• Published 18th Aug 2015
  • 220 Views, 2 Comments

The Three Kings - Oak the Changeling King

A story of Friends who eventually rose to the top of the food chain and became Kings

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In the Land of Equestria a land that was usually peaceful had now gained a new kingdom that floated above the Everfree Forest that was named the Everfree Kingdom which was ruled by three kings Oakford Dazzle the Changeling King, Thorn King of the Dragons and Crimson Edge the Crystal King they were wise and benevolent rulers.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy!!" screamed three little Fillies as they jumped into their father's arms "Easy you three you're getting bigger every day it will be harder for me to pick you up" King Oak said with a big smile on his face.
"That's a lie daddy, your big and strong enough to lift castles" said the bubbliest of the three who was named Sonata. "Yeah you could tame a Ursa Major when you were just a kid Dad" was what Adagio the smartest of the three said, "Not to mention you're the God of Nature" was the words of the snarky one Aria

"Now now girls I may be capable of those but one day you're gonna big as well and maybe be as strong as me and have to make grown up decisions, find somebody to love and have families of your own" Oak said to them with a smile and a serious tone in his voice.

"He's right you know" said a voice and when all four of them looked over to see who it was it was none other than Thorn the triplets uncle.

"Uncle Thorn!" they said in unison as they went to go to give him a group Hug. Thorns appearance was a little different than other as he's half unicorn, half dragon.

"Hows my little nieces doing, you're all getting bigger everytime I see you three" Thorn said with a gentle smile on his face.

"They're about to be sent off to bed" Oak said "AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW" the triplets replied back "Now,now the reason being we're going to see Granny and Grandpa and Great Granny Chrysalis" Oak said back causing the Triplets to run straight to their beds and went to sleep.

Oak and Thorn just chuckled at the sight as they left the room to see Crimson Edge outside waiting for them.

"It's going to be a blast when our kids all go to school together" he said with a smirk on his face. "Remember our lives before we became Kings"

Oak began to smile and laugh as they walked down a corridor to their personal bar to get a drink "How could I forget those are our precious memories".

End of the Prologue