• Published 26th Feb 2016
  • 909 Views, 21 Comments

The Flower's Grove - Peekaboo

The woods have become different at night...

  • ...

The Woods

She crossed the clearing slowly, unsure of her footing in the darkness. The only thing she had to light her way was the low gloom of the forest ahead, and the ever shrinking light from the interior of her home. The forest was alive with the sounds of life and movement. The last of the year’s crickets still chirped softly, and the breeze rustled the trees. Owls hooted in the distance, and the stream chortled softly beside her as she followed it up to the trees, all of which was complemented by the soft crunch of dry leaves beneath her hooves.

She paused at the edge of the wood. The fog was even creepier up close, and it felt cold to the touch. The trees overhead wrapped their long branches thickly around one another, blocking out the starry sky. She felt like she was standing at the edge of a toothy mouth, ever agape, waiting to swallow up the unaware that wandered in. The mist swirled in loose ribbons around her hooves, and grew thicker farther into the forest. With a soft whimper, and threatened resolve, Winterwoods took the first steps into the thicket.

She struggled to remind herself that she walked this timberland nearly every morning, and that she wasn’t anywhere that she hadn’t been before. But a fear lingered still in her heart, because the difference between day and night seemed greatly exaggerated here. Winterwoods had never really feared the night or the dark before, but from the day she’d moved in, something unnatural about these woods itched at her when darkness fell.

As she wandered further in, the sounds of the night faded into silence. It grew deeper and louder until it pulsed with every beat of her heart. She’d never been somewhere where her own footsteps felt muted, where no sounds of nature or any living things reached out to her. Winterwoods stopped on the misty path and stared at the empty trail ahead, fear gripping her completely. Something was terribly wrong. Flipping around, she went to turn back and squeaked in shock.

The path that had been behind her previously now ended mere inches away from where she stood; she was instead met with a wall of trees and a thick fog that swirled menacingly around every trunk and bush. Mouth agape, she attempted to stammer anything to express her shock. She was silenced by a rustling amongst the brush nearby, violently breaking the heavy silence.

Heart racing, Winterwoods shrunk back and dodged hastily into the foliage opposite the sound, then peered timidly out, trying to still her shaking and heavy breathing. There was a brief silence, then a scrambling of feet as a couple of rabbits bounded by. The source of their alarm made itself known briefly after, and Winterwoods stared in horror as it moved silently through the flora.

It was a tall, dark mass that took the shape of a large pony. It had no particular features, only an equine outline that had a faint blue aura around its black body. Without shifting a single leaf it passed through the trees and brush, clearly unaffected by the solidity of the world around it.

The air grew colder, and Winterwoods began to fear that it may hear her shivering in the nearby brush. The dread of its presence was soon so crushing that she wanted to cover her eyes and scream. Her heart kicked against her chest, and her skin crawled as though maggots nestled in her fur. The thing stopped on its course beside where she lay hidden, and Winterwoods shreiked internally, promising anything to the moon if the creature would just go away. After a few lingering seconds, the creature moved slowly onward. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, the mist lessened, and the sweet flowery scent returned.

Winterwoods let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and dared a glance down the path the thing had taken. The trail was empty. With a small sigh of relief, she shifted slightly in her hiding spot and carefully slid out as to not make any noise. The path she’d walked before was still non-existent amongst the trees; she gulped, knowing that the only way forward was the same path that the monster had taken.

Winterwoods shivered and closed her eyes. She very much regretted coming out to the woods that night. She wished that she’d have just let it go and tried to go back to sleep. With a sigh, she turned herself around and froze… Eyes closed in mid blink, her hair stood on end and she suddenly knew. The air was still very cold… Trembling, she opened her eyes slowly to the horror of the black mass bearing down upon her.

She tried to scream, but it was lost in what sounded like an ocean of static invading her ears. As the world darkened around her and her senses crumbled, she heard voices echoing above.

"You're overreacting," a soft voice started. "Will you just listen to me?"

“No! You will listen to ME for once! There is nothing wrong with me! There's nothing wrong with what I desire! I should say that I am under-reacting, if anything!!! Do you dare deny me as an equal?! I am truly better at what I do than you will EVER be!” it shrieked. “All of this is your fault this time! You must admit for once that there’s nothing wrong with ME!” As these final words faded from hearing, the sweet flowery scent grew strong and then waned with the last of her consciousness.

Winterwoods jolted awake with her heart pounding in her chest. Sitting up, she trembled in the darkness of her room, unsure of the questionable fear that pricked at every ounce of her body. Something was terribly wrong. It was still very dark out; and was long before dawn she guessed.

“Wait…” she whimpered. “What just happened?!”

Author's Note:

Also, this hasn't finished being edited yet, so there's very likely going some flaws to it. Feel free to point them out in a comment if you would, as I'd like it to become better. I also hope to find someone to edit it and check for errors soon, so expect an update!
Leave a comment on what you liked or disliked about it as well, and be sure to rate it if you could too! Feedback is always good, and I always want to be better!