• Published 27th May 2012
  • 733 Views, 7 Comments

The storyteller - tigrean

This was a one shot I put together when I read a background of a friend's OC.

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The Storyteller

The Storyteller.

Parfait moved to Ponyville 17 years ago after hearing about six ponies that harnessed the elements of harmony. She was a beautiful sky blue pegasus with a pink mane tale with sky blue streaks in them with a cutie mark of four stars, two small gold ones, one small blue one and a big pink star. It was a Wednesday afternoon, she sat under her favorite tree this sunny day in spring as in the distance she heard the school bell ring announcing the end of the school day. She smiled eagerly because she knew that in a few minutes four fillies and two colts will be joining her for their usual afternoon story time.

The first one to reach her was Thunder Dash, a dark blue pegasus colt with a rainbow mane and tale. “Yes! I win,” he exclaimed.

The second one to arrive was Apple Blossom a brown earth filly, with a red mane and tale. “Nuh uh, ya cheated,” she replied as she was out of breath, “ya flew.”

“I have wings so why shouldn’t I use them,” he said, “besides you never said I couldn’t use them.”

“Ah, didn’t think I had to tell ya to play fair,” she argued. Parfait just giggled at the little argument those two were having.

“Guys enough” A purple pegasus filly with light blue hair glided into view. It was Glitter Sparkle; she turned toward Parfait as she landed, “Sorry about that Miss Parfait.”

“Oh, it’s alright,” She replied, “Where are the other three?”

“They will be along any minute now,” Glitter replied.

Shortly after Glitter replied two fillies and another colt were walking towards the tree. The first one to speak to her was Dream Pie, a pink unicorn filly with a red-violet mane and tail, “Hello,” she said with a cheer and a wave.

The colt, Onyx, a white earth pony with a black mane and tail, ‘Sorry for being a little late Miss Parfait but Dream here had to clean up the class room after her show and tell project created a mess.”

“Dream giggled, “Hey, my party volcano was supposed to erupt with confetti but I guess I accidently put cake mix in there.” She then started roll on the ground laughing, “Honestly I’m sorry the cake mix got on your face but it was soooo funny.”

Finally the last filly, Prismshy, a yellow unicorn with a purple mane and tail, said quietly, “I’m sorry that I was late I was waiting for Onyx and Dream, because I didn’t want to walk alone.”

“Oh it’s alright,” Parfait quietly assured the filly, “Alright kids gather around.” She waited as the kids started to settle down sitting or lying in a semi-circle around her with tree trunk behind her. “So what story would like to hear?”

“Oh, tells about how Nightmare Moon, got defeated,” thunder chimed in.

“We heard that one last week,” Blossom rebutted, “how about the one when discord attacked.”

“No we just studied about Discord yesterday.” Thunder replied. ”what about the young flier’s competition can we hear about that one.”

“Will you two just stop!” Glitter yells Parfait lets out another giggle, “I think we should let Miss Parfait select it.”

“Fine.” Thunder and Blossom said in unison.

“Well I think I will tell the story of how a young pegasus mare got over her fear of flying and saved Ponyville from embarrassment during the time it was selected to provide rain water to Cloudsdale,” Parfait replied.

“Yay! Story time!” All six replied in unison. Parfait cleared her throat and started to tell the story.

It was two weeks before the day that Cloudsdale selected Ponyville’s water reservoir to be used for the gathering the water for spring rainy season. The head of the Ponyville weather ponies was passing out fliers to all pegasi that lived in town, and that evening they met in the town library all but one, she was nowhere to be found. The head weather ponies, after conducting a head count, went to look for the one pegasus she wanted to be there. She looked high and she looked low but was unable find her friend from flight school. Finally she noticed twin trees in a place where there should only be one so she decided to knock on each, the one on the left moved. She said to the left one “Come on I really need in there will you please come.” The tree trunk split about eye level to hers and there were the two eyes of her close friend staring back at her. After that she gently gave her friend a push, pushing her towards the library. As she pushed her friend the hooves of her were digging into the ground. Finally, when they were a few feet from the door, the reluctant pegasus took off her tree costume and went into the library.

That night in the library a film was played telling how Cloudsdale got the water for the rain and how it required 800 wing power total to lift the amount water needed for the spring rain, unfortunately the film never got finished because the machine broke. Once the lights were turned on the supervisor hovered in the front of the room and said “Alright as you can see we need 800 wing power to complete this, also Spitfire the captain will here to witness and record our top wing power. Fillydelphia broke the record at 910 wing power, but I believe we can do better than that. I know we can get up to 1000 wing power but only if each and every pegasi works hard during the course of these two weeks to get their wing power numbers up. Are you with me?”

“Yeah,” everypony replied.

“Ok so we will start training bright and early tomorrow morning and everypony will be there you got me” she said

“Yeah!” all replied in unison.

The next day all the ponies showed up, all but one. The one pony the supervisor wanted there was missing. So she left the training grounds to go to her friend’s house and nocked at the door. Her friend open the door and coughed, “Hi I think I came done with the pony pox, ahh-chooo.”

The supervisor looked at her friend closely and said, “I guess, but there is one cure for the pony pox,” she grabbed a bucket of water and dumped on her friend as the spots started to run off and disappear, “Come on I really need you there, Please.”

“Oh ok,” her friend started to try to hover and fell, “Oh, ow, I think I sprang my wing.”

“Oh really the supervisor replied,” and started to leave and then yelled, “Oh no there’s a dragon coming this way!” Her friend then jumped and started to hover in her house. Finally her friend gave in and followed her to the training grounds reluctantly.

Once the supervisor returned to the training grounds one of her unicorn friends was there with a wing speed measuring device. She then explained what she needed each pegasus to do and one by one each pony flew as fast as they could by the device as the unicorn’s assistant wrote down the numbers. The last pony to go was the reluctant yellow pegasus and she flew by the device unfortunately half way to the device she slowed down. Most of the other pegasi numbers were between 7.0 and 9.0, with the supervisor’s number being 16; unfortunately for her friend she only had 0.5. after that she was humiliated and started to walk away, “wait, don’t go,” the supervisor called out unfortunately the yellow pegasus continued to walk away with tears running down her eyes.

During the course of the rest of the time the yellow pegasus decided that she would get over her fear so she could help her close friend. So she trained hard every day, by herself, Each day she continued to get better and better then finally the day before event she returned to her friend at the training grounds, the supervisor was ecstatic and told her to go ahead and get ready to run the test. They were doing the final test as each pegasus flew by the machine the assistant wrote down the numbers. All the ponies had numbers ranging from 10.0 to 11.3. So the yellow one took her place, she was the last one, and she flew by the machine as fast as she could and after the flight landed next to the assistant and recorded the number and it was 2.5. The yellow pegasus was upset she worked so hard by herself and only got 2.5 while all the others got so much higher. Her friend tried to talk to her but she would not hear it and ran off yet again.

Finally the big day came Spitfire came from Cloudsdale and landed near the large wing power meter that was delivered earlier that morning. The supervisor conducted a head count and notice eight pegasi were missing plus her friend. She asked, “Where are these eight?”

A young colt answered, “they are sick with the feather flew and are in the hospital.”

The unicorn friend of hers grabbed her attention and stated, “You may not have enough wing power to even complete the task with those eight missing.” but the supervisor wouldn’t hear it.

“Now listen up guys,” she said to the crowd, “With those eight missing I will need you to pick up the slack, so I need you guys to give 110% can you do it!”

“Yeah!” they all replied.

“Alright when the horn is blown we go.” She nodded and the horn was sounded.

All the pegasi took off as fast as they could and they flew and flew hard. 500 wing power, 600 wing power, 700 wing power. 750 wing power, a funnel of water started to form. 795 wing power as one pegasus dropped in altitude and collided with another as the funnel started to deformed, and all the pegasi crashed. The supervisor picked herself up and her unicorn friend comes to her and said, “I don’t think you will be able to do it you should give up I don’t think they can handle another run.”

The supervisor looked around at all the pegasi picking themselves up and as she saw this she became determined. She persuaded them to try again and so the horn sounded for the second time. As the number increased again a reluctant yellow pegasus started to slowly approach the machine. The unicorn saw her and smiled and the number hit 795 and would not go higher. The unicorn turned to the reluctant flier and convinced her that they need her and that her little bit would help. The yellow pegasus then joined in and flew harder and faster than she ever did before and with her aid they reached 800 wing power. The water was sent to Cloudsdale and which also made sure that there would be enough rain for the spring, and that is how the little reluctant flier got over her fear of flying, THE END.

“Wow that was a good story” Glitter said.

One by one all the other kids agreed. Parfait then said, “Thanks guys. So can any of you tell me the moral of my story?”

Amazing the first one to speak up was Prismshy and she quietly said, “That no matter how small of a contribution you can give even the littlest bit can be enough to accomplish a goal.”

“That is correct, my little ponies,” Parfait replied, “I’m so proud of you.” After she said that Applejack started to walk to them.

“Howdy, Parfait, thank you kindly again for watching ma daughter fer me. I surely appreciate it,” She said, “com’on Blossom it’s time to go home.”

Parfait replied, “It wasn’t a problem I do love the Wednesday story times with your daughter and her friends.” She smiled warmly as the two walked off.

Next Rainbow Dash and Twilight sparkle came to her. Twilight then said to Parfait, “Hi Parfait thanks again, hope Glitter wasn’t too much trouble.”

“Yeah, Thanks again for watching our kids,” Rainbow interjected.

“No problem my pleasure,” Parfait replied, “later.”

Thunder and Glitter said their goodbyes as they went off with their mothers. Thunder with Rainbow and Glitter with twilight.

“Yoo-hoo, Parfait,” as Pinkie Pie bounced up to her, “Thanks again for watching Dream for me today.”

“No Problem,” she replied.

Dream gave Parfait a big hug, “Thanks again for the story.” Parfait hugged her back.

“Toodles,” Pinky said, she walked off with her daughter. Parfait waves goodbye to her.

Rarity started walking towards her, “It’s soo good to see you darling I hope little Onyx wasn’t too much trouble for you Parfait.”

“Mom I’m not little,” Onyx complains.

“He was no trouble,” Parfait replied giggling.

“Well I hope to see you soon we must have lunch sometime my dear. For now it is time for dinner so I bid you farewell.” Rarity replied.

“Of course," and Parfait waved goodbye to them.

“Umm, I have a question if it is not too much trouble,” Prismshy quietly requested.

“Go ahead,” Parfait replied.

“Umm, ok, the yellow pegasus in your story was that my mom?” She asked.

“Why yes it was my dear,” Parfait replied with glee

Her eyes grew wide, “So in all your stories was that pegasus my mom as well?”

“Yes it was,”

“So does that mean the six mares in your other stories, are my mom and her friends, which are also my friends’ moms?” Prismshy asked.

“Yes you all have very special mothers they have done a lot for Equestria, Prismshy,” Parfait continued, “so don’t forget what they have done. Learn from them and their lessons on friendship because those will help you and your five friends stay together for a very long time, ok”

“Ok,” Prismshy hugs Parfait.

Finally after the hug Fluttershy flies and lands near the tree and turns to them. “Hello Parfait, and thanks again for watching my daughter, it was very nice of you.”

“No Problem Fluttershy,” She then whispers to Prismshy, “Remember what I taught you in my stories about the magic of friendship and you and your five friends will never feel alone ever, ok.”

“I won’t forget, thanks again, it was nice,” Prismshy whispered back.

Parfait watched the last two ponies walk away as the sun was slowly setting in the west. Once they were out of sight she stood up stretched and started to walk alone back to her house. While she was walking she started thinking of what would be the next story she will tell those adorable kids next week. Perhaps she will tell them about the time Applejack bit more off than she could chew during applebucking season. They could probably learn a very valuable lesson form that one, she smiled and went into her house to eat some dinner.

The End

Comments ( 7 )

This.......Was lovely.


I'm glad you liked it I was experimenting with a different style than what I usually write :pinkiehappy:

Please comments are welcomed so please if you read my story please give some feedback. :yay:

Thanks :pinkiesmile:

Very well done in my opinion.

I look forward to reading your other work!


I happened upon this in the Buried Treasures collection. It's sweet and happy, and I liked it. If you'll permit me a little (constructive, I hope) criticism, though?
Far too much of the bulk of the story is a synopsis of an episode. Synopses are fine, in general, but it left your characters almost totally undefined. I enjoyed the little foals, and felt that if we could get to know them—view their reactions, perhaps, to pieces of the story—it wouldn't be so easy to skim over the large paragraphs that represent Hurricane Fluttershy.

“Oh, ow, I think I sprang my wing.”



Thanks I was just trying a unique Idea so this was just kind of a test story :twilightsmile: I'm used to writing action and intrigue with many sub plots inside the main plot :twilightblush: I may turn this into a slice of life stories of these Foals when I have the time and if people think its worth fleshing the foals out more :twilightsheepish: but right now I just don't see the demand for it :ajsleepy: Thanks again for reading it and I have taken your criticism to heart :pinkiehappy: again I was just testing the waters with this oneshot :pinkiesmile:

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