• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 1,346 Views, 26 Comments

Pony meets Brony - Dark Nightshade

  • ...

Unexpected stuff

"So, um, do we have any plans on what we're going to eat," asked Fluttershy, in a soft-ish voice. It was getting dark, and I think we all were getting a bit hungry.

"I don't know. Is there anything specific you were think of?" I asked.

"Not really."

"Ok. Everyone, listen up please. The rule of the kitchen is this: you call dibs on something, no one else take it. Got that everyone?" Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Ok, good, but don't eat to much. We are going to be using the fire pit to roast marshmallows for s'mores. Does anyone object to that?" I asked. Fortunately, nobody objected, because s'mores are awesome.

A while later, after everyone had eaten, and I had gotten the fire stared up, I started asking Pinkie some questions about how they had gotten here.

"So Pinkie, are you able to tell how you got here with your pinkie sense?" I asked.

"One of Twilight's experiments malfunctioned, and we were all sent here," she responded.

"Sounds like one of Scott's inventions. Before you ask, he is a the most brilliant genius that the world has never known. Before you ask about that, he keeps all of his inventions secret, with secret entrance's. For example, the bathroom right there has an entrance to an teleporter to a base in a lake near Santa Fe's government building. It has tons of cool robots. My parents closet has a bunch of hidden hi-tech futuristic weapons. There are tons of others that I would normally say, but the list is to long." I said.

"Is this teleporter safe?" asked Fluttershy.

"Relatively safe. It always has the chance of turning you completely inside out, and trust me, it is not pretty. It works kind of like alchemy. And yes, I have been practiceing alchemy." I said.

"Woah. So you can bring people to life?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"No. It's to dangerous." I said.

"Why?"Rainbow Dash asked.

"The alchemy law of equal exchange doesn't work like that." I said sadly. "Trust me, I know from experience. However, I am able to change the shape of certain parts. As long as it stays within the laws. And if you don't mind a bit of pain."

"So, you can create bodies, maybe for your personalities?"

"I haven't actual thought of that yet. And a body is fairly easy to make, and the things needed at also fairly easy to find. All I really need to do then is make the body, and somehow put a personality into it. Hang on a sec, I think I heard something." We all waited for about a minute, and then I said "Nah, nevermind."

"So where are we going to sleep?" asked Pinkie.

"Oh, I didn't think of that. Um, there is my brothers room, my parents room, and my room. Who wants which? Also, my parents have a king sized bed.

"I'll take your brother's room!" said Pinkie.

"I don't really care," said Fluttershy.

"I'll take your parents room!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Looks like you've got my room, Fluttershy," I said.

"Ok. Where are you going to sleep?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm probably going to sleep on the couch." I said I started cleaning up, I heard someone new say, "Where am ah?" I turned around and relised that it could only be Applejack. She was wearing a mostly white and green tank top, and what looked like a denim skirt.

"Applejack, right?" I asked.

"How do you know that?" she asked.

"You exist in a TV show in this world. And I would much rather explain that later, when all of you are here," I said. Suddenly, in a very quick movement, Pinkie got Applejacks hat and put it on my head. I was about to ask her what she was doing when I gasped, and a new personality activated.

"Why hello there, ladies," he said in an Australian accent. "My names Manty Lobo."

"Is that s'posed to happen?" asked Applejack.

"Yes. I knew it! I hope that is a new personality," said Pinkie. Applejack then snatched her hat from my/his head, he gasped, and I returned.

"New personality. Nice. What's his name, and does he have some kind of accent?" I asked.

"Manty Lobo, and an Australian accent, said Rainbow Dash.

"Nice. Always wanted a personality like that. By the way Applejack, my names Dylan. You can have the rest of my parents bed," I said.

"What do you mean by the rest of it?" asked Applejack.

"Yeah, Rainbow Dash has half and you have half," I said.

"So me and Rainbow Dash will be sharing a bed?" she asked.

"Yeah. Unless one of you want to sleep on the floor," I said. And with that, we headed to the beds. I got my PJ's, but while I was putting them on, I heard a small yell of surprise from Applejack.

"What's going on?" I asked as I rushed into their room. When I noticed the unconscious body on the floor I said, "Nevermind." The other girls came running in a couple seconds later. Fluttershy screamed in fear.

"I think its Rarity," Applejack said. It sure seemed like Rarity. She was wearing a white shirt and purple dress with three diamonds on it.

"Wow. That was quick. All that's left are Twilight and maybe Sunset Shimmer. Man, five people showing up from another universe in the same day? I hope the government doesn't find out about this. Well, I'm going to sleep. Good night."

Meanwhile, somewhere in area fifty one, some government agents were meeting.

"It was definitely a massive spike of interdimensinal travel. We should really check it out," 1 said.

"Yes, we should, but what about the other stuff we were supposed to do?" asked 2.

"Screw that, if we do this successfully, we will definitely get promoted," said 3.

"I agree with 3. Plus, things could get dangerous for the civilians," said 4.

"Good point," said 2.

"Lets do this!" 3 and 4 shouted.

Author's Note:

I called the agents numbers because I was too lazy to make actual names for them.