• Published 12th Aug 2015
  • 3,000 Views, 128 Comments

The Legend of Spike: Dragon Quest - DiabloGuapo

Spike, the Mane Six, and their children face an insurmountable force; an army of dragons!

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The Sea Cave

Around the same time as Spike and the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony were facing the Dragon King, their children stood on the rocky shore of an island off of the western coast of Equestria. The six of them looked about the c-shaped island for the supposed secret entrance to the cultists’ hideout. Midnight looked up to the moon overhead, seeing that it had indeed already passed the zenith of the sky. Floating beside her in her yellow magically aura was the Moonstone amulet. The white stone carved in the shape of the crescent moon set in the center of the talisman glowed and casted its light upon the ground like a searchlight.

They had been walking along the coast of the island for a few minutes now, checking every cove and cave. Midnight’s heart was racing as she frantically scanned each rockwall they passed, for she feared that her father could be sacrificed at any moment. Beside her was Sour Apple and Posey, who were just as desperate as she was. Like Midnight, they had a family member missing: young Apple Seed. The young filly had disappeared during the attack on Ponyville, and the only lead they had was the word of the cultist they had apprehended.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Midnight shined the artificial moonlight on a cliffside. As did the shadows, the rocky wall also vanished as though it was never there in the first place. She lowered the amulet, and the wall immediately returned. Sour Apple walked up to the wall and placed a hoof on it just to have it effortlessly phase through.

“It’s an illusion. The dragon that used to live here must have casted a spell to conceal the entrance to his lair,” Midnight explained as Amethyst, Thunderbolt, and Surprise joined them. The six friends stared at the hidden entrance only for a moment before walking through the wall, for they knew time was against them. Midnight wished she had more time to come up with a plan. They didn’t know how many cultists were in there, if that demon was with them, or more importantly, where they were keeping Flash Sentry and Apple Seed.

Cautiously proceeding, they stepped inside and discovered a cave dimly lit by torches, confirming that this was indeed the place. The six stayed close together, moving together slowly as to not get separated or make too much noise and give themselves away.

Up ahead, they heard the echoing voices of ponies coming from around the corner. Huddling together against the wall, they rounded the corner carefully. Midnight’s horn came to life, and a little yellow light floated to cave’s ceiling. Then a circular monitor appeared in front of them, displaying what the little light could see. On the display, they could see five ponies. Midnight and Amethyst glowered, recognizing them as Sworn Duty and the other guards that had attacked them in the palace. They were putting on white robes marked with the symbol of a grinning bat.

“C’mon, we can take them,” Thunderbolt whispered, moving forward but was stopped by Sour Apple’s hoof.

“No, too risky,” the larger stallion responded. “We’ll be only announcing our arrival to everypony in this here cave. Ah’m not gonna risk mah sister’s life like that.”

“Okay, yeah. But what do we do?” Thunderbolt asked.

“Amethyst, do you remember any sleep spells?” Midnight inquired, cancelling the remote viewing spell. The Kirin nodded, seeing where she was going the idea. “Alright, follow my lead.”

Sworn Duty and his cohorts were almost finishing putting on their robes for the summoning ceremony. The green Pegasus was a tad nervous, though. They had failed in apprehending Princess Midnight or even Princess Amethyst, but that’s why Lord Hargon sent multiple teams. If one was unable to accomplish their objective, then another one would. Surely, Cider Barrel would be able to get at least one of his children, or maybe the other team got both of the Element of Laughter’s children. And the Demon Prince Bazuzu was going after Prince Evening Star. With all of that preparation, they must had got the three that they needed.

What was bothering him was the fact that he had left Live Wire behind. He knew that his partner would never betray the Order, but how would Lord Hargon react to them losing such a valued member? And a mare no less! The Order needed all the mares and foals they could get in order to populate the new world that the Great Malroth would create, and even one would be sorely missed. Perhaps when they finally summoned the Great Malroth, they could go and… retrieve… her…

Sworn Duty blinked his eyes as his head began to spin and his vision blurred. He was dimly aware of the other robed ponies falling over beside him, but it seemed so far away. His head drooped and then his legs gave out from underneath him. By the time Midnight and her friends approached him, he was already sound asleep.

Midnight and Amethyst stood over the traitors as they canceled their magic, Midnight staring venomously at Sworn Duty in particular. She was tempted to enact her revenge right then and there for attacking her, being a part of her father’s abduction, and for breaking her heart. But now wasn’t the time.

Looking over to the side, she saw more white robes folded up in a pile. After using her magic to summon ropes and tie the sleeping ponies up, she and her friends hastily put on the robes to disguise themselves. It was doubly fortunate for them because the other cultists would be expecting six of their compatriots to be arriving. Pulling the hoods over their heads, they were now able to proceed further into the lair undetected.

As they went further into the subterranean lair, the orange light of the torches was replaced with an ominous green glow. However, they couldn’t let some unnatural lighting stop them now and pressed onward to discover the source of the light. In a larger chamber, they found a large pool of glowing green ooze with luminous mist of the same color rising from it. Partially submerged in the pool and embedded in the cave’s walls were the skeletal remains of multiple dragons. The green slime was dripping from the bones and into the pool. It was like something straight out of a horror film. To add to the macabre scene were hooded figures standing before an altar while chanting in a dead language.

Lying upon the altar was Apple Seed, whose little hooves were tied together. The filly was crying as she looked at the scary hooded figures gathered around her. As frightening as they were, they were nothing compared to the monster standing not to far from her. She looked around helplessly with the seemingly vain hope that somepony might come to save her. Seeing his little sister in distress, Sour Apple nearly bolted for the altar but was stopped by Surprise. He got a hold of himself and followed the others as they quietly fanned out and placed themselves within the crowd, blending in as they discreetly moved towards Apple Seed.

As she made her way to the front of the congregation, Midnight spotted her father. She gasped to herself once she saw that he was covered in bruises and scratches. He had been knocked unconscious and was tied up beside the altar. Midnight could only guess that he was next in line to be sacrificed.

Standing behind her father was a purple ape-like demon with bat wings. The demon walked over to the altar and grabbed a golden idol of a demon skull with some sort of a jade reptilian creature wrapped around it. Holding the idol aloft, the skull’s eye sockets lit up as a portal opened in the cavern. On the other side, Midnight could see what looked to be the inside of a dungeon.

“I return to Rhone,” announced the ape demon. “The ceremony will commence once Hargon and I return.”

“Hail Hargon! Praise Malroth!” the crowd chanted, the six infiltrators mimicking their words.

The demon placed the idol back down on the altar before hoisting Flash Sentry over his shoulder. The demon made his way towards the portal with his captive, sending a jolt of dread through Midnight. She dropped all discretion and made for the altar, shoving her way through the crowd. However, it was too late and the portal closed behind the demon just as Midnight got to the front of the crowd.

Before the feeling of despair could fully sink in, a voice spoke to her. “Ah, you’ve arrived. Where’s the Princess?” Midnight couldn’t find her voice, being too distraught, and only stood there. The cultist waited for her to respond, but when she didn’t, he asked, “Sister, did you hear me? Were you able to get the Princess?”

“N-no,” Midnight responded, doing her best to disguise her voice and keep her face hidden under the hood.

“No?” the cultist exclaimed, sounding alarmed. The other cultists started to murmur amongst themselves. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw her friends making their way to stand by her. Though outnumbered, she felt safer in the company of her friends.

“This is bad! Lord Hargon will be displeased!” a cultist lamented as others began arguing.

“They were supposed to get the Princess! What are we gonna do now?!”

You were supposed to get that stupid party planner’s foals!”

“Hey! How were supposed to know they had a cannon?!”

“Or a bloodthirsty alligator?!” Hearing this, Surprise smirked proudly to herself, recalling how she and her family were able to drive off the marauders with their party cannons while Gummy snapped at their retreating tails.

With all of the bickering, none of the robed ponies noticed that the six had gathered in front of the crowd. The only thing that stood in their way was the pony that the purple demon had addressed. Raising his head to peek from under his hood at the obstacle between him and his sister, Sour Apple saw who it was, and his orange eyes widened with fury. Standing by the altar was his father, Cider Barrel.

“Calm down, brothers and sisters!” Cider Barrel called for attention. “This is only a minor setback! All we need is just one more offering. The Great Malroth will provide. Let’s not worry about what we don’t have and focus what we do have.”

Turning his attention to the bounded filly, Cider Barrel approached the altar and procured a ceremonial dagger from his robes. Apple Seed’s eyes widened upon seeing the blade and started to struggle against her restraints. Cider Barrel placed the dagger on the head of the altar by the idol. He then placed candles on the four corners of the slab.

As he dutifully prepared the ritual, Apple Seed pleaded with him, “Please, don’t do it! Ah don’t wanna die!” Cider Barrel ignored her and proceeded to light the candles with a match. “Please! Ah’m yer daughter! If yer really mah pa, then don’t do this!”

This got Cider Barrel’s attention, and he looked down at the crying filly. After blowing out the match, he said, “This is how it has to be. You can thank your mother for this. She brainwashed you and your brother to believing those false idols you call ‘Princesses’. The only way you can be redeemed is by given your life for the glory of Malroth. But don’t worry; your sacrifice will help usher in a new era.”

“Y-You… Yer crazy! Yer all crazy!” Apple Seed shouted, seeing how deranged he truly was and began her struggling anew. “Help! Somepony help me!”

“Don’t waste your time. Nopony is coming,” Cider Barrel told her. He then heard hoofsteps and turned to see six other hooded ponies. One in particular was larger than the rest. Cider was curious to see what they wanted, but then saw the larger stallion glaring at him from under his hood. At first, he was confused. Was something wrong? Why was this brother looking at him like that? But this confusion only lasted a split second as he recognized the green face of his son.

As the two stared at each other, Sour Apple’s friends mentally prepared themselves because they knew their cover was about to be blow in three… two… one! Sour Apple’s front hoof flew from under the white robe he was wearing and smashed into Cider Barrel’s face. The tan stallion was knocked back and landed in heap on the floor. The cultists gasped as they watched their brother fall and then looked to the one that hit him. It didn’t take them long to realize what was going on as they shouted, “Intruders!”

“Aw, to heck with this!” Thunderbolt shouted before throwing off his cloak and taking to the air, rapidly flying around to generate strong winds. With the whirlwinds, Thunderbolt directed the glowing mist at the crowd, distracting them with the smokescreen. Also discarding their robes, Midnight, Amethyst, and Surprise began to launch attacks of their own. Surprise pulled a party cannon out of nowhere and started to bombard the cultists with extra sticky bubblegum pies. Midnight casted a gravity spell, and a number of cultists found themselves walking on the ceiling much to their confusion. Being dressed in long robes proved to be a big mistake as Amethyst spat purple fireballs into the crowd. They were tripping over themselves as they tried to get the burning vestments off.

With the disciples of Hargon in disarray, nopony was able to stop Posey as she rushed to the altar and untied Apple Seed. Seeing her cousin, the filly wrapped her hooves around her neck and cried. Posey lifted her off the altar and held her close. As Apple Seed clung to her, she looked over Posey’s shoulder to see her big brother standing over the pony that she had recently discovered was her father. Growing up, she had always wonder who he was, why he wasn’t around, and why nopony would talk about him. When her mother told her the truth, she almost wished she hadn’t. She couldn’t believe her father was such a loathsome snake, cheating on her mother and attacking her and Sour Apple before abandoning their family.

Yet, a curiosity remained in her. Even knowing what he had done, she at least wanted to see him once. She had grown up not even knowing what he had looked like. Applejack had thrown away every photograph of him, even family reunion pictures. The only thing she knew was that her coat and mane colors took after his. But now all curiosity was gone. He had came in the night and dragged her from her home. All the while, there was nothing in his eyes. No gentleness. No fatherly love. Not even the slightest hint of familial bond between the two. He was nothing more but a monster that brought her to a scary cave with the intention to do something awful to her.

Now that monster was cowering beneath her brother, her hero. A paralyzing fear took hold of Cider Barrel as he trembled at the sight of his towering son. For starters, a much larger stallion was looking at him like he was trying to set him ablaze with his gaze alone. The irony of the situation was not lost on him. The last time he had seen Sour Apple, Cider Barrel was towering over him as he struck him across the face.

Sour Apple spoke no words but instead let his hooves to do the talking. A burning hatred fueled each blow as he pummeled the pony beneath him. With each swing, the memory of seeing his pregnant mother struck to the floor flashed in his mind. He could see in vivid detail the black eye his mother had received. He remembered the sting as his own face was hit. And then remembered the panic he felt as his mother went into premature labour. He remembered holding Apple Seed as he helped to deliver her into this world with his own two hooves; the baby sister that this thing could have killed in his drunk rage if not for his intervention. All of these memories consumed Sour Apple until he barely realized that someone was calling out to him.

“Sour! Stop! Please, stop!” Finally snapping out of his rage, Sour Apple looked over to see that Surprise had caught his hoof and was preventing him from continuing his assault, her purple eyes pleading. He looked back down to the fear in Cider Barrel’s eyes. His face was swollen, his nose bled, and a few teeth had been knocked loose. Panting, Sour Apple got up and backed away from the huddled figure. Finally, Sour Apple spoke.

“Why did you have to come back?” he asked the snivelling weasel.

“I-I-I…” Cider Barrel stammered.

“Ah told you all those years ago we didn’t need you. All you bring is nothin’ but grief! You hurt mah ma, spilt our family, and now you were gonna to sacrifice yer own daughter!” By now, the others had joined him, Posey still holding Apple Seed. The filly watched as her brother confronted their father. “Yer own flesh and blood! And fer what?! That ‘Lord’ Hargon feller?! That thing that took Midnight’s pa?!” Sour Apple grabbed the hideous idol off of the altar and waved in front of Cider’s face. “This?!”

With an angry growl, Sour Apple throw the golden skull on the ground, filling the chamber with a loud clang. The cultists that Sour’s friends had subdued flinched at the sound and the sight of their unholy idol being desecrated.

“You never wanted to be a family again,” Sour Apple continued, recalling the trip to Manehattan. “You were just followin’ some madpony’s orders.”

“It was for the greater good,” Cider Barrel claimed and looked those that stood with his son. “None of you can be saved now. Your parents’ lies has brainwashed you all! Death is the only way you can be saved!”

Before, Sour Apple was filled with rage at the sight of Cider Barrel. After hearing his delirious rambling, he only felt a pitying disgust. This pony that was supposed to be his father was nothing more than a puppet to used by Hargon. Contrary to his claims, Cider Barrel was the brainwashed one. Sour Apple realized that he wasn’t worth his anger. He had spent the last eleven years harboring a hatred for a stallion that was nothing but a shell of a pony. In hindsight, it was a great waste of time and effort.

Shaking his head, Sour Apple turned away from his father and took Apple Seed from Posey, holding tight what truly mattered to him. Not even bothering to give him a parting look, Sour Apple said, “Let’s get outta here before they come back.”

They hurried by the cultists that Midnight and Amethyst had tied up with magic ropes. As the others headed towards the exit, Midnight stopped to look at the idol that Sour had thrown to the ground. The demon that took her father had used it to create a portal to wherever he had taken him. Using her magic, she picked the foul object up before running to catch up with her friends.


It was just past dawn, and Evening Star had finished explaining what transpired in Ponyville the previous night. Similarly, Twilight Sparkle had told Princess Celestia what happened during the confrontation with the Dragon King. It was a heavy blow for both parties to hear what had been lost; the Tree of Harmony had been shattered, Apple Seed and Flash Sentry were missing, and Aurum had sacrificed himself.

Spike was overlooking a table in the study. Upon it were the broken pieces of his mentor’s orb. This final gift he had received from his late mentor had eased the pain of his passing, but now that it was gone, Spike felt that Aurum was truly dead. The only solace he felt was when Evening Star told him how Aurum gave his life saving Amethyst and Midnight, but even that seemed hollow. Both his daughter and his sister had went with their friends to mount a daring rescue mission. While he believed in their abilities, he as a father worried for his child’s safety.

Standing next to Spike was Rarity, who was just as distraught as her husband. Their friends weren’t faring much better either. However, none of them were as panicked as Twilight or Applejack. Once Evening told them that Flash and Apple Seed had been abducted, they were ready to run out of the castle to join their children in the rescue mission, but they were stopped by Princess Celestia.

“Don’t try to stop me! Ah’m goin’ and that’s that!” Applejack proclaim as she tried to move past the tall Alicorn that was blocking her path. Everypony was watching them, waiting to see what would happen. Applejack has always been stubborn, and with both of her children in harm’s way, she would not back down, not even if the Princess of the Sun was ordering her to.

“Applejack, please calm down,” Celestia patiently told the orange Earth Pony. “There is nothing you can do. We just have to be patient and trust in them.”

“Y’all can stay here if y’all want, but Ah’m goin’ and get mah foals.” Sidestepping around the Princess, Applejack went to the study doors and opened them only to gasp and freeze in place once she saw who was on the other side. The others also gasped and hurried over to the door once they too saw their children standing before them. The look of steely determination on Applejack’s face changed to watering eyes and a quivering lip as she saw Sour Apple and Apple Seed standing unharmed in front of them. Immediately, she threw her front legs around them and pulled them close to her. She couldn’t find any words to say but sobbed instead, overcome by her emotions.

“Amethyst, my precious jewel!” Rarity cried as she and Spike held their child. Pinkie Pie and Surprise were both laughing and crying uncontrollably. Like Applejack, Fluttershy was a blubbering mess as she held Posey tightly. Even Rainbow Dash shed some tears as she hugged Thunderbolt.

Both the parents and their children had been on their own dangerous mission and both feared greatly for the others’ safety. As they were reunited, they told each other what they had experienced: what had happened at Charlock Island, how they found Cresent Island, how Spike defeated his father, and how they were able to save Apple Seed. Midnight, however, hung her head in defeat as she told her mother how she was unable to save her father and how he was spirited away by some demon.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” Midnight said in defeat. “They took Dad away before we could save him. I failed.”

“Oh, sweetie. It’s not your fault,” Twilight comforted her daughter, pulling her into a hug with her wings. “We’ll get him back. I promise.”

This didn’t make her feel any better, and she turned to Spike. She saw her brother talking to Amethyst. Like her, she had her head lowered. She could hear the Kirin say, “If it wasn’t for us, Aurum would still be here.”

Rarity understood Spike’s pain, but she shook her head and told Amethyst, “But we would’ve lost you. I wouldn’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you.”


“Aurum made a choice,” Spike interrupted, qwelling her doubts. “The treasure hoard was nice and the orb was helpful. But saving yours and Midnight’s life? That was his greatest gift.”

Amethyst accepted her father’s words, some of the guilt she felt relieved. She promised herself she live to honor Aurum’s sacrifice by doing what she could to stop Hargon.

While talking to Pinkie Pie, Surprise noticed Sour Apple sulking while Applejack was coddling Apple Seed. Concerned for his wellbeing, she approached him and asked, “Are you okay?”

“Ah let him ruin mah life,” Sour gloomily said.

“What are you talking about?” she asked.

“My father. Ah let what happened between us all those years ago change who Ah was,” he explained himself. “Ah let him ruined mah life.”

“Nonsense, sugarcube,” Applejack refuted, determined to not let her son put himself down. “Ya gotta good life.”

“Ah was happy when Ah was younger.” Turning to his marefriend, he gave her a small smile. “If it wasn’t for you, Ah might’ve never been happy again. Ah might’ve never talked again.” The smile was short lived as it quickly faded away. By this point, everypony else had stopped talking and gathered around the Apples. “Ah hated him, and every hardship we faced was just another reminder of what he’s done and made me hate him even more. Ah almost even quit school to work on the farm to make up for the slack he made when he left. Just when Ah thought Ah had gotten over it, this happens. Ah wanted to kill him. Ah wanted him to pay for all he had done to me, to us.”

“But you didn’t. You stopped,” Applejack reminded him. “You could’ve had your revenge, but you were the bigger stallion and walked away. And for that, Ah’m proud of you. You brought yer sister home safely, and that’s what really matters. He may’ve brought us grief, but you’ve become a stronger stallion because of it. Yer life isn’t ruined. Yer a good son, a good brother, and a better stallion that yer father will ever be.”

Hearing these honest words of encouragement, Sour Apple looked to his mother and smiled as she and Apple Seed hugged him. His friends joined him by his side, Surprise hugging him as well and Thunderbolt slapping him on the back. Then they heard a faint ringing coming from the table behind them. Turning around, they discovered the source of the sound was the white orb that had fallen from the Tree of Harmony. Stepping closer to it, they saw it was pulsating with an orange light; the color of the Element of Honesty.

“Could it be?” Celestia asked as she levitated the last remnant of the Tree of Harmony. It had fallen from the Tree during Ryuo’s siege on Canterlot. Like a seed… “Everypony, follow me.”

Princess Celestia lead them to the cave beneath the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters in the heart of the Everfree Forest. They watched as the Alicorn planted the crystalline orb in the crater where the Tree of Harmony once stood, curious to see what would happen. At first, nothing did, but then there was a slight tremor. Everyone backed away from the spot where Celestia had planted the orb, anticipating another large, crystalline tree to come bursting magically out of the ground. To their surprise, only a tiny white sprout popped out.

“Aaawww! It’s an itty bitty wittle baby magic tree!” Pinkie Pie cooed over the sapling.

“Huh, is that it?” Rainbow Dash asked, somewhat disappointed. “I was expecting something… ya know, bigger?”

“It may be small, Rainbow Dash, but it’ll grow nice and tall,” Applejack reassured her. “Trust me, Ah know mah trees.”

“I’m with Rainbow Dash. Shouldn’t it be bigger? I mean, my castle was able to grow instantaneously. Why didn’t it do it now?” Twilight asked.

Celestia pondered this for a moment before answering ominously, “The world is in a state of unbalance. If it is to grow, then Hargon must be stopped! From what you have told me, I believe I fully understand his plan. He’s using a dark magic ceremony to summon demons from Tartarus. To do this, he’ll require ectoplasm and…” She hesitated before continuing, “...blood sacrifices.”

Hearing this, everypony felt uncomfortable. Applejack held Apple Seed closer, and Twilight and Midnight feared the worst for Flash Sentry, knowing that he was next to be sacrificed.

“To summon an Archfiend, he’ll need a considerable amount of ectoplasm,” Celestia mused. A troubling thought came to her as she recalled that Hargon’s followers had freed Prince Narcissus, a pony of noble blood. They had already summoned one demon, the implications of this fact made Celestia fear the worse for her wayward nephew.

“In most reports of paranormal activity, ectoplasm only shows up in small amounts: slime trails, splatterings, secretions,” Twilight expounded.

“Ain’t that the stuff we found under the Dragon King’s castle?” Applejack asked. “Y’know, the glowing green goo? There was a whole lake of that stuff down there.”

“That’s because dragons have powerful magic. When they die, that magic is released as their bodies decay. And when you have dozens of them buried together in the same place…”

“You’ll have enough ectoplasm to summon an army of demons,” Celestia finished for Twilight, making clear the impending threat.

“We’ve got to stop Hargon before he sacrifices Flash!” Twilight exclaimed.

“But where do we find them?” Spike asked.

“We already know Hargon’s lair must be located somewhere in the Frozen North. We’ve been sending search parties along with the yaks into the mountains but haven’t found anything yet,” Celestia explained.

“That’s because they’ve been using this to instantaneously travel,” Midnight announced, revealing the evil idol she took from the island. Celestia walked over to Midnight and observed the ghastly artifact.

“This thing contains powerful dark magic. I would be careful in using it,” the Princess of the Sun cautioned.

“Then what about the dragon bones we saw under Crescent Island?” Midnight reminded. “Was that a dragon graveyard?”

“I would believe so,” Twilight confirmed.

“Well then, all we need to do is find the locations of the dragon graveyards in Equestria. Hargon needs ectoplasm to perform the ritual, so his lair must be located by one.”

“That’s brilliant, Midnight!” Twilight complimented, but then a troubled look came upon her face. “But… we don’t know where any of them are. Before yesterday, they were just a theory. There are no records or maps detailing their locations.”

“I’d hate to say it, but there is someone who would know,” Rarity hesitantly pointed out.

“You’re not thinking of who I think you are, are you?” Rainbow Dash asked, fearing she already knew the answer.

“The Dragon King, yes I am,” Rarity admitted.

“Rarity, are ya suggestin’ we go all the way back there to ask for his help? He’s the last one that would help us, considerin’ what we did to him,” Applejack protested.

“You’re right, he wouldn’t help all of us. But he just might listen to me. I was able to break through to him before. Maybe I could do it again.”

“He wouldn’t trust you, or any of us for that matter, since we all had a hoof in defeating him,” Twilight countered.

“I will go, then,” Celestia announced.

“No offense, Princess, but you’re the worst choice to send,” Rainbow Dash told her as politely as she could.

“Yeah, he kept going on about how much he hated you!” Pinkie Pie added. “He might attack you the moment you step into his cave!”

“In his weakened state, I should be able to fended him off.” Celestia then closed her eyes and lowered her head. “I helped start this, and I have wronged him in the past. Perhaps I should be the one to make amends for what has happened.”

Everyone fell silent. Even though it was their best course of action so far, it was still highly risky. Even Celestia knew that Ryuo was likely to attack her on sight. He might not even give her the chance to speak at all, or Celestia might be forced to defend herself, injuring him even more than he already was.

“Maybe I should go.” The suggestion had everyone snap their heads towards the source of the voice to see that the volunteer was Amethyst.

“Amethyst, darling...” Rarity started to say, doubting her daughter’s idea.

“He doesn’t have a reason to hate me, and wanted me to come to his castle anyways. I talked him out of destroying Fillydelphia. If he would talk to anypony, it would be me.” Amethyst knew it was a long shot, but if it meant stopping Hargon, then she had to try.

Rarity and Spike looked to each other as they considered Amethyst’s proposal. Rarity then suggested, “Maybe the three of us should go. If we go as a family, maybe he’ll open up to us.”

“It’s risky, but I don’t think we have any other choice,” Spike reluctantly agreed. He was nervous, considering that he and his father didn’t exactly part on the best of terms.

“I can take you there if you’re ready,” Twilight Sparkle offered. Having already been to Charlock Castle, she would be able to teleport them to the location. Gathering around in a circle, Twilight’s horn flashed, and she disappeared along with Spike, Rarity, and Amethyst.


Hargon paced back and forth in the caverns beneath Crescent Island, his followers watching him anxiously. Prince Bazuzu was snarling in rage at the cowering crowd, expressing his displeasure for their failure. For the first time in quite some time, Hargon was nervous. He had spent years carefully planning everything and executing them with precision. Yet somehow, these incompetent fools before him had managed to screw everything up! One the altar, there was no sacrifice. Back in the dungeons in Rhone, they only had one pony. That left him two ponies short. He had to fix this… somehow.

Only ponies of significance could be considered a worthy sacrifice. Prince Narcissus, while a disgraced prince, was still of royal blood and thus was used to summon Prince Bazuzu. His intended offerings of Apple Seed, Evening Star, and Midnight were all children of the Elements of Harmony, two of them were of royal blood themselves. Even though Bazuzu failed to retrieve Prince Evening Star like he had been instructed, Flash Sentry would make a worthy replacement. While Hargon briefly thought about returning to Rhone to bring Flash Sentry back to be sacrificed, but what of the other two sacrifices? Twilight Sparkle’s consort would do for Chieftain Atlas or General Zarlox but not for the Great Malroth. If he couldn’t find a worthy offering, the price would be steeper.

Hargon… came the booming voice of Malroth.

Yes, my master? Hargon answered.

I am still awaiting a sacrifice…

Yes, master. But I only have one…

It matters not to me who it is… Make the offering… NOW!

Yes, Master Malroth, Hargon obeyed, his head aching from the force of the booming voice in his head.

Turning to face the ashamed disciples, Hargon saw the two who were the most responsible for this failure: Cider Barrel and Sworn Duty. Not only had Sworn Duty failed to obtain Princess Midnight, he also left behind Live Wire, who undoubtedly gave away this location. Then they allowed the six infidels to simply walk away with the filly. If he couldn’t use the blood of a pony of significance, then he would have to use the blood of the faithful.

“Cider Barrel. Sworn Duty. The two of you have displeased almighty Malroth! You have brought shame to the Order!” Hargon rebuked the two. The acolytes flinched at the harsh reprimand and hung their heads.

“Please forgive us, Lord Hargon,” Sworn Duty besought whilst kneeling before the mad high priest. He was joined by the others, all of them begging for forgiveness.

“Silence!” Hargon shouted, Bazuzu screeching along in anger. Using his magic, Hargon levitated the ceremonial dagger off of the altar into the air. “There is only one way to atone for your failure; you must give your lives for the glory of Malroth!”

All of the hooded ponies eyed the floating dagger, but then Cider Barrel and Sworn Duty said together, “Hail Hargon. Praise Malroth.”

Following Hargon, they lined up at the edge of the pool of ectoplasm while the others began chanting. Starting with Cider Barrel, Hargon began the ritual. Showing no fear even as Hargon placed the blade to his throat, Cider Barrel only look straight ahead. If this was what Malroth willed, then let it be so. He would be remembered as a hero by the Order.

“Ad gloriam Malroth.

Ad gloriam Malroth.

Malroth venerit mundum purget.”

With a quick swish of the blade, Cider Barrel’s throat was cut. His eyes went wide and let out a ragged gasp from the pain, but then was seized by Bazuzu and thrown into the ectoplasm. Hargon then turned to Sworn Duty. Like Cider Barrel before him, the Pegasus offered no resistance as Hargon placed the blade to his throat. In a moment, it was over and he too was thrown into the glowing slime. Hargon watched and waited until the ectoplasm finally changed from green to red, the sacrifice beginning accepted.


The rift in the dimensional boundaries grew wider. The attack on Ponyville, the destruction of the Tree of Harmony, and now the blood sacrifice had allowed another demon to escape from Tartarus. From his infernal prison, Malroth laughed.


“Sol in tenebras.

Luna in sanguinem.

Amor morietur.

Amicitia deficient.”

Within the pool of ectoplasm, a large shadow formed. A single glowing eye opened and peered up from the depths.

“Venit, Atlas.

Venit, Atlas.

Venit, Dux Montibus.”

An enormous, orange hand burst forth from the pool and slapped down on the stone floor as something huge emerged from the glowing ectoplasm. It a giant the size of a house with a horn on top of its head and one eye in the center of its face. Smiling triumphantly, Hargon looked up at the bulking figure of the cyclops and greeted by saying, “Welcome, Chieftain Atlas.”

Bazuzu howled in salutation at the coming of his brother while the cultists shouted, “Hail Hargon! Praise Malroth!” A booming noise filled the chamber as the giant began to manically laugh.