• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 666 Views, 25 Comments

Cape and Cowl III: Showdown - Artimae

  • ...

Chapter Seven


January 18th, 1008,

Unbelieveable! Not only has my entire forearm been rendered useless, but now I’m stuck with the most annoying stallion in the world! This train ride has been the longest of my life, and I can’t wait until it’s over. Ponyville may be a small community, but I’ll find a way to keep Joules (Jewels? why should I even care how to spell his name) out of my hair.

I wonder how Pick’s doing, and if he found mom and dad yet… He’ll be fine, he’s resilient, and far too crafty for even the Red Hoof. The Guard know about the Rind farm too, now. If I’m really lucky, mom and dad will be back home when I return. That’d be the best early birthday present I could ever ask for…

Here’s to hoping.

-Snow Storm


Snow Storm looked up, catching Joules’ eye in the lantern light. “What’re you looking at?” she asked defensively. His cheeks had gone rosy, as though he were trying not to laugh. “Lots of mares have diaries.”

“Just curious as to what you were doing,” Joules said, looking away. “No need to be testy... ” He then smirked. “You spelled it right, by the way.”

She blushed, holding the book to her chest. “You’re not supposed to read it!”

“I only saw my name, I didn’t see anything else,” Joules admitted honestly. “I swear if your face gets any redder you might just become a fire hazard,” he grinned.

“S-Shut up,” she said quietly. Maybe if I jump off the train now, I’ll get lucky and die.

That… was surprisingly cute, Joules thought. Too bad she’s probably like, sixteen or something… He shifted in his seat, opening the newspaper to the crossword puzzle section. “Hmmm… a four letter word to describe a pony that tends to be mean to others…” he wondered aloud. He then smirked, grabbing his pen. “‘Snow’...” he said, pretending to write it in.

“Ha. Ha.” She rolled her eyes, wondering how much trouble she could possibly get into by decking him in his smug little face.

Alright, I’ve gotten enough of a rise out of her, Joules thought, folding his paper over to another article. “Huh… You were right. They did cover the stolen carriage. And of course, no mention of the Guard trying their best to protect it and risking their lives against some freak of nature. Who writes this garbage…?” he muttered, shaking his head slightly.

“Any word about m-” She stopped herself from almost saying ‘me’. “About Mare do Well?”

“Just that she got injured and carried off,” Joules said. “I hope she’s alright. She tends to help us out, even if she does end up taking the credit more often than not. I didn’t see how she got hurt during the fight last night, but it was kinda tough watching her keel over like that.”

Tell me about it, she thought moodily. After a moment’s silence between them, she spoke up, trying to keep a civil conversation going. “You know, I’ve thought about becoming a Guard.”

“Oh? Do tell,” Joules said, shifting to face her properly.

“Nothing much to tell. Selling oranges all day just gets boring.”

“I can understand that,” Joules nodded. “Funny enough, I didn’t always want to be in the Guard myself.”

“That so?”

“Yeah… I kinda had a rough time of things growing up. I lost my parents at an early age, not too long after my little sister was born. Now it’s my older brother, myself and my younger sister,” Joules explained. “I used to be a troublemaker way back when. I’d always get into fights, run with the wrong ponies, you name it… it wasn’t until Captain Leaf rushed me to the hospital after a fight that I knew what I wanted to do with my life,” he said. He raised his right wing, showing a small scar near the base. “Glass bottle. Had to get several stitches to close it up. Thankfully it didn’t hit an artery or anything else important. Either way, he’s pretty much the reason why I’m in the Guard and not in some alley right now.”

“Lucky for you, huh?”

“I’d say so, yeah,” Joules nodded. “Things coulda turned out a lot worse. So what about you? I told you my life story, so why not tell me yours? What’s it like living with such a well-to-do family like the Oranges?” he asked.

She gave him an answer he would have never expected. “Lonely.”

“I’m… sorry to hear that,” Joules said thoughtfully. “I won’t ask you to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable. Didn’t mean to overstep boundaries.”

She shook her head. “It’s not that. It’s just… there’s always a little sliver in the back of my head that keeps reminding me I’m adopted. It gets annoying more often than not.”

“I’ve met the Oranges before, in passing. They’re fantastic ponies… I think you’re really lucky, and not just ‘cause you live in a huge house or get all the amenities they do, but…” Joules paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. “Even though you’re adopted, I’d imagine they still treat you like their own. I’d give a lot for something like that…” He sighed, looking to Snow. “We’ll get them back. I promise,” he said, offering Snow a small smile… though it was one that spoke of a sadness he was keeping hidden.

If you don’t, I will, she thought. “Looks like we’re arriving. About time, too. We can cut the sappy stuff.” She stood up, stretched, and winced when she managed to aggravate her broken leg.

You try to open up to a pony… he thought bitterly, shaking his head. He stood up, standing near Snow when she tensed up from misstepping. “Easy, easy…” he said, using a wing to help keep her stable. She’ll probably yell at me for touching her, but whatever.

“... Are you looking at my butt?” she demanded, putting a half-smirk with her tone. “I can still hurt you with three legs, you know.”

“Truthfully, no,” Joules said, raising an eyebrow. “Do you want me to?” he asked, returning his own smirk.

“Hm, I doubt you would,” she said, stepping ahead of him into the aisle, and off the train. “I’m pretty sure you’re gay, anyway.”

“Is that so?” Joules said, following close behind her. He did manage a passing glance at her body, mentally checking off particular parts of her figure that caught his eye. Lean, athletic but not too muscular… not bad, he thought to himself with a smirk. “Eight out of ten.”

“Hm? You looking at somepony?”

“Just the mare in front of me.”

“Sure you were,” she said, limping off into the Ponyville night. “Suppose I’ll see you around town.”

“Yup,” Joules said, checking the map of Ponyville he had picked up at the train station. “Okay… so I go past Sugarcube Corner, make a left then up the street and I should arrive at Shady Oaks Inn,” he said to himself, following the path on the map.


“Now, who could that be at this hour?” Big Macintosh asked out loud, his large ears twitching at the sound of the doorbell. “Expectin’ comp’ny, Applejack?”

“Not s’far as I’m aware,” Applejack said, stopping what she was doing and making her way over to the door. She gently opened it, blinking in surprise when Snow stood in the doorway. “Snowy? What’re you doin’ here?”

“I need your help,” Snow Storm said, cutting right to the chase. “Immediately.”

Applejack looked down, seeing the thick cast on Snow’s foreleg. “I can see that… c’mon in, we’ll talk about it over some soup. It’s still kinda nippy out,” she said, leading Snow in and shutting the door behind her. “How’d you manage to get banged up like that?”

Snow barked out a harsh, humorless laugh. “As it turns out, I’m not as on top of the food chain as I thought.” Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the front page of a newspaper stuck to the wall, headlined with the Oranges’ disappearance. “I ran into a slight problem trying to get them back…”

“That so?” Applejack said, pouring her some veggie soup and setting a bowl down in front of her cousin. “It makes sense that there’re stronger fighters out there… the world’s much bigger than Manehattan,” she said.

“Tell me about it,” Snow grunted, blowing on her dinner to cool it off. “I came here looking for a zebra. I heard she can fix my leg.”

“A zebra? Do ya mean Zecora?” Applejack asked, taking a seat across from her. “Listen, every now and again we get ponies lookin’ for her because of her skills, and we try to send ‘em away because she ain’t here to be bothered. Now, I can vouch for ya on a count of you bein’ family and all, but don’t tell anyone else about her, square?”

“Of course not. Where does she live?”

“Alright… she lives in a hut deep in the Everfree,” Applejack said. She stood up and went over to a nearby chest of drawers, opening up the top one and pulling out a map. “Follow this map to the letter and you’ll get there. Did ya come with anyone or did ya come alone?” she asked as she passed the map over to Snow.

“I have a friend,” Snow said, only half-lying. She stood up, her dinner barely touched. “Thanks, though. I’ll see her right away.”

“Normally I’d be against an outsider goin’ to bother her, but because yer all banged up, I’d bring that friend, and fer criminy’s sake, go when there’s light out. The Everfree’s no walk in the park, even during the day. Heck, I’m sure I’ve told ya about my adventures into it with the others,” she said. “Ya didn’t touch the soup, was it not to yer likin’?”

“The soup was good, I just really want to get this done. A full moon and some woodland creatures aren’t going to scare me- I mean us off.”

Applejack gave Snow her trademark stern expression, giving her cousin the clear indication that she was about to show off her trademark stubbornness. “Snow, I didn’t give ya that map so you could go off and get yerself hurt or worse. I ain’t lettin’ ya off the farm until you promise me that ya ain’t gonna go runnin’ off there tonight.”

“I have to! Mom and dad are depending on me, and I’ve already let them down once!”

“You gettin’ killed is gonna let them down permanently, especially if it happened on my watch!” Applejack fired back, squaring her shoulders. “Do I need to get Mac involved?”

The stallion stood up from his spot at the table, having been watching the conversation carefully. He stood near Snow, almost towering over her. Though his muscles tensed to grab her if need be, his eyes told a different story.

“We don’t wanna lose you too,” Big Mac said softly.

“Promise me, Snow,” Applejack said.

Snow Storm gulped, trying to back away slowly. Though she'd never outright admit it, Big Macintosh had always intimidated her since she was just a filly. “I, uh, I guess I’ll have to stay,” she conceded, her eyes darting around for any unblocked exits.

“Don’t even think about makin’ for the exits,” Applejack said, watching her cousin carefully. “I’m gonna make this very clear. You set one hoof outside of this house with that map tonight, and you ain’t allowed to come back. If ya ain’t gonna do this without yer family’s help, then ya can’t stay at yer family’s home!” she said forcefully, growing more and more upset with every passing moment.

“Okay, okay, I’ll go in the morning!” Snow said, trying to hide from Big Mac and failing. It’s like he’s staring right into my soul. Why won’t he look away!?

“Good,” Applejack said, settling down. “You know I hate gettin’ this way, but dang it, Snow, you’re almost as stubborn as I am,” she said. She turned her head towards Big Macintosh, giving him a suspicious look. “Make sure every door in this house is locked. If she ain’t here in the morning, we’re going to have serious problems.”

“Eeyup,” Mac affirmed, nodding as Applejack turned to leave. He then looked to Snow, gently patting her head with a hoof. She tried to flinch away; he gave her a sorrowful look, as though her fright of him hurt his feelings. Most likely it did. “We’re only lookin’ out for ya, that’s all,” he said, locking the door behind Snow, then proceeding to do the same around the rest of the house.

“Well…” Snow said, sitting back down. “May as well finish my dinner.”

Once Applejack and Big Macintosh made their way upstairs, Apple Bloom appeared, looking around to make sure her siblings weren’t in earshot. She then took a seat across from Snow. “I heard everythin'. If you wanna find Zecora, I can take you to her, but it’ll have to be before sunrise.”

Snow Storm raised an eyebrow. “Is this some kind of trick?” she asked cautiously, not entirely trusting the scenario. For all she knew, it was a trap.

“Look, I’m Zecora’s apprentice, I can get you to her personally,” Apple Bloom said. “You have to trust me.”

Snow squinted her eyes. “No, it’s too easy. You’re setting me up.”

Apple Bloom leveled her eyebrows at Snow. “What could I possibly gain from gettin’ you in trouble? I ain’t no rat. ‘Sides, I’m the only one who knows every exit in this house.”

“... Alright, fine,” Snow said, cocking an ear towards the stairs. “Lead the way.”

“Let’s move,” Apple Bloom said, taking to her hooves and quietly making her way out of the kitchen, Snow following close behind. She gestured to Snow to be quiet, the two making their way up the stairs. Once they reached the top, Apple Bloom gestured for Snow to wait, going ahead and making sure that her siblings had gone to bed in their separate rooms.

Once Apple Bloom had verified the coast was clear, she gestured to Snow, who made her way as quietly as possible to Apple Bloom’s bedroom, closing the door behind her. Apple Bloom quietly lifted the foot of her bed, shifting it over as delicately as possible so as not to make any noise, revealing a hatch on the wall.

“Alright, we just need to go through here and—” Apple Bloom started, opening the hatch and finding solid concrete. “What?! This wasn’t sealed a week ago!”

“That’s ‘cause Mac filled it in a few days ago while you were out of town with Sweetie and Scoots,” Applejack said, standing in the doorway. “If yer gonna try and sneak outta this house, yer gonna have to do a better job than that. I could hear Snow’s cast on the stairs the moment she set hoof on it.”

“When did Mac find this!?” Apple Bloom protested.

“He found it when he was fixin’ the loose leg on your bed,” Applejack replied, grinning smugly at her sister.

Apple Bloom sank to her haunches in defeat, sighing. “Sorry cousin… I can still take you to Zecora in the mornin’ if ya like,” she said as she looked to Snow.

“That’d be fine,” Snow said, wincing at Applejack’s look of disappointment.

“If you two are gonna act like fillies, then I’m gonna treat y’all like fillies,” Applejack said firmly. “Snow, you can take the bottom bunk if you want. Apple Bloom, head on up top,” she said, hanging her hat on the hook behind Apple Bloom’s door.

“What are you doing?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Bloom, make some space for me on the bottom bunk. I’m sharin’ it with Snow.”

Apple Bloom sighed, trotting over to the bottom bunk and making space for two. “There’s some PJs in those drawers that should fit ya Snow, yer welcome to use ‘em if ya want,” she said, pointing to a nearby dresser.

Snow shrugged, flopping onto her bed with a pouty demeanor. These ponies are too damned clever, she thought bitterly.

Apple Bloom climbed up the ladder into the top bunk, Applejack scooting in next to Snow. After a few moments of silence, she spoke up.

“Look… I know you wanna save your parents. Believe me, if it were up to me, I’d get Twilight and the others on it in a heartbeat, but I can’t. With Auntie and Uncle Orange missing, Granny’s stressin’ herself to the bone tryin’ to keep both families in order and I’m makin’ sure she don’t keel over ‘cause of it,” Applejack explained. “There’s a right way to get ‘em back, and I’m certain you’re the key to it, so the last thing I wanna see is you endin’ up hurt or worse before you can even try…” She then sighed. “Sometimes I wonder if it was a mistake givin’ you that suit. I think maybe I put a burden on ya that you shouldn’t be bearin’, at least not alone.”

“Sometimes I think it was a mistake taking it,” Snow admitted after a period of silence. “Everything that’s happening is my fault. I made a dangerous stallion very angry.”

“I wish I could help ya more…” Applejack sighed. “The Elements are reserved for ‘national threats’, as Twilight put it, and I don’t think this’d be considered a ‘friendship problem’...” she then rolled over to face Snow. “You’re gonna get ‘em back, I know it… I just… I can’t help but feel a bit responsible for puttin’ ya down this path… and for that I’m sorry.”

“It is what it is,” Snow said. “It’s too late to back out now.”

“True enough…” Applejack said. After a moment of silence, she spoke again. “So, tell me about this friend of yers.”

“Uh…” Think, damnit! “She just wanted to help me get better, that’s all. So she, er, came with me.”

Applejack blinked a few times, nonplussed. “...Ya know I can tell yer lyin’, right?”

“Would I ever lie?”

“You lied about stayin’ put!”

“That wasn’t a lie. A new opportunity just presented itself,” Snow said reasonably.

“Uh huh,” Applejack said, her eye twitching. “I ain’t buyin’ whatever you’re sellin’, so spill it.”

“Well it doesn’t matter if I came here alone since your sister said she’d escort me, right?”

“I’m also tryin’ to make conversation with my cousin that I haven’t seen in years,” Applejack said with a small smirk. “What’s his name?”


Applejack sighed. “Snow, are ya really gonna make me pull this?”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“Do I really need to remind ya that I’m the Element of Honesty? I can tell when yer lyin’.”

“If this is what slumber parties are like, I’m glad I never had any growing up,” Snow said dryly.

“For heaven’s sake, Snow, just tell her already!” Apple Bloom protested from above. “You know she ain’t gonna give up until she gets her answer!”

“I don’t know what you ponies want me to say! I don’t even know who ‘he’ is!”

“You said that a friend came with ya to Ponyville to help you get fixed up, and you just told a lie so bad I don’t believe it’s a mare, so what’s his name?” Applejack said pointedly.

Snow snorted. “What if that was a lie so you wouldn’t worry about me? What if I really did just come here alone?”

“I could tell ya weren’t lyin’ then, but you are now,” Applejack said, cracking a small smile. “C’mon, I ain’t gonna tease ya or anythin’,” she said.

Snow Storm rolled her eyes. There’s only one way to shut these mares up… “Fine, I’ll tell you. His name is…”

“Is…?” Applejack repeated.

“... Big Mac. Technically we're not really cousins...”

Apple Bloom gave an explosive groan, tossing and turning in her bed above. Applejack gave Snow a deadpan stare. “If ya didn’t have a broken foreleg I’d wrassle it outta ya,” she said. “That’s fine. I’m sure he’ll turn up and Bloom can just tell me herself.”

Snow chuckled. “Like you could fight me.”

“How many times was I able to make ya cry uncle when you were little?” Applejack asked.

“That was before I learned martial arts. My whole special talent is fighting - yours is kicking trees.”

“You try takin’ on a horde of changelings and then tell me I can’t fight!” Applejack snorted.

“Changelings are easy. Just get a giant bug swatter.”

“That’d work if there weren’t a million of ‘em,” Applejack said, rolling her eyes. “Anywho, I can see ya ain’t willin’ to talk, so I’ll just find out for myself. Let’s get some sleep,” she said, rolling over and getting comfortable.

“Finally…” Apple Bloom muttered from above as she settled in herself.


Pick Pocket sighed as he stared at the ceiling of his little makeshift prison, wondering not for the first time just how he had gotten himself into this predicament. Life had been swell for an under-the-radar pilferer - as long as he didn’t upset the Guard or the Red Hoof, he could do as he pleased. And he took advantage of such freedom.

He should’ve seen the signs of trouble when Deorsa first grew a heart - feed the homeless vagrants, he had begged. Make this city a better place, blah blah blah. Pick had relented; had even started to enjoy doing a little good, himself.

And then the Mare do Well came along. He knew she was trouble as soon as he saw her. If only I knew just how much trouble she’d become… This whole affair and petty little war hadn’t bothered him much… until Deorsa came to him again, begging for his help. And once again, Pick relented, in turn breaking rule number one of the street: Don’t piss off the Red Hoof.

I swear I’m going to punch that bat in the face when I get out of this. And never do him a favor again.

His ears twitched. He could hear a pair of the Hoof’s stallions approaching outside his holding cell.

“The boss wants to see you,” one stallion said, unlocking his cell. They entered, proceeding to grab Pick by his forelegs and pinning them behind his back, leading him forward. One stallion reached into his pocket, retrieving a small metal ring and slapping it around the base of Pick’s horn.

“Don’t even think about tryin’ to run, you won’t make it out,” the other stallion said, using a little more force to make him walk faster. They lead him down several corridors and into a small room. They sat him down in a chair, binding his hooves together to prevent him from bailing. “The thing we put on your head’s a magic inhibitor. You try and use magic with that thing on, and your head feels like it’s caught fire.”

“Sit tight and shut up, the boss will be here shortly,” the first stallion said, leaving the room with his partner in tow. The door shut and the sound of the lock clicking into place was heard, leaving Pick alone to his thoughts before the inevitable interrogation took place.

A short while later, Hano entered the room, standing in the opposite corner of where Pick was seated. A moment after, the Red Hoof himself entered, taking a seat on the table in front of Pick. He took one look at Pick and shook his head.

“No one told me our captive was just a colt! What kind of appearance is this going to give our organization?” the Red Hoof said. “We do have standards, you know.”

“So, that’s what the mighty Red Hoof looks like,” Pick said, sneering at the tall, black stallion. “I expected you to be shorter.”

“I know I tend to be a little reclusive at times..." the Red Hoof said, adding an apologetic tone to his bass-heavy voice. "Perhaps I should get out more.” He then trained his sights on Pick. “Tell me… what, perchance, were you doing on our compound?”

“This a fruit farm, right? I was just looking for a couple of oranges.”

The Red Hoof smirked. “An orange? That’s all?” He stood up, moving over to a crate that sat nearby Pick’s chair. He opened it, retrieving an orange. He sat back on the table, pulling a switchblade out of his pocket and opening it. He calmly began to peel and cut the orange, humming to himself as he went. Once he had finished, he then held the orange up. “Would you like a piece? It’s what you came for, isn’t it?”

“I think you know what I mean,” Pick said, keeping a half-grin on his face.

“Oh, I do,” the Red Hoof said. He took a piece of the orange, popped it into his mouth, and proceeded to squeeze the rest of it in Pick’s face, spraying the juice in his eyes. “Mm, the Rinds really do grow some spectacular oranges. They’re not too sweet and just on the tart side, though I would suggest they let them grow a bit longer. The peel is a little soft.”

Pick Pocket's initial screams of pain transitioned into a fit of laughter.

“Yes, yes! It is funny, isn’t it?” the Red Hoof exclaimed. “He sees the humor in it!” he said, pointing to Pick. “One would think that a family who has made their fame and fortune off of oranges, would know how to grow oranges properly! Isn’t it just hilariously ironic?” the Red Hoof said, chuckling. “Aah, one must always try to find the humor in the little things in life. Don’t you agree, Hano?”

“Yes Master,” Hano said, nodding in affirmation.

“Yes indeed!” the Red Hoof said, his face curling into a devilish smile. “You know what they say…” he said, raising Pick’s face to be level with his own. “If you don’t laugh… you’re going to cry.

“Oh, that’s not the funny part,” Pick said, keeping his eyes squint shut. “The funny part is you.”

“I do fancy myself quite the comedian,” the Red Hoof snarked.

“It’s just so hilarious how you’re frightened of her!”

“Her? You mean the Mare do Well?” the Red Hoof said, letting out a belly laugh. “Oh please, that child couldn’t defeat my right hoof, much less me! I may have considered her a thorn in my side before, but once Hano crushed her like a roach under his hoof, I knew for a fact that she was nothing more than a foal in a towel pretending to be a superhero.” He then gripped Pick’s face harshly, the smile disappearing. “She has been dealt with. She will never be a thorn in my side again.”

“You seem absolutely sure of yourself,” Pick pointed out, still grinning. “In that case, just let that family go. What harm could there be in that?”

“You truly have no business sense. The Oranges are worth millions, who in their right mind would let that go? Besides…” the Red Hoof adjusted himself, allowing Pick to get a clearer view of his face. “I want her to come. I want her to find me. I want her to try and save her parents… so I can kill her myself. When she dies, it’ll break their poor little hearts, and I’ll be able to play them however I want… and from there, what’s stopping me from taking the rest of this city?”

Pick Pocket snickered. “You want her to come, but your little pet beat her into submission? You really have gone crazy, haven’t you?”

“Perhaps, but I do know one thing- she has left the city. Where she’s going? We don’t know… but when she returns, we’ll be waiting,” he snarled. “I grow tired of this session. Hano, take our guest back to his cell. Have a little… fun with him, if you’d like.”

“Yes Master,” Hano said. He cantered over to Pick, forcefully heaving him out of his seat and leading him out of the room.

“So,” Pick said as he was lead back to his prison. “What’d Red do to your family? Must’ve been something bad, huh kid?”

“Silence,” Hano said firmly. “Keep moving and I will not harm you any worse than what is coming.”

“It’s okay, you can tell me. What was it? They being held somewhere, too? Poisoned them and then put you on his leash? Set fire to your home? Nothing’s beyond him. Why, those Oranges had never even done anything to him, and he just takes them anyway! I guess a cold-hearted pony like you wouldn’t care about such things, though, would you?”

Hano grit his teeth, feeling anger well up. He effortlessly lifted Pick off the ground and threw him at a nearby wall, pinning him to it by his shoulders. “You will be silent!” Hano growled. “My Master rescued me from my village as it burned! He saved my life! Another word and I will not hesitate to cut you down where you stand!”

‘Rescued’!?” Pick laughed. “He doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘rescue’! I’m sorry to hear he burned your home to the ground - it must have been terrifying for a helpless little colt.”

Pick then saw the world around him grow blurry as pain erupted through his body, Hano having driven a hoof into his gut. He now had firsthand experience as to how the Mare do Well had fallen to his terrifying strength. “Not. One. More. Word,” Hano said threateningly, his frigid gaze almost burning a hole through Pick’s eyes.

“If you’ve been with him this long, you know how he acts! How he thinks! Has he ever ‘rescued’ anypony else? Or did he drop that charade once you were old enough to not care anymore?”

Hano elected to remain silent, instead pushing Pick back down the path to his cell. They arrived shortly thereafter, Hano roughly throwing him inside it. “Go to sleep,” Hano said coldly as he punched Pick across the jaw, knocking him out cold.


“I’ll have the eggs and toast,” Joules said.

“Anything to drink?”

“Orange juice would be good.”

“Great! We’ll be back with your order shortly.”

“Thanks,” Joules said, settling in and reading the morning paper as he waited for his breakfast. He looked up, examining the town, now currently bathed in the early morning sunlight. “It’s so peaceful here… I may not wanna leave,” he mused to himself. As he looked around, he caught sight of a familiar looking white mare off in the distance standing next to another mare with a yellow coat and red mane.

“Waitress!” Joules called out.

“Yes sir?” she asked.

“Put my order on hold, I’ll be back to pick it up later,” Joules said as he quickly finished his coffee and made his way over to them at full gallop.

* * *

“Alright cousin, you ready to go?” Apple Bloom asked, having checked and double checked her saddlebags to make sure she had everything she needed to take to Zecora’s.

“I’ve been ready,” Snow Storm said, standing right by the door. “How long d’you think this’ll take? I want to catch the train home by tonight.”

“I can’t promise ya that you’ll be ready to head home by tonight, but she’ll definitely try,” Apple Bloom said.

Hey! Hey, wait up!” a voice called out as it approached them. Apple Bloom looked over, seeing a pegasus quickly making their way over to them.

“Hey, Snow, do you know him?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Nope,” Snow Storm said at once, trying to walk a little faster. “Never seen him before.”

Snow! Wait up!” he called out, closing the distance.

“He seems to know yer name…” Apple Bloom said.

“I’m kind of a big deal in Manehattan,” she replied. Joules approached them, catching his breath.

“So! You gonna go find that shaman pony you mentioned back on the train?” Joules said.

“On the train…? So there was a stallion! Applejack was right!” Apple Bloom said giddily.

“Applejack? You mean the Applejack? The Element of Honesty?” Joules asked incredulously.

“The one n’ the same! She’s my older sister, and Snow’s our cousin!” Apple Bloom said with a smile.

“Wow, I had no idea you had such famous family, Snow. Why can’t you be nice like her?” Joules asked, shaking his head, which caused Apple Bloom to stifle a laugh. “I’m Joules, I’m a Sergeant for the Manehattan Royal Guard.”

“Nice to meet ya, Joules. I’m Apple Bloom.”

“A pleasure to meet you. So, where’s this shaman pony I heard about?”

“Normally Zecora don’t like too many visitors, but if you came with my cousin, I don’t think she’d care too much,” Apple Bloom said. “Let’s get a move on!”

“He’s not coming with us!” Snow protested, stomping her hoof down. Unfortunately, in a momentary lapse of judgement, it was the wrong hoof. She yowled, her eyes watering instantly.

“Easy there,” Joules said, propping her up with a wing as she bounced in place. “Can I tell you how many times I’ve prevented her from hurting herself worse than she already has?”

“I can imagine,” Apple Bloom said with a small laugh. “Now c’mon, let’s get goin’. We’re burnin’ daylight.”

… I’ve got it. “Alright, I’m sorry. You know what would make me feel better, Sergeant?”

“...You know you don’t have to call me Sergeant, right?” Joules said. “What are you planning?” he asked, now suspicious of her.

“Oh, nothing. I just feel like I need to be cheered up, that’s all. And now that I think about it, you can help me!”

“I’d be careful Joules… somethin’ ain’t right,” Apple Bloom said.

“Don’t have to tell me twice…” Joules mumbled. “And what, exactly, would that be?”

“You could go get me an Ice Iris. It’s my favorite flower.”

“Two things wrong with that request. One, Ice Irises grow in the Crystal Mountains, which is thousands of miles away from here. Two, why would I get you an Ice Iris? We’re not dating, I mean hell, we’re barely friends,” Joules said.

“Oh…” Snow began to sniffle, trying to work on the stallion's feelings. They almost always fall for it. “I mean, I’m just a poor mare who’s lost her family and is scared and confused and helpless, but I guess if it’s too much trouble…”

“But aren’t ya the Ma-” A hoof quickly found its way into Apple Bloom’s mouth.

“I dunno what she was trying to say, but judging by how quickly your expression changed, you were trying to pull one over on me,” Joules said, cocking an eyebrow at Snow. “Look, let’s just find the shaman pony and then I’ll treat you to lunch or something.”

Apple Bloom giggled. “Lunch won’t work on my cousin,” she said. “But I happen to know what will!”

“Oh? Do tell,” Joules said, cantering over to Apple Bloom.

“You wouldn’t dare!” Snow growled, glaring at her adopted cousin.

Apple Bloom leaned up, whispering into Joules’ ear, to which his face curled into a smile. “That simple, huh?”

“Mmhmm! She’s had a soft spot for it as long as I’ve known her,” Apple Bloom said with a cheeky smile.

Let’s give it a shot, Joules thought. “Look, Snow, if you let me come along and behave, I’ll treat you to some fudge from Sugarcube Corner. That sound like a plan?”

She opened her mouth to protest, but her brain stopped her immediately. Free fudge.

He’s a cheater! It’s an unfair fight!

Free. Fudge.

If I punch him in the face, he won’t offer it anymore.

What part of ‘free fudge’ don’t you understand!? Free. Fudge.

Externally, both Apple Bloom and Joules could see a war being waged behind Snow’s eyes. “Wow… you weren’t kidding,” Joules said.

“Just wait,” Apple Bloom said. It was then that Snow approached Joules, who recoiled slightly when she looked him straight in the eye.

“Uh… can I help you?” Joules asked.

There’s a way to win this. Eat all the fudge he can possibly pay for, and then some. “... You can come with,” she said through gritted teeth, as though conceding was the hardest thing she had ever done.

“Oh. Okay,” Joules said. I’ll be sure to keep this little trick handy for the future… he thought to himself.

“Now that that’s settled, let’s get movin’!” Apple Bloom said, starting to make her way forward.


The Barracks were nice and quiet, with only the sound of shuffling paperwork and the occasional chatter. Captain Leaf lay half-way on his desk, his forelegs folded across the oak top and being used as a pillow. Naps were few and far between for the busy stallion, and he took one any chance he could get.

The door quietly opened, Murdoc peeking his head in. Damn… poor guy. Do I really want to wake him up? he thought, gripping the folder under his foreleg tightly. This is too important to wait, he determined. “Captain?” he said softly.

After a moment of grumbling, the Captain opened one eye. “Wha?”

“Sorry to bother you Captain, I have important intel,” Murdoc said, putting the folder down on the desk and opening it. “We’ve got enough evidence to raid the Rind compound. Photographs, testimonies, documents, everything. The Oranges have to be there.”

Captain Leaf’s grogginess disappeared immediately. “You’re sure about this?”

“One hundred percent. See for yourself,” Murdoc said, pushing the open dossier over to Captain Leaf.

“Very good,” Leaf said, scanning over the document quickly. It was enough, alright; more than enough. “Round up every Guard you can… even the cadets,” he added, sighing. It was a tough decision, letting greenhorns in on such a potentially dangerous operation, but as far as he could see, there was no choice. “I’ll have a plan ready soon.”

“Understood sir,” Murdoc said, nodding his head. “Any word back from Canterlot on the stolen carriage?”

“I, er…” The Captain blinked. His cheeks became rosy as a blush crawled its way up his face. “I may have neglected to inform them of the temporary misplacement of our supplies.”

Murdoc gave a small smirk. “I can understand, sir… I don’t know what I’d do in your position.”

“Let’s hope you don’t have to find out for twenty more years.”

As the Captain spoke, Murdoc caught a strange light glimmering into the room through the nearby window. His ears perked up, and his eyes widened as he heard what sounded frighteningly like crossbows having their mechanisms being pulled back.

GET DOWN!” Murdoc bellowed, grabbing the Captain by the shoulders and forcing him to the ground, a hail of crossbow bolts blasting through the window, glass and wood shards erupting around the room. One particular bolt ricocheted and grazed Murdoc across his right cheekbone, but the Lieutenant was otherwise unharmed. Before the Lieutenant could speak, the sounds of screaming, crossbow fire and glass breaking could be heard coming from the rest of the Barracks.

“Captain, are you alright!?” Murdoc yelled over the loud commotion.

“What in blazes is going on!?” Captain Leaf demanded, shrugging Murdoc off and standing up.

“I have no idea, but those bolts look like the ones we use!” Murdoc said, pointing at the bolts embedded in the wall.

Captain Leaf frowned, readying his horn in case a shield was needed. “Looks like Red is bringing our equipment back, after all. It’s just on the wrong side.”

“We need to get moving!” Murdoc yelled, making for the door. He grabbed a decorative spear hanging on the wall and threw the door open, checking to make sure it was clear. “This way, sir!”

“You’re right,” the Captain said, storming past Murdoc with a steel determination on his hardened face. “It’s time to take the fight to them for once.”

“Yes sir!” Murdoc yelled, following the Captain. They entered the main area of the Barracks, finding it a complete war zone. Some of the Guardponies had taken the fight to the attackers, having at the least gotten their helmets on. Others were strewn about, some nursing injuries and others lying prone. Murdoc hoped that the ones he saw lying still were not casualties. As he caught up to the Captain, he quickly dispatched a would-be attacker, knocking the pony out with a swift strike from the butt of his spear. “Orders, sir!?”

“Your orders are simple. Defend.”

“Yes sir,” Murdoc growled. “Captain’s orders! Defend the Barracks at all costs!” he yelled, leaping into the fray himself.


“Zecora! Are ya home!?” Apple Bloom called out, knocking on the hut door. “I, uh, I brought some friends who need help…” Snow Storm glanced around at her surroundings, frowning heavily.

I thought Applejack said this place was dangerous... So far, it had almost been a literal walk in the park.

Come in, my dear Apple Bloom. My home has plenty of room,” a deep yet feminine voice spoke from inside the hut. The three of them entered the hut, following close behind Apple Bloom.

“Woah… this is incredible…” Joules murmured, looking around at all the items Zecora had lined the walls of her hut with, then examining the massive cauldron in the center of the room, bubbling with a bright green fluid. A zebra with turquoise eyes then stepped into the light, peering at Snow and Joules.

“I am Zecora, mistress of potions and Ponyville’s shamaness. By what names are you two addressed?”

“I’m Joules, ma’am,” he said, bowing slightly.

“Snow Storm,” she added.

Joules leaned over to Apple Bloom, speaking in a low whisper. “Does she always speak in rhyme?”

“Yup,” Apple Bloom said simply.

“Is there a reason you have sought me? The journey here should never be taken lightly.”

“I need my leg fixed,” Snow said bluntly. “Er… please.”

“Such magic is difficult to try, and the ingredients are hard to come by. The process is harrowing and tough, it may break your will if you do not have enough,” Zecora warned. “The spell comes at a grave cost: if it is not completed, all foreleg function will be lost.”

“I can barely use it as is. Let’s get started.”

“Before we continue… Apple Bloom, can you vouch for these two?” Zecora asked.

“Yes ma’am. Snow’s my cousin, and Joules is her coltfriend,” Apple Bloom said.

“Very well… allow me some time to prepare the spell,” Zecora said, moving into another part of the hut and leaving them alone.

“No he’s not!” Snow said, glaring at Apple Bloom.

“I’m really not,” Joules said.

“I know I know, but Zecora will be more likely to help if you guys are both here for a reason!” Apple Bloom said. “I’ll explain it to her later, so just play along, alright?”

“She can probably tell he’s gay, anyway,” Snow said, pacing around the hut.

“For the tenth time, I’m not gay!” Joules protested. “You sound just like my brother…”

“I’m sure he’s a lot nicer than you are,” she replied dryly.

“I can promise you I’m the nicer of the two of us,” Joules retorted. Apple Bloom watched them go back and forth, arguing without stopping.

“Y’all argue like a married couple, my gosh!” Apple Bloom said. “Keep that up and Zecora will definitely buy what I told her!”

“I’m sorry, your cousin may be cute and all, but she’s not worth the trouble,” Joules stated matter-of-factly.

“‘Cute’? I am not cute!” Snow said with a blush creeping up into her face.

Apple Bloom giggled. “Yer face says otherwise…”

“You know what? You’re both—” Before she could finish, Zecora returned.

“The potion is done, and I promise it will not be fun,” Zecora said, setting the pot down in front of Snow. Within it sat a glowing, fluorescent fluid that bubbled and frothed. “Dip your foreleg to the top… but once we begin, we cannot stop.”

“Here goes nothing!” Snow said at once, putting her leg into the pot without hesitation. The golden ringlets on Zecora’s left foreleg began to glow and thrum with energy, the spell coming to life as she grabbed the pot and held it in place.

Suddenly, it felt like Snow’s foreleg had been set ablaze. The liquid seeped into her skin, setting every nerve in her body alight in pure agony as the bone itself began to liquefy and resettle into its proper place. The moment the pain exceeded her threshold of tolerance, she grit her teeth, but her vision began to fade as it almost overwhelmed her. Without hesitation, Joules jumped to her side, sidling up to her to keep her standing.

“Joules, keep her awake while I get some water!” Apple Bloom said, hurrying off into the next room.

“Right!” Joules said. Oookay, how do I do this? I’m not a paramedic! he thought frantically, trying to think of something to tell her to keep her focused.

“Are you not a pony she holds dear? Whisper supportive words in her ear!” Zecora urged, focusing her own energies on keeping the spell active.

“R-Right, yeah…” Joules said. This feels so weird… he thought as he opened a wing and gently swept it on her back, the feathers offering a comforting sensation that swept over her as he moved a little closer to her.

“I do not hear you talking! Do not worry, I am not one for mocking!” Zecora exclaimed, giving a weak smile.

Oh gosh, am I really gonna have to sweet talk her? Joules thought, swallowing hard. She’s gonna kick my ass after all of this is said and done… He took a deep breath, and began to speak.

“You can do this, Snow… you’re tougher than this! You’re going to be okay… we’re going to go back to Manehattan, we’re going to find your parents, and we’re going to settle down! M-Maybe we’ll even talk about taking the next step!” Joules said, blushing heavily as he lied through his teeth. “Just focus on the sound of my voice, okay? I’m right here. I’m not leaving you until this is done…” he said as soothingly as he could manage.

He felt his face flush when he felt Snow tuck her head beneath his chin, her good foreleg wrapped tightly around his. He swallowed hard, continuing to offer words of support while trying his best to keep her focus on him instead of the pain. Apple Bloom returned, swabbing Snow’s forehead of sweat and helping her drink water.

“R-R-Red…” Snow moaned, shifting her focus onto the stallion who started all of this. Inside of her was a dam she had kept; behind it was every ounce of hatred she could muster for the Red Hoof. She let it break, fed it; it was all that was keeping her from passing out at this point.

“We’ll get him. I promise we’ll get him,” Joules affirmed.

“Though time appears to be moving slow, we only have two hours left to go,” Zecora said. “Apple Bloom, please bring me some water to drink… I am finding it hard to think.”

“Yes ma’am!” Apple Bloom said, hurrying off to get her teacher more water.

“I believe your voice has been heard, and she has felt the affection in your words,” Zecora said with a small smile. “Her strength is returning, your words must have been quite reassuring!”

Concern? Yes. Affection? Not quite… Joules thought. “I try my best…” he said.

Snow looked up at Joules’ face, and what he saw in her icy blue eyes chilled him. “Red… dies…

Joules blinked in shock, but deep down, he understood. He had taken her parents. He had taken lives. He had been a disease in Manehattan for far too long. He stared back into her eyes, and nodded in affirmation.

“We’ll take him down… I promise,” he responded, gently brushing his wing along Snow’s back.

We’ll make him pay.

Author's Note:

Good thing Lithe is good at rhyming.