• Member Since 8th Feb, 2014
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I am a master of self-inserts and self proclaimed lover of Rainbow Dash, I'm also cringe as fu-

Comments ( 231 )

I decided to submit this early, cause why not? First time writing a sequel, legit, let's see how this ends :rainbowkiss:

Also, who likes my new avatar? Don't I look smashing?

Yes while I am working on Fallout: Equestria - The Crazy Ones and its prelude (Yes that is its name cause I'm getting tired) among other things, I decided to post this one earlier because I love you guys and I want you to enjoy something new for once. I do intend on finishing this, don't worry about that, I fucking Pinkie Promise it.

Cross My Heart, Hope To Fly, Stick a Cupcake In My Eye.

:pinkiecrazy: "FOOOOOOOREVVVER"

So, enjoy, read, review, upvote downvote I don't cuuuuuur.
As always, any help, criticism and pointing out typos is appreciated. Just... add a comment on if you enjoyed the story or not, commenting about just typos doesn't tell if you hated it or not D'x


6386172 heehehehe, so glad you enjoyed what I got so far man, legit!
makes me one happy writer. Thanks again, and I will keep it up! :yay:

6386246 Me too, it'll be posted sometime either tomorrow or later today, depending on if I get plenty of reviews 8D

6386430 :yay: Wheeeee~ Awesome sauce.
Lee x Dash foreva~

This story is brought to you by SHITE ROMANCE Studios and TL;DR Productions.


Going by the current track record, I think this will be good, then!
Also, :rainbowlaugh:.

Tracking to see where you'll go with this.
Meanwhile, have a thum-

upvote downvote I don't cuuuuuur.

Oh, ok then. :fluttercry:

I gave you a thumb anyway. :raritywink:

:rainbowlaugh: Nice to see you again, hehehe.
I'm so glad you like the story so far XD hehehe.

Thanks man! I hope you'll enjoy what chapters I'll be posting next.
:pinkiecrazy: heeheehee

Thank you darling, that's very nice of you~ :raritywink:

I bet you guys didn't think I had one, did ya? I DO! :pinkiecrazy:

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope you'll enjoy future chapters to come!

So, enjoy, read, review, upvote, downvote, throw a banana, go for it if you want to.
As always, any help, criticism and pointing out typos is appreciated. Just... add a comment on if you enjoyed the story or not, commenting about just typos doesn't tell if you hated it or not D'x

6393038 Hehehehe, thanks man, once again.
I wouldn't say he's fat xD hehehe, he's well built, Scoots' just thinks he's fat.
Thanks again man.

6393156 XD heheheh.
Thanks again, I can't wait either.

Comment posted by Dustchu deleted Sep 6th, 2015

Okay guys, methinks I might take a wee hiatus from this, just for a bit so I can focus on something else. Don't worry, it won't be long... maybe? IDK, I already have another chapter prepped for posting, it just needs to be edited by yours truly.

So, I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope whoever reads leaves a comment :D
So, enjoy, read, review, upvote, downvote, throw a banana, go for it if you want to.
As always, any help, criticism and pointing out typos is appreciated. Just... add a comment on if you enjoyed the story or not, commenting about just typos doesn't tell if you hated it or not D'x

6397210 if you feel you need to take a break go for it. Your my favorite fimfic writer and I love your stories! :twilightsmile:

6397351 Awwww, thank you so much for that, never thought someone would tell me that XD hehe.
but thank you for the comment, I hope this chapter was appealing and you enjoyed it :rainbowkiss:

I'm with Massonny101. But anyway, keep up the great work and end this story well or end it with a bang! Either way you end it I don't care as long as it's a perfect one.

Hehehe, I've only written about zombies in MLP one other time, and that story was absolute shit XD hehe. Well, to me it seemed like it, yet some want me to continue it I think.
And maybe Lee isn't the chosen one.
I also can't help but notice a lot of people aren't questioning the Alicorn thing, very curious.

I do need a break, I've really blasted my way through these chapters fishing out typos and writing em. My weefingers Dx But thank you man, legit. Oh it'll end alright, in a way that I'm sure a lot of people will like... or hate, who knows.
I'm a devious bastard :pinkiecrazy:

Lyra is best side pony.

6397856 Everyone overlooks stuff xD hehehe, don't worry about it.
Mmmm, fraid I can't explain it, as that would be spoilery but it is important to the story.

6399310 Yes, yes she is best side pony :yay:
Fimfiction people, I demand Lyra and Luna emotes now.

6399819 Me either man, me either.

6397411 oh and by the way when I was browsing through stories and saw this story, It literally brought a huge smile to my face. A Night with Rainbow Dash was the first fanfic I read and it's a joy your continuing it :rainbowwild:

6405031 Awww really? tat's so cool, I'm happy to hear that.
And I'm glad you think it's a joy :yay: I didn't plan on actually continuing it at all at first, but then I got to thinking.
And well, this story happened :heart: which I am loving~
Also thanks for watching dude, that's legit awesome saucy~

Enjoy this chapter my faithful Goobers~
Comment, fav and watch, and I shall carry you all into Goobhalla! All Goobery and Silver.

Aww fuuuuck. Man, another good story. I'll keep reading it later on, your comedic stylings really click with me. On an unrelated note I noticed you have a Starbomb song on your main FIMfiction page, would you happen to be a fellow lovely from the Game Grumps crowd?

Lee is going to bring the sword out on firespin and firespin will harass them ah man I can't wait for the next chapter

6409098 Hehehe, thanks man, I'm glad you enjoyed it :D
And glad I did well with the feeeeeeelz

6409686 Why thank you kindlly man, I hope you enjoy the other chapters as well :D
Oh yeah, I'm a fan of them, I loved that song and their other stuff :yay:

6409969 Hehehe, we all better hope Lee doesn't do something he'll regret.
Firespin's a dick alright, who knows what'll happen 8D
Me either man! Thanks!

In my head I thought what was in the small box was like a engagement ring or something. But, that is still cute coming from Rainbow. Still this story is coming together great. I am now wondering what is going to happen to Firespin now that you brought him back. And still wondering what the fight against Sombra will be like. Can't wait, love it dude keep it up!

I had thought about that, but seeing how they don't have fingers, I don't think rings would be used for marriage proposals.
Yep! It sure is, and I loved writing it out, it was a bit hard to write out, but I did it in the end :rainbowkiss:
Who knows what'll happen? ME! 8D hehehehee.
Thanks again man, and stay tuned for more! :D

You're welcome for the favs! I'm really excited for the next chapter, by the way!

6420243 I am also excited! I hope you enjoy what all I have up, and what have ya!

Comment posted by Dustchu deleted Sep 14th, 2015

HOLY TITBALLS.... That was brutal. I don't see why you think your fight scenes aren't exciting. It was pretty damn good IMO.
Well, tomorrow is another chapter, still a good read!

6422447 Hahahahaa XD Glad you enjoyed man, legit! :yay:
I always think that about some of my stuff :P
hope you enjoy next chapter!

Liked the chapter, the only thing that bothered me is that Firespin tried to attack a princess with no repercussion other than a blow to his pride. Felt like guards should have swarmed his stupid ass or at least someone was sent after him to arrest him. That is all, cats rule.

6459607 Oohohoho, trust me. Ol Firespin ain't gettin' off that easy...
just wait...
Thanks for the comment :yay:

I can't breath I was laughing to hard when lee tried to ride that pony ah shit my lungs are burning I need t-*passes out from laughing to much*

6459756 Thanks man, glad you liked it!
He could use a shield, but eh.

6459781 heheheh, he's a silly man... h-hello *fans you*

6459863*bitch slaps*water doesn't help if your unco-
6459853*noticed you touched mists horn* ah shit you touched his horn run before he turns us into swish cheese*jumps onto Luna's back* I'll explain later just fly!

6459917 I may head there sometime, but not today. *puts on thinking cap*
I have stories to write, and places to plan, and ponies to cuddle.

6459853 mist:im going to tear you apart and eat you insides!well you dun fucked up ain't nothing stoping him um fallout man I would run cuss mist is giving you the"I'm going to anal rape you"face so one word of advice run for the fucking hills.princess Luna:come to bed my stallion.well gotta go that plot won't rut itself so bye oh and before I forget.*throws keys to fluttershies shed*good luck

6459933 I am Teh King of Goobers! *grabs foam noodle of Gooberdom* BRING EEEEEET ON!

6459942 Mmmm...
deal 8D

6459951 Welcome.
And nope, not yet, faithful goober.
Carry on!
*struts away*

6459942 Mist:to late I already got to her earlier.*looks over to the king*
6459947 I'm an alicorn my master can only stop but I'm afraid he's "tied" up
Me: ah fuck yeah Luna ride me like you do a bull*hears screams of lust* Luna: oh your so hard I can ride this all on my own.*celestia walks in*celestia: oh I can't wait any longer mount me like a stallion! Me: ah help yeah a threesome but before we start*looks to mist*catch my son*throws sord of cyberdine *

Let us not fight within the comments, please, I implore you...
this is no place for war... only peace, nachos, bubbles and fluffy bat pone.

6459995 *jumps down from balcony*alright mist that's enough I can't fuck the Royal sisters if I have to come down here*points to trixie*rape her and stop messing with these guys.
6459913 really a noodle here this should do better*hand great sword of gobberish the lll* that's straight from a rock

Yeah I'd like to apologize about mist you see his horn is more sensitive then other horns it hurts him if you touch the upper part of the horn.and he thanks of me as a father so yeah oh and Luna's the mother of mist

Obey dude this is just my opinion but I think Lee should have like some sort of pistol instead of a sheld you know it would just seem to suit him more than a big piece of metal on his arm maby something like this could fit in with the style you know it's just my opinion and maby Luna or celestial could give it to him when he gets better with his traneing and also I live this story dude don't stop soon XD http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/repeating_pistol.jpg/545310078/repeating_pistol.jpg

Katana's weren't used with shield, as far as I know anyway, so odds of Lee obtaining a shield are slim to none.
As for a gun, much like that, I have no idea xD hehehehe.
Thanks for the comment, and for watching!

'Reading with derped face'

I could literally smell her eyes widening as she sputtered out a reply.

literally smell her eyes widening

smell her eyes


'derp face intensifies' What?

Love these stories by the way

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