• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,289 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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Ancient Aggressors

Abrakkar growled as he tore another ancient warrior asunder with his bare hands, the undead warlock's claws shredding the paper-like skin of the revenant. Nearby, his infernals scorched the ground and walls of the corridor ahead of them, preventing or hindering any further aggressors...

And obliterating any that managed to survive the felfire.

From behind him, fireballs scorched the air as they picked off any further undead, his imps cackling with glee at the prospect of killing for their master.

The old orc hadn't felt this alive in centuries.

When his king had dispatched him and Lord Rivendare to the Crystal Capital to deal with the underground attack, the lich was beyond excited.

He had been aching for a fight, his last having been at the foot of Icecrown Citadel, where he had fallen at the hands of the Argent Crusade.

Formidable warriors, to be sure.

And now that he had his emotions back...

The orc relished the thrill of battle that roared through his nonexistent veins for the first time in centuries. Since before his death alongside his chieftain, Ner'Zhul, he had been a hollow shell of his former self, twisted and corrupted by Kil'jaeden's foul magics.

For the gift of being able to feel this rush again...

He could never repay his new king. And so, to the ends of his existence, he would serve his new ruler.

Snorting as another roar of undead fury echoed through the chamber, the orc turned to face his next opponent, his bloodlust spiking once more.

Readying a shadowbolt in either claw, the lich chuckled, his eyes squaring on the next rush of undead.

And as long as his king offered him the glory of battle...

He would relish it...


Barking orders over the roaring and screeching of changelings and undead unicorns, Baron Titus Rivendare fired off a spray of saronite pellets from his pistol, the majority hitting their marks in the swarm of desiccated fiends approaching them from deep within the crypt.

When Kel'Thuzad had told him and his knights that an attack was occurring in the Crystal Capital, he wasn't exactly sure what to expect.


A roar accompanied the strange phrase, an ancient steel warhammer nearly flattening a changeling drone to the ground, it's wings still twitching. Attempting to avenge his now deceased comrade-in-arms, Titus roared a battlecry of his own, swinging at the desiccated unicorn. To the baron's surprise, the ancient warrior blocked an overhead swing from his runeblade, the death knight's reckless attack nearly punished as a frostbolt embedded itself into the undead unicorn's neck.

"They're intelligent... fascinating..." Amnennar observed, launching frostbolts from each of the fingers on his left hand, cutting down hordes of the undead before they even reached the front line.

"Less talk, more fight, Amnennar! Keep them away from the entrance to the crypt!" Titus spat, parrying another ancient, yet well-kept blade, driving his weapon through another unicorn warrior. The lich nodded to himself, a mental note to discuss this with Kel'Thuzad filed away.

Nearby, Titus heard the thudding of more coffins breaking open, and he cursed to himself, the distraction allowing another warrior to decapitate an initiate to his left.

"How many of them are there?!"

Titus' head darted to the left, a nearly overwhelmed Silver Bolt barely holding back his assailants, the two initiates and three worker drones that had accompanied him in his defense fallen around him.

As the baron prepared to order more soldiers to the front line, he realized that the right flank, while holding better than the left, was nearly overtaken as well, Stern Staff and an initiate barely holding back the onslaught.

Titus sighed to himself.

As much as his current state of being would argue, he hated performing necromancy.

But, seeing as the majority of his forces were depleted, and Amnennar's significant lack of knowledge on the subject, and Abrakkar being quite occupied with his side of the crypt, it fell to him to replenish their forces.

Summoning up the power that his king had bestowed upon him all those years ago, Titus grunted in exertion as he pinpointed the bodies nearby that were capable of achieving undeath. Rotfang growled in ecstasy as he channeled his unholy powers into the runeblade, a roar of necrotic power exploding from Titus' form with a caustic haze of death and miasma, coiling bolts of necromantic energy weaving their way to their hosts.

Slowly but surely, the fallen rose.


Chrysalis snorted in rage and defiance as the soldier that had informed her of her hive's plight urged that she not intervene. With a sickly, glowing haze of magic, the changeling queen teleported to the entrance to the dungeons, the door to Kel'Thuzad's laboratory already open.

Inside, the skeletal servants had taken up a defensive perimeter around the large hole in the wall off to the right of the room, the two massive earth pony skeletons using their wall shields to obscure the majority of it from view. Behind them, Lady Eola Deathwhisper muttered incantations under her meaningless breath, the bones of the constructs glowing brighter as she reinforced them.

Deep under the earth, now that she was closer, she could hear screams...

Screams of pain...

Screams of the dying...


Her children's screams...

In a blindingly bright flash of rage-induced arcane power, the changeling queen was rocketing down the hallway, ignoring Eola's pleas to stop.


A screech of utter ANGUISH echoed through the crypt, the deafening sound causing the struggling force to turn to witness it's owner's arrival.

Chrysalis bore down on the undead with all the fury of a mother protecting her children.

Her form, now gargantuan and unrestrained, seemed to morph and alter as she moved, her shapeshifting causing her legs to protrude nightmarishly into spikes. Bolts and flames of raw, green magic leaping in droves from her twisted horn as she tore her way past the Scourge forces, eviscerating her way through the crypt like a rippling, malformed spider, with a continuous, BLOODTHIRSTY screech. Her form, while now bigger than her king's true form, was remarkably fast, darting from target to target as she used her reshaped body as a weapon to crush, slash, and incinerate her way deeper into the crypt.


"Holy shit..." Stern Staff spoke, watching as the changeling queen tore her way deeper into the crypt, ignorant to the insignificant biting of the undead gnats surrounding her.

Titus could barely manage a nod himself in disbelief, his blade entering the neck of a struggling undead soldier, whose lower body was mangled beyond movement.

Silver Bolt, whose front right foreleg was injured, but serviceable, limped forwards into the baron's view.

"Should we follow her, sir?" he asked, the baron opening his mouth to speak, before he was cut off by the hissing voice of the nerubian king from behind him.

"Let her deal with that section of the crypt..."

Anub'arak chuckled sadly, glimpsing around at the devastated changeling corpses littering the crypt.

Through their mental connection, he could hear nothing but screams of pain and anguish from his queen.

"She... she can handle it." the changeling king sighed, watching the green flashes of light and echoing screeches from deeper within the crypt.

"Forgive me for asking, sir, but why is your queen down here at all?" Stern Staff asked, helping a wounded initiate to her hooves.


With another glance to his fallen children, the great nerubian snorted.

"They made her angry..."

Author's Note:

Don't mess with Momma Bear.

Game over, man.

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