• Published 4th Aug 2015
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Before the Storm: The Rise of Firefly - Firesight

Before the Wonderbolts, there were the Bolt Knights. And before Rainbow Dash, there was Firefly. The story of Rainbow Dash's ancestor, the origin of the Wonderbolts, and the coming of the Great Pony/Gryphon War.

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Appendix B: Gryphon Order of Battle

The Gryphon Empire
Order of Battle
on the Eve of the Equestrian Invasion

The Gryphon Empire:

A proud nation and people with a rich military history and warrior tradition following the unification wars and defeat of the Cloven and Elder Rams, the gryphons now rule their own continent and look to expand into the Equestrian one. They seek to supplant ponies in order to establish themselves as their world’s preeminent race, believing their predatory nature and warrior heritage make them the rightful rulers of the world rather than the herbivorous and ‘harmonious’ Equestrians.

They have already established colonies in the northeast corner of the Equestrian continent, with their main supply base being the large port city of Cirrus Cassida, located but a hundred miles northeast of Fillydelphia. The border between the two sides consists of large canyon and river, at least until it disappears into the wild and unsettled northwestern territories which both sides are now attempting to claim.

i. History:

The Gryphon Empire was born from a highly fractured feudal society and forged not only through several wars of unification but many major military conflicts, including surviving an existential threat from a merciless enemy called The Cloven of the Sun.

Though they possess a class of nobility and are ruled by an Empress, the Empire is very much a meritocracy, with gryphon society and military putting a very high premium on personal achievement, honor and advancement not for the sake of individual accomplishment, but for the greater glory of the Empire. Individual soldiers that show drive and skill are richly rewarded with higher rank and extra armor pieces. Military service is mandatory as all Gryphons come of age, giving them a large pool of soldiers they can draw on when needed.

ii. Race, Diet, Gender, and Abilities

Unlike ponies, Gryphons have no gender restrictions or skewed gender ratios, so both tiercels and eaglesses may serve and fight on equal footing. Gryphons cannot control weather like pegasi, but can walk on clouds like all flying species of their world. They do have some magic users who are nowhere near as numerous as unicorns but generally much more powerful on an individual basis. Gryphons are omnivores, able to hunt and kill for meat quite readily but cannot grow grain or the other crops they need anywhere near as well as Earth Ponies.

Their nation forged in fire from a harsh land, Gryphons take great pride in themselves and their history, which is is drummed into them from birth. Gryphons can be divided into the following subspecies:

Sky Gryphons

Their race born in the harsh northern mountains of their homeland, sky gryphons have sleek bodies and large wings that grant them phenomenal flight strength and stamina, able to achieve altitudes and ranges well in excess of most pegasi. They can fly hundreds of miles; some have even been known to successfully cross oceans. Their speed and agility is not quite on par with pegasi but their strength and talons make them a force to be reckoned with in the air. They are less effective on the ground and vulnerable there to unicorn magic and earth pony strength.

Earth Gryphons

Their bodies designed for heavy manual labor, farming and industry in the southern plains, forests and grasslands of their homeland, Earth Gryphons trade smaller wings for stronger limbs and torsos and can only fly around twenty leagues at a time. Though not as fast or effective in the air, they excel at ground combat, are able to use heavy weapons and armor, and the manual dexterity of their talons means they can wield arms and tools most earth ponies cannot.

Mage Gryphons

Not so much a subspecies as a gift some few gryphons are born with, Mage Gryphons are magic wielders, though they require a special staff or stave to focus their power and cast spells. They can be either sky gryphons or earth gryphons, and once their talent is recognized they are sent to the Imperial Magic Academy for extensive training. Their primary weapons are elemental powers like Wind, Fire and Lightning, spells that are no longer taught in Equestria by royal decree for their danger and potential for misuse.

Though far fewer in number than their Equestrian counterparts and not possessing the range of spells that Equestrian Army Unicorns do, they are generally much more powerful on a mage-to-mage basis and even a handful of them can turn the tide of battle. Their strength is also their weakness, however—they cannot cast without their staves, and they are not usually adept at physical combat. If you can get through their defenses or separate them from their staves, they can fall quickly.

I. Imperial Military

Total strength: ~350,000 gryphons split between three main service branches, including 200,000 more reserves when fully mobilized. Currently 120,000 troops deployed on the Equestrian continent, with 100,000 more en route. At the start of the invasion, can throw over a quarter million soldiers into the field.

1. Talons

Comprising the bulk of Imperial military, the Talons are the Empire’s regular army forces. Well trained and versed in both ground and air combat, Talons can take and hold territory, lay siege to cities, and launch large-scale operations. You will usually see them for set-piece battles or attacks on bases and cities, not so much for raids or strictly aerial fights. Sky gryphons tend to be scouts and provide air cover while earth gryphons do the bulk of the ground combat, though the former are certainly trained in it and can launch attacks from a defender’s blind side quite readily.

Strength: 280,000 in roughly fifty legions, about a 70/30 split between earth and sky gryphons. Thirty legions are deployed for the initial attack.

2. Knights

The elite forces of the Imperial Military, Knights are highly trained gryphons that often work in close coordination with the Talons to break down defenses or overcome stubborn resistance. They are often used for initial breakthrough operations and are subdivided as follows:

Wind Knights

Highly skilled and seasoned sky gryphons whose primary purpose is to wrest control of the air away from pegasi, Wind Knights are proficient with both fighting from a distance with crossbows and close combat with steel claws, a force to be reckoned with both in the air and on the ground. They are used for everything from long-range reconnaissance to launching lightning raids and infiltration missions deep into enemy territory and are special operations capable. Wind Knights are the biggest gryphon threat to pegasus dominance of the skies.

Strength: 60,000 in twelve legions, all sky gryphon. Eight legions currently deployed to the Equestrian frontier.

Fortis Knights

Exceptionally powerful and capable earth gryphons able to wield the heaviest of weapons and armor including massive shields and war hammers, Fortis Knights are shock troops that are nearly equal in strength to the earth pony stallions of the Royal Guard. They fight in phalanx formations, able to smash through even the strongest defenses and overcome almost any resistance they’re faced with. They are typically used for an initial assault, breaking through defenses for exploitation by the Talons. When fighting defensively, they use their interlocking shields to form a nearly impenetrable shieldwall.

Strength: 80,000 divided into sixteen legions, all earth gryphon. Ten legions currently deployed to the Equestrian Frontier.

Magus Knights

When mage gryphons graduate the Imperial Magic Academy, they receive the violet cloak and silver armor of Magus Knights, powerful magic users able to rain lightning and fire down on defenders. They are typically attached in small numbers to Talon or Knight units and are an instant force multiplier in any engagement. Their numbers are relatively few, however, and they are not invulnerable; they cannot win a fight by themselves, particularly when significant numbers of unicorns are involved.

Strength: ~5,000 mage gryphons, split equally between earth and sky.

3. Auxiliary Guard

Internal security and occupation forces, comprised of both earth and sky gryphons, either retired veterans or gryphons who are only part-time soldiers around working farms, mines, or other industries. The Guard is not normally used offensively, but are decently trained and can fight if they need to as they garrison and secure rear areas. Roughly equal in skill and ability to pegasus militia but far more numerous given the mandatory military service requirement of the Gryphon Empire.

Strength: 200,000, usually broken down into cohort (500) or century-sized (100) units for garrison duty. The bulk of them remain behind to defend the Gryphon homeland, but 50,000 are available for the Equestrian Campaign.

III. Auxiliary Units

1) Imperial Navy - Primary a civilian-crewed ocean-crossing transport force that is essential for bringing in large amounts of supplies and siege equipment, but Equestrian Intelligence has wind of large project underway back in the Gryphon homeland. ~200 seagoing ships, 50,000 crew.

2) Peacekeepers - Enforcers of Imperial law in occupied territories, able to mete out reward or punishment as they see fit. Generally have authority over Auxiliary Guard garrisons. ~15,000 strong.

3) Raiders - Gryphon irregular forces. Mercenaries they hire to carry out harassment or kidnap raids on pony outposts and towns. May consist of other species like Diamond Dogs or even disaffected ponies. Not well-trained or disciplined, but not to be taken lightly either. Gryphon regular forces will afford defeated enemies a modicum of honor and respect, but raiders do not. ~2,000 in various groups.

4) Office of Owls - The Empire’s feared spy and intelligence gathering network, responsible for rooting out internal threats and keeping close watch on Equestrian activity. The Gryphon counterpart to the Equestrian EIS, but often far less restrained in their operations. Most raider activity is paid for and enabled by them, though it is very hard to connect them to it. Exact numbers and composition unknown.

5) Ravens - The answer to the Equestrian Black Lances, the Ravens are highly specialized hunters who are proficient in all forms of combat and can even infiltrate Equestrian bases and towns to perform various acts of spying, sabotage and assassination. They are usually dyed grey and equipped with gems of various effects, ones that can increase their stealth and attack strength. They prefer to stick to the shadows and generally avoid open combat, but are more than capable of it and rarely fail in their tasks. ~1500 gryphons, takes earth, sky, and magus.

6) Red Talons - Deserving of special mention is the Red Talons. The most skilled and deadly warriors in the entire gryphon military, they number but a century of troops, and entry is only gained by either an incredible act of martial prowess or defeating an existing member in a duel to the death. Their appearance is fearful, consisting of head-to-tail black dye with blood-red talons, stripes, wingtips and tail tassels, and their reputation is legendary as they can take out entire platoons of ponies or other enemies all by themselves.

Though originally part of the Talons, the Red Talons now operate independently, assigned as needed as bodyguards or used for critical operations only. They are both mighty warriors and symbols of gryphon supremacy. They are used sparingly, but their appearance in battle alone has been known to rally gryphon soldiers and break the spirit of their enemies.

IV. Equipment:

Talons and Auxiliary Guard - Spears, scimitars and shields, generally light to medium armor, though individual soldiers earn more sturdy armor by achievement and advancing through the ranks.

Wind Knights - Crossbows and steel claws, though they are trained with blades as well. Generally light leather armor consisting of breastplate and shoulder pauldrons only, though the former has to be earned and the latter can be upgraded. Higher ranking members will also be seen with foreleg protection.

Fortis Knights - Heavy armor, massive interlocking shields and war hammers, some blades and spears as well. They also have some siege equipment, catapults and rams, but they can only be brought forward slowly.

Ravens - Scimitars, crossbows, and various magical gems, including magical interference, flash, explosive, and thunder.

Red Talons - Specially enchanted onyx helm and armor that can guard against most magic and physical attacks. Enchanted blades and hammers that can slice through almost any armor or crumble walls and structures with a single blow. In keeping with the Empire’s meritocracy and general philosophy, the Red Talons, or Talaeus as the Gryphons know them, are the very best so they get the very best.

Author's Note:

A companion bonus chapter for the earlier Equestrian Order of Battle chapter. This heavily borrows on the Gryphon lore in the Gentlemanverse and the story Feathered Heart, both authored by Demon Eyes Laharl.

I wrote this in just a few hours and am posting it now. Thank you AJ_Aficionado for :heart:the preread. There may be a delay before further chapters come out as I have a couple other things to work on first. Consider this some more world-building and scene-setting for the conflict to come. Also, I'm inserting this one chapter up since that's where it was originally intended for; immediately after the parlay with the gryphons.

Thanks for following this story! Enjoy the bonus material and hope your holidays were fun and bright! :heart:

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