• Published 6th Aug 2015
  • 1,306 Views, 33 Comments

Press Play - The Princess Rarity

Octavia is slowly but surely given eight tapes, each one with a voice she thought that she would never hear again.

  • ...

Track One

Press Play

by The Princess Rarity

It was like any other Monday morning. The sun was shining. Ponies were busy. The mail came, at it’s usual time - ten am, and there was only one thing in the mailbox. A package, of all things. Addressed to Octavia. No return address. How odd. Nonetheless, she didn’t think anything of it as she tore open the small box. It wasn’t much; in fact, they were vintage items.

One cassette tape.

A tape player for it, with a set of headphones.

And a note.

Octavia didn’t even register what was happening in this fleeting moment. She just went with what seemed natural; take the tape, place it into the player, put on the headphones … and she pressed play. There was nothing but soft buzzing at first, the sound of a microphone starting up.

Then … a voice.

“...um, hi.”

Octavia froze, holding onto the cassette player tightly. Her eyes widened and she felt like everything in the world was shaking. Usually, Vinyl gave her music to listen to. This wasn’t-

“Octavia. It’s me. Vinyl.”

Of course I know it’s you, Octavia thought. I just can’t believe it. She wanted to say those things-

-but she couldn’t muster the energy to. She thought that this was a twisted dream.

“So, this is probably one heck of a surprise for you, right? I mean, I - um-” Vinyl feigned a cough. “-I’ll get to that bit later. I just … I thought you deserved this. So, grab the letter that came with this, and you’ll figure it out.”

Octavia fumbled for the piece of paper that came with the tape, flipping it over and skimming over what was written. When, in fact, it wasn’t a letter. Technically, it was a list. A list of places, scrawled in Vinyl’s ineligible hoofwriting.

1. Ponyville town square
2. Sugarcube corner
3. The Roadhouse club
4. Edgewater Apartments - apartment 88
5. Royal palace gardens
6. Home

“Those six places have something to do with each one of these tapes. Now, you’re probably wondering, wait, I only got one tape. Don’t worry, Tavi-babe. When you visit each place, you’ll get a tape or two. I planned out a little one-day trip, just for you. Trust me, I know you think it’s weird, but you’ll thank me later,” Vinyl managed a laugh. Oh, how Octavia had missed that laugh. It had barely changed too.

Raspy, but playful. High-pitched, in it’s own mixed way. Lovable.

She couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle of her own.

“This is how it goes. Each tape and each place are connected. Connected to something about us. You’ve probably figured out some of them but the others, I’ll help you out. So here goes nothing, Octavia. The story of us. Start heading out to location numero uno - the town square of Ponyville.”

Octavia grabbed the list and her saddlebag, adjusting her headphones as she got up from her seat, and went out the door without a second thought. This was Vinyl talking to her…

...talking to her for the first time in years. She wouldn’t not listen.

“Where we first met. I’ll admit, it wasn’t the most ideal meeting, but it’s something I’ll never forget.”

Neither would I, Vinyl. Octavia said to herself.

“It was my first day in town. I had to get out of the city life for a little while, so I picked a town that was at the corner of Nothing and Nowhere. You, on the other hoof, were a native of the town, completely surprised by somepony like me. Especially considering the fact that you ran right into me.”

Octavia gently shook her head, staring down at the path, and a smile played at her lips.

“Or maybe I ran into you. I don’t think we’ll ever know whose fault it was, to be honest. But at that time, I didn’t really care - for two reasons. One, you were really pissed off at me and I was even more mad at you. Two, you looked really hot that day. Despite the fact you were rocking a, like, ‘90’s or 80’s style mane at the time. Anyway, we were yelling at each other because when we collided, my mp3 player fell to the ground and smashed and I bent your stupid cello bow.”

Yes, maybe a blush and a stupid grin was being bestowed across Octavia’s expression. She could never forget that day - and that would be the first of many arguments between them both. Yet, despite that first feud…

“I swear, you threatened to sue me for ruining your stupid stick. Instead, I played it smooth, ignoring my anger, and said I’d take you out and buy you a new one. Apparently, you only focused on the first bit of my sentence and told me to pick you up at seven. You gave me your number and address, and left.”

Looking back, perhaps, that wasn’t the smartest thing to do; giving out her information to a stranger. Albeit, a very good-looking stranger - but at the time, a stranger nonetheless.

“Well, looks like we never met at seven. By that time, I forgot your address. And your phone number.”

Octavia laughed along with the recording; it felt so nice to be doing such a thing, even if it was in the past for Vinyl. An echo, a shadow, of her laugh was better than nothing.

“I’d say it was a good week or two before we saw each other again. You must have forgotten I had sort of asked you out and you said yes way too quickly. But what I didn’t forget was to buy you a new cello bow. I had been carrying it around ever since I got the dumb thing, hoping I would see you again. I’ll never forget the look on your face when I gave the bow to you. You looked so happy, Tavi. And to think, at that time, I didn’t even know your name.”

She still had that cello bow, actually. Of course, it was worn from use, so Octavia had gotten a case to preserve its’ beauty, and most importantly, it’s memory. It was undoubtedly one of her prized possessions… given to her by somepony she barely knew at that moment.

“So, like any reasonable pony would, I introduced myself. ‘Hey. The name’s Scratch. Vinyl Scratch.’ and you gave me the cutest smile. And, you, you insisted on using your full name. ‘A pleasure to meet you, Miss Scratch. I’m Octavia. Octavia Melodie Philharmonica.’ - and wow. Let me tell you, I thought you were a snob.”

If she were not in public, right there on the edge of the crowded town square, Octavia would have laughed at Vinyl’s terrible impression of her haughty accent, and how it sounded even more worse, considering the fact that…

...the fact that Vinyl had made these tapes in the first place.

Octavia had some suspicions of why, but she decided to keep assuming until she got the future tapes. Vinyl did say that one of them would state the reason.

Instead, Octavia focused on the positive and kept walking, listening along to the story.

“But I decided to keep cool. I played it smooth, and said, ‘So I bought you the bow. Now let me take you out.’ because hey, as snobby as you seemed, I still thought you were the best-looking mare in town. I took my chance, hoping you swung that way too. Judging from your response, which was a yes, I guessed that you did. This time, I wrote down your number and address and told you that I’d meet you for lunch the next day. Which brings us to Tape Two.”

Octavia froze when the tape went silent. Was it broken? Or maybe the player was busted? She had no idea where the second tape was-

-then, Vinyl spoke up.

“Okay, Tavi-babe, like I told you earlier, you’re going to go to different places to pick up all of the tapes. Sort of like a scavenger hunt. The second cassette you’re going to find at Sugarcube Corner. Ask Pinkie Pie for it - and while you’re there, order a milkshake. It’s on me.” A chuckle escaped her. “There’s going to be quite a few presents for you in this, actually.”

Click. The tape was over.

Octavia gently sighed. The recordings in themselves were presents. What else could Vinyl be hiding? This … this was all so sudden. Almost overwhelming, but in a good sort of way. Then again, maybe in a haunting manner as well. Why had Vinyl done this? As a simple gesture of love? She was a big believer of going big or going home…

Instead of analyzing, Octavia focused on her mini-quest.

Sugarcube Corner was only a few blocks down; the crown jewel of Ponyville’s Town Square. A charming place, no doubt.

Octavia entered the bakery, dodging a trio of fillies who ran out with a box of sweets, laughing to themselves. She playfully rolled her eyes, and headed to the front desk, observing out of the corner of her eye, all the ponies inside.

Some alone, others in groups, and some in duets. All of them smiling. It was true to its’ name; Sugarcube Corner was indeed sweet as the confection it was named after.

“Hiii, Octavia! Been awhile since I’ve seen you!” Pinkie chirped up, as she suddenly zipped behind the counter. “What’re you here for? Cupcakes? Cake? Canollis? Brownies? Cookies?” She pulled a small sample of each treat she recited, only for Octavia to shake her head and politely refuse each one.

“I’m just here for something that Vinyl left in your care.” she said. “A cassette tape?”

“Oooooh, right!” Pinkie declared. She yanked the tape out of her mane, surprisingly enough, and tossed it to the other mare. “And the usual - a double-fudge triple-mocha milkshake, right? With sprinkles?” Before she could even finish her sentence, Pinkie already had the treat completed, and set on the counter.

Octavia stammered, and gave a nod. “Thank you,” she said, reaching into her saddlebag-

Pinkie giggled, with a wave of her hoof. “Scratchie took care of it, don’t worry!” she trilled.

Octavia balked. She didn’t think Vinyl was serious on the recording. She meant well, but usually, she forgot things. But this … this was planned, for sure. She shot Pinkie a smile and took her milkshake, heading to a nearby empty table. She fumbled a little while switching the tapes, but a good sort of rush - like adrenaline - coursed through her when she pressed play to start up the second cassette.

Author's Note:

So after forever, I have finally started writing again! This is Chapter One of Nine; and this story is a very lengthy birthday present for my best friend, RushingAutumnLeaves, who is turning eighteen on August 19th. Needless to say, this is one hell of a gift for her. I expect she's freaking out right about now.

To everyone else, thanks for reading and I hope you stick around for the ride.