• Published 21st Aug 2015
  • 841 Views, 163 Comments

Daring-Do and the Leaf in the Wind - Sylvian

Daring-Do, along with her friend Leaf Wind, are assigned a mission by Princess Luna. What they find may change Equestria's past and future. And, perhaps, their relationship.

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Shiro: White Star in the Mist

Chapter 10: Shiro; White Star in the Mists.

“I thought I warned you not to come here,” the voice continues, the low and threatening growl in it making its owners hostility clear. “Obviously, you are greater fools than even I anticipated.”

Turning around with a scowl, Daring look upon the speaker -- a hooded and cloaked pony standing taller than Luna -- and speaks up. “Clearly you know nothing of me, friend, or you would have known your warning would not be heeded.”

“We know a lot about you, Daring Do,” the figure replies, taking a step forward. “We know how you explore ancient places, uncovering things that are best kept hidden.” The figure takes another step forward, the mist swirling around it and lending an almost ethereal quality. “We know how you visited Saddle Arabia, and breached Life’s temple. What secrets you wrestled from Librarian I dare not ask, but he would not have given them freely. What you did to get them, I shudder to think, but you will not succeed in defiling my mistress’ sanctum.” Yet another step forward, a deep scarlet glow coming from within its hood. “You shall suffer the same fate as all who have dared defile these grounds before you. Go, now! Join my beloved Strength in death!”

“Enough!” a second voice joins the first, followed by a gold muzzle and a pair of green eyes peeking out from beneath the hood. “Shiro, they are good people! Page and I think they have good intentions.”

Shiro looks up slightly, a scarlet muzzle poking out from beneath the hood. “Jinsong, you are my friend, but we swore to protect these grounds from all!” He points a hoof towards Daring and the others. “Clearly they are here to defile our home, steal what treasures they can, and become rich on what is better left alone.”

“Shiro, for being so ancient, you are not being very wise,” Jinsong sighs from beneath the hood, coming out and smiling to Daring. “Hello again, Miss Daring.”

“Wait, aren’t you that annoying drake from the bookstore?” Leaf speaks up from behind Daring. “What are you doing here? And why are you and this… hooded killer wandering this city?”

“Ah, yes,” Jin replies with a shrug. “We were never properly introduced.” He makes a sweeping bow on top of Shiro’s head, earning an annoyed snort from the pony beneath him. “I am Lord Jinsong, spiritual guide and advisor to she who defends Equus, the Virtue of Strength.” he then sits up and sighs, patting Shiro’s muzzle before flying off of him and landing in front of Daring. “And, the grumpy old pain in the flank is Lord-General Shiro Hoshi; God of War, second in command to Strength, and trainer of the greatest military minds Equus ever saw.”

“You speak as this Virtue yet lives,” Fion comments, coming up to stand beside Daring.

“Ah… well,” Jin says with a sigh, his wings drooping. “She does not. In fact, she passed into the next world well over a thousand years ago. Shiro and I have been guarding her temple ever since.”

“That is quite a long time.” Daring remarks skeptically.

“Not if time travel is involved!” Unsolved speaks up, quickly bouncing forward and getting in front of Shiro. “Clearly, you are from the past! But no pony can live as long as you claim!”

“I am well over two-thousand years old, I assure you,” Shiro growls, “and time travel was not involved! I have felt every single day pass since my failure.”

“He really is,” Jin chuckles. “I’ve counted all the birthday candles on his cake! And let me tell you, it’s not easy getting two-thousand-and-five-hundred candles onto a cake!”

“Well, that’s why you buy little candles in the shape of numbers!” Leaf remarks, smiling for all of the two seconds it takes Daring’s wing to spring out and fwap him in the face.

“Not helping, love.” Daring sighs as Leaf spits out some of her feathers.

“I hadn’t thought of that,” Jin says, tapping the end of his scaled muzzle. “But, anyway, we really should get back to the temple so we can talk. No reason standing…” He looks at the blood stained stones and the camp/battle site. “Here… otherwise you will never believe me that Shiro here is actually kind and gentle soul.”

“I have to disagree,” Shiro speaks up. “They are not coming to the temple with us. No one has set hoof or claw on its stones outside of us in over a thousand years. I would keep it that way.”

“Shiro, you’re going to have to let ponies in sooner or later,” Jin sighs as he turns to his friend. “We can’t keep it closed off forever, nor can we stay cooped up here forever.” He then looks to the group. “Now, follow me, I will guide you to the temple through the mist. And don’t worry about the grumpy God of War here, he knows I can easily take him in a fight.” He then flies up and lands on Daring’s back. “Now, if m’lady will follow my directions, we can be there before dinner.”

Nodding, Daring starts off with Jin giving her directions in the form of speaking in her ear, the rest of the group following behind her. Shiro is left alone standing in the ruins of the campsite, and looks around slowly. Shoulders slumping, he sighs softly and follows after the group, not sure what else do to, and unwilling to go against his friend and slay the adventurers. Following after, he soon catches up to them, and falls in beside Daring.

It takes them the better part of the afternoon to get through the remainder of the city. They pass through two more large, and equally damaged, gates bearing the marks of battle. Daring attempts a few times to ask Jin, or even Shiro, what happened, but each time the pair grow somber and avoid the topic. When, at last, they reach the gates to the temple, they find them pristine and well maintained, standing closed and barred from within.

“All of you but Unsolved can fly, correct?” Jin asks as they stand before the gates.

“That is correct.” Daring confirms. “Though we have supplies, and unless you can get them inside we’ll have to make a few trips to ferry them in.”

“There is no need.” Shiro responds curtly, crouching down before shooting off the ground in a white blur, great wings unfurling from beneath his cloak and carrying him up and over the massive wall. For a few moments Daring and the others stand there with an expression of shock on their face.

Fion breaks the silence, looking to Jin and asking loudly, “I thought he used magic.”

“He does,” Jin confirmss with a smirk.

“And he has wings?” Leaf continues the collective train of thought.

“Yup,” Jin nods.

“Well, that explains how he is still alive,” Daring sighs.

“I still call time travel,” Unsolved remarks, crossing his arms in front of himself. All eyes turn to Unsolved, who looks at them with a smile. “What? It’s true! He could be in league with Luna and the little green creatures!”

“Right, sure he is,” Daring sighs, rolling her eyes.

The sudden sound of creaking hinges fills the air, and a small door built into the face of the massive gates swings outward to let Shiro, still dressed in his cloak, to walk through.

“Alright, everyone inside,” he states flatly. “I don’t want to keep this door open for longer than it needs to be.” He stands aside as Daring and company goes through the door, closing it behind them.

The sight that greets them within takes their collective breaths away. The temple grounds are massive, spanning the entire center of the city from what they can tell, with long winding walkways between large fields of sand and rocks, carefully shaped and sculpted to look like the massive rocks are islands floating in a sea of sand. Wooden and stone buildings with slanted roofs stand further in, their ancient construction speaking of a solid strength and ingenuity not seen in the world today.

Shiro takes the lead and shepherds them down the winding paths towards the massive structure at the center, which Daring quickly realizes is a castle, and ultimately to a smaller gate than the one they had first entered through. This one stands open to show off a courtyard full of target and practice dummies, seeming waiting for soldiers to use them, as well as rows of weapons racks stocked with ancient weapons that look as if they had just been forged.

Daring, Leaf, and Fion all stop just past the gate, eyes wide as they look at everything. Shiro continues on, and walks over to a peg along one wall and removes his cloak, and the turban he had been wearing when they had first met him in town.

For the first time, Daring and the others get a clear look at their strange host. He is a large male alicorn of pure white with large wings and a horn poking out of a pale blue mane that is cropped and tied up in the style of ancient warriors. Stretching his wings and sighing contently, Shiro crosses back over to them and fixes them with a stern gaze.

“I would bid you welcome, but you are here against my wishes.” He looks to Jin who gives him large, almost puppy dog in appearance, eyes. “You are all lucky that Jinsong is my closest friend, and I could never say no to him.”

“Aww, Shiro, I knew you loved me!” Jin chuckles, flying from Daring’s back to land on Shiro’s, his long tail and arms wrapping around his friend’s neck as he hugs him. After a few moments he releases his friend and settles down on his head. “Now, you three,” he looks to Unsolved, “I mean four, wished to know more about the Virtues?”

“The three of us did,” Leaf corrects, pointing to himself, Daring, and Fion. “That one,” he points to Unsolved, “wants to prove Princess Luna caused the downfall of Equus.”

Jin shrugs and smiles. “I know. He has been here a while.” He winks and looks to Unsolved. “Did you know, you mutter in your sleep? It's rather adorable.”

“Mother used to tell me it was part of my charm,” Unsolved says with pride.

“Right, I won’t argue with a pony’s mother,” Jin states with a solemn nod. “However, I can prove your theory wrong, as I was there when Equus fell.” He sighs and looks down at Shiro. “Do you want to take them to see Guardian, or shall I?”

“I will prepare dinner, my little friend,” Shiro replies sadly. “Guardian was your friend, it might bring her some small comfort to have you speak of her once more.”

“Thank you,” Jin sighs as he flies from his friend’s head to hover before Daring. “Follow me, I shall take you to she who once guarded this temple, and served our mistress perhaps more faithfully than Shiro or I.” He then flies off, forcing Daring and her friends to follow quickly lest they be left behind. He leads them into the Castle, and to a large room that had likely, in the days of Equus, been a mustering hall for the troops that had called this castle home.

Now, however, it is dominated by two things: a large serpentine jade drake statue, and a statue of a unicorn mare in full armor sitting and looking out into the hall with stern eyes. The drake statue has one clawed hand against the mare’s face, as if gently caressing it, its face frozen in an expression of profound grief as its other clawed hand grasps the shattered remains of an amulet.

Drawing closer, Daring looks at the amulet and frowns. “This looks just like the one that Librarian was wearing when we met him in Life’s Library,” she comments, looking to Jin who lands on one of the statue’s large shoulders, his tail wrapping around its neck as he gently touches its cold cheek.

“Because both were made by Life,” Jin replies softly, his tone sad. “There were five in total, one for each of the Virtues, and tailored to be the perfect companions. Protectors, guides, friends, and advisors, all of them served their masters or mistresses with loyalty and faith that would rival even the staunchest of soldier.” He hangs his head, leaning it against the lifeless statue. “Guardian was her name. This statue once lived, once breathed, and walked these halls much like you or I. She helped Shiro train the soldiers, and fought beside them in battle.” He looks over at the statue of the mare, and with a sigh takes flight to land on her back.

“What happened?” Leaf ventures, stepping forward to stand next to Guardian to look up at Jin in the mare’s back.

“She did,” Jin replies, looking to the mare’s face. “This… is Strength. Or, at least the only remaining statue of her. She led us for many years, faithfully defending Equus from all dangers that dared to threaten our Empire.” He looks down at Leaf for a few moments, before looking away. “She died, and in her place was born a creature of pure darkness, who laid waste to the city beyond the temple.” He looks to Guardian, to the look of pure anguish frozen upon her face. “Guardian led a contingent of troops to meet this monster, leaving Shiro and I to defend Strength’s few remaining acolytes, for perhaps one of them might become the next Strength. We could hear the battle raging beyond the walls, the screams of the dying, the wail of those still yet living.” He holds a clawed hand up, clenching it into a tight fist as tears form in his eyes. “We yearned to join in the battle, but our job was more important, and our fury could not be sated. Nor, would it ever be. The battle lasted nearly a week, and when Guardian returned she was alone, the monster having killed all the soldiers that she had once called friend, called comrade. Alone, Guardian had fought, and had come out victorious… but in victory she was broken beyond solace, beyond comfort.”

“H… how did she become like this?” Unsolved asks, enthralled by the story and thus being serious.

“She told me and Shiro that she had done her duty, and wished to reflect upon the battle in solitude,” Jin explains, his eyes going to Guardian as they fill once more with tears. “I… I can still hear her anguished howl… Every night, it haunts my dreams. We did not know it when we let her go in here alone, but she planned to take her own life. Guardian had been broken, having faced down someone she had faithfully served, whose very existence she had been sworn to protect.” He looks away, wiping the tears from his eyes, and clears his throat. “You… you asked how Equus fell? It lost its Princesses, one by one, as they fell to darkness.”

“How did that happen?” Fion asks, leaning his head to one side.

“We do not know,” Shiro’s voice comes from behind them, causing Leaf and Fion to jump. Daring, Jin, and Unsolved all just turn around as if they heard him coming. “But it started with Compassion.” He steps into the room, trays levitating in his magical grasp. “As Envy, she went after Love, who fell before her might as wheat before the scythe. Together, they went after our mistress, Strength, who put up a valiant fight, but one that was ultimately in vain.” He sets the trays down near a table in the corner. “Then they went after Life. I know not what they found there, only that while we marched to aid the final princess, Hope, Life was swallowed by the darkness and reborn like her fellows were.” He sighs and uncovers the platters, a modest feast of fruits, vegetables, some meat, and salad beneath.

“When we arrived at Roan,” Jin speaks up, picking the story up from Shiro as he sets the table, “we were met by her construct at the edge of the forest that surrounded it. It explained to us that Hope had fled west, beyond what is now the Griffin Kingdom, to the farthest reaches of her holdings, in the hope that she might find a way to save some small part of Equus.” Jin flies from his perch on the statue of strength's shoulder, and lands near the table. “He asked us to do all we could to draw the eyes of the fallen rulers. All who remained of the army knew that to do such would be suicide. Even though Shiro, myself, and a few other alicorns were amongst their ranks, we could not hope to overpower them together.” He sighs and look to Shiro, his friend nodding for him to continue. “Besides Shiro here, none of the other alicorns were warriors. They were advisors, more suited to guiding than taking direct action, but they were willing to try, and it was inspiring to see gods put on brave faces, when deep down you knew they were just as scared and disheartened as all the common soldiers.”

“We honored Hope’s request, though,” Shiro picks up, Jin having stopped and looked towards Guardian again. “The other alicorns and I divided what we could of the army up, and set out to try and split the fallen virtues up, make them easier to hit, as by then it was only the fallen Death, Hate, and Envy left. Jin, an alicorn who had served as Compassion’s archivist, and I went after Death. An alicorn who had served Love, and his wife who had served as Life’s chief gardener, went after Hate.” Shiro sighs and sits down. “I was told later, by the survivors who went with those two, that my brother and sister in godhood died destroying Hate. They died in victory, but died all the same.” He falls silent, looking away from Daring and company.

“Shiro, and I were the only two ‘immortals’ to survive the encounter with Death,” Jin takes up the story again, his eyes still glued to Guardian. “The archivist who set out with us? Him and his company were overwhelmed in the early parts of the battle, but he held on long enough to ensure his troops made it back to us… He tossed himself at Death, a smile on his face, and delivered the fatal blow. It cost him his life, but he was a hero.” Jin breaks his gaze from Guardian and looks to Shiro. “After that… well, we sent what was left of our troops to Hope, or where we thought she might be. Shiro and I… We couldn’t face her, not after all we had seen.”

“We came back here,” Shiro finishes, “to be alone in our shame, and continue to uphold our last duty, to protect the acolytes, and then their families… and then their descendants.” He shakes his head. “None of them, for all these generations, were worthy to wear Strength’s armor, to take up the mantle.” He looks to Daring, his eyes soft for the first time since she had met him. “And so we wait, and we pray to the Cosmos that someday… one of the youths we bring here will be worthy, so that our lives will once more have purpose.”

Clearing his throat, Jin smiles weakly to everyone. “That concludes the epic tragedy that is mine and Shiro’s life. Shall we eat, and be free of these depressing memories?”

Daring opens her mouth to reply, but the sound of sniffling next to her causes her to look over to her right. Beside her, Leaf has one arm across his eyes, and is crying. Smiling softly, Daring brings a wing up and over her coltfriend, and pulls him close. “Yes, let's eat. I don’t think my love here can take any more sad stories.”

And with that, the group has their dinner. Jin, however, takes a small bowl of salad, and carries it over to set it beside Guardian before he himself settles down and eats his own meal.

The evening meal lasts for an hour or so, mostly due to the fact that Daring asks Shiro and Jin a stream of questions that almost seems to never end. Shiro is reluctant at first to answer the questions -- warming up slowly to Daring as he starts to realize she truly does want to learn -- while Jin all but forgets his dinner to answer questions that are often witty, if still informative. Eventually, though, the meal ends and Jin offers to show the group to some rooms they can use while they’re here, which prompts Shiro to mutter something to the effect of him hoping they’re not there too long.

Fion and Unsolved are shown to small single room apartments that would have been used by low ranking officers during the golden age of Equus. Well decorated, but mostly with functional things and not a whole lot of personal items to give it color. Fion takes to the room well, having lived on a ship for as long as he has this is all he needs. Unsolved on the other hoof starts looking through everything, pulling small devices out of his mane and checking for magical properties and spells. Jin, Daring and Leaf leave Unsolved to do that, and head to the room that Jin had found for the couple.

The room that Daring and Leaf are shown is nice, spacious but spartan, with a queen sized bed and a window looking out to the garden and courtyard.

“This used to be the personal quarters for one of Strength’s most trusted advisors,” Jin says with a hint of nostalgia, “next to me and Shiro, that is.” He zips over to the window and sits on the sill, a warm smile on his face. “He won’t be using it, so you two are free to use it for as long as you stay here.”

“Thanks, Jin,” Daring replies with a thankful nod as she walks over to the bed and sits down, removing her saddlebags near the bed as she goes. She then yawns and looks to Jin with a weary smirk. “I think Leaf and I should turn in, though. Sea travel, followed by hiking through a jungle does a number on me.”

“Alright, I understand,” Jin says with a wink as he flies from the windowsill to the door, Leaf coming in and putting his own saddle bags down near the table in the room. “Now, if you two need anything, just come find me. Shiro too, if you catch him in a good mood.” He then closes the door and presumably flies away.

Daring waits a few moments, actually getting up and quietly opening the door to make sure no one is there, before going back to Leaf with a wide smile.

“So,” Daring starts slowly as she comes up beside Leaf. “I recall I promised you a reward for your heroic actions against that dastardly tourist trap.”

“I seem to recall you did,” Leaf agrees with a smile, nodding to the bed. “Care to negotiate that reward now?”

Smiling warmly, she gently puts a hoof against Leaf’s cheek, and pulls him into a kiss. When she finally pulls back, she winks. “I have to warn you, my love, I am a very persistent negotiator.”

Author's Note:

And here it is! The next chapter of Daring!

So, yeah now the mystery voice has a name to it! Shiro, the ancient, grumpy, Alicorn! Who, if you have read Fall of Roan's first chapter, you have already met along with Jinsong and Strenght. Those were, understandably, happier days.

Next week, we shall see what happens -after- Daring's negotiations! :ajsmug: