• Published 6th Sep 2015
  • 2,067 Views, 60 Comments

The Elements in Harmony - No One and Nobody

These four heroes must stop the evil. It’s kind of a given. Only problem is, the first is half blind and as heavy as a rock, the second can’t touch anything, the third is also blind and can’t touch the ground, and the fourth can barely exist.

  • ...

Chapter 16: Preparation

Chapter 16: Preparation

As Thomas and his compatriots made their way down the hallway Thomas reached a hand towards AJ's rope, but she flicked it away from him with her tail saying, "One. Time. Don't even think about it."

"Yeah Tommy," said Pinkie bouncing between them, "I spend most of yesterday bouncing around Canterlot buying cake and spreading the word about you and your friends."

"There, ya' see. They ain't scared uh ya' no more," said AJ, just before she was interrupted by a loud scream and a door slamming as they walked by it.

The screaming stopped as a young, impudent male voice started yelling for guards about the "Monsters in the hallway."

AJ sighed and knocked on the door saying, "There ain't any monsters out here Mr. Blueblood, just us."

The door opened a crack and Blueblood peeked out. Thomas could swear that he was shivering and shaking more than Fluttershy at a Nightmare Night Convention.

"You may address me as sir," he said, before re-shutting the door, undoing the chain, and backing out the door wearing a long trench-coat, a hat pulled down over his face and dark sunglasses. He was followed by three small porters carrying what looked like half the castle's furniture shoved hastily into large suitcases.

"Where are you going?" asked Rainbow.

"Didn't you hear?" said Blueblood, looking shocked, "There's a monster even worse than them coming to get us. I'm leaving this place before it gets here."

"An' where ya' headed?" asked AJ, obviously unimpressed by the prince's lack of bravery.

"Somewhere far away," he said, looking off into the distance, with what he thought was probably a tortured longing expression, "I've heard of this place that's so out of the way it's probably not even on any maps. I should be safe there."

"But where is it?" asked Rainbow.

"Somewhere called... um..." The prince's face went blank for a second then he spun around to the porters and stamped his hoof a few times.

"Ponyville," grunted the lead porter who was probably supporting four times his weight in luggage, "Sir Blueblood has rented a room from my aunt Honeysuckle who..."

"Yes, yes. I figure in a place that far out of the way I should be safe until you all take care of the menace. Which reminds me, do you think it's safe to already be letting these creatures into the castle?"

Thomas was just about to take a step forward and lay the bum out on the floor when AJ turned and winked at them, before saying, "Well that's a mighty big shame cause' ya' see we ain't the ones stoppin' it. They are."

Thomas touched his finger to Michael's flame just in time to see Blueblood's face mask Braeburn's expression when he found out about the buffalo. Leaning slowly to one side he looked, horrified, at Thomas and the rest and ran screaming back into his room accompanied by the porters.


AJ, Rainbow and Pinkie Pie rolled on the floor, tears pooling on their faces from their uproarious laughter. Even Fluttershy tittered a little at Blueblood's display.

"What the heck was that?" asked Michael, in shock.

"One of the worst un-reformed creatures to ever be spawned from the universe of pony," said Thomas, chuckling.

Wiping the tears off of her face, AJ stood up and continued down the hallway, still chuckling.

Thomas started after them, then stopped and wrote something on his chalkboard.


Once again the hallway was filled with the hysterical laughter of the three ponies.

"Bad idea," said Rainbow, still laughing, "They might join forces."

As they walked through the Canterlot streets Thomas and the ponies were still laughing, although nobody could hear Tom.

The ponies of Canterlot definitely seemed less wary of the group as they made their way towards the train station. Once or twice a pony even stopped to tip their hat at Thomas.

Suddenly there was the sound of galloping hooves and a hoard of fillies and foals came barreling towards them yelling,





One little filly seemed to take charge the minute they got within range.

"Are you mister Thomas?" she said, tilting her head back to look up at him.

Thomas stopped walking and nodded down at the blue coated filly with a red mane striped with lighter shades.

Michael's flame flickered around Thomas's finger, trying to get a better look, and the color vanished from Tom's vision.

"My name's Rosy Cheeks, but my friends call me Rosy. And we were wondering..."

One of the other ponies, a little pegasus with a buckball cap, interrupted saying, "Is it true that you're really here to stop an evil monster that's comin' to smash Canterlot an' stuff? 'Cause my mom says you're makin' it all up."

Another filly pegasus next to him, probably his sister, thought Thomas, nudged him and said, "What did mother say about your grammar?"

The pegasus tilted his head back and to one side. Thomas could imagine him rolling his eyes.

Before any of the ponies could cut in, however, Michael spoke up.

"Well I don't know about your mother, but everything you just said is true. While I'd rather be home playing video games, I guess we're stuck here fighting monsters until we get sent home so... You're welcome."

Michael's flame settled down again and Thomas could make out the confused expressions on several of the colts and fillies. They probably weren't expecting that from their prospective protectors.

Thomas put Michael under one arm and wrote quickly on his board.


Rosy didn't seem fazed by Michael's bad manners at all; she just kept staring up at them.

"Where are you from, and how did you get to be like you are now?" she asked.

Thomas started walking again, as he held up his chalkboard.


One or two of the children didn't follow, but the majority, led by Rosy, did.

"Do you know what the monster's like?" she asked.

Thomas was about to answer when Lucas began talking in the tinny voice that AJ's water tin gave him.

"Don't know. That's why Mira decided to go find out."

"She must be very brave."

Thomas could practically feel Lucas staring at where he knew Thomas to be. He still wasn't sure if what Mira did was a good idea but he held up his chalkboard and braced himself for something from Michael.


Michael, unexpectedly, didn't say anything.

You ok? asked Thomas.

Michael mentally sighed and said, I'll give her that much. My sister never was one to back down from a challenge. Still don't think it was a good idea, her running off without us and all.

"When is she coming back?" asked Rosy, distracting Thomas from Michael's thoughts.

"We don't know that either. But Mira's pretty smart; she'll be able to find us, some how. But now shouldn't you be getting home?"

"My parents won't mind," said Rosy, "Besides, I like hanging out with my friends, and you guys are cool."

There was a general sound of agreement from the rest of the little ponies tagging along behind, and there was even a feeble cheer or two.

Thomas turned his head to look at Applejack, but she just grinned at him and said, "Told ya' they weren't afraid no more."

"You're all welcome to tag along," said Lucas, "But all we're going to be doing is loading the train and then heading off to Horseshoe Bay."

"Can we come too?" asked a green pegasus by Tom's left leg.

"Sorry," said Rainbow, "But this is official business. Too dangerous for kids like yourselves. Maybe when you're older. For now, you just leave this to us. Don't worry, we've got this."

Thomas felt Rosy's head droop at that but bounce right back up as she said, "Don't you mean, they've got this?"

Thomas couldn't see Rainbow since she was hovering like she almost always was, but he could imagine the disgruntled look on her face.

"Yeah... that's what I meant to say."

As they approached the train loading area Thomas could feel the flurry of hooves pounding cement, wood, wheels creaking and voices calling out directions. Though he couldn't see it Tom could feel the sense of urgency as pony porters ran back and forth moving and loading supplies.

As they stepped onto the platform, Tom felt a porter approaching. While there was a definite caution to his step, Tom was still grateful that the porter was still willing to talk to them.

"Mr. Thomas, we were wondering if you wouldn't mind helping us. There is one more load of supplies we have yet to pick up and bring back here for loading. However, while small, they are by no means light."

Thomas passed his two fellow compatriots off to the mane six and saluted the porter smartly. Thomas felt the porter flinch as his hand darted up to his forehead, then relax as he realized what Tom was implying.

"Hey, we need one of the wagons!" He yelled to his fellows and soon he and Thomas were walking and trotting off towards the west side of Canterlot.

As they walked, Thomas took in every aspect of the city that he could. Since he couldn't see the colors and architecture, he listened to the bustle of the ponies making their way from shop to shop. He could hear fillies and colts playing in the streets as well as in private backyards.

Tom had never really taken in the world like this before. He often thought of himself as a detail-oriented guy and tended to miss out on the bigger picture. Now that he was 'detail choked' and forced to take in every aspect of the area around him, he couldn't help but appreciate the atmosphere Canterlot provided.

When they came to the end of the street, they began following the waterway that cut the city in half and provided water for the hanging pools that decorated the side of the mountain.


The porter didn't notice what Tom had written until he tapped the chalkboard a few times.

"West side of town is a small shop that sells earthenware containers, we hired them to craft several large jars for the princess' needs. They were filled after crafting and are a little beyond my capabilities as a unicorn."

After crossing one of the three bridges that spanned the waterway, Tom noticed the neighborhoods were becoming smaller, making way for a multitude of small shops.

At last they came to a little square, in the center of which stood a dilapidated old fountain, the water still barely flowing. As they passed by the fountain Thomas stopped and stood still a moment, listening. The porter stopped when he noticed Tom standing and asked if anything was wrong.


The porter sighed and nodded, "I used to live near this side of town, it's not exactly bursting with business anymore. Shame too, there are some really good crafts-ponies over here. The shop we're headed to is right there."

The shop was definitely... odd, to say the least. The front portion of the store consisted of a large wooden plank which, since it was hinged at the top, could either be swung down to cover the front of the store or propped up to provide shade for those who were browsing. The plank was held up by a gigantic clay jar about the size of a pickup truck that could be rolled out through the front window to prop up the plank. Tom rolled the cart up next to the store as the porter headed in. Walking up to the gigantic container, Tom tapped it's side and was able to feel the store name scrawled on it just as the young colt at the counter piped up, welcoming the porter.

"Hello and welcome to Lar's Jars, home to the biggest and the best, where our motto is just try 'an break it. My name's Jug, how can I help you today?"

The porter explained they were there to pick up the princess' order and and Jug nodded cheerfully.

"Your friend out there, movin' them for yah? 'Cause they're a little out of my weight class."

"Yes. Mr. Thomas, would you mind rolling the merchandise out to the cart? And please be careful, the last thing we need is what's inside these jars spilled out in Canterlot," said the porter, motioning for Tom to come into the store.

"Oh, he can't hurt 'em," said Jug, waving a hoof nonchalantly.

"Be that as it may," replied the porter, "They're filled with a mixture of magically-primed oil and dragon scales."

Thomas felt Jug raise an eyebrow and then shout out to the back of the shop, "Hey Pop, I think we got ourselves another up-tight 'ere."

Placing his hand against the wall, Tom could just make out a set of wooden steps climbing up the back wall of the store to a wooden balcony and door set in the wall. As he watched, Tom could hear the squeaking from the rocking chair stop and an elderly pony get up and stretch. Then in one quick motion he kicked a large jar sitting next to him off the balcony and the porter gave a practically audible wince as the jar landed with a sickening crunch on the granite floor.

The porter's ears raised back up and Tom could hear a hint of annoyance in his voice, "What was that for?!"

Jug just grinned and hopped over to where the jug lay on its side, a hole practically guaranteed.

"That floor's Griffin Granite," said Jug, lifting the jar out of the hole punched in the floor by the jar, which was itself unharmed, "Stuff's about as hard as the heads of the fellows we bought if from. Can't tell you how many times we've dropped this here jug on that there tile, but I'd say the results speak for themselves."

The porter stared in shock at the undamaged jar, as the old pony on the balcony broke into laughter, "Best darn 'vestment I ever made. If'n the hardest stuff out there don' break it, what chance 'ave ye?"

Tom walked up to the jar and felt it. Instantly he knew the old pony on the balcony had far more skill when it came to magic than clay. The jar wasn't perfectly symmetrical, but the magic that lay within practically dared him to try and break its adamantine hold on the container. He couldn't resist.

Taking the top of the jar in his right hand, Thomas lifted and slammed it down onto the tile floor. Jug never even blinked.

Lifting the jug once more, Tom discovered another pulverized hole in the granite floor, and the completely intact jar almost laughing at him like the old pony above them.

"Tol' ya- Tol' ya, but did 'e listnen ta me- ha-ha. Nee-ope, they never do- he-he-he."

Turning, Tom noticed that the poor porter looked like he was starting to get a migraine, so he placed the jar down in the hole in the floor and watched as Jug lifted it back up to the balcony with a winch system.

While the porter paid Jug, Thomas lugged the heavy jars of oil and scales out to the cart. When he was done he signaled the porter to wait a moment and walked back over to the massive store-front jar. Curious, Tom reached under it and tried lifting it a little with one hand. The jar wasn't too heavy and Tom's strength was more than enough to raise it slightly off the ground without disturbing the store-front.

"Lightweight as well as strong," piped up Jug from the door of the shop, "That's the very first one my father ever made, biggest too, and the one we're most proud of to boot. It's so light, I roll it back into the shop when we close up for the night."

"Using your big fat head..." said someone and Tom realized there was another pony in the town square.

"Ooh, run back home to your basket case family, Sandy," returned Jug.

"Your father looking to replace you with something a little lighter in the brains department?" replied the female pegasus, giving Tom a sideways glance.

"Hey! At least I don't have tree bark for hair, PINE CONE BREATH!"


The two were practically nose-to-nose at this point, and yelling at the top of their lungs. If Tom hadn't been standing right next to them, he would have never heard what came next.

"See you tonight by the bridge?" whispered "Sandy."

"Of course..." whispered back Jug, "-AND THE SAME TO YOUR FATHER!"

"Sandy" drew back, stuck her nose in the air and, with a 'hummph', trotted off toward the edge of town.

Tom tilted his head and tried to give Jug the impression he was staring at him.

Covering his blush with a cough, Jug said, "That... individual... was Sandy Turnips. Her family runs a basket shop by the edge of town and is sworn enemies with our family... "THEY" say our father stole some of their clay to make ol' faithful here. But Pop'd never do something like that. Nasty weed weavers."

Surrrrre... Thought Tom to himself, I ain't buying it Romeo.

There was a commotion from inside the shop and Jug yelled back, "Yeah Pop, that was one of those Turnips. Don't worry I told 'em off." Then in a more pleasant tone of voice, "My apologies for all that, but I hope you have a nice day, and remember our motto is Just try an' break it!"

Tom gave Jug a quick wave good-bye, took hold of the cart and started back towards the train station.

As he watched the two head off, Jug patted the tremendous container fondly and whispered, "One day my friend, you're gonna be famous. Then you won't have to worry about holding this old store open anymore..."

Then quietly to himself, "And I won't have to worry about who I can and can't spend time with."

There was a fierce racket from inside the store and Jug called back, "Yeah, I'm coming Pop, keep yer teeth in and quit yakin' about lunch. The sun's barely up yet."

When they got back to the train station, most of the foals and fillies were nowhere to be seen. All except for Rosy.

Picking up Lucas's container, Thomas learned that the children got bored pretty fast and had run off to play. But for some reason Rosy stuck around, asked questions and offered to help.

After the porters told her most of the stuff they were loading was too heavy for her, she just sat there, out of the way of Thomas and the porters, and watched it all. Every now and then she would ask a question and Lucas did his best to answer while Thomas worked and Michael, who they had placed next to Lucas's tin, kept silent.

Thomas didn't know what to make of Michael. He didn't seem to have the same animosity towards Rosy that he still directed at the mane six. On the other hand he wasn't coming out of his shell and conversing with her either. He just seemed... quiet.

Probably still thinking about his sister's decision, He thought to himself.

At last Thomas loaded the last crate of oil and supplies and knocked his knuckles with all the porters' hooves at once then he picked up Michael and Lucas and looked around, noticing that Rosy was gone.

"She left a little while ago," said Michael, "Think she said something about hanging out with some of her friends."


Michael didn't say anything.

Thomas handed him to Fluttershy, Lucas to AJ and boarded another car with Rainbow and Maud to keep him company.

On their way to Rambling Rock Ridge, Maud continued their discussion about Boulder and rock farming. Rainbow fell asleep within minutes of their departure and snored most of the way with her head lolling against a crate of supplies.

Meanwhile in the car ahead of Thomas, Lucas was circling his water canteen and thinking. Ever since the big planning session and spending the night in the castle he had come to several conclusions.

The first was that he was going to check out the show when and if he ever got home.

The second was that this whole situation was really starting to take its toll on him. He was now even more worried than before that they might not make it home. Zecora's prophesy still nagged at the back of his mind, and though he kept trying to piece it together into a concrete future, it was just vague enough that he couldn't pull anything besides a few potential ideas from it.

Now that they were headed towards Horseshoe Bay and he was probably going to be the first to encounter the monster somewhere out at sea, he was also beginning to rethink Mira's idea.

A pony trotted up to his seat, humming a gentle tune and deposited something that sounded like Michael next to him and then walked back to her friends on the other side of the car. Michael didn't say anything and Lucas felt no need to break the silence.

They sat there thinking for about ten minutes then Michael spoke. "Why did you snap at me this morning?"

Lucas, startled from his thinking, looked around before realizing he was still trapped in the canteen.

"I'm sorry," he said, swirling himself around the canteen in a way that almost felt like kicking the ground with his foot, "That wasn't me, that was my father. Sometimes I get upset and he rears his head a little."

"You don't like your father?"

Lucas paused to think for a little before answering, "He's a good guy, in his own way. However, we don't always see eye to eye exactly. Mom wants me to get a college education, probably could make it with a scholarship too, with my grades... But Dad thinks it's a waste of time. Wants me to get a job, get married, settle down, have some kids and get a life. Neither of my parents ever really got a good education, but my mother's got high hopes for me. She wants me to become a doctor... or somethin'."

"Do they..." Michael started before changing his mind, "And you? What do you want?"

Lucas knew what Michael wanted to ask but answered the other question instead. "Dunno... Getting a scholarship would be hard work. Dad would find out too. Don't know how he'd deal with that... Mom would be happy, maybe me too. Can't say I enjoy school, but chemistry's interesting. I guess I've been thinkin' about it all. Haven't made up my mind yet. How 'bout you?"

Michael snorted, "I've got plenty of time before university. Plenty of video games too. Mira's leaving in a couple of years though."

"You going to miss her?"

"Dunno. She's always been into weird stuff like this. I prefer my older brother, we play Halo and Smash Brothers together."

"How does he feel about your sister's hobby?"

"He puts up with it same as me, though he's even watched a couple episodes with her. You got any siblings?"

"One. He died in Afghanistan in 2011."

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok. You didn't know. Besides, he died a hero, Dad's even got the medal and everything. My brother was a really great guy... Dad's really proud of him."

"What was he like?"

Lucas chuckled a little and said, "He was pretty intelligent, not as smart as me, but he was a great singer. He even had plans to get a good education, that's why he joined the army. Had a girlfriend too. They were even planning to get married when he got back from his last tour of duty. He saved two of his teammates from a sniper, even after getting shot in the chest... My whole family misses him."

Michael didn't push Lucas any further the rest of the trip.