• Published 16th Aug 2015
  • 35,479 Views, 1,489 Comments

Twilight's Twinlight - Autum Breeze

After his sudden death on his way to school due to an idiot driver, Ken Williams wakes up to find himself as a strange quadruped with wings and a horn.

  • ...

Chapter 26

Chapter 26


“I-I… I’m not sure I can do this,” Sunset says quietly as the train starts to slow down.

I put a reassuring wing around the young unicorn. “Sunset, I know this won’t be easy, but, you will feel much better once you do this. Living in regret is never a good thing.”

She glances at me. “What is it you regret?”

I sigh, looking away as I pull back my wing, my eyes downcast. “Not being able to remember raising my daughters.”

Twilight does not hide the fact she is intentionally doing her best not to pay attention, though I won’t hold that against her.

I told her I will give her time, and I meant it.

Sunset’s eyes widen. “Wait. So, you’re a mother?! How old are your kids? Wait. Why don’t you remember raising them?”

I look to her. “My daughters are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

Her jaw drops. “The princesses that raise the sun and moon are your daughters?!”

I’m very thankful our carriage is currently empty. Having to deal with ponies questioning that remark is not something we need right now.

I sigh. “You aren’t allowed to repeat this, for national security, but I used a Time Travel spell a while back that sent me into the past over a thousand years ago, to the very founding of Equestria itself.”

Sunset’s mouth continues to hang open. “Who…? How was a Time Travel spell made?”

I chuckle. “That, I can’t properly answer, but the me back then got the aid of a wise unicorn to help her right it, so she could send me back in time so I’d become her and I’d make the spell myself to send my past self from the future into the past too.”

Sunset goes cross-eyed. “Uh, I know you were talking… but I didn’t understand the words.”

I chuckle again. “Time travel language is very difficult to wrap the tongue and brain around. Anyway, at one point, I had to give up all my memories in order to defeat a being that feeds on them, that would’ve turned this entire world into a lifeless wasteland otherwise.”

Sunset stares, then frowns. “Wait. If you gave up all your memories… how do you remember…?”

Twilight chooses now to pay attention again. “We’ll explain later, Sunset. It is quite the understatement to say it’s complicated.”

“I… I guess it would be,” Sunset frowns, shaking her head. “Time Travel? Sheesh. Is there anything magic in this world can’t do?”

Our conversation is put on hold by the train stopping and the three of us get out… only for me to frown in confusion at the station, if you can even call it that.

It’s literally just a long wooden stand with a one pony ticket booth few stairs going down on the opposite end of said booth.

Sunset shares my expression. “Huh. Guess pony society around this version of Sire’s Hollow is less advanced than in my old world.”

We move down the stairs, heading towards a village surrounded by a dark-grey brick wall.

Despite the dreary colour, it doesn’t invoke such a feeling though.

As we reach where the path leads to what is the entrance, it’s to find a large iron gate.

Sunset frowns in confusion. “Weird. I know I’ve been gone for a long time and this isn’t my Sire’s Hollow, but we never had this before.”

I glance at Twilight, who shrugs and uses her magic to push the gate open.

“Welcome to Sire’s Hollow!”

“YAH!” the three of us cry out in shock, glancing around.

I narrow my eyes at the gate. “Was that… a recording?”

“I… that was just odd,” Twilight shakes her head. “Um, shall we proceed?”

Sunset and I nod and the three of us walk through.

As we do… I can’t help raising an eyebrow as I look around.

Several buildings look like they’ve been closed down, with signs that they’re going to be redeveloped within a few years.

“Even if it’s not like home… this feels off,” Sunset is looking around, frowning in a mixture of concern, confusion and annoyance. “What’s going on around here?”

“That stupid Sire’s Hollow Development Community changing what don’t need to be changed, that’s what!”

The three of us cry out, turning around to see a bright-green elderly stallion with a poofy grey mane and tail. His Cutie Mark is an apple inside a barrel.

Sunset blinks, before gasping. “Mr. Apple Barrel?”

I can’t stop myself from deadpanning. Apple Barrel? Really? His parents couldn’t have been just that little bit more creative with his name?

“Yeah! What’s it to ya?” he says in that grumpy old man tone stereotype from TV shows. Then, as he’s looking at Sunset, his eyes widen. “Sunset Shimmer?”

“I… Oh, um, yes, it’s me,” Sunset says, getting a little nervous, the shock of seeing a pony she recognized as a counterpart to a human she knew clearly having faded to nervousness.

He looks her over, very puzzled. “Alright, Ah know Ah’m old and my memory ain’t what it use ta be, but you ain’t that young, is ya? You were way older last time Ah saw ya years ago.”

“It’s… a long story, Mr. Barrel,” Twilight steps forward.

Apple Barrel looks to Twilight, then me and his eyes widen. “What?! Princesses? Here? What in tarnation is so important a pair o’ princesses would come here?!” He then frowns. “And, why are ya’ll the same, right down t’ yer Cutie Marks? Only difference Ah see is yer manes.”

“That is a long story, Mr. Barrel,” I say, making sure we don’t veer off topic, “but, what did you mean by the Sire’s Hollow Development Community?”

The elderly stallion blinks, before he frowns, looking to Sunset, who wilts a little at the gaze. “Since yer here, Sunset, tell that mother o’ yers that those who forget the past are doomed to fail. She’s lucky one o’ mah Manehatten relatives agreed to come here, cos Ah ain’t dealing with this nonsense.”

And, without another word, he walks off, heading towards the station we just left.

“I… um… what was that about?” Twilight asks, looking to me, though I match her bewildered expression.

“Seems Sire’s Hollow isn’t doing so well. We’d best speak with Sunset’s mother as soon as possible. Sounds like she’s involved in this Sire’s Hollow Development Community.”

“If she’s anything like my mother,” Sunset sighs, frowning, “knowing her, she’s the head of it all.”

We get directions to Sunset’s home, dealing with several gawking expressions in the process (though whether that was because of Twilight and myself or Sunset being so young, we don’t know), we head over there.

The closer we get, the more evident it is Sunset is having more and more doubts.

I put a reassuring wing around her.

Twilight’s about to knock on the door, when we hear a pair of voices arguing from inside.

“Stellar Flare, I will not let this move forward without the proper planning!” a male voice says, growing louder very rapidly, Twilight having to back away from the door quickly as it opens and a unicorn stallion with a light-violet coat, two-toned turquoise mane and tail and wearing a maroon suit with a yellow tie steps out, his head turned back. “If you wish to move forward with these plans, revise them!”

“You’re not part of the Sire’s Hollow Development Community, Firelight! You don’t get to say what does or doesn’t get approved!” a mare’s voice calls from inside.

Firelight walks right past us, it clearly he was so focused on that argument that the three of us didn’t even register to him.

“Oh!” the mare’s voice from before says angry, coming closer. “That stallion! We can’t just live in the past! If we don’t move towards the future, we’ll never… move… forward…?”

If the odd where the voice was speaking wasn’t enough of a clue, the look on Sunset’s face gives away exactly who we’re about to meet.

Standing in the doorway is a unicorn mare, whose is an orange coat a fair few shades darker than Applejack’s, with a two-toned brown mane and tail. She’s wearing a necklace and… I think it’s a blue tie? I can’t really tell.

Her bright yellow eyes are wide, staring at the yellow unicorn between Twilight and myself.

“Um… hi… Mom?” Sunset says uncertainly.

The mare, Stellar Flare, I’m guessing, rushes forward, pulling Sunset into a bone crushing hug, bawling her eyes out.

“Sun-Sunset?! Is-is it really you?! It’s been years! After the princess told us you’d abandoned your studies and gone missing, we waited so long, we… we… SUNSET!”

Twilight and I just look back at each other… not entirely sure what we’re supposed to do now.

After what feels like hours, Stellar Flare pulls back from the younger unicorn and hers eyes widen again. “Wait. Sunset, how are you still so young?! You’re younger than when you left! You were definitely older the last time we spoke! How did you get younger when it’s been over a decade? I… what in Celestia’s name happened to you?! And… wait. Why are you wearing glasses?”

“If we may, Miss Stellar Flare?” I ask, causing the mare to turn, only for her eyes to bug out and her jaw to hang open. “We can explain inside. I don’t think it’s wisest to have this conversation out in public.”


“You mean… she’s not the same Sunset I raised from a foal?” Stellar asks, her voice soft.

It’s about an hour later and we’ve finished explaining the situation to Stellar Flare. All of it.

We didn’t hold anything back. The other world, Sunset’s ambitions corrupting her due to know guiding light from family to rein her in, Sunset having built a life for herself in that other world and the younger Sunset’s scenario too.

For this to work, all cards need to be on the table. Nothing is being kept secret here.

Twilight nods solemnly.

“The Sunset from this world has lived four in that world. She’s made a home for herself there.”

“And… and this young mare?” Sunset whimpers as Stellar Flare looks to her, though the expression holds no ill feelings.

I sigh. “As you said, it’s been over a decade since you last saw Sunset. This Sunset came here back then, got Swamp Fever, clearly turned into a tree and, like all others who seemed to have the disease, was miraculously cured, but, being a tree so long, remained the age she was when she turned into a tree.”

“No, that… that doesn’t add up,” Stellar frowns at me. “How can the Sunset I raised have been in this human world for four years, when over a decade has passed since she abandoned her studies under the princess?”

“Time in that world works differently from our own,” Twilight explains. “It varies, but, usually, a single year there can be several here.”

Huh. Kinda like Narnia, now that I think about it.

Wait. Could Narina actually exist? Is there an Equestrian version of that?

I mentally slap myself in the face.

Focus. You’ve more important matters to attend to right now.

“Stellar Flare, the fact four years have passed in that world means, if this Sunset were to return there, she could never live a normal life. Her birth records will show she should be older than she is, but, when they test her DNA for her age, it will prove her body has barely aged within those four years.”

“Meanwhile, the Sunset from this world has been there those four years,” Twilight continues for me. “To that word, she is that world’s Sunset. If the two were to switch, pon-erm, people would question why Sunset went backwards in age suddenly. And, even if this world’s Sunset’s friends tried to help, that is something they couldn’t explain.”

“The human’s government might be willing to tolerate magic having returned to that world over time, but a human suddenly reversing four years of their age overnight?” I shake my head. “Humans will not so easily ignore that. It could put our worlds against each other, the humans thinking we’re trying to alter their world against their will, like in an invasion. It would be better for all if we avoid that outcome.”

“This being the case, would you be willing to let Sunset live with you?” Twilight asks softly. “She needs a home and, honestly, you’re the only chance she has. To lose her family entirely… that would be just horrible.”

There’s silence for a very long while, before Stellar Flare sighs, looking to the two of us.

“Sunset is my daughter, no matter where she is or what world she comes from.”

We glance at each other, Sunset looking to the other mare with uncertainty.

“Does.. does that mean I’m not allowed…?”

Stellar Flare turns around and pulls the yellow unicorn into a hug I recognize. It’s a mother’s hug.

“Sunset may have chosen to live in that human world, but she’s still my daughter,” Stellar Flare says, holding firmly to the younger pony. “And, even if you come from that world yourself, you are still Sunset. You are my daughter.”

That’s the final straw.

Sunset starts bawling her eyes out, her body shaking with sobs as she holds tightly to her mother.

A sob from my side makes me glance over to see Twilight is lightly crying too.

I put a wing around her and pull her close.

We’ll let those two have their moment. Once they’ve calmed down, we’ll get to the finer details of the plan.

Besides, they’re not the only ones who need to know about it.

Once all parties are fully informed, we can figure out every aspect of how this is going to work out on both sides of the family.

Author's Note:

And... that was far shorter than i'd originally planned.

Truth be told, while i wouldn't mind having to the two versions of the families meet up, it would get a bit repetitive in a way.

It's easier to have a brief summarization in the beginning of next chapter explaining the set up both sides of the family are going to be living by than having it play out in a long, drawn-out discussion in this chapter.

I kinda hate doing that... but i just couldn't write the interaction between the two versions of the family without it turning into rambling nonsense, no matter how many times i tried.

So, instead, the chapter ends here and the full meeting will be summarized next chapter, during which will be the Friendship Festival, which is where Twilight and Ken will announce their engagement.

Now, to answer several questions relating to the timetable of Ken x Twilight's marriage and Flurry's birth instead of going straight from season 5's finale's events into season 6's premieres from last chapter, pregnancies take time, ya know.

Even if you give leeway for Cadance and say she was already 4 months preggers in The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows and simply wasn't showing yet, can you honestly say it makes sense that, after a mere 7 episodes, another 7 months had passed?

Equine pregnancies last a full 11 months on average.

For Flurry to be born right after season 5's finale, either each episode was a month after each other or Flurry was born premature and, looking at Flurry, can you honestly say she seems like she was born prematurely?

If anything, she looks more like she was born late, not early.

So, that's why i'm going with that timeline for the wedding and birth.

As for why i'm putting the movie's events before season 6 even starts? How else do you explain Equestria not being able to get any other aid.

The Yaks, griffons, Changelings?

With season 6 and 7 already gone and done before the movie, how come none of them help out during the Storm King's invasion?

And the Pillars? Where in Equestria were they?

Star Swirl, Somnambula, Rockhoof, Mist Mane and Meadowbrook you could maybe excuse as Star Swirl was traveling around Equestria, Somnambula was in her namesake home, Mist Mane's in the Crystal Empire, Meadow Brook was restarting her family's old business with Cat Tail and Rockhoof was at the dig site of his home, but what about Flash Magnus?

He's now training the guards.

You seriously gonna tell me Flash was so easily overpowered by the Storm King's forces?

Nah, Fam.

That's BS and would make zero sense story wise.

So, instead, the movie happens before any of that.

Also, i'm planning on A Hearth's Warming Tail also happening before Flurry's birth.


Simple. Starlight's attitude towards Hearth's Warming always felt off to me in that episode and i couldn't figure out why.

as i was pondering how i could put Hearth's Warming before that, it clicked.

Starlight rejecting Hearth's Warming matches more with the version of herself BEFORE she'd made up with Sunburst.

Starlight not wanting to take part in Hearth's Warming makes more sense for a Starlight who is still opening up to friendship again, not one who's already started embracing it more.

So, shortly after the wedding, A Hearth's Warming Tail shall happen.

That's the plan moving forward.

Plus, while Twilight's off reading A Hearth's Warming Tail to Starlight and Spike, Ken will have her own part to play for another pony not fully into Hearth's Warming yet.

a pony who normally would be celebrating Christmas.

that part is actually inspired by the It's A Pony Kind of Christmas album.

After all, how else would pony versions of Christmas carols exist, if not for a pony who used to be human and celebrate Christmas coming up with them.

Plus, one particular part during We Wish You A Merry Christmas works too well with that plan, since Rebecca Shoichet is Twilight's singing voice as well as Sunset's voice.

I won't say any further than that and leave you to ponder it all.

So, from now on, EQG Sunset will be living in Equestria, specifically in Sire's Hollow, since she's legally needing to keep living with family for a while.

Will Sunset's presence help ease Stellar Flare's plans with the Sire's Hollow Development Commitee or will it have no impact at all.

After all, i think the reason Stellar wanted to move forward so much was her trying to move on from the painful part of her life.

First, her daughter disappears without a trace, then, her son leaves home and has little to no contact with her.

Makes sense when you think about it that way.

Regardless, i've been at this for almost 4 hours straight and i need a bit of a rest.

I had originally intended to write this chapter yesterday, as i'm going to have the house to myself til monday afternoon and that started late thursday afternoon, but, due to certain sales starting that meant i could've spent less than i did of birthday money, i had to go to a specific store to try and get a little money back, as i was within the timeframe to and the store agreed it was rather unfair how the sale had started so shortly after i'd spent so much on the base prices.

an example is the Special Editition of My Senpai Is Annoying season 1. It's the only way i could get the blue ray-DVD combo and the base price was $99, while the new discounted price is $79.20, so that's a huge drop of $19.80 and, when you're only buying the special edition solely for the DVDs, which is almost twice the price as the regular blu ray only set, that's a huge difference.

Once i'd gotten home, i was too tired both mentally and physically to work on this, so that's why it's out today instead of yesterday.

So, what antics will happen between the movie, the official engagement and the wedding itself?

Will Ken wear a tux while Twilight goes with the wedding dress, or with they choose to match either way?

Will the CMC be the Flower Fillies again?

Will Shining cry at the wedding?

Where will Twilight and Ken have their honeymoon?

So many questions that you'll have to wait for the answer to, because i'm suddenly mentally bushed and need a break.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and, til next time, stay safe, stay clean and see you later everybody.

PS Anyone else tried that SpongeBob Pizza from Pizza Hut?

i had my second one ever over the last 3 days, this time without the onions and it was alright. not bad, but nothing amazing, either. better off just buying normal pizzas much cheaper.

Pineapple Fanta is nice though and i wouldn't mind trying to chicken wings they're offering or the pineapple Coconut ice cream.

No way am i having the Salted Dil Pickle, Mustard and Bacon ice cream, though.

Bacon ice cream, maybe. the japanese have it and it seems popular enough, as are vegetable-based ice creams.

But all 3 in 1 ice cream? Barf. no thank you

Comments ( 21 )

I kinda hate doing that... but i just couldn't write the interaction between the two versions of the family without it turning into rambling nonsense, no matter how many times i tried.

So, instead, the chapter ends here and the full meeting will be summarized next chapter,

Understandable :eeyup:

Moar plz!

Cute chapter. Many feels.

It's silly to think that Twi will be the princesses' stepmom. I wonder if she can send them to their rooms. But then, Celestia is kind of a motherly figure for Twilight, so Celestia could send her to her room, too...? It's confusing to think about! Time travel makes such a mess!

Ah, I was looking forward to more of this, surprised to see it again so soon once more.
As for the authors note, sometimes you just have to know when to end a scene, so making that decision and letting us like this is probably for the best. I'd rather move forward than see you stuck in a slump trying for a perfect chapter.

Looking forward to more of this.

I chuckle. “That, I can’t properly answer, but the me back then got the aid of a wise unicorn to help her right it, so she could send me back in time so I’d become her and I’d make the spell myself to send my past self from the future into the past too.”

Sunset goes cross-eyed. “Uh, I know you were talking… but I didn’t understand the words.”

I chuckle again. “Time travel language is very difficult to wrap the tongue and brain around. Anyway, at one point, I had to give up all my memories in order to defeat a being that feeds on them, that would’ve turned this entire world into a lifeless wasteland otherwise.”

Twilight chooses now to pay attention again. “We’ll explain later, Sunset. It is quite the understatement to say it’s complicated.”

“I… I guess it would be,” Sunset frowns, shaking her head. “Time Travel? Sheesh. Is there anything magic in this world can’t do?”

Time Travel; Always gives you a headache.:fluttershbad:


Just saying, if you use [hr ], you'll get

Nice! a new chapter!
That's good, i really like this story.
And it's good to see you put some serious thinking into this.
We have to wait a bit with updates to your storys but i always enjoy them.
good job👌😗

MAD-3R #7 · 1 week ago · · ·

I detect the foul stench of a HOA. The fences, the needless renovations, the idiotic rules. Declare exterminatus before it's too late.

And...that was far shorter than I'd originally planned.

Like this original swordfight between Cary Elwes and Mandy Patinkin without all the backflips and whatnot.

Sudden cures, Shimmer Shake Swaps, and the Purple Pony Pair. All to the tune of filly giggles, and beanie propellers.
Good job, Autumn.

There’s only one or two Pizza Huts in my entire state now. Never wanted it when it was everywhere, but now I have cravings. :fluttershysad:

I’m interested how this EqG Sunset will affect more than just Sire’s Hollow.. :duck:

I like your plans for more story and hope you bring them to fruition! :twilightsmile:

I've said this once and I'll say it again, Ken is probably one of the most interesting human-pony-clone in this entire website. Likely one of the most in-universally historically influential human-ponies I've ever read about, she's up there along with some of the more empathetic Anons--the ones who give a hoot about Equestria's wellbeing-- in terms of determination, though significantly less crude.
One of my favorites, though I still firmly believe that nopony/creature will ever top Screwball!

~Time Travel~
if your brain doesn't hurt trying to comprehend it you're doing it wrong


So, instead, the chapter ends here and the full meeting will be summarized next chapter, during which will be the Friendship Festival, which is where Twilight and Ken will announce their engagement.

So Twilight has Celestia as teacher, motherly figure and will also have as stepdaughter.
Will Twilight the Twilight's mom learn that she has grandchildren older than her? It would be shocking to learn that ruler, that more than 1000 years older than you is your granddaughter.

Først story looking forward to more of it :twilightsmile:


Nah, it's fine. Just think in 5 dimensions.

What are other human-pony-clones?

It's worse than HOA. It's beaurocracy.


What are other human-pony-clones?

Characters/humans in Equestria who were turned into a clone of a pre-existing character, like Ken. As far as I know, there are two other Twilyclone stories on this website.


(Not actual fanfic titles) Twivine, Twivine continued, Twivine system, sorta-Midnight Sparkle, Surprise, another Pinkie-clone. Which ones do you know? Maybe some of them I didn't read.

Unexpected Twilight and Double Vision


I know it's not a "Twilight Clone" story per se, but My Twilight Facade is a pretty interesting story where the MC gets stuck as Twilight and is trying to get her back without anyone realizing that the actual Twilight is gone.

TMy Twilight Facade
Suddenly, I'm Twilight Sparkle and I don't want to be here.
axelsempai · 262k words  ·  2,316  100 · 33k views

Edit: Though it occurs to me that the story could become a clone story, I suppose. If it doesn't count as one already?

Love that one!
The author refers to her as Twilyclone in their notes.
Though, personally, I would categorize her as a human-pony-overtaker. A human-pony variant where the human's mind/soul takes over the pony's, leaving the original pony's mind dormant, nonexistant, or forcing them to take a back seat. Like Screwball for either the second or first scenarios, and Nighty and Tom-light for the last, as examples.

uis #21 · Yesterday · · ·

Finished reading first, second was in progress

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