• Published 29th Sep 2015
  • 11,464 Views, 486 Comments

The Plague Master - Theyellowninja13

Sent to a strange world with control over every disease imaginable, John will have to cope, knowing he's on the edge of commiting genocide, or worse, xenocide.

  • ...

Bioweapon P begins in Ponyville

-An hour ago-

"So Twi, you ever hear of such a creature?" Rainbow Dash asked, watching as the tired Twilight looked around her new library, thinking.

"Are you sure it wasn't a minotaur? Or a Diamond Dog? Or the girls could have been mistaken, and not really seen anything," Twilight yawned, as she pulled book after book from the walls.

"The girls seemed to be rather sure of themselves. Plus Applebloom had a scar on her belly that looked like it was healed by a professional doctor," Rarity added.

Twilight looked over her books, before pausing on a certain page. "If the girls aren't lying, then it would have to be this creature. A human. But these ones are different than the ones I met in the other world." Twilight spun the book around on the desk, so the two other ponies could read it.

"Human? Isn't that the one creature from those old tales?" Rarity asked, noticing the garish figures of the humans in it, wearing barbaric clothes, and fighting each other.

Twilight nodded, yawning one more time. "Yep. They were known for being a warrior race a long time ago. Supposedly they loved war so much that they destroyed themselves in a single day, and ruined the world for hundreds of years, before the first pony was even born."

"How did they manage to do that?" Rainbow Dash asked, not interested in the history lesson, but still curious about what kind of power could wipe out an entire race.

"Nopony knows. But some scientists say it was a weapon brighter and more powerful than the sun." Rarity suddenly gasped.

"And Sweetie Belle was with one of those monsters?!" Rarity fell back, but her rapidly appearing fainting couch showed up, catching her.

"Well, it does say that not all humans are bad. There were many humans who helped others. The interesting thing is that they lived their entire life without magic. They only used technology, and theirs was centuries ahead of our own." Twilight's eyes sparkled at this interesting information.

"How can one survive without mag..." Rainbow was cut off by a pony bursting through the doors. All three mares looked over to see Mayor Mare with a panicked expression and what looked like a bright red blush between and under her eyes. Her coat seemed a little different than its usual tan shade.

"Princess Twilight! Something's wrong! Ponies are passing out left and right! And even the doctors are passing out! And....and..." The mayor fell down to the ground, her complexion becoming much more pale.

"Mayor!" all three ponies yelled, running over to the pony, whose breathing was already getting shallow and strange growths started to appear on her legs.

"I don't understand! What happened?!" Rarity exclaimed, putting some pillows under the mayor.

"She seemed to have contracted some sort of disease? I'm sorry, but I haven't read much on colds, flus, and diseases. But what was she talking...about..." Twilight trailed off, as she walked to the nearby window, and looked out, seeing the bodies of ponies laying on the ground. Some looked worse than others, as they were bleeding, and had massive swelling and various growths. There were several ponies running around, trying to help their neighbors, but many of them started to join the sick ponies as they fell down. "What in Equestria is happening!"

"I don't know, but this doesn't look good. Should we alert the princesses?" Rarity asked, walking over to Twilight.

"You're right. SPIKE!" There was a loud thump, and the sounds of running, as Twilight's dragon assistant quickly ran in.

"What's wrong, Twilight?!" ee yelled, noticing the passed out mayor.

"I need you to take a letter," Twilight said, trying to act calm for Spike, but was nevertheless still freaking out. Spike pulled out a scroll and a quill from his back. "Dear Princess Celestia. We need your help here in Ponyville. There seems to be some sort of disease spreading around rapidly, and ponies are dropping left and right. Please help! Sincerely, Princess Twilight."

Spike took a deep breath, and quickly exhaled, a green sparkling flame coming out of his mouth and burning the finished letter, where it turned into dust, and quickly flew away to Canterlot. When the letter was sent, Spike looked to the older mares, hoping for an answer to what was happening.

Twilight, seeing the young dragon who’s basically her brother getting worried, quickly trotted over to comfort him. “Twilight? What’s happening?”

Twilight looked over at her two friends with an unsure glance. “Well, we don’t know. We think it’s some kind of illness. Stay here, and we’ll go check it out.” Spike nodded, and the three mares walked over to the door.

Rarity stopped in her tracks, before opening the door. “Wait, what’s preventing us from getting the illness as well if we go out?”

Twilight blinked in surprise. “Oh! I’ll cast a health bubble, so make sure to stay close.” The two mares nodded and stood by Twilight’s side as her horn glowed with a purple hue, and a bubble formed around the group. As soon as the bubble formed, several small purple crosses floated around the bubble, representing the widely known medical spell sign.

Twilight took a gasp of breath. “I don’t know how long I can hold this. I’m not used to casting medical spells, so let’s solve this problem quickly.” Rainbow Dash gently opened the door, her usual reckless personality replaced with a careful persona, as she did not want to get sick like these other ponies. Especially if she got growths on her wings, and couldn’t use them anymore.

The three girls gasped at the sight of the town’s state. It looked completely different than it did just a few minutes ago when Twilight looked out of the window. All the ponies were on the ground, clearly affected by whatever illness was spreading. All three mares felt sick in their stomach as they saw the pools of blood beneath many of the ponies. Pegasi laid upon the ground, their wings outstretched, as they throbbed with tumors. Every unicorn had a bright red rash on their horns, with several small bumps, and their faces were contorted in pain. Each earth pony’s hooves were black and shriveled, as if all blood has been removed from that part of the body. Several bodies of children laid upon the ground, crying bloody tears, as their bodies had various other symptoms.

Twilight couldn’t take it any more, and emptied the contents of her stomach, which luckily fell out of the bubble so the three mares wouldn’t have to wade in vomit. Rarity was close to imitating Twilight, when a thought popped into her head.

“Sweetie Belle!” she screamed, and ran out of the bubble, much to the dismay of the two remaining mares.

“Wait, Rarity! It’s dangerous!” Twilight called out, but to no avail, as Rarity quickly disappeared after making a sharp turn.

“Quickly, Twi! We have to follow her!” Rainbow got behind her friend, and started pushing Twilight forward, until she finally decided to move on her own legs instead of being pushed.

The two mares quickly followed their best guess of where Rarity ran to, and noticed all the fallen ponies along the way. It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the sobbing body of Rarity, standing over the ill Sweetie Belle, while a surprisingly fine Applebloom tried to help.

When the mares got closer, they saw Rarity’s body being wracked with illness. Her once pristine skin was developing rashes and cysts, and her horn was swollen. Applebloom quickly noticed Twilight and Rainbow and ran over to them.

“Applebloom?! What are you doing out! You’re going to get sick!” Twilight exclaimed, and tried to get the small filly into the health bubble, but she just bounced off of it.

Applebloom shook her head. “I don’t think I will get sick, Twilight. It feels like I’m only sick from that disease Doctor John tried to cure me of.” Applebloom blinked in surprise. “Maybe we should get Doctor John’s help! He’s a doctor who helps ponies who are sick like this, so maybe he can help?!”

Twilight looked at Applebloom. “Now’s not the time for myths, Applebloom, Princess Celestia should be showing up soon, and she’ll be able to take care of it.”

“But Twilight!” Applebloom tried to object, but Twilight shushed her, and walked over to Sweetie Belle along with Rainbow, but before she could get there, a scream was heard coming from the left of the group. Everyone looked over to see an orange and blue blur and the sound of fast moving wheels. The blur quickly turned into a pale-looking Scootaloo who was riding a scooter that had lost its handle.

The scooter got even closer, and Scootaloo tried to stop it, but instead caused it to tumble, and it sent the young pegasus flying into Twilight’s health bubble, where she fell to the ground, unable to enter. The same couldn’t be said about the scooter. Twilight was focused more on Scootaloo, and wasn’t able to dodge the scooter, which slammed into Twilight’s hooves, causing her to fall down, her hooves having been moved from underneath her.

When Twilight hit the ground, she lost concentration on her spell, which quickly faded, and Twilight collapsed next to a sick Scootaloo, which quickly transmitted the same illness to the unicorn. The illness infected Twilight quicker than should be possible. Her horn became swollen, and she coughed up blood, as her organs started failing. Her body grew tumors, and her hind legs lost all blood to them.

Rainbow Dash quickly reacted once the bubble faded, and flew into the air, making sure to stay away from the sick ponies, no matter how much her instincts told her to help them. “Twilight! Come on! Get up! We need your help to save everypony! Twilight!”

“She’s not going to be able to get up, we need to get Doctor John!” Applebloom exclaimed, trying to get Rainbow Dash to listen to her.

Rainbow Dash looked down. “But even if what you’re saying is true, how do we know this ‘Doctor John’ will help? Twi said humans cared only about hurting others. And they have no magic, so how can this human help?”

“He just can! He helped me when I needed it. He’s got some strange control over stuff like this! He’s one of the nicest creatures I’ve ever met! Of course he’d help!” Applebloom tried to convince the pegasus.

Rainbow looked unsure for a few seconds, but when she heard the pained moans coming from her adoptive sister, she quickly made up her mind. “Where can I find this Doctor?”

Rainbow Dash was quickly flying over the Everfree Forest, looking for where Applebloom described. As she got deeper and deeper into the Everfree, she noticed a huge shimmer in between some trees near a bunch of destroyed ones. She decided to check it out, but before she could put on some extra speed, she had to stop in midair, and have a small coughing fit.

When she was done, she flew back over to where she remembered the shimmer was, and saw a dirty looking creature next to a giant dark fox. Hoping that this was the figure Applebloom described, she flew down, and the creature turned around, revealing a face with two blood red eyes.

The creature was surprised, and took a step backwards as it tried to process the flying pony. Rainbow snapped him out of it by asking a question. "You're the one who helped out Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle the other day, right? The doctor?"

"Yeah..." the creature said, taking another step backwards.

Rainbow sighed. "I need you to come with me, Ponyville needs your help. Ponies are getting sick and falling all over."

Author's Note:

So yeah, I might of had some trouble with the outbreak scene, and the scene with Applebloom trying to convince the others. I'd like to hear your opinions on it, and maybe change it to make it look better.

This chapter is also to explain how Rainbow Dash found John in the huge Everfree Forest.

Edited by Word Worthy