth the crack from her voice, she sniffled and said, “Ready to head back in? Let’s end today on a happy note.”

She felt Sunset’s nod against her neck. Pulling back, they shared a little smile, stood up and walked side-by-side around the building to rejoin the party.


Party whistles and a burst of confetti greeted the two as the stepped through the door. Adagio’s immediate attention was drawn to the dual cannons near the left wall, from behind which popped the bouncing pink poof.

Her first thought was then to inspect the place on the wall where the banner had been. She hmm’d with a warm smile at the hastily-scrawled “Happy Trails!” on what appeared to be an old bedsheet now hanging in that space.

The kitchen double door swung open for two stallions gripping a cake tray between their teeth. An overly-large red with an orange mane hunkered down slightly to keep the tray level with his lanky partner in the baker’s hat. They rested the cake near the punch bowl on a table along the right wall.

Standing in the middle of the room, all smiles, were Twilight and Dash, along with a small orange pegasus and a yellow earth filly with a bow in her mane. The baker made his way back into the kitchen, and the larger stallion joined the group with Pinkie as Adagio and Sunset stepped up.

“We really are glad to have you guys here,” Twilight said. “I know how excited you are to get going tomorrow, so we all wanted to give you a good send-off tonight.”

Rainbow nodded with a hoof-pump, followed by cheers from the two fillies.

Pinkie blew another pair of party whistles.


The front door swung open behind Adagio and Sunset. When they turned to look, Rarity struck a pose in her stunning, yet overdressed, gown.

A smaller unicorn pushed in past her with a groan and joined the other two young ones at the punch table. After greeting Rarity, Adagio heard Sunset gasp. She turned and followed her over to the table as well.

“Philomena!” Sunset laughed and lowered her head to the tabletop as a small red bird peered into her eyes with one of its own. After a few moments of apparent consideration, the bird hopped up into Sunset’s hair, bringing her to a giggle.

The baker, and likely his wife, brought two plates of sandwiches out of the kitchen, and were followed a moment later by Celestia herself.

Celestia walked up to Sunset and laughed softly. “I see you two have found each other.”

“I’d almost forgotten,” Sunset said. “I remember she didn’t like me much before, but…” When Sunset let out another laugh, Adagio smiled as a comfortable warmth settled into her heart. “Oh. And how many times has she…” Sunset made a tongue-out croaking face.

“Oh, just once,” Celestia replied with a small grin. “And poor Fluttershy…”

“A phoenix, hmm?” Adagio remarked with a laugh of her own. “I can imagine. Are they back yet, by the way?”

“They were, momentarily.” Celestia said with a slow nod. “But they were then called by the map almost straight away to Dodge Junction. It seems Applejack especially has been quite in demand lately. Her brother and younger sister are here, however. And the other little ones are accompanying Rainbow and Rarity.”

From there, the evening’s festivities carried into full swing. Following the meal and a heavy dessert, Bic Mac took the crusaders off to the farm for the night, leaving the atmosphere to settle into a comfortable warmth. Adagio found herself seated near the fireplace, smiling as Sunset talked a bit with Rainbow and Rarity across the room.


Adagio looked down as Pinkie snaked out from behind a nearby table, pushing a slice of cake on a plate. In a loud whisper, she called, “I saved you an extra piece.” Then with a furtive look to both sides, she added, “Us poofs gotta stick together.”

“Hehe. Thank you, Pinkie.”

“Lovin’ the smile.” She winked with a click of her tongue and slid back behind the table.

Adagio shook her head with another laugh. But then looking up again, she quickly straightened her posture at the sight of Celestia walking toward her.

“Hello, Adagio.” Celestia settled down gracefully beside her. “You seem at peace now.” She then looked over to Sunset. “As does she. I am very happy for both of you.”

“Yes. I do feel better now.” Adagio relaxed again as she watched Sunset smiling amid her conversation. “Thank you, Princess.”

“Twilight asked that I give you her farewell. And another apology. An issue arose which required her attention.”

“I saw her leave a bit ago, yes.” Adagio lowered her eyes. “I know she means well. And she’s been nothing but hospitable. The two of them working together to give me this opportunity means a lot.”

“She tries so hard.” Celestia said quietly. “They both do.”

Adagio thought back on her conversation with Twilight at the harvest festival. And then to all of the stories Sunset had shared about her years in Equestria. Sunset and Twilight had never known each other, sure. But both had shared a mentoring—and in some ways almost maternal—relationship with the one now sitting beside her. To think that those two paths had tread so differently, yet had both circled back into a happy friendship.

“I would like to thank you,” Celestia said. “As I now have the opportunity to do so face to face.” When Adagio turned toward her, Celestia lowered her eyes. “What you did for Sunset… and for me.” Adagio could hear a crack settling into her voice. “You helped with mending something that I once thought far beyond repair. And for that, you have my gratitude.” She bowed her head with a soft smile. “And my friendship.”

“Thank you,” Adagio said again. She wiped the edges of her eyes with a few steadying breaths. “I’ve felt… a bit out of place ever since arriving. So to hear that from you… It does help. Sunset has done so much for me. She helped me find my happiness again. I just wanted that for her too.”

Celestia closed her eyes with another nod. Adagio then followed her lifted gaze out the window to the reddening sky. “Though it appears I must be on my way. Luna can get… disagreeable when I keep her waiting for too long.” She smiled and stood, waving to the others as she departed.

After sharing a hug with Celestia on her way out, Sunset walked over to Adagio. “You ready?”

Adagio nodded. She stood up and gave Sunset a kiss. “We’ve got quite a day tomorrow. And a long one behind us. Let’s get some rest.”


Adagio again stood looking out her window in the high tower guest room. Near the darkened horizon below, the moon was just embarking on its journey above the treetops.

Sunset walked up beside her and brushed her cheek. “So here we are, huh? First step tomorrow morning.” She closed her eyes with a yawn. “What a day that was. Not quite what I expected.”

“I know,” Adagio replied softly. “But after everything, I am happy with the way it ended.” She thought back on her conversation with Celestia, and to the glowing smile Sunset had worn throughout most of the party. “It was… a very warm evening.”

“And I’m excited that we have a few days now to enjoy a bit of the mythical again,” Sunset mused. “I wonder what all we’re going to see.”

“Even if I can’t feel it like I was hoping to, I really am looking forward to the ocean. And you seem to be enjoying your talents again as well.”

“Yeah. I’d forgotten just how convenient it can be. And you know…” Sunset began pacing a slow circle around Adagio. “I can think of a few other… ‘benefits’ of having my magic again for the week.”

Adagio’s eyes narrowed with an anticipation of where this might be going. “Oh, really…

“Mmm-hmm.” Sunset’s voice dripped into her ear, bringing a delightful shiver as she paused again beside her. “End the day with one last bit of Equestrian hospitality?”

Oop!” Adagio yelped forward as an emerald glow lit the room and an ephemeral tickle fondled the root of her tail. With a low chuckle that descended into a sensuous growl, she turned on Sunset. “Mm-hmm-hmm. Come here, you…
