• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.


This story is a sequel to An Oral History of the Rise of the New Lunar Republic

When history books chronicle wars, individual names and faces are often lost in the translation. This is especially true for the War of Solar Resurgence, that brief, brutal, and bitter struggle that claimed so many lives.

On this, the one hundredth anniversary of the war's end, it is our sincerest hope that this collection of letters helps readers to connect with those who were there for that awful conflict.

We must never forget; ponies lived, ponies died, and our land was never quite the same.

-Staff of the Canterlot Archives

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 35 )

Intense. From the table of contents it looks like this is going to be a good bit longer than the first part.

And Twilight gets to be awesome for once. Notwithstanding having gotten her friends killed along with her.:derpytongue2:

I just don't know what to think. It's well written, and dark... when I finally start to forget about the prequel, you come with this. Now I need something sap and happy for me to sleep tonight... the angst is the thing that give me nightmares... congrats for that!

It will be on my green mark and I will not read it until is finish! so that way the trauma will be one time XD.

I think RD lost it after this... but I can be wrong... it's your story, not mine! XD see you!

6520930 There are actually going to be three sections, each with 9 letters and the occasional historical interlude. My theory is that by keeping the letters around 500-1000 words, I'll be able to churn these out when I'm stuck on one of the bigger stories.

6681946 Ha. NLR Jade has something coming. Just you wait.

Heh. "Tough talk" and Braeburn are not the most stable mix.

This Whiplash is new. Wonder if we'll hear more of him.

Hmm, is this Curator any relation to Luna's Chief Reporter?

I may have to re-read this whole thing again once it's done (especially since it doesn't seem like a Doorstopper), just to take in the whole picture at once.

Sweet to see that some bonds can survive the most trying times.

Nooo, poor LyraBon! :raritycry:

Great new addition though! :)


Hmm, is this Curator any relation to Luna's Chief Reporter?


Grey Mare = Maud Pie It was pretty obvious before her name showed up in the chapter. Blunt force trauma was a nice touch. I wonder if Boulder made it?

A little surprised Bon Bon showing relief at Luna's Chief Reporter surviving when she clearly doesn't keep seditious information completely out of her letters.

6846357 Jade, like the other members of Luna's inner circle, must be kept alive in order to avoid raising Luna's suspicions. Remember, it was Fluttershy's assassination of General Black Bolt that made Luna send Jade out in the first place to sniff out traitors.


One would still think a tyrant would send out ponies all the time to sniff "traitors" regardless of casualties.

I would love to see the conversation lightning had with luna, as well as a story centered on the battle of red hoof to see how lyra, bon bon and the gray mare died

Ah, isn't that how these things always go?:trollestia: But I have no doubt the Lunarians eventually found out what that spell was, one way or another....

Talk about timing for checking one's feed....

Sounds like Velvet's life had ended well before that night. Not that that made it easier on anypony.

oh man why did you have to kill Lightning and Silver. two of my fav ponies. i felt so proud of silver when she rallied the slaves.

what about Sunset Shimmer? did she play any sort of role in the war?

And so ends a dark chapter in the annals of what might have been. Good to see that those who remained were able to move on.

Sadly, no. She remained on her side of the mirror.

Shining Armor refused the title of Hero of the Land and returned to the Crystal Empire. He never returned to Equestria and died only six years after the end of the war. His cause of death has never been released.

Cadance and Shining parted ways ??

I love this series sm :) I do desperately want to know what happened between Celestia and Luna when they had their final fight, what was done/said? What happened to Spike?, and how is Celestia doing now?

I'd love to see more villain Luna stories from you :)

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