• Published 24th Jul 2015
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Spike's Dating Simulator 3.0 - ManicTrip

One day Spike wakes to a series of floating texts dictating the course of his life.

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Spike had grown tired of the fact that he lacked the ability of flight. His mental state grew ever more restless at this painfully empty void in his heart.

He’d sought comfort in books, as he’d often done. Alas, he’d read the entire library’s collection at least twice. Picking up a new story would require the dragon to walk to a local bookstore. And walking would only remind him of his stationary existence.

So screw that nonsense.

Friendship, impressive as it was, could potentially cure his everyday ailment. Perhaps a friend or two at his side would enlighten his downtrodden spirits.

Snips and Snails were always a riot. Until their intermittent banter became excruciating.

Pinkie Pie would have no trouble getting him to laugh. Yet if she were to discover his sullen mood she’d make it a mission to eliminate any unease. ‘Overwhelming’ was the only word that poked at the dragon’s noggin. Throughout their history together, Spike had come upon the revelation that there was such a thing as too much pie.

What about Applejack? She’d done well to maintain a stable, level-headed persona. Still, she’d likely have him assist in her daily chores at the farm. Today was his day off, so toiling under the sun with the farm pony was out of the question.

As much as he’d enjoy distracting himself ogling his one true mare, he couldn’t. Rarity was off on her own personal business venture in Manehatten. He knew he should have just taken the risk and hid in one of her oversized luggage bags.

Twilight? Spike shook the thought away the moment it’d arrived. He spent way too much time with his sister on an average day already. Besides, she’d been swamped with socioeconomic politics since becoming the new princess of the land. His presence with her would only serve as a nuisance.

Of course, he kept telling himself this, but in all honesty he felt ready to create some distance from her. It was the proper thing to do, he thought. It was the first step at an attempt to seek independence.

So that left Fluttershy…and Rainbow Dash. One of the two never rubbed it in his face how gloriously fun flying could be. The other one did, constantly, almost purposefully. So much so that just thinking about the anatomical structure of a pegasus irked him. The inherent privilege – the very pleasure – of flight was bestowed upon these winged ponies since the day of their birth. What a joke.

He wasn’t going to be sticking around with their kind today.

So then what was the antidote for his gloomy state?

He could fiddle around with one of Twilight’s magic books. That could be interesting, right? He’d conjure some kind of potion that’d give him wings, the situation predictably turning into a huge mess, calling into the action the Elements of Harmony to save the day…Sure, he’d have a fun time with it, but it asked too much from him. Attaining all the mismatched ingredients, paying close attention to detail, trial and error, all that jazz that required effort on his part...Guess he could say he wasn’t really in the mood.

He could find a whole new activity to delve into. Like power-walking! According to recent newspaper highlights, ponies and creatures alike from all corners of Equestria had taken on the trend, jumpstarting a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Who was he kidding? He remembered how ridiculous the power-walking ponies looked while traversing the streets in their leotard attire. He’d stifled his snorting and chuckling the whole way home.

How about a new mode of transport? Something to take his mind off the air…Something that maneuvered quickly and swiftly, all the while flashing with modern style. It would have to be slick and enviable at the same time. Wheels! Yes, it’d have wheels sliding across the pavement like butter. And it’d have handlebars, for total control, to push fiercely against the forces of nature, uninterrupted by the projecting obstacles of the environment. Something fast, something nopony else had…It’d have to be his and his only. A special feature reserved only and specifically for Spike the dragon!

“I got it!” He jumped ecstatically, his fists launched. “A scooter!”

He then burst out a triumphant laugh, wiggling his body to the rhythm of his own dance. His riotous cheering elevated to a stout celebration, the population of attendants amounting to one little dragon. He just couldn’t quell his newfound excitement. Finally, something different will enter into his life! Something that would place emphasis on his uniqueness in various new directions! Something as awesome as the scooter-?!


Spike abruptly froze in place, lifting his head to stare silently at the library’s ceiling. His lackadaisical expression slowly deformed into a stone cold resignation. The realization dawned on him like a rock being dropped into a tranquil pond.

His stoic expression broke at the first touch of rage. “Damn you, Scootaloo!”

His spirits had been shot. At this, the infuriated youth plodded up the library’s stairwell, grumbling to himself in soft murmurs as he sluggishly flopped back into bed. It wasn’t even time for supper, but he didn’t care. The sands of slumber would server as proper company. For now he’d sleep, hoping…dreaming for the day when every being in Equestria would look upon his frame in delight. The radiance he’d exude, showering all with his awe-inspiring uniqueness. One day.

One day...