• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 1,058 Views, 17 Comments

Drew Mathers: Canterlot High Chronicles - Lethally Insane

Meet Drew, a vampire who's been sleeping for what seems 1000 years.

  • ...

The Girl in the Basement

Chapter 2: The girl in the basement.

I was hungry. I guess 1000 years did that to you. I was lucky one of the girls had convinced the others that I wanted to be free. My mind was reeling. This was the first time I had been awoken. I guess I am still new to this 'Vampire' thing, I thought. What would Alucard and Seras do? The group of girls who had revitalized me were staring. Seeing a corpse reanimate itself could have that effect on people. I saw that one girl was bleeding; she must have been the one to provide that small bit of blood.

"You must be the one who woke me up." I said to her, pointing at her still bleeding hand.

"What are you?" she asked, with fear in her voice.

"I am a vampire." I said, probably didn't help the fear factor. At least I was being honest. "You have awoken me. That makes you my new master."

"Why me?" she asked.

"I am indebted to you for revivatising me." I explained. " May I ask your name, master?"

"It's Sunset Shimmer." she replied. " What's yours?"

"Drew Mathers." I replied. " Former servant to the Hellsing Organization and your loyal servant."

"How about we drop the servant thing?" she said, shifting uneasily. " You call me Sunset and I'll call you Drew."

"Very well, Sunset." I said walking to her. " May I inquire who your company is?"

"Oh, those are my friends." she gestured to them.

"Hello," I said turning to them. " It's nice to meet you."

There was a long moment of silence. Sunset was looking at them expectantly. I could feel the tension in the air. They were looking at me now, sizing me up. Then, one with Pink hair bounced up to me.

"Hi there, Mister Vampire!" she said cheerfully. " My name's Pinkie Pie. I thought you were a mean monster at first. You seem nice enough, want to be friends? I can throw you a huge welcome party! We can even dress up like vampires!"

"Hi Pinkie." I said hesitantly. For seeing a corpse reanimate itself, she was pretty happy. " I'm sorry that you thought I was scary. I just needed to draw your attention."

"It's okay." she said. " I'm not scared of you now."

"Okay." I smiled at her. That was new, someone not being scared of the vampire. She was different.

This left the the other two. They were looking at me now. The hostility in their eyes had lessened. Slowly, one with a cowboy hat came over.

"Mah name's Applejack." she in a deep south accent. " It's, uh, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." I nodded at her.

"How'd ya get in the box?" she asked.

"My old masters last wish." I said.

The rainbow one came over now. She stood next to Applejack.

"My name's Rainbow Dash." she said. " I'm the coolest in the room, and don't you forget."

"Really?" I chuckled. " Last I checked, a humans core temperature is 98.7 degrees Fahrenheit. I don't give off internal heat anymore, that makes me the coolest in the room."

"You know what I meant." she said.

"Just a joke." I said. " Just because I'm a bloodsucker doesn't mean I can't have a sense of humor."

"Fair enough." she shrugged.

There was a crash, and some thumping. I felt my senses go into high alert; I would protect Sunset and her friends.

"We can't stay here." Applejack said.

"Wait," I said, sniffing the air. " they smell off. You stay down here. I'll check it out."

"So, now you're a dog too?" Rainbow Dash asked sarcastically.

"I'm the entire package." I laughed, springing up to a stairway.

I crept out into a hallway. The newcomers were in the next room. I crouched at the doorway and listened.

"Hey, boss," One said. " the guy is dead, right?"

"Yeah," another snickered. " only an hour ago. By the time the attorney gets here, we'll have cleaned the place out."

They were burglars, growing up in the underbelly of New York and Newark. I had been on both sides of a burglary. I went back to the basement; before I could do anything, I had to get Sunset's permission.

"Burglars." I stated.

"What do we do?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, we can fight 'em." Applejack suggested.

"They could be armed." Sunset said, shaking her head.

"I could take care of them." I said, flashing my knife.

"You can't kill them!" Sunset wavered.

"I'll talk with them first. Then, if they start it, I'll finish." I suggested.

"Fine, but only as a last resort." she consented.

I walked back up the stairs and leaned on the basements door frame. They would be here in a few seconds. They rounded the corner and stopped.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" One asked.

"Oh, no one," I replied. " I'm just here to warn you. I would advise you to leave and never return to this place."

"Kid," he said, pulling out a knife. " You fucked up."

I rushed them. One threw a punch at me. I felt the impact, my nose breaking and skull fracturing. I fell back down the stairs. The girls looked at me.

"I warned them." I said, feeling my nose repairing itself.

I trudged back up the stairs, drawing the trench knife. I would feast on them tonight. I saw the one who threw the punch standing at the top. I charged, building speed up. He kicked at me. I caught the kick with my left arm. I wrapped it around his leg and contracted my muscles, breaking his leg. He cried out in pain. I swiftly buried the knife in his gut, silencing him. I stepped over him to the second one. He pulled out a knife and charged. He stabbed me in the chest. I started to cackle. I missed this. I grabbed his face, hooking one hand on his jaw. I started to pull, he was looking at me in fear. I felt the jaw dislocate. I kept pulling, feeling the muscles tearing. I ripped my hand downward, taking his jaw with it. I leaned in and bit, sucking the blood out. I kept sucking until nothing else came out. I dropped the empty corpse, severing the head so he didn't turn into a ghoul.

I looked at the corpse's jacket. It was leather and baggy, just what I needed. Stripping the corpse of the jacket and wrapping it around myself, I continued. I exchanged pants and took their wallets. I was groping, checking the man on the stairs' jacket. I felt two small objects, withdrawing a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I slipped them into my own and walked down to the basement.

"How do I look?" I asked.

"Good for someone that just broke their nose." Sunset replied, after a moment of shock.

"Its fine." I said. " Now comes the not so fun part. Disposing the evidence."

"Oh." she said in sudden apprehension and understanding.

"Don't worry, I'll do it." I said. " Could you possibly just move my box into their car."

"Why?" Applejack asked.

"It's my bed." I said. " It helps me maintain my powers without blood."

With this, we went to work. I moved the corpses into the kitchen, looking for a stove. Fortunately, the house ran on gas. I turned on the stove's gas. I joined the girls and moved my coffin into the burglars van.

"It smells funny now." Pinkie said, plugging her nose.

"Get to the car." I told them. " You really don't want to be around for this part."

I saw them get into the car. I stepped out the front door. I withdrew the lighter and cigarettes, lighting one for me. I opened the door and threw the lighter in. Then I ran, hopping into the van. The house exploded in a fiery ball in front of me. I started the engine and followed Sunset out the of the driveway.

Author's Note:

Author's Note: Hi guy's it's me again. Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for the views on this story. I'd also like to thank L4 of the West for his or her feed back. Well after reading this I've realized, I should probably stop listening to Slipknot when I'm writing. Or not, depends on your reviews. Which you should totally leave me, as I take them into account. Also, if you would like your OC to be in the story in one way or another, you should PM me or review.