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Comments ( 38 )

"Where's Spike?" asked Twilight.
They found him upstairs, still sleeping despite the carnage.
"I bet when the zombie finds him he gets tangled in his blankets and suffocates!" Pinkie said.
"I bet he breaks his neck falling down the stairs trying to escape," Rainbow countered.
"You're on! How much?"
But ghosts didn't have money.

Well... that was something. I don't know what, but it was definitely something.

6582695 6583011 He's read the best comics and seen the best movies.

I'm sure Spike will be fine.

Well, that happened:applejackunsure:
Guess someone needs to call Alucard:facehoof:
And all i wanted was a cup of tea to drink in peace:ajsleepy:
I'll go get and get him....

That was... I can't even.

Comment posted by totallynotabrony deleted Oct 30th, 2015

6583129 is there?:rainbowhuh: i never actually have watched any of it...


Characters humorously reacting to their own deaths is one of my favorite things ever.

This one was fucking perfect.


Yeah, about that... it's been delayed. Full story here.

Comment posted by Megabutler deleted Oct 30th, 2015

Disliked because I didn't find this very funny.

6583710 I think this is the first time in months anyone has actually told me why they downvoted. Any feedback is good feedback.

6583401 :applejackunsure:
I mean, it's better than getting nothing at all, but how hard is it for experienced producers to record some voices and do mild video editing?

"Ugh," Rainbow shook her head, "Your killing me,".

OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO-S-SH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

even in a Halloween fic, authors cant resist making 'rainbow is a dyke' jokes. -_-

6583732 You mean aside from also getting the voice acting right while one is in a different section of the country and then the editors have to set everything just right for certain jokes to work? Yes that's not a big issue at all.

BTW. Loved the story.

I enjoyed this way more than is healthy.

Rainbow huffed and crossed her forelegs. “So now I’m a ghost. I could already fly but now nopony can see me. My friends are probably going to do something unethical to my body. Just great.”

:twilightblush: Oh... my...

“Aren’t you scared?” Fluttershy asked.

Uh... no. There's no way that an entity without a brain, much less a frontal lobe, is capable of the emotion we call fear. Actually, the shouldn't be able to feel any emotions.

We get a sequel where they try and kill everypony, right?

wlam #23 · Nov 1st, 2015 · · 1 ·


Actually, the shouldn't be able to feel any emotions.

They also shouldn't exist, because there is no such thing as the soul. Are you quite done comically missing the point yet? :derpytongue2:

6588752 There's no way to prove the existence of a soul but there's also no way to disprove it; but since I'm Christian, I do believe in the existence of a soul. The thing I don't believe in is it staying on the Earthen plain. I'm fairly certain it'd go to a different realm, such as Purgatory, Hell, or their Elysium. Granted, Purgatory could be a realm that overlaps the Earthen realm, meaning they'd be able to interact, but very subtly; and even that is still theory. Now, given what you said about there being no soul, I'm going to guess you're either atheist, agnostic, or part of some other religion that dists the existence of a soul. I won't say you're wrong either, since I mentioned that there's no way to prove, nor disprove, a souls existence.

wlam #25 · Nov 1st, 2015 · · 1 ·

I don't believe in it, but I have no strong opinions on it. It was just a pointed remark to rub your nose in how silly it is to call parts of the brain necessary for mental functions in a story about ghosts.

6589084 Well, those parts of the brain are necessary to do certain things. Without the frontal lobe, you can't dream, feel fear, plan and organize (Twilight's nightmare), focus, and you'd have pretty much no personality whatsoever. You could also lose certain memories as well. The brain is quite fascinating, don't you agree?

It absolutely is. It is however also rather essential to the mind even existing in the first place, if you're going to be physicalist about it, which leads that whole argument rather ad absurdum.

I love death humor

My only pet peeve with this is the fact that diabetes [mellitus] doesn't work this way.

...And then Celestia imprisoned their souls into six gems, and hid them in the old castle for her next student to find. :trollestia:

Don't normally go for gore but this is a fun read. I'm glad I helped inspire it in whatever small way!

Or maybe to enchant a really obscure weaon nobody will ever use like a pickaxe or something.

Am I the only one who suddenly hears the Ghost Busters Theme?


It was me a pleasure.


:raritydespair:: "No fashion anymore?! I would rather be dead!"

:rainbowwild:: "What doesn't kill you..."

:twilightangry2:: "Rainbow, that is a death-serious matter!"

:fluttercry:: "Please stop, you are scarying me to death! If that's OK with you, I mean.

:ajbemused:: "Hang on, all of you. Fluttershy is already pale like a ghost."

:pinkiecrazy:: "And now: Time for the first afterlife-party! We could at least enjoy our new undeath living."

(The last two are bad, I know. If you have any better idea, feel free to make suggestions)

You thought up the punchline first, then wrote the story to accompany it second, didn't you?

Pretty good read either way.

Okay this is probably the best one chapter story I gotten to read in the last 2 months comrade. Anyways, I was thinking that because of the ending if you ever do a sequel to this, you have a ton of paths you could take with it.

Would be hilarious if for example the creature who judges them is a changeling :trollestia: (why you ask? Because twilight and her friends don't have the best opinion on them). I would try to write this story but well, I couldn't write to save my life. Sigh

“There would be a temporary rise in public health issues followed by a permanent decline,” Fluttershy suggested.

I just re-read this because a line in "Analytics" reminded me of how often Rainbow dies to bloody dismemberment, and then this line brought it full circle. Excellent analysis, Shy.

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