• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 1,402 Views, 18 Comments

Tenth Contact: Friendship is Omniversal - ImRaidAccount

Equestria has been targeted by an inter-dimensional villain named Eon and the team he has assembled, but thankfully and old friend of Princess Celestia has a team of his own to assist Equestria.

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Of Princesses and Paradoxes

Author's Note:

Hello to my readers This is my first story that I have published professionally and I hope it's made well enough. I also apologize for the opening chapter being mostly exposition.

In Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s throne room in Canterlot Castle where three Alicorn, a one white named Princess Celestia, a one dark blue named Princess Luna, a one pink named Princess Cadence are having a discussion.

Luna starts the discussion, “Are we sure about informing them about the Time Walker’s place in Equestria so soon?”

Cadence responds, “I know you’re still worried that it may be too much for them to handle, but with all they’ve done for Equestria they have a right to know.”

Celestia adds, “I concur with Cadence. If I thought they weren’t ready I wouldn’t ask them to come.”

Luna responds, “Fair point sister, fair point.”

Six ponies of varying colors enter the conference room to join the other three in the discussion.

Celestia asks, “Where’s Spike?”

A soft-voiced yellow Pegasus Pony named Fluttershy answers, “He and Discord are keeping Starlight Glimmer company at Twilight's castle.”

Celestia says, “I have Luna inform him later tonight, and speaking of pupils of friendship studies, how is Sunset Shimmer doing?”

A purple Alicorn named Princess Twilight Sparkle says, “She’s doing wonderful and she even taught somepony the importance of friendship.”

Celestia responds, “That’s wonderful to hear, but back to business I believe it was time you were informed.”

A perplexed Twilight asks, “Princess Celestia, what are you talking about?”

Celestia responds sternly, “Before I explain, it must be made perfectly clear that what you are about to hear is one of this planet’s most deeply kept secret, and that it is revealed to only the highest rulers of Equestria and beyond and those who are deemed worthy with and ONLY with a unanimous decision from the former.”

An orange southern-accented Earth Pony named Applejack asks, “What happens if we tell anypony?”

Celestia responds, “Nothing really, but I want complete deniability if this secret somehow becomes public.”

Fluttershy meekly adds, “We still shouldn’t tell anypony. I can foresee this not ending well.”

A blue Pegasus Pony named Rainbow Dash in return says, “How do you figure? You don’t even know what it is you don’t want to tell anypony.”

Fluttershy in a deadpan tone responds, “It’s Ponyville.”

Rainbow Dash responds, “Good point.”

Celestia says, “This might be a lot to take in but this is why I wanted all of you to be here. So that Princess Luna, Princess Cadence and I could talk out any frustrations and questions you may have, but before I explain, Princess Luna has the floor.”

Luna continues, “What I am about to tell you is not a deeply kept secret but I feel is something worth mentioning.”

A pink Earth Pony named Pinkie Pie asks, “Can we tell anypony about this?”

Luna responds, “Yes you may.”

Pinkie says, “Okie dokie lokie."

Luna says, “When Princess Twilight traveled to another world through the mirror met a group of bipedal primate-like creatures known as humans and that they exist in this world but not on this planet, if that makes any sense.”

Applejack perplexingly asks, “There is life on other planets?”

Luna responds, “Indeed there is my little pony.”

Twilight says, “Good to know, but how do you know about life on other planets if you haven’t been to other planets?”

Celestia responds, “My sister and I have been to only one actually, but that is a story for another time. Now, it is time you knew the truth. ”

Twilight asks, “The truth about what?”

Celestia responds, "The truth about Equestria, and its place in the universe.”

Celestia starts her story, “It all started from Equestria was young, before the rise of Discord. The three tribe leaders and their assistants were told to come to the conference hall where they met on how to deal with The Windigo Blizzard.”

A pair of Unicorn Ponies entered the conference room named Princess Platinum and her assistant Clover the Clever.

Princess Platinum says, “It seems we are the first to arrive.”

Clover adds, “Yes we are your highness, but the note that told us to come here troubles me.”

The Earth Pony pair of Chancellor Pudding Head and her assistant Smart Cookie enters the room.

Smart Cookie says, “I couldn’t agree more.”

Platinum says, “What do you mean, Smart Cookie?”

Smart Cookie responds, “The note seemed incredibly suspicious. I mean honestly, it told the three leaders to bring their assistants and only their assistants. I think it is a trap.”

Clover questions, “If you thought it was a trap, then why did you come?”

Smart Cookie responds, “I was vetoed by the Chancellor.”

Clover the Clever says in return, “I see.”

The Pegasus Pony pair of Commander Hurricane and her assistant Private Pansy flies in to the hall.

Commander Hurricane exclaims, “I agree with Smart Cookie, which is why I have some of my soldiers waiting.”

Hearing this shocking news, Clover the Clever exclaims, “With all due respect commander, ARE YOU INSANE?!”

Chancellor Puddinghead says in response, “She’s not insane, she’s well prepared, and I would be too if Smart Cookie wasn’t being a big, dumb meanie.”

Smart Cookie then says, “I told you that if this is a trap we don’t want to waste the lives of our soldiers.”

Chancellor Puddinghead adds, “That reminds me, who told us to come here again?”

From a blue time vortex, a mysterious voice answers, “That would be me.”

Out of the time vortex an ape-like creature wearing a white lab coat over a brown button-down shirt, black pants, brown shoes, green-lensed goggles around his neck appears, shocking the six ponies who witnessed it.

The ape creature says, “Greetings, founders of Equestria.”

Princess Platinum asks, “W-what are you?!”

Commander Hurricane then exclaims, ‘I don’t care what it is! I’m taking it down.”

The commander charges at the ape creature but it dodges out of the way, almost effortlessly. The commander then crashes in the wall behind it.

The ape creature asks the commander, “Are you quite finished yet, because I will like to get to the point of why I asked you all here?”

The commander pulls her head out of the wall and retrieves her helmet in implanted in the wall and exclaims, “How did you dodge me so fast?!”

The ape creature says in response, "You mean ‘how did I dodge you so quickly?’ The answer is simple. I walked, strolled really.”

Commander Hurricane says, “There is no way I can compete with that speed; I know when I am outmatched.”

The ape creature says, “Now that everything is in order allow me to introduce myself. I am known as the Time Walker and I have something I want to ask to you all.”

Smart Cookie asks, “What is it you want to ask?”

The Time Walker says, “I want to put a chrono-randomizer barrier around this planet to prevent hostile outside forces from conquering it and to prevent planet-bound threats, such as the windigos, from affecting the rest of the universe.”

Smart Cookie asks, “And that means…?”

The Time Walker responds, “It means that Planet Hasbos will be out of sync with all time and is only accessible unless you’re me, or you have an item that I have hidden its four pieces across the cosmos to prevent it from being used for evil. There is also a race of beings that can warp reality but their bipartite consciousness can never agree to do anything.”

Princess Platinum says, “We will need some time to think about this.”

The Time Walker says, “I understand. I know what I am asking lot out of all of you but whatever you choose I won’t question it. I will return yearly to hear about your decision.”

Princess Celestia says, “After going through another time vortex, The Time Walker leaves the rulers and their assistants to make their decision. After a few years the rulers talked with the leaders from the other races and they decided to go with the Time Walker’s proposition, now and again he comes to Equestria to check up on things.”

Rainbow Dash jovially says, “Cool story Celestia. You need to tell that story the next time you are in Ponyville.”

Princess Luna deadpans, “Well, that was an unexpected reaction.”

After a time vortex opens, there was a voice, “Apologies for the unannounced visit, but we have an impending temporal menace to deal with.”

Fluttershy jumps away from the source of the voice to reveal the Time Walker, but he has a different appearance from when he first met the founders. His lab coat has gold ascents along the edges with many brown pockets, his goggles now resemble aviator goggles, his shoes are now boots, his pants now have brown knee pads, he now sports a cane and his right hand is now a metallic prosthetic.

Rainbow Dash says, "You don't have anything to worry about Time Walker. The temporal menace you mentioned has been dealt with peacefully and she is now our friend."

The Time Walker responds, "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash but Starlight Glimmer's interference in the time stream is unrelated to the matter at hand or at hoof in this case and it seems I've been gone for far too long, I go by Professor Paradox now."

Pinkie Pie says, "That's strange. You don't look a bird."

Paradox gives a light chuckle and says, "Classic levity courtesy of the Bearer of Laughter, that's takes me back or was it forward. It's gets so hard to tell Pinkie Pie."

Applejack adds, "This is starting to get distracting. How do y'all know our names?"

Paradox answers, "That is an excellent question Applejack and not remotely the point of me being here."

Celestia asks, “What is your point, Paradox?”

Paradox answers, “I am afraid my archenemy wants to use Equestria as a plan B to restart the time war...again. No need to worry too much though because I plan to get the assistance from some Plumbers I know rather personally.”

A confused white Unicorn Pony named Rarity asks, “Wait, you called somepony such an uncouth job to help stop your archenemy?”

Paradox responds, “Actually Miss Rarity you have the wrong idea but proper explanations can wait until I return.”

Twilight angrily adds , “That's seems fair but you get back we are going to have a serious chat!”

Paradox responds, ”I understand Your Friendliness."

Celestia proclaims, “I wish to join you and your friends.”

Paradox answers, “I don’t think that is necessary.”

Celestia responds, “Even so, I feel your friends should know what they are fighting for.”

Paradox in return says, “If you insist then let’s get going shall we.” Paradox opens a time vortex to his destination.