• Member Since 5th Jun, 2015
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Leave your headcanons at the door.


Trixie never defeated an Ursa Major, and yet bragged about doing just that. But then, she never needed to make such a claim. She just wasn’t allowed to talk about the even bigger beast that she had once captured. After all, Princess Celestia had demanded complete deniability.

After being chased away from Ponyville, sulking in a foul mood while it's raining out, she reunites with a friend from her past, as two members of Canterlot's old monster-hunting agency meet again.


Chapters (2)
Comments ( 16 )

I liked it.

There's very little we know about Trixie, despite having two episodes dedicated to her. I suppose that's why she's been so popular since her introduction. It adds to the "mystic!"

Interesting backstory, one that sounds exciting. Kinda reminds me of the Star Wars prequels where Anakan and Obi-Wan are recounting all their adventures together and laughing about all the trouble they've been through. Would love to see more of it, but as I said above, the mystery is just as effective.

As for the monster, my best guess until the end was a Marlboro from Final Fantasy, but then you mentioned other body parts so my final answer is the jabberwocky from Alice in Wonderland.

Nice job!

Not really a comment on the story but on the author's note. I'd say, Trixie didn't really need to get knowledge because the indications are that she's an improvisational genius when it comes to coming up with spell. That's why her reaction to being heckled is to challenge the crowd to come with anything that she can't duplicate magically. She's even more versatile than Twilight, or anyone...she just lacks the power that Twilight or Shining can bring to the table.

that was a nice thing... though how cruel of celestia. talk about jumping the gun. if she'd waited, thing's wouldn't be so bad for trixie.

Sound like Typhon from Greek Mythology.

I wouldn't mind seeing more of this universe.

6268797 Her lack of background is something I'm grateful for. I have multiple ideas for possible origin stories for Trixie, and in fact I expect my next story to be on one such idea. I liked your Trixcord fic, by the way! I read it before signing up for an account, else I would have left several comments on the story.

6273619 As you can see from Chapter 2, Trixie doesn't quite mind it, though the circumstances at the time certainly left her disgruntled.

This was a good story. I'll read the second chapter in a bit.

It is all very plausible, and it's good to see Trixie act like a normal pony (that is, normal as in not a spitting vengeful caricature villain; she's obviously more than exceptional here), as well as interact with somepony besides Twilight or the other protagonists. All in all, it works well.

And I agree that Trixie's specialization in illusions is fanon largely built on nothing substantial. She's been shown to have a very extensive assortment of spells, so there's really no saying what she might or might not know. And there's no reason to assume that Equestrian magic follows a category system like D&D or other games. When she appears in my stories, the rule is generally "If it can be used in a show, she probably knows it".

This also very nicely keeps me from directly contradicting any canon, too, at least until a possible third Trixie episode breaks this completely.

Depending on if you consider the IDW comics canon or not, Trixie's story has essentially come to a satisfying close. She's successful and on the way to making friends.

As for this chapter, glad to see that Trixie got her closure with Celestia. It was a little bittersweet, but I like that they both were able to get some hard feelings off their backs. Onwards to monster hunting!

Ah, that monster. See, I don't consider that sucker a monster but more like a force of nature. Kinda like how you mentioned Lovecraft.

Well done!

A good continuation, and nice to see that Trixie is optimistic about her future. She's always struck me as the kind of individual who, when she falls, will do everything to get back on her hooves again. (Hence why I don't much like stories where she's a defeated homeless vagrant or whatever.) My only complaint is that Trixie goes into a little too much detail on the whole Magic Duel debacle - we the readers know all about it already, so it's a bit superfluous. A minor issue, though.

Trixie does put on two notable reappearances in the IDW comics, where she's a successful performer and not ponysona no grata after all - a police officer tells her that he knew about the "Ponyville incident" but was willing to look past it, which suggests that ponies are a lot more forgiving than the fandom give them credit for. (And supported in Princess Spike. "You caused all sorts of disasters and problems? But you're sorry about it? Okay, you're forgiven!" And I'm not being sarcastic. It's one of those things that make me love the show even more.) So I'm guessing your take is to some degree jossed. But who cares? It's still a really cool idea.

Actually, I would not mind at all to see a sequel about Trixie in the Frozen North. Aside from the potential for many terrible things for her to fight, a talented magician would probably be very welcome among the crystal ponies, given how starved for entertainment they probably are. They've been gone for a thousand years, after all. (Also, Chasing Winter was a good story. Trixie does have a lot of potential as a protagonist.)


Thanks for your comments.

I am aware of the IDW comics, but have not read them, so I was referring to canon specifically only as the show goes. I heard about the Changelings having once been sealed in a volcano in the comics though, and considered having Trixie chase after that in the ending instead of going north. However, I would have had that certain pony getting a Rocktorate in Rock Sciences go along, which would have changed canon.


I did consider a sequel since I had an idea that could easily be linked to the aftermath of this fic, and still am. Un/fortunately (depending on whether one likes happy settings with happy endings or dark settings with bittersweet endings), I'm a mean, mean person and the sequel would ditch that 'Sad' tag for a straight up 'Tragedy' tag.

Yukito does do a Trixie in the Crystal Empire right as it opens up, though

Awww that was so sweet!

A fascinating take on Trixie Lulamoon. I do hope she can get her magic back some how.

Hmm. It is a satisfying ending to this two shot. Call me whatever you like, I tend to lean more towards the happy endings or at least a hope for the future.

Interesting concept; it completely changes how one thinks of Trixie for sure.

As for your style, you have quite a way with words, my friend. It humbles me a bit that you spent the time on my story that you did. Thanks again for that.

Looks like I need to go find chapter 2 now. :)

I have always liked Trixie (Equestria Girls notwithstanding; I can't like it), and I think it is a very interesting take on her to have been part of that agency.

I love the idea that the Alicorn Amulet cannot be destroyed, only contained for a while. That certainly makes it a menace, and the fact that you tied it to Discord makes sense of it being unpredictable.

I was sad that she didn't offer Trixie and cake! However, I'm glad you mentioned it again in the end.

I must say again, well done!

One of the Pegasus ponies among the Ponyvillians, a blue-coloured mare with a mane of multicoloured hues, made to dash after the departing unicorn, only to get held back. Twilight Sparkle shook her head, telling her friend Rainbow Dash to leave the runaway Trixie be. Rainbow Dash crossed her front hooves in annoyance, but complied with her friend’s wishes. Most of the ponies in the background observing this agreed with the sentiment, wishing only a good riddance to the unicorn whose bragging ways had inadvertently brought a monster down on their fair town.

I'm gonna burn this town

The blue mare was instantly defensive. “N-no! Why do you ask? T-Trixie has nothing against the Princess! Nothing at all, eheh,” She punctuated it with an obviously fake smile.

My head cannon. It's not Twilight she hates but Sun butt

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