• Published 4th Aug 2015
  • 2,130 Views, 34 Comments

Kraken in Manehatten - Exaxxion

At its defeat at the hands of Perseus the krakens form crumbles under its own stony weight, however while its body was destroyed its soul was sent elsewhere.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The waters stirred alongside my consciousness, the water, familiar yet foreign and oh so inviting.

I could feel the tides, the life, the small temperature shifts here and there as my subtle movements sent currents and riptides forming, I was here, I was in a new home and that thought sent an unknown feeling down my spine but I welcomed it.

I could feel the light shining down from above the drifting waves and the sporadic seafoam forming on the wakes. Slowly I opened all four of my eyes letting my vision be enveloped in the clarity of this water, its light blue shade enveloping the beautiful even colors of sand and rock that drifted below me.

Deciding I should make my presence known I slowly allowed my armored back to rise above the waves allowing me to more directly soak in this worlds sun while also feeling the soothing currents cascade over my face, I could feel my tentacles drift slowly upwards, wafting in a nonexistent wind they wound upwards before breaching the surface, the sun hitting them like my back and warming the tips and slowly the core of my muscles, a wave of something wash over me.

“I shall call this feeling ‘peace’, yes a fine way to feel upon arrival” I thought as a relaxing fog blanketed my mind. Realizing that the inhabitants probably knew of my presence I thought best to let them come to me, my decision was not unwholly affected by my ever growing need to drift in the clear sunny sea that surrounded my now lethargic body,

‘Hmmm this is good’ I felt, something I could quite get used too.

“The princesses and possy watched in tempered curiosity as a large shell like dome slowly emerged from the bay, water cascading off like sheeps flowing away from a found fox, morbid and slowly grasping tentacles following its rise like shambling puppets on dark strings. Our growing gilded group of godly do-gooders getting ready for some grandeur, the tensions high as are the waves I wonder-”

“Discord stop this is serious” interrupted Twilight, her nerves making some of her mane splay outward like wound springs.

“We need to focus on the giant octopus- thing floating in the bay” she stated with mild curiosity floating at the end of her sentence, her head once again turning to face the odd creature that listed amongst the waves, while it did look threatening she couldn't help but feel something else was affecting her judgement, shaking her head Twilight sparkle re- afixed herself with a stern glare towards the still outfitted draconequus with well pressed burgundy suit and perfectly combed hair, the anchor illusion ruined by what could only be white boxers with little hearts planted firmly around his waist.

“Oh my dear Twilight this is prime journalism, you can't assume i'll miss it as a premier pony paparazzi” the chaotic being stated with flair, a small tag that read ‘press’ hanging from his now baren neck, everyone frowned at his obvious attempt to relieve tension, Pinkie pie giggling alongside filly-second at his antics.

“Well it would be quite counteractive to just stand here and wait for the other party to make a move” interjected the princess, her hair flowing in the sea breeze even more so that usual.

“We agree” interjected the masked matterhorn, her voice giving way to some signal as all power ponies stood together and briskly disappeared in a flash, particles of light giving way to an empty space and two dumb founded princess and a very curious draconequus.

“Where'd they go?” asked a perplexed discord, his head swiveling around to find what was no longer there, his eyes fixed to a smiling mayor, and the growing features of aprension dawning on a small drake right beside him.

“Was that…” asked spike, his smile growing ever larger,

“Yes it was” said a knowing mayor, a grin escaping the mustache forest that tried to keep the feature hidden,

“So that means…”

“It does”

“And well get too..”
“Front row seats, yes, gonna be quite the show” the mayor replied, his reaffirmation sending the small dragon into a fit of yelps and hollars as he did his best to imitate a happy twilight.

“I don't get it, what are you so happy about spi-” Twilights speech was cut off as a large quake rocked the ponies of their footing, apprehension hitting Twilights mind like a oh so familiar piano, for she remembered now what drew her to the power ponies to begin with, her line of thought was cut off by another set of earthquakes, closer and closer they got as the shakes sounded like giant hoof-falls.

The diarchs of equestria wore confused faces as they looked around, unsure of the source of the quakes, their efforts of location were briefly halted however when a rogue Pinkie pie appeared between them in what Celestia could only recognize as swinger era clothing, the idea of a good dance crossed her mind before Pinkie’s loud voice echoed in their ears.

“A brawl is shurely brewing” Pinkie announced, her voice being overshadowed quite literally as a large figure of incredible size vaulted over the group, a rumble was heard overhead before the crashing of waves assaulted everyone's ears.

Had it not been for Twilights and Discords quick thinking the whole group would have been soaked by the massive wave that crashed on the side dock, the water swamping all others that were unlucky enough to be close by, as Twilight’s shield dropped so too did her jaw, with eyes filled with wonder as she looked up and up, the glistening backs of what looked to be massive metal golems standing deep into the harbor.

The diarchs of equestria were visibly confused and gawked in awe at the monolithic golems before them, the awe inspiring titans beginning their slow pace towards the source of the swirling waves.

“What in orders name are those things!” both Celestia and luna voiced, their concerned tones catching everyone off guard, the mayor seeing his rulers in such a state decided it would be best to explain himself.

“You see princesses, after the fifth fight against the mane-iacs hair titan we realized that sure we can stop it but the time and effort to do so with the power ponies alone was momentous, so they came to me and asked if the city of manehattan would be willing to fund a little project, and honestly it's the best idea we’ve ever had, the time it takes to subjugate large city threats has been cut down to less than one fifth of the original time and by golly the ends most definitely merit the means, not to mention the upkeep for the mark.5 poniments is so much lower than the repair cost of a monster rampage” the mayor explained excitedly, the enraptured faces of the diarchy telling him he had captured all of their attention.

“Beside who would go to the park when you can just watch a titans brawl” the mayor added his tone taking a somewhat mischievous tone.

“But if ponies would pay to see this, why block off the bay? Don't you think the power ponies can handle this?” questioned princess Twilight, her question bringing a frown to the mayors face.

“Do not mistake my confidence for blind faith princess, as much as I enjoy my prospering city my citizens come first, better safe than sorry after all” he said, his tone going flat at Twilight's words.

“Beside, fate is a cruel mistress, nothing is set in stone, and if it is it does not stay that way for long” he said, his eyes briefly turning to the draconequus.

The mustachioed mayor slowly trotted over to discord who was busy cuddling saddle rager and fluttershy together, he briefly stopped before the god of chaos, a small bead of sweat going down his forehead before he coughed to get Discords attention.

“I humbly ask of your assistance great discord” the mayor said bowing “i understand you can transform into many things and I ask for some extra insurance incase the power ponies are not enough” he said, his mustache sweeping the ground as he lowered his head.

Discord for his part was unfazed at the mayor's display, a flash of trickery and toothy grin crossing his face before it morphed into an actual face of contemplation, “i'll think about it” said the draconequus, his features softening as the mayor walked back to the princesses.

“So wait, where were you hiding such large golems” asked Celestia, her gaze now drifting to the large titans making their way to the creature in the center of the bay, their slow gates bringing them to the halfway point between the docks and the creature in the waves, the sea churning at the foreign object floating within her.

“Bunkers across and under the city” said the mayor, a cocky grin visible under his facial hair, Pinkie pie, Twilight sparkle and spike nodded knowingly at his words for they remembered the same explanation from the last issue of the power ponies comic.

The princesses and ponies all around turned to look at the now still titans, their forms grinding to a halt a mere hundred meters from the front of the still unresponsive creature. Royalty starred in fascination upon the six mechanical forms before them, each resembling the pilot that was nestled deep within the heart of the monolithic mammals. Twilight sparkle looked on in unbridled joy at the six poniments, the forms of powerful heros about to take on a giant task both metaphorically and literally.

Spike, growing a quizzical side waltzed over to the mayor, a question forming on his lips.

“So, what now” the tiny drake asked, his question forcing the mayor to pull out what looked like a small radio, a smile forming on the mayors face.

“All right ponies are you ready to start the show!” the mayor declared, the rhetorical question flying well past the radio and outward to the ponies around him.

“Yes sir” answered the radio, six voices speaking as one as the large robotic forms of six ponies advanced towards the awaiting titan, two pegasi, two earth ponies and two unicorn poniments wading through sea brine to get closer to the large creature. Even from the shore and dock one could hear the large whir of magi-engines and more coming to life and preparing for what laid ahead.

“Now we don't know if the things hostile yet so try and give it a warm manehattan welcome” said the mayor, his face smiling before dipping quickly into a frown, he stared at the radio in fear, “i hope they know I meant to literally give it a warm wel-” the mayor tried to say before a loud sound like a microphone turning on pierced the air.

“Unidentified creature” blared the first poniment, its resemblance to the masked matterhorn uncanny “ you have 3 minutes to identify your purpose or be swiftly destroyed for your intrusion into our peaceful planet and interrupting trade.” silenced rained before the poniment once again spoke the voice like dignified ice piercing the air.

“I repeat, identify yourself or be destroyed” it repeated, the voice booming out over the waves.

The ponies on the dock had mixed reactions to the outburst and ultimatum. While Celestia, Luna and the mayor blanched at the obvious provocation the elements of harmony cheered loudly, rallying quickly to the terms laid out for the supposed intruder. As the proclamation was made however the masked matterhorn tensed, her gut instincts telling her this wasn't going to be just another monster smash, before her fears could start to grow however a screen to her left lit up, the staticy image of her friend Zapp appearing to glow before a voice came through.

“Hey matterhorn what's up, I can see you sweatin in your seat” asked the electrifying equine, her question hitting home right in her friends gut.

“Something's up, this thing doesn't feel right, get ready” said the panicked mare, her tone warning her fellow power ponies, “i think this things smarter than we the- Zapp Dodge!” screamed the masked matterhorn, Zapps reflexes however, though what one could say we're lightning quick, were not fast enough to dodge the incoming tentacle, her poniment was sent hurtling into the awaiting form of fili-seconds giant poniment, who caught her flying friend moments before collision.

All ponies stared at the now swirling tentacles as more began to rise amidst the waves, sea foam forming at the churning waters around the now hostile creature.

I awaited with lazy mind as I felt something large enter the bay from the land in front of me, I could feel the pulse of displaced water as they impacted the churning sea, I could feel the tremor as they landed on the bay floor and strode towards me in slow paces fitting for one who knew how to wade through water and not flow with it like me.

I could sense them yes but I could not feel them, their life force blocked by something, my mind began to churn at this oddity as the continued to close the large gap, their continued movements feeling almost wrong. As the large quadrupeds continued their course I was struck with an epiphany, one that brought unknown yet mixed feelings to my mind, one I knew already as ‘happiness’, I recalled this feeling that always welled up within me whenever I managed to subjugate another titan or completed a task for my old masters, the other one was strange in that I remember briefly my one master dionysius mentioning the words ‘confused’ and ‘dumbfounded’ when I had managed to drink that entire barrel of his alcohol after completing his task, while I was oblivious to his feeling then I think I know them now more as a form of advanced questioning. As I pondered this new development in my mind my senses dulled as many questions raced through my mind.

‘How did they create such large constructs’

‘How are they moving’

‘What manner of artifacts empower them’

‘Why do they bring them out for me’

These and many more questions rattled my mind, the distracting statements bouncing around like bloated corpses between filching beast, my momentary stupor was broken however when I felt the constructs start to move again. As the large creations moved closer they stopped near the edge of my landing crater and I could hear a loud booming voice emanate from above, the large creatures obviously trying to communicate pushed me to actually try and listen, a voice echoing down to my head shocked me with its next words.

“Unidentified creature” it said much to my delight, ‘a good start’ I thought, us being able to communicate was bringing an odd feeling to my lower abdomen that I couldn't identify, replacing another I could feel ebbing away as the other replaced it, ‘weird’ I thought, yet I placed it into the back of my mind, this was obviously a welcome and I should be listening in.

“-or be destroyed” it said, the voice stopping as if the declaration had such weight that I would cower, with my mind buzzing I realized that I had obviously missed something during my internal monologue, hoping that I could fix this error I stopped my parade of thought and listened closer this time as I heard that strange noise come on once again.

“I repeat, identify yourself or be destroyed” it once again said with finality, I could feel my face darken along side my mood, well known emotions welled up within me, the name of it washing upon my mind as I would upon them, ‘rage’, the word came to me with ease but my new mind caged it, chained it and set it aside, I was no longer the beast to destroy what my masters pointed at, I was new and remade and I would not squander this chance.

As my mind was trying to calm down I let my head rise slightly my eyes now catching sight of what lay beyond the crater, I floated transfixed at what I could only recognise as extremely large shiny hooves,eyes traveling upward I noticed through the water that this creature was shaped like a horse and not just any horse either, though clunky and oddly shaped the wings were quite obvious and with this new information I quietly unlocked the cage of rage in my mind, the anger boiling to a point of bursting I fell back on what I could say was most comfortable given my years of service. I looked on in fury as I could feel a growl escape my now opening mouth.

“PeGaSus” I said, my wits forgotten as I lashed out with a tentacle, the force of my appendage sending the pesky creature flying away. After hitting the construct my anger began to peter out, my mind not allowing me to truly delve into it like I would in the past.

As I brought more of my tentacles to bare I could feel the six large equine constructs rally to what I could barely see to be one shaped in the likeness of a unicorn, before I could act out with more lashings I felt some type of energy shoot out of its horn and impact one of my main tentacles.

“Interesting that these can use such a magic” I said, the injured tentacle retracting beneath the water so that I may more inspect the damage done.

I looked on with fading anger my mind racing to keep up with my bodies actions and the now fresh example I had set. With growing focus I watched still partially relaxed as my tentacles continued to fend off and beat back countless attacks by the golems, their growing frequency and fervor drawing more and more attention from my silent thinking. With my back still exposed to the open air I could only close my mind and think, my mind taking in the forms they used and fought with, I could see myself successfully brushing them off with my appendages alone thus my body remained submerged. My ponderings were interrupted moments later by what I could only assume was a ceasefire, the stopping of attacks on my tentacles gave me pause as well as I focused on the now odd formation of the golems. I watched from below the waves as all the golems disappeared in the air only to come down a few moments as a singular much larger golem.

‘Both interesting and annoying’ I mused, my anger once again welling up. With what little I could see I viewed before me what some would consider a burgeoning titan, truly my feelings were mixed now because before me was what appeared to be some mockery of minotaur however the sprouting wings from its back said much of the creators personal touch. I watched on as beside the beast dropped what appeared to be a greatsword of purple light. The sizzling water around the blade screamed in an unknown voice, the bubbles sealing away the torment as the blade boiled the water around it before being removed and hefted into the air by my new challenger.

‘It seems they wish to continue’ I thought my mind growing slightly light at the idea of this new foe, I was about to get up when the golem moved at an incredible speed and I watched as all my tentacles were cut off in a flash of purple light. The pain in that moment was immense but I gritted my mandibles to hold in my anger.

“To attack before i'm ready, what dishonor!” I barked, my voice sending bubbles spewing at my angry words. Before I could get up however my back was met with a blazing white light and pain unlike anything i've felt hit me squarely in my exposed rear shoulder plates. I looked up in anger as I sank slowly into the crater, my vision blurring to the color of blood, whether it was mine I could not tell but I did understand that it would most definitely be the golems in the coming moments

Things were not looking good for the power ponies, after having Zapp sent flying by a surprise attack the power ponies began to relentlessly attack the growing amount of tentacles that had begun to emerge from the shifting waters around the odd armored mound floating in the bay.

“Marevelous and Filly you take the left ones, Zapp and Rager you take right, Radiance your with me lets do this” commanded the masked Matterhorn who together with Radiance shot a massive bolt of energy at the nearest tentacle, causing the now singed appendage to sink beneath the waves defeated. The ponies on the shore starred in slack jawed awe at the display of monolithic mayhem before them, Discord watched on in glee as the poniments continued to fight in such spectacular ways, Twilight the princess of magic surprised even pinkie pie when she was found to be wearing a hat shaped in the likeness of the masked Matterhorns mecha. Though the elements and discord were cheering the ensuing fight, the princess and mayor watched with frowns as dawning apprehension reached the three at the same time.

“They fight a losing battle do they not?” the lunar monarch suggested, the frown on the mayors face deepened at her words.

Before the mayor could retort however saddle agers poniment went full force into a tentacle sending a resounding crack around the bay as her golem was sent skidding to a hult from the impact, the dazed and shaken mare was only rescued from the speedy intervention from fili-seconds poniment which had shoved the other right as a tentacle slammed down at the previous location. The elements and discord abruptly stopped cheering when it was finally seen that Zapps lightning was having no noticeable effect and even still were the tentacles fighting back at an even pace, given that the situation was growing bleak, the poniments retreated back to devise a plan.

“Any ideas!?” Zapp said, her monitor still flickering from the energy expenditure of earlier.

“I've got nothing, this thing throws back whatever we give and I don't think our poniments can handle anymore” huffed saddle rager, her anger causing her body to bulge ever so slightly.

“Contact those elements i've got a plan” said the masked matterhorn, her radio flickering on to alert the ponies on shore her new idea.

“Mayor can you hear us?!” bleared the mayor's radio, the sound drawing the eyes of everyone present.

“Yes I can hear you, what's wrong?” he said, his eyes taking on a hint of worry at the power ponies tone.

“Were going to transform and cut the tentacles off, tell the elements to get ready to blast it when its not protected” blared the radio, it's confident tone instilling the same feeling in those who heard it.

“Understood you have clearance to merge” said the mayor in a breath that was filled with sadness, his face met the eyes of the elements where he proceeded to direct them to get ready, his features however could not hide the growing worry on his face.

“What is this ‘merging’ that has you so worried?” asked princess Celestia, her eyes filled with questioning concern “is it truly something so frightful” she questioned.

“Quite the opposite, it's just sad that it's come to this i'm afraid” said the mayor, his eyes going downcast at what he assumed to be the creatures coming end.

“If it's the creatures end that you see why the gloomy face?” said princess luna, her inquisitive face tilting slightly to the right.

“Well I just wanted us to be friends, the first life outside our planet and we go and kill it, I just feel if things went differently we could have been friends” said the mustachioed mayor, his face going downcast like the current weather.

“Dont worry silly this won't end it, everyone knows the boss always has a second more powerful faze, it's just silly to think this will work” laughed a giggling pinkie pie, her bubblegum mane bouncing with her babbles.

With the elements in place the ponies watched in awe as the six poniments transformed into a giant golem of immense size, the two pegasi forming together to form a head, torso and wings, the two unicorns shifting and connecting to form two plated arms, while the two earth poniments transitioned into two pillar like legs that the great machine stood firmly on, as the great golem reconnected with the water the machine easily stood just above 150 metres, towering over the now small tentacled creature stood a massive winged minotaur of mismatched colors.

With a loud clack a horn like object detached from the arm and fell to the water below,before it could hit however a bright magenta light erupted into the shape of a giant sword that sizzled and sparked as it stuck deeply into the ground, the ponies on shore gasped in amazement as energy continued to circle around them. Discord watched as the elements powered up, the energy causing him to slowly step back next to the princesses and mayor.

“So why a minotaur, why not an alicorn?” discord asked, his question drawing a puzzled face from both princesses before they too turned towards the mayor.

“Well you see, we needed something that was meant for fighting, i'm all for pony pride but even I know i'm no match for a minotaur, same reason” stated the mayor, his blank expression wincing at the growing lights before him.

At that very moment the alitaur P struck with tremendous speed, by burning the engines at the max while also drawing on the reserve power they flared the blade to a massive size and swung with incredible might, a flash of power was seen before a wave formed behind the blade and rushed forward at tremendous speed, reality itself bent ever so slightly around the beam as it sailed forward and cut the tentacles instantly, the now slack appendages fell into the water with sickening splashes, the blood of the creature tinting the water ever so slightly a darker shade, before the creature could react however a rainbow of light nearly blinding all who saw it connected with its outer shell, the beam searing away at the armored plating and forcing the beast further into the depths of its landing crater.

Discord looked on with mild concern and sadness at the beam, understanding fully how much such a thing could hurt, Luna too winced as the beam struck, memories flashed in her mind as Celestia brought her closer with a wing. As the creature sunk deeper into the watery depths the alitaur P was brought to its knees from the pure mana consumption, one of its ultimate attacks powered fully dropping its energy to nearly empty. A resounding cheer was heard as hundreds of hoots and hollers were made by the city, the fight broadcast all around by Pegasus camera ponies high in the air. The elements minus pinkie and twilight celebrated, the mayor looked on at the badly damaged and under fueled titan slowly rising in the bay, the power ponies within both physically and mentally drained from such a fight.

“It's not over” said the pink mare, her hair deflating as her eyes went stern at the bubbles beginning to rise from the water.

“What are you talking about pi-” Twilight tried to say, her voice being cut off by the large splash of a massive tentacle, much bigger than the rest, quickly rising from the water and wrapping around the midsection of the turned around alitaur P. the mayors eyes turned to pinpricks as the voices of the power ponies screams echoed off his radio, his eyes then vanished into tiny specks as two more giant tentacles emerged from the water, as they grappled the now struggling golem the ponies watched in horror as the power ponies were slammed into the water again and again before being thrown at the dock were the elements were.

As the large shadow grew closer the princesses panicked, their magic flaring as they tried desperately to catch the massive mech to no avail, as they closed their eyes in desperation they awaited the quick pain that never came, as they opened their eyes they saw a surprising sight, massive black vines covered in spikes had sprouted from the ground and caught the falling automaton. As the ponies looked around they spotted a feral looking discord brimming with anger, arms outstretched with barely contained fury.

“No one hurts my friends” he growled, a scared fluttershy looked on in surprise and fear at this unknown side of discord. As discord looked around he saw the surprise and fearful faces of his friends, his expression morphed to one of puzzlement before he noticed his changed features and looked forward with a suddenly stoic face.

“Well mayor it seems i'll be needed after all, now if you'll excuse me it's time you all learned a lesson” he said with a soft spoken but stern tone.

“That the only thing that can beat a monster…” discord trailed, his eyes opening slightly at the now rising threat emerging from the waves. The ponies stared out into the bay at the now emerging beast, a creature unseen before that was truly one of a kind, as it rose the first thing to be seen were four glaring eyes that spoke of unknown intelligence, what followed were the appearance of two large crab like legs dragging on the bay floor to pull the beast out of its crater, soon arose the full head, a grisly plated mouth open to show the hundreds of sharp teeth within, a glistening head connected to a torso that could make a minotaur jealous, four giant arms covered in plate framed the torso that continued to rise, the image was complete when the creature stood fully, a massive near two hundred meter titan of unknown strength and origin stared down the now unmoving alitaur P its eyes burning with hatred and rage that made the elements shiver.

“Is another monster” Discord growled, his form disappearing in a snap as he reappeared floating above the bay.

The whole city watched as a ball of light and color grew above the bay, a massive form springing forth in the shape of a massive lizard like creature, with green scales and spikes of purplish blue the face however brought recognition to quite a few, for it was discord grown huge and scaly and mean. Both titans stared at each other deadlock, neither side flinching, both waiting for the other to make a move.

As tensions rose onlookers looked forward with both worry and despair, with the power ponies defeated their only hope was the god of chaos itself.

The great tentacled titan looked at his new opponent with contemplation and roared, a slight grin formed on both of the titans faces, this however went unnoticed by both parties as they charged at each other.

As they raced closer time seemed to slow to a crawl in anticipation of the upcoming brawl, the elements watched in concern as their friend raced off to fight the now rage filled alien.

Author's Note:

well I've got mixed feelings about this chapter but i hope it lives up to the rest, as always feedback is welcome and no matter what a comment is always appreciated.

Comments ( 14 )

Keep them coming buddy this is getting good and to buy honest with u their is no way discord is winning this sorry

Not gonna lie, never expected to see this at the up of my tracking folder

Well at least discord tried but he is no match for a no The Kraken

Well I couldn't risk you doing very not nice things to me

Not dead just set to simmer

I'm just waiting for kraken to surprise them with some intelligence, or at least something a giant rampaging monster probably wouldn't do.

Thanks for the feedback, sadly I can’t make the excuse of English not being my main language so I’ll just admit my grammer is shitty

I’ll try and get better

Like it so far, I don't know where the story is headed but at chapter 4 it's a good thing it mean it's not rushed, I like the kraken so far, it's respectful talk with starswirl reflect really well it's life of servitude while keeping the pride of that servitude being to the gods. I hope we can see him grow beyond it's old obedient lifestyle and not see him end the ponies "servant", being nice to ponies is a thing but people tend to make mc the ponies doormat at some point. I hope you post more of those chapter, I know i know it's always the same thing "more chapter pls" but hey, it mean we like it and can't wait to get more. So thanks for the chapter and hope you keep them coming.^^

Well, by the looks of things, the ponys have royally fucked up.

I also notice that this story seems to have recently been revived, guess this is one of the few times where being late to the party is blessing rather than a curse.

Hope to see more of this.

Great work can’t wait for the next one

Of course Pinkie is Bright, because that makes absolutely perfect sense.

Also an SCP Song started playing while I was typing this lmao.

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