• Published 25th Dec 2015
  • 341 Views, 1 Comments

Winds of Fate - Storm Rival

Magic degeneration, a very uncommon and very much uncureable unicorn disease. Majority of the patients don't make it. My nephew has that disease, and he's made it further along than anypony else. This is his story.

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Prologue: Fate


Snow was pouring down everywhere in ponyville, nothing could be heard in the simple silence. Makes me wonder if this was what the olden pony factions had to deal with on the first hearths warming. The defining silence. I slowly make way to my home, my new and own home. There was silence. Ding Dong! My first guest.

"Hey sister!" I welcomed the guest in. the snow was chilly but not too chilly.

"Hey how's it going winds?" she asked

"Please call me Storm." I reminded her.

"Oh yeah, Storm." she corrected herself.

A few moments more passed,then my sister asked; "is anyponyelse coming?"

The door bell answered her question. I'd opened the door and found that my other sister, Brother in law and three nephews were here.

My two sisters locked eyes. There was a fire burning, yet not in the fireplace but rather between the deadlocked eyes of my sisters.

"Oh, great, why'd you invite her?" My brother-in-law asked. "She's got in deep with the family."

"I know, but..."

"Sister," Joyce said angrily.

"Sister," Flow said with a hint of regret and apology.

Oh great not now, was all I could think before

Ding dong!

My sisters' deadlocked stares were broken as I'd opened the door.

"Hey hey everypony!" My pops had bellowed.

"Hey dad." me and my two sisters said along with my brother.

"Hey dad," I said to pops.

"Yes, what is it son?" he asked.

"I hope everypony is willing to forgive and forget this hearths warming, and just be civilized." I said to him. "Also, I need you to make sure everything food wise is pretty much done."

"As far as the first thing," he said to me. "I'm willing to let the past be the past, however I'm not so sure everypony else is." he said noticing the already tense air here.

There was one more ding dong.

"Hello Storm!" I heard a mare's voice coming through the silence, My aunt.

"You!" My mom said angrily staring at my aunt from the door.

"You." My aunt said smugly staring at my mom slowly coming inside.

Oh, how the next few minutes delved into chaos.

Hearths warming the one day where all ponies despite their differences are supposed to come together and celebrate in happiness and joy. To totally put aside differences, just for such a short time just to survive. That first story of the holiday just doesn't seem to fit anymore in my family.

Everything I'd known about my family had taken a complete 180 since I was a foal in Jr. Speedster Flight Camp. Vendettas had became known that otherwise never would have; and now, There's nothing but a room full of ponies arguing over who was right and wrong. Settling old scores that have been sitting in the dust since before Luna had came back to us.

Why was all this happening though? I was just hoping for change. I'd invited many of my family together this year just because I'd gotten my own place and had just wanted for once to have a good day. I was hoping that everypony would forget their differences because of the holiday and just sit down have a nice cup of coco and relax, But how much of a foals' dream is that?

My mom and aunt fighting as though my house were filly school's recess yard, my two sisters hashing out harsher than cruel words, my dad, out to get the festive feast this year. Things were as bad as the parasprites a while ago. Too much chaos too much noise too much everything. This had just made me want to once more read books rather than write them.

And yet, there I stood helpless in the chaos that took the room, hoping wishing for a way to stop the bickering. Things get worse as the hearts warming tree got knocked down.

I swear if discord were here, he'd have a field day mocking everypony in here. Probably best he isn't, he'd have been thrown out only to teleport back in repeating that same thing dozens of times by now. The situation was bleak at this moment, as I looked at my first hearths warming party I'd wanted, yet, something everypony else hadn't. I was hoping someway somehow this could've been the push everypony needed to just accept one another again. I just wanted to yell, but like fluttershy, my voice just doesn't carry.

Seeing the look in my eldest nephew's, Willed Rocket's, eyes, I could see him being tormented. One decision, one blasted decision all because of a disease doctors don't even know how to combat; Magic Degeneration, a very rare, and random case in all unicorn Equine. My family was told as soon as Will was diagnosed; the prognosis was grim even for him when he was a foal. Medicine has no explanation for this and even says most ponies kick the bucket before getting this far along. Somehow, though, I knew he'd hold out even past the end doctors had given, but he now must make a choice Earthpony or Pegasus, for today was his last had he not. I honestly couldn't bring myself to see what would happen if he hadn't chosen.

And yet, There I stood Hearths warming eve, turning to day. I was in the middle of the room, in the middle of the chaos. As the sun came up, I saw my nephew radiate a small glow that glow taking up a small portion of the room and there while everyone else was fighting, I stood and watched my nephew painfully transform into a new pony. A pony where his untapped potential was a walk in the park, or orchard; A pony who's struggles now may mean nothing at all and he'd be twenty percent cooler with it. The glow didn't take much from the room's natural light, so only those closest to him witnessed, Namely: me, and My two sister's, Will's Aunt.

"You know, Joyce, My younger sister said to my oldest. "I may actually take part in watching my nephew now."

"What do you mean Flow?" Joycing winds, My eldest asked. looking at her younger sister's hoof point, seeing her child's transformation in awe.

"I see, willing to babysit next friday?" Joyce had asked Flow.

"I'm a little busy that day, but I think Storm may have some free time." she said

I'd heard my nickname from across the room and then said, "Sorry I got to get with a friend that day."

"When isn't there a day you've 'got to get with a friend'?" Flow asked me.

"I'm sorry, My friend's really busy and honestly, we do opposite ends of wor-"

"Stop it Everypony!" I heard from Will. This had now gotten the attention of my mom Singing Winds and my aunt, Scarlet Serenity.

"What now, I haven't even gotten to..." My aunt started but stopped soon after seeing what'd happened to her grand-nephew.

"You know aunt, I honestly don't like it when people just drown me out all the time." Will said. Honestly, though, he isn't that far from the truth. Most of the times he is drowned out on what majority of us want to do.

"We all thought," my mom began to stutter.

"What?" Will asked "That I'd run away if I transformed into this?"

He was right, Though, Everypony thought he would do that, especially since...

I was tormented and tormented, time and time, again over what I'd wanted," Will said. "Which would let me do what I wanted more, when I realized, I could have the best of both worlds."

Now seeing everyone in awe and the story becoming apparent right in front of me. I realized, this is what my cutie mark demanded of me, writing a story that ponies would actually open a book to read. I'd liked stories since I was little and even now I liked how this one would turn out on paper.

I must get on this story right now and I must start from the beginning at all costs. When one starts at the end, there is only foreshadowing to follow, or, how did it go? I can't remember at all right now. All I know, is that something astounding happened and must be recorded for others in torment.

Author's Note:

Say what you will, this story has some of my real life entwined into it. I had tried time and time again to make a story for my oc, however, every time I hit roadblocks or just didn't feel the story. I've worked and reworked my oc to the bone and found that this may just be my oc's story.
Sweet Symphonies was the story in which my oc was in a reworking, but, this seems to fit the bill more. I have gotten the story from help from another aspiring author at Running of the Leaves con of this year, 2015. I hope everyone enjoys this, for this is my own story as well as just a simple work of fiction.

Thanks much

Storm Rival

P.S. The Nephew of this fic IS NOT an alicorn. His two and ONLY TWO choices are pegasus and Earthpony. I feel as though alicorns are a bit of a touchy subject. As such, no alicorns, Except those already cannon, will appear in this if they do at all, as this is still a work in progress.