• Published 6th Aug 2015
  • 2,249 Views, 169 Comments

A Punk's Love: The Story of Straight Edge - AC Punk

A new kid has arrived at canterlot high, and he has the hots for a certain country girl.

  • ...

Chapter 6

A Shocking Family Revelation

The Following Monday...

It's the beginning of a new week at Canterlot High, and the entire student Body is preparing for the Friendship Games which take place at the end of the week. Students have just started arriving this morning, and with them brings an all to familiar Black V8. Straight pulls up to find the rest of his friends waiting by the statue at the front of the school. SFor some reason, he is in a very good mood this morning. His friends take notice o this as he approaches.

"Morning Straight." greets Zero.

"Good morning Zero. How was the weekend long punishment?" Replies Straight Edge.

"I thought we all agreed to never speak of last weeks events."

"I don't recall us agreeing to anything." says Soul.

"Whatever, I got grounded for a month and can only leave the house to come to school or to go to the Friendship Games at the end of the week."

"At least your folks are letting you come to the games." Pinkie points out.

"My parent are strict, but they want me to have some sort of social life."

As the group laughs at this, Sunset takes notice of Straight Edge being a lot more cheerful than usual.

"Hey Straight," she begins," Why are you so happy on a Monday morning?"

"Well," Straight begins," My-" His voice is silenced by the ringing of the bell.

"Sorry, got to get to first period." Straight says before taking off. His friends are all left confused by the sudden change in behavior.

"What do you think has him in such a good mood?" asks Warhawk.

"Maybe he's going to Taco Bell after School?" Suggests Sonata.

"I don't think that's it, he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would go to eat after school. I mean he has to stay to practice for the Friendship games." Says Soul.

"Straight joined!?!" asks Rarity, clearly shocked.

"Yeah, he's participating in the martial arts events. We got him signed up over the weekend." Rainbow explains.

"Well, I guess I'll have to make another uniform for the Wondercolts." Rarity says. With that, The group splits up to head to class.


As gym class came around, Soul and Sunset were with their friends watching Straiht as Coach Iron Will set him against Rainbow Dash to see iof he was really the fighting expert he said he was. This became apparent as Rainbow Dash was quickly loced into the Anaconda Vise, Much to the Coaches surprise.

"Is that legal?" asks Rivet.

"It's a martial arts hold, of course it's legal." replies Soul.

"I forgot you took Taekwondo." Says Applejack.

"Is that what Straight is using against Rainbow?" Asks Clyde as Rainow finally breaks free.

"No," Soul Begins, "Straight Edge is using a Form of Martial arts known a Muay Thai."

"Whats the difference?" asks Sunset.

"It's my first day of school all over again," Soul Says with a chuckle, " Taekwondo was Developed in Krea as a self defense tactic. Muay Thai however, Was developed further south in Thailand, it is often referred to as the 'Art of Eight Limbs' due to the eight points of contact." He explains.

"Which are?" Asks Zero.

"The fists, knees, elbows, and shins. There are two of each on the human body, so the name kinda sticks."

"And how do you know this?" asks Clyde.

"You'd be surprised what they have to read in a Thai restaurant's waiting area." The group then winces as Rainbow Dash I kicked in the head by the protected shin of Straight Edge.

"So, Why do you think he was so happy this morning?" asks Sunset.

"Maybe it's because the Friendship Games are this week!" Exclaims Pinkie.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Physics with Swift?" asks Applejack.

"Oh Right." she then disappears in a cloud of smoke.

"Anyways; aside from Pinkie, no one is that happy on a Monday morning." Says Soul.

"Do you think it has something to do with the photo we found of him Saturday?" asks Warhawk.

"The one with-" Soul is cut off as Coach Iron Will blows his whistle.

"Great Work mister Edge," he begins," It seems I underestimated your fighting capabilities." He gestures to Rainbow Dash, who is struggling to take off the protective head gear.

"I've been fighting for Seven years Coach, use it for anger management and fitness mostly." Straight says while removing his mouth guard.

"Is she okay?" asks Rivet. Iron Will looks to Rainbow Dash who is now on her knees.

"She just needs to go through Iron Wills Rehabilitation Methods!" he exclaims while striking Hulk Hogan Like Poses.

"Why are you Flexing?" asks Zero.

"Because I pity the fool that questions Coach Iron Will's Training Methods!" Rainbow finally gets to her feet, Straight wrapping her arm around him to help her balance.

"You okay?" he asks.

"Can I have my order with extra fries, please?" asks rainbow.

"Uh, I'm going to take her to the nurse's office Coach." states Straight who then leaves with a nonsense talking Rainbow Dash.

"What do you think Caused that?" Asks Sunset.

"The blow to her head?" asks Soul who is shrugging.

Two Hours Later...

As School drew to a close, Straight Edge was practicing with the Wondercolts for the Friendship Games at the end of the week in the gym. Sill curious about his behavior, Soul, Sunset, Warhawk, Sonata, Rainbow and Applejack decided to stay after school and get an answer, the latter two having to stay for archery and Motocross. As the practice started moving outside, Straight Edge was clearly watching the parking lot for something, what was the question his friends wanted to solve.

"What do you think he's looking for?" asks Sunset.

"Maybe Jess is coming?" suggests Warhawk.

"No, she has practice with the Shadowbolts, and she wouldn't be caught dead at our practice." says rainbow, who has her head wrapped with an ice pack.

"Says the girl who snuck onto their school campus to spy on their team." states Applejack.

"Whatever." replies rainbow who begins rubbing the ice pack.

As soon as they finished their conversation, a Black Cadillac Escalade pulls up to the practice field. Seeing it, Straight Edge bolts for the parking lot.

"Guess our answer is in that car." says Soul. The group then heads to the parking lot to find Straight edge jumping like pinkie pie next to the SUV.

"Who in tarnation can get you this happy?" asks applejack.

"My Parents!" Exclaims Straight as the Drivers side door opens up.

As the driver steps out, he is revealed to be six feet tall, tan skin, and Black hair like Straghit, he is also sporting a short beard. He is wearing a Gracie JiuJitsu Academy hoodie over his shirt and a pair of Jeans. When he sees Straight, he speaks.

"David?" he asks.

"Hi dad." replies Straight who wraps the man in a hug. Upon seeing the mans face, Straights Friends are shocked.

"Is that?" asks Warhawk.

"No way." states Sunset.

"What about a hug for your mom?" asks a Five foot woman with Asian traits who steps out of the passenger side of the car.

"Mom!" Exclaims Straight.

"Uh Straight?" asks Rainbow.

"Huh?" Straight turns to see his friends stunned expressions, "Oh Yeah!" he wraps his arms around both of his parents and smiles at his friends.

"Guys, I'd like for you to meet my dad, Phil Brooks, and my mom, April Brooks. But they are more commonly known by the names CM Punk and AJ Lee."

Hearing the names, Warhawk Faints, Rainbow begins laughing believing she is being pranked, Soul just stares with a shocked expression, Applejack begins trying to wake up Warhawk, Sunset tries to snap soul out of his trance, and Sonata just looks at the two parents with no knowledge of who they are.

"Was it something we said?" asks Punk.

Author's Note:

I REGRET NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you to Ragga_Muffin for keeping the secret.
Also, NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!