• Published 2nd Aug 2015
  • 3,968 Views, 108 Comments

My Life is a Runway? - videomaster21XX

Evening Storm, the new English teacher at Canterlot high, just wanted to fit in. Becoming a teenage girl wasn't what he had in mind!

  • ...

Omake #1

“So as you can all see,” I said while writing various phrases on the huge dry erase board in my classroom, “it is far better to show what happens when writing a story, then to just tell me.”

“You mean show not tell right?” Sunset asked. Though wearing a smile, I tsked her gently.

“Now Sunset we know we’re supposed to raise our hand before we ask a question.” I almost felt bad for her given how embarrassed she looked. Still good student or not I couldn’t treat her differently.

“Sorry Mr. Evening.” She said while raising her hand. I laughed it off.

“No worries, just remember for next time. Now keeping the hand raising thing in mind, anymore questions?” I was surprised at how well everyone was listening to me today. An entire class taking notes and eagerly hanging onto my every word! I must be doing an alright job of being a teacher after all! As I stood there looking them over, the hand of a boy in the front row shot up. Was he in my class? Confused, but eager to teach, I pointed at him.

“Yes? You have a question?” Now that I took a look at him, I swear he looked familiar. Had I met him before? I thought I knew all my students? Well, sure I didn’t know everyone by name and face, but he was in the front row! Also what was he wearing? It looked like a uniform with that visor of his. He was even wearing a nametag.

“Yes,” The boy exclaimed, apparently eager to hear my answer. “Do you have a boyfriend yet?” I blinked.

“E-excuse me?” To say I was taken aback was an understatement. Why would he ask that? In the middle of class no less! Wait no, not just that, but a boyfriend? I didn’t have a problem with such things of course, but I also didn’t swing that way personally.

“Sir I’ll have to ask that you refrain from asking inappropriate questions during class.” I replied as sternly as I could. Thankfully, he appeared to realized his blunder as he began to rub the back of his neck with a nervous posture.

“S-sorry, guess I should have waited till after class to ask you out.” I nodded.

“That’s right, you should ha- what?” I heard that wrong right? I had to.

“You’re joking right? I’m twice your age!” I shot back, feeling flustered. Damn it! What was wrong with me? If I kept acting like this, he’d get the wrong impression. As I was about to continue trying to explain to him why it wouldn’t work out, I saw Sunset once more raise her hand, now looking confused. Without thinking, I pointed at her.

“Twice his age?” She asked, tilting her head. “Morning you’re only fifteen!” Fifthteen? Is she crazy? There is no way I could pass for a fifteen year old! And who is this Morning person? That’s not my name, clearly it’s Morning Rain! Wait, that’s not right. That’s a girl’s name, I wouldn’t have a girl’s name! I meant to say I’m Morning! No! W-why can’t I remember my real name? Also, why are my legs so cold?

Looking down, I froze. This isn’t the body of a grown up man! It’s the body of a teenage girl! Worse yet, I’m still wearing that blue nightie I put on earlier! Petrified, I barely manage to look up at the classroom. The room full of nothing but males stare back at me. H-Hadn’t there been girls in this glass? Where did they go? With a chill I began to realize just how these guys were looking at me as well. A wolf longing for steak came terribly to mind.

“Yeah,” the boy from earlier said, standing up from his chair, “you’re only a year younger than me. That’s why I asked if you had a boyfriend.” He smiled as he got closer to me, my own body instinctively backing away till I felt myself reach the wall. Panicked I looked around for an exit, yet where once were walls now seemed like endless rows of desks and students.

“Because if you’re single, I’d really like it if we could go out.” He continued while kneeling down before me. Wait! Now I recognized why he looked familiar! It was that pizza delivery guy! As if my recognizing him triggered it, I watched as his clothing began to glow, changing from his work uniform into a suit of shiny silver armor, complete with cape.

“If it would please thy fair maiden.” He stated while reaching out and taking my hand. “I would be honored if you would become my wife.”

“You want me to WHAT!?” I screamed, feeling as if something was squeezing my heart. Not to be discouraged, he moved my hand to his lips, giving it a soft kiss. This isn’t happening! I screamed over and over in my mind. This was NOT happening!

“Well DUH of course she does!” Pinkie yelled suddenly from my left, causing me to jump. Despite the situation, I was momentarily distracted by her getup. I mean, she looked like Pinkie, except she was wearing a striped purple outfit, and had… cat ears and a tail!? She smiled at me with a wide and eerie grin before continuing to speak: “That way we get to throw a super duper WEDDING PARTY!”

WHAT!?” I screamed what was quickly becoming my favorite word of the day.

“No time for questions!” Sunset yelled, appearing on my right. I did a double take upon seeing her. Instead of her normal outfit from just five minutes ago, she was now in what I could only describe as a set of white bunny rabbit pajama, complete with the ears. In fact they even twitched and wobbled as she sat there staring at her now golden phone. “You’re late! You’re late for your very important date!”

Sure enough she turned the phone toward me with had a clock with the large hand on the word ‘You’re’ and the small hand on the word ‘late!’

“Late? What? Huh?” I stammered, trying to make sense of all this. Before I knew it, we were alone with her dragging me by the arm through various rooms and corridors.

“What’s going on?” I screamed as we sped around another corner. “Where did the pizza guy go?”

“Don’t worry about your beloved!” Sunset replied, flashing me a smile. “He’s waiting for you already! So hurry up! You’re late! So very very late!”

“Late!? Late for what?” I screamed back, trying in vain to slow us down. “Why are you dressed as a rabbit?” Instead of answering, she pointed to my left, allowing me to notice my reflection in a row of mirrors. I was no longer in my nightie, but now sported a blue dress with what appeared to be a white apron over it. A single black bow tied upon my head.

“Why am I dressed like this! I look ridiculous!” I shouted as she dragged me into a nearby room, before finally stopping. As I stood there trying to get my bearings and catch my breath, I found that the room we had entered was not a classroom, but instead a large church, all my students sitting on both sides of the middle aisle. Still stunned, I stared at them. Each and every one of them having become a large white rectangle with various symbols upon them. Were… were those giant playing card costumes?

“There you are darling! How dare you keep us all waiting!” Rarity cried as she rushed toward me. Once again I could only stare in exasperation at the insanity before my eyes. It was Rarity all right, except she was wearing a large crown upon her head that was topped with the largest heart shaped ruby I had ever seen. It matched the dress she had on perfectly, which happened to be a large red gown, decorated with endless pink hearts. She even had a scepter in her hand that had a heart shaped ornament at it’s end.

“R-rarity?” I croaked. “What’s with that outfit!?”

“What’s with my outfit? Deary what’s with your outfit! That’s hardly befitting for the situation. Now rise my minions! OFF WITH HER DRESS!”

The moment those words left her lips, the students closest to me lept from their seats and grabbed my arms and legs as they went to work tearing the blue dress off my body. Frightened, I tried to scream, but no sound would come out of my mouth. Instead my body went numb as I saw them begin to dress me in a new garment. For a moment I could see only white. When I was able to move again, I could feel something big and heavy draped upon my body.

“There! Oh darling you look positively marvelous!” Rarity said holding up a hand mirror. W-what the hell!? The outfit they had put me in was the largest white dress with more frills and ribbons then I had ever seen in my life. Next a veil was placed over my head, blocking my vision. Without a moment of rest, I found myself walking down the aisle, being hurried along by both Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.

“I’m so very happy for you!” Luna cried while wiping a tear from her eye.

“I hope you find great happiness with each other!” Celestia added with a warm smile. “And don’t worry, take as much time off as you need to celebrate!” She winked. I was quickly not liking where this was going.

“Celebrate what? What’s going on! Let me go!” I cried, a bouquet thrust into my arms. Why couldn’t I stop moving to where they were leading me!? I didn’t want this! I-I couldn’t be doing what I think I was!

“Congratulations!” Sunset said to my right, clapping her hands.

“Congratulations!” Pinkie repeated to my left, before throwing confetti at me. One by one each and every student in my class appeared to one side of me, all clapping their hands while congratulating me. Their clothing now fancy dresses or suits. Desperately hoping to find someone in the crowd that could help me, I passed by Rarity, still in her weird heart get up, who simply smiled while pointing her scepter at me.

“OFF TO BE WED! OFF TO BE WED!” She shouted. My heart sank at those words.

“W-wed!? B-but I’m not-” Stunned I finally saw what lay before me, and the front of the church. There stood the pizza delivery guy decked out in a full tuxedo. He smiled at me though his face was now hidden behind a white mask. For some strange reason he was wearing a top hat upon his head as well. Horrified, I noticed that I was no longer being led by anyone. Instead I was now walking on my own. My legs betraying my pleas for them to turn and run.

I barely noticed Pinkie playing a strange tune on a guitar as the the delivery guy produced a single red rose, holding it out to me.

“My dearest Morning Rain, I can not wait for you to be my Alice for all eternity!”

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed, suddenly sitting bolt upright on a bed. W-what was going on? Where did all the students go? Where was the pizza guy? Oh god was this after it? I was in a rather large bed… No! NO!

I had to get out of here! I had to get out of here!

“Darling whatever is the matter?” Someone asked as a face popped into view to my left. The top of their head was huge and bright red, while two large green yet dull lifeless eyes stared at me, each one dotted with multiple black spots.

EEEEEEEEEEEK!” I screeched, grabbing my pillow and giving the thing a good solid whack.

“ACK!” It screamed being thrown sideways as it’s eyes popped off of it’s head. Monster! I had to get out of here before it tried to eat my brain, or force me to get married!

“Morning! Morning!” Sunset was screaming from my right. Still gripping my pillow I spun around to face her, ready to smack her if it turned out to be another alien trying to catch me off guard. Instead all I saw was a very worried teenage girl in the same orange nightie she had gone to bed in.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” She cried, slowly reaching out to me. Confused I put down my pillow. Sunset? That’s right, she was sleeping in my room because I didn’t want to be alone. Wait, wasn’t Rarity in here as well? As if on cue, she popped up on my left, looking like something had impacted with her face.

“What was that for!?” She screamed rubbing her eyes with an arm as she fiddled with fixing the red towel wrapped around her hair.

“R-rarity?” I asked shaken.

“Of course it’s me deary, who else would I be?” Still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she picked up what appeared to be two cucumber slices. “Now will you mind telling me what I did to deserve a pillow to the face?”

With a groan, I began to realize the ‘red skull’ was just the towel, and the eyes were obviously the cucumber slices. I had just assaulted Rarity for no other reason then I had a bad dream...

“S-sorry, I just…” My voice caught.

“Morning?” Sunset once again. “Did… did you have a nightmare?”

“M-Maybe…” I muttered, hugging my knees again. How pathetic. A grown man having a nightmare.

“Oh darling, now I understand.” Rarity said, placing her hand on my arm. I flinched but didn’t move away. My knees becoming wet. Was...was I crying? What the hell body?!

“Shhh, shhh It’s okay.” Sunset added, placing her own hand on my other shoulder. I-It was nice actually. Both of them sitting there comforting me. If only the part of feeling my boobs being squished could just be a nightmare as well.

That dream was a nightmare right? That feeling when I saw myself in that dress… no it was only a dream. Just a stupid dream.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I don’t know which one of them asked that, but I shook my head. Talking about that, was the last thing I wanted to do right now. Taking a peek at my clock I saw it now read nearly three am in the morning. I couldn’t let this affect my day tomorrow, though now I was ever so grateful to have it off.

“I-I’ll be okay. It’s late, we should get to sleep for… what we need to do tomorrow.” I could still feel myself shivering despite my protests. Great, at this rate I wasn’t going to get any sleep at all. Ugh, I’m such an idiot for letting it bother me this much!

Creak! Startled, I looked up as my bed shifted to see Sunset getting under the covers next to me. Immediately my face went red.

“S-sunset! What are you doing!?” I hissed as I tried to move away. Unfortunately my legs were still too numb from sleep to allow me to get very far.

“L-Look don’t go thinking dirty thoughts okay?” She said, as she settled in next to me. “I-It’s just my mom use to sleep with me when I had a nightmare, s-so I thought maybe…”

“Seriously darling?” Rarity asked, seeming to share my mind frame. “Don’t you think we are a bit old for that?” Now it was Sunset’s turn to blush.

“I-I know, but Morning is dealing with being a new age, and sex so… well I don’t know how else to help!”

“S-Sunset it’s fine really!” I said, trying and failing to keep my voice level. “I-I’m sure I’ll be f-fine…”

I had just enough time to hear Rarity sigh loudly before she too began to get into my bed from her side.

“Rarity!” I squeaked, only to be met with a no nonsense gaze from her.

“Morning you are clearly distraught by whatever dream you just had, and I’ll not be the only one to sleep on the floor when you two get a nice big comfy bed…” She said while running her hand over the mattress. “Why do you have such a large bed anyway?” I flinched again. That was another taboo topic right now for me.

“M-My parents didn’t need it anymore…” Please don’t ask why, I thought desperately. Thankfully though she gave me a look, neither her, nor Sunset pursued that line of questioning.

“Well regardless, I’ll be sleeping with you as well. For support purposes only you understand.” She crossed her arms at that. “I feel one adventurous hand, and you can bet you’ll get quite the slap!” Horrified I shook my head.

“I-I’d never do that! Ever!” I protested, before the situation caught back up with me. “Hey wait! You can’t just get in my bed! I’m your teacher! I can’t be in bed with my students!”

“Morning…” Sunset said, once more placing her hand on my shoulder. She waited until I was facing her before continuing. “We trust you. We know you’d never take advantage of this, and that’s why we are doing this. To show you can trust us. Right Rarity?”

“Indeed.” She replied also gripping my shoulder again. “Look darling, it’s very clear whatever dream you had was a doozy, and while I do find this a bit… silly perhaps, Sunset does have a point. After having a nightmare, my mother use to sleep in the same bed with me as well when I was a child.” I must have made a face when she said ‘child’ because she quickly waved her hand at me.

“Now now deary. Don’t go thinking I’m insulting you. I was just giving an example. You’ve been through a lot today. Let us try to ease your mind at the very least.”

“I-If you really find it inappropriate, we’ll leave the bed if you really want…” Sunset trailed off, letting me consider the offer. I was about immediately decline this, but the thought of them leaving me alone on the bed actually caused me to hesitate. Stunned I just sat here. This wasn’t seriously what had become of me right? I wasn’t seriously considering the silly idea of sharing a bed with them, because having them close really did make that big a difference.

Taking a good long look at both Sunset and Rarity. I had to submit. Yes, yes I did feel that way. Right now I felt small, and scared. Would it really be so harmful to just admit it? Anyone in my situation would feel the same, wouldn’t they? I-I just wanted to be close to someone right now. I just wanted someone to hug me and tell me it was all going to be alright. It was okay to have just that right?

Again I could feel the tears dripping from my eyes onto the blanket. As if they could read my thoughts, I felt their arms wrap around me. How strange this all was. Did they even see me as Evening Storm anymore? Then again, right now, did that really matter? I was still me where it counted right? I had endured so much since… since that time four months ago. I deserved a break. I could deal with all this in the morning.

“T-thank you.” I whispered. Neither of them answered. Instead they just continued to hug me for as long as I needed, until I finally drifted back to sleep. This time I was quite positive there wouldn’t be anymore nightmares.

Still, one final thing did enter my mind as I lay there. The remains of that movie I had accidently snapped in half earlier in the night. Before the last of my consciousness left me, I made a vow for when I woke up the next morning.

I was going to take a hammer to the rest of that copy of Alice in Wonderland.

Author's Note:

Have something short and silly while I work on a proper update.

Also, if memory serves correct. Omake basically means 'extra' in Japanese.

Comments ( 45 )

MORE!!!!!!! DONT STOP NOW!!!!!!

Very nice chapter, I've got to say.:D

Hmm, please don't think me as being mean, but I feel you might not have that much experience when it comes to dreams and how they work for various people.

Some people don't dream, some people have your typical dreams like naked in public. Then some people have really weird dreams that can be triggered by the smallest things. My dreams work in this manner.

For example: I once dreamnt I was using rocket powered roller skates to skate around a theme park with Ron Stoppable from the Kim Possible cartoon, and we were both fighting this evil Sorceress who had the evil robot from Robocop as a lackey. We were fighting her in order to save the Care Bears. (No I'm not making this up. I seriously dreamnt this)

I couldn't begin to tell you why I had such a weird dream, but those are the kind of dreams I have.

Remember when Morning snapped a movie in half because Sunset was talking about watching horror films? The idea is that movie was 'Alice in Wonderland'. Since she now needs a new copy of that, the information about that stuck in the back of her mind, which her subconscious took hold of when she fell asleep, and thus why Alice in Wonderland stuff was in her dream. It's also why she vowed to take a hammer to the remains of the movie in the morning. Because it's the cause of those elements in her dream.

Hope it makes a bit more sense now.

Ah, I assure you it was just off the top of my head. Perhaps the only other reason is because Alice in Wonderland is famous for being weird, so why not incorporate it into a weird dream.

Really, it all comes down to hopefully being funny. This is a comedy after all. :P

Actually, if I recall correctly, the original Alice in wonderland story was about growing up. It was about learning to accept change and to not fight what happens around you so vehemently. And I believe through the looking glass was finding yourself, and having the courage to face your monsters. Looking into a mirror and being able to understand and accept what's on the other side.

I think Alice and Wonderland fit perfectly.

Well, there isn't any inherent FIGHTING of the creatures. But she does get rather irritated with things all too often. I believe it was the mad hatters advice to just accept things? No, maybe the Cheshire cat... either way, it is set as she is entering her formative years. At the onset of puberty, that's what it's alluding to. Subtly so, and not so much.
As for the looking glass, there was the jabberwocky. Which might not have been an inner demon so much as facing adversity. It might very well have been my own interpretation about the relevance of the mirror, though.


I've never actually read either of the books, and only really seen the Disney movie.

Personally I think you guys are looking too deeply into this. The point was to make it really obvious it was a dream and to have fun writing it.

When making the short omake, which again means extra and isn't really meant to be taken as an actual chapter, I thought: "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if Sunset was the white Rabbit, and Rarity would work as the Queen of Hearts. Hmm, maybe I should have one more character from the story? I know Pinkie as the cat works."

Heck, at the end when the pizza guy is dressed up in a Tuxedo with hat and mask? Pinkie playing that guitar? She's playing the English dub Tuxedo Mask theme from Sailor Moon because he was dressed as him.

Go watch any tv show where someone has a dream. They are usually random and very weird. That's really all this was. She dreamnt about marrying the pizza guy because of her transformation and the incident of her answering the door in her nightie, and the Alice stuff was in there to be random, and tied into the joke that by breaking the movie it got lodged in her subconscious.

All this little Omake was, was something silly and fun. You shouldn't take it so seriously. :P

well, yes. But there had to have been some reason you were thinking about the movie. I digress. My dreams are also exceptionally weird 80% of the time. One of my favorite dreams was very structured, though.


Yeah, sadly the reason isn't as 'deep' as you try to make it. It basically went like this:

"I need something to show this is a dream, but also be weird and random. What if I had Sunset as the white rabbit? That's random, and I can have her move Morning to the church, and Rarity would look so funny as the Queen of Hearts! Then I can have her yell "OFF TO BE WED" instead of "OFF WITH HER HEAD" Yeah! That'll work!"

And there you have it. I believe the saying goes, in storytelling: Sometimes a knife is just a knife and has no symbolism behind it.

Dammit, when will Chapter 5 be released?


Hate to break it to you but my other Story Royal Duties has only gotten 4 chapters in the 2 or 3 years I've been trying to write it.

Work keeps me VERY busy, and the sad fact is sometimes I just don't feel like writing. Like today I was just too tired. Chapters happen when the stars seemingly align and give me the chance to churn one out. The next chapter could be a week from now, or several months.

If I could find a better job I would. :/

Also chapter 4 hasn't come out yet. That dream thing is an Omake. An extra. I don't consider it an actual chapter.


oh... ok :pinkiesad2: sorry to bother you

It's okay, I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. I just wanted to let you know the status of things so you weren't wondering why it takes so long.

Trust me, I don't like having to wait this long either.

I'm very much enjoying this. Here's hoping that there will be an update not too far into the future.

I don't follow, did I make a mistake in the chapter?

Hope you return to this sometime soon. Miss readin' it.

Continue !

It will eventually. Sorry, but updates happen when I can manage em, and I'll admit I got a bit side tracked recently.

Rest assured, this fic is not dead.

6749132 Glad to hear.:D

If snapping the movie got her that dream, then wouldn't smashing it mean an even worse dream?:rainbowderp: CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!!

It's purposely named something else in the fic. Just like 'The Bitterness' is 'The Grudge' and 'Teacher’s lounge' is 'The Faculty'

Comment posted by Astropye deleted Jan 10th, 2016

Ok, I actually read your notes after the chapters instead of ignoring them like a dummy. It would seem that I like your story almost too much.:twilightsheepish:

I love the story, and the idea. This is the second time I've seen a transformation story with Rarity being the cause and I love the fact that she is a main character.:yay:

When will you continue it, if it all because I really want to see more. :scootangel:

Shhhh, I actually have chapter 4 open in google docs at this very moment. >_>


6829535 :trixieshiftleft: I never said anything... Except the first paragraph... :trixieshiftright:

Are you planning to continue this story?

Yes, you'll just have to be patient. I only get small windows of opportunity to write. :/

I don't know. I really wish I could tell you more, but I don't know.

Work still takes a lot of my time, and things are only going to get tougher as time moves on.

Second, I need to be 'in the zone' for this story. Like every story I write I need to be in a specific zone for, and I haven't managed to fall back into this one. It'll come. I promise it'll come.

It's too bad I can't just quit my job and write full time. :/

7018740 Well, I hope you get back into the zone sometime soon, because this fic is really good!

It'd be nice. Every time I think I'm ready to write another chapter life runs up and goes: "HA HA, FUCK YOU"

And thus we wait even longer. :/

Well I'm still holding out for an update, though more than a year rarely feels like a good sign, but still if it ever happens I'm gonna keep reading.

It WAS rather jarring from our point of view. But we now know that the disc she snapped was Alice in Wonderland, and snapping a dvd does tend to stand out in your memory. I like to think that when we go to bed, our brain takes the memories from the day and catalogues them, and when they cross and intersect, that’s where the dreams are. Now, if we take the idea if Alice in Wonderland, which is about a girl in a whole new world experiencing whole new things, and then take into account Morning’s situation, it seems less likely than before for a dream like that to happen. We knew it would have something to do with her day, that’s just obvious, and the dvd is a really good copout for why she dreamt of Alice.

“What’s with my outfit? Deary what’s with your outfit! That’s hardly befitting for the situation. Now rise my minions! OFF WITH HER DRESS!”

Loving the Alice in Wonderland knockoff quotes :rainbowlaugh:

Also, when do you think you have time to update?

I was actually going to use Super Mario Moonshine, but then I came up with the Princess Twilight pun and decided to go with a character instead.

“I hope you find great happiness with each other!” Celestia added with a warm smile. “And don’t worry, take as much time off as you need to celebrate!” She winked. I was quickly not liking where this was going.

:rainbowderp: my reaction:trollestia:

we are still ready to wait for the update:pinkiehappy:

I'm making a few replies to comments like this to point out my latest blog post. Sadly we have a turning point here that's not fun.

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