• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 6,537 Views, 109 Comments

What's the Sound of Two Mimes Dating? - MidnightDancer

Fluttershy and Big Mac have been a couple for a year now. Their friends are naturally baffled as to how.

  • ...


What's the Sound of Two Mimes Dating?
By MidnightDancer

"Phew! That was some tough work, Fluttershy!"

The demure yellow pegasus paled, turning to Twilight apologetically. "I'm so sorry! Was it too much to ask! Oh, it was, wasn't it? I'm so sor—" She was cut off by a gentle hoof laid over her lips.

Twilight smiled down at her. "Of course it wasn't too much. I just have so much more respect for you after doing what you do all day!" The final bear cub was set down beside its mother, the magenta glow of the alicorn's magic fading as the cub snuggled deep into the wall of fur beside it. Twilight smiled wistfully. "I mean, without magic, you would have had to carry them on your back, or pull them in a cart, and those cubs are pretty big!"

Fluttershy came out from her veil of hair, a small smile making its way to her face again even as she blushed. "Oh, well, it's just part of the job. Those poor little cubs were so hurt and lost! I'm just happy we found their mother." The two ponies turned and walked out of the cave, careful to step lightly on the stone to avoid disturbing the bears. Studiously looking at the ground, Fluttershy continued, "And I guess sometimes if something is too heavy and I need somepony's help, I usually ask Big MacIntosh. Not that I don't appreciate your help, Twilight! I couldn't have done it without you today."

"Anything for a friend!" Smiling slyly at the mention of the red earth pony, Twilight endeavored to sound casual as she continued. "So, about Big Mac... you two have been dating for about a year now, right?"

Stepping delicately to the forest floor outside the cave, Fluttershy merely nodded.

"And... I mean, you two are so cute together! You seem very happy." Twilight trotted to keep up with her friend, who had upped her pace considerably. The Everfree Forest could be dangerous even in daylight, after all.

"Oh, yes, we are." Fluttershy continued her gentle trot across the packed dirt of the trail to her home, humming under her breath. The bear's cave wasn't too far from her home, and even now, the peaked roof of her cottage could be spotted through the treetops.

The purple alicorn kept pace beside her friend, mulling things over in her mind. True, they were Ponyville's cutest couple, hooves down (to Twilight, at least), but Twilight just couldn't help but wonder... "I don't mean to be nosy, but what do you two usually talk about?"

The cottage was fully in view now, and Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief under her breath before turning to Twilight, usual gentle smile adorning her muzzle. "Oh, you know. This and that."

Trotting ahead of her nonplussed friend, Fluttershy allowed herself a small, secret smile.

Fluttershy flopped down on her couch, exhausted from the day's labors. After bidding Twilight goodbye, Fluttershy had thought she could simply rest, but Mr. Beaver's dam had collapsed and Fluttershy, heedless of the danger, had thrown herself into the water to rescue Mrs. Beaver and their six kits. After bearing the seven animals to safety on her back, she found an abandoned burrow near the water that would serve as a passable temporary home for the beavers. Then, of course, she had to track down Mr. Beaver, who had gone to the forest to find some aspen bark as a treat for Mrs. Beaver.

Even as she was soaked, tired, and ready to sit down, another emergency had grabbed her attention. By the time she had bandaged the fox's leg and had a stern discussion with the wolf that had injured it during their play, the sun was sinking below the horizon. The start of dusk found her firmly shooing the fox and wolf from her home before she finally pulled a towel to her to dry her river-soaked coat and wings.

"Angel Bunny?" Her query was answered by the little white rabbit, who tapped his foot impatiently, tiny forelegs crossed. A partially chewed raw carrot dangled from one paw, and he waved it at her angrily. Fluttershy closed her eyes and nodded. "Yes, I know. But you're a big bunny now, Angel, and you know how to eat a whole carrot. You don't need it cut into little bits anymore, because you can chew better now, and you won't choke." She mustered up as much of her usual nurturing smile as she could. It wasn't much.

The little rabbit locked his beady black eyes with the wide teal ones of the pegasus. Slowly, he bit off a chunk of carrot, gnashing it against his teeth dramatically. Suddenly, his eyes looked off in two different directions as he clawed at his throat before tumbling to the floor, the carrot's bushy green top pointed to the ceiling like a funeral lily.

Huffing, Fluttershy just rolled her eyes. "Angel Bunny..." Her voice carried a warning, and Angel heeded it, getting back to his feet and dusting off his arms. With a hop and a grumble, he made his way back to the kitchen. Just as Fluttershy was settling her tired head back down on to the sofa cushion, a sound interrupted her.


She smiled at the special knock, the one meant to imitate a pony heartbeat.

"Come in!"

A large red head poked around her door frame, green eyes under a shock of orange hair roaming the room briefly before settling on the pegasus. Big Mac trotted in fully, eyes softening at the state of Fluttershy. Coming up by her side, he nuzzled her hair before pulling away, nose wrinkled and one eyebrow raised. Her eyes offered an apology for the smell of river water and fish, muzzle sporting a sheepish smile as she looked to the stallion.

He smiled back, eyes closing as he shook his head. She works too hard. He had been coming around to accompany her to town for dinner, but after seeing the lines of exhaustion etched under her eyes, her unkempt mane, and the unpreened feathers that stuck up at odd angles, he realized that would just give Fluttershy more to do. Can't be havin' that.

With a last nuzzle to Fluttershy's head, Big Mac made his way through the now-quiet cottage, coming upon the downstairs bath. He opened the taps on the bathtub, letting the water begin to fill the basin as he turned to look for something nice-smelling to put in it. His eyes widened at the frankly baffling array of bath products available under the sink, eyebrow raising ever higher with each pass he made over the neatly arranged bottles. Half of them looked to be written in Prench! He shook his head, grasping one large lavender-scented bottle with his teeth, and experimentally tipped an eighth of the contents into the thundering water from the tap.

He was rewarded with a large billow of fragrant bubbles, and he smiled around the bottle with satisfaction. Placing it back beneath the sink, he trotted back towards his marefriend, who looked more alert but no less unkempt. Her gentle smile and shining eyes showed she knew what he was doing, and even as he tilted his head in the direction of the bath, Fluttershy was already on her hooves to follow her stallion. She slid into the bath gratefully, giggling as the bubbles tickled under her primary feathers, and relaxed back. Big Mac, noting the water was high enough to cover her, not to mention the height of the bubbles, shut off the water and sat beside the tub. He simply sat, content to watch the pegasus slide deeper into the bath, flexing her wings beneath the water and letting her hair float out like wild-grown seaweed.

They were interrupted by dual growls from their respective stomachs. Fluttershy blanched, hoof coming up to her mouth in instinctive embarrassment, that was somewhat ruined by her sudden adorable sneeze at the bubbles ticking her nose. Big Mac smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head with a hoof, and Fluttershy just smiled her understanding. The stallion planted a quick kiss on her head before turning to trot from the bathroom, before he was interrupted by a gentle voice.

"Big Mac? You're... coming back, right?"

He smiled over his shoulder at her, eyes softening. "Eeyup."


"I'll take two daisy salads and two sides of cottage cheese." He thought to himself, briefly, and smiled. "Also, a slice of that blueberry cheesecake, if'n it ain't too much trouble."

"Of course, Big Mac!" Lily bustled about the restaurant cheerfully, quickly assembling his requested food. Her golden eyes flashed mischievously to the stallion. "Two meals? I take it you and Fluttershy decided to stay in tonight?"

He nodded at the pink mare, eyeing her evenly and choosing to ignore the way she spat his marefriend's name. "Eeyup. Miss Fluttershy worked hard today, so I decided I'd bring her dinner."

"Oh, I see." The mare expertly bagged up the meals, walking with a little too much sway to her hips as she approached. Big Mac stifled the urge to roll his eyes, instead just fishing out the bits for the meals and preparing to place them on the counter. He was interrupted halfway to dropping the bag of bits by the other earth pony's mouth grasping the other side of it, lips brushing his. He dropped his end and backed slowly, brow furrowing. She smiled up at him, face far too close for comfort.

"You know, Big Mac, if you want, I can work hard for you, too..." Her eyes gleamed, a sly smile on her face. Big Mac had been wise to Lily's intentions towards him for some time, but he couldn't say he much cared for how much more... intense she had become in the last year.

Shaking his mane brusquely, Big Mac pasted a polite smile on his muzzle. "Sorry there, Lily, but you don't seem like you'd be much good for apple-buckin'. Best stick to your flowers. Thank you kindly for the food, ma'am." Grabbing up the food bags in his mouth, he made for the door more swiftly than perhaps he normally would, thus missing the sour but somehow hurt look on Lily's face. He was interrupted, though, by Lily's frustrated stomp on the floor.

"You know, I'm sure you and I can find a lot to talk about. We've always gotten along just fine. I mean, Fluttershy? What do you two even talk about?"

Big Mac turned back to the mare, placing his bags on the floor for a moment to speak. "It's true enough we've been passable friends some time now, an' I'm happy to be your friend, but all this forward flirtin' has to stop. An' as for what we talk about..." He mused for a second, eyes to the ceiling, before smiling in his annoyingly enigmatic way. "This n' that."

The cheerful jingle of the bell over the shop door as he left nearly drowned out Lily's frustrated groan.


And, of course, instead of being able to just get back to Fluttershy's, Big Mac found himself suddenly chest-to-nose with his eldest little sister on his way out of the shop. "There ya are, Big Mac!" Applejack's eyes quickly took in the food dangling from his mouth, the blush on his cheeks, and the wild spark of panic buried deep in his eyes. She sat back, grinning. "Oh, I see. Lily up to her old tricks?"

Big Mac just nodded, careful not to upset the cheesecake.

"An' you're headed back to Fluttershy's?"

Another nod, bags rustling.

"Y'need me to go have a talk with that flower pony, set her straight?"

Big Mac thought about it, then shook his head a little too violently.

"If'n you're sure. I think you and Fluttershy are just as cute as two bugs snug in a rug! Don't need some mare tryin' to interfere with my big brother and one o' my best friends, after all." Her eyes seemed to glint. "Reckon if it happens again, I might need to give her a piece of my mind."

Further embarrassed, Big Mac groaned around the bags and shook his head again.

"If yer sure. Hey, how about I head back with ya? Closed up market for the day, an' it's gettin' dark. Applebloom is at Rarity's for a sleepover with Sweetie Belle. You stayin' the night at the cottage?" Applejack started up her easy gait towards the north of town, smiling to herself.

"'I 'onno 'et." Talking around canvas bags was harder than he thought it would be.

"T'ain't no trouble if you wanna. You're right next to the farm there, so I can just holler if'n I need ya, I suppose."

Brother and sister traveled in companionable silence through the swiftly darkening streets of Ponyville, soft lights coming on in the various homes. Luna's moon rose, full and deep, the tapestry of the sky dotted with scattered diamonds of stars. Big Mac took a deep breath, eyes searching for the path to the cottage.

The two earth ponies approached the fork outside of town, one side leading to Sweet Apple Acres, the other heading to Fluttershy's cottage. Applejack turned to her brother and smiled. "This is where I turn off, I s'pose. Listen, y'all two are just the sweetest couple. But it's hard, you know, 'cause Fluttershy is one 'o my best friends and you're my big brother, and I guess I just worry 'bout somethin' stupid like that Lily character messin' with you two."

Big Mac nodded.

"But I know you're a good stallion, n' Fluttershy is a good mare. Celestia knows how you two even ended up talkin' to each other in the first place, but I'm truly glad ya did. Y'all both seem happier." Big Mac softened slightly, smiling around the bags at his little sister before she continued. "'Course, I expect to be invited to the weddin' and y'all best give me some nieces and nephews, y'hear?"

Groaning at his sister's teasing, Big Mac galloped away up the path to Fluttershy's, his sister's chuckles fading behind him.

Still mostly submerged in the water, Fluttershy relaxed, and pondered. She liked laying her head fully in the bath, even if it was bad for her ears, because that long pink hair that got tangled in brambles and leaves and other, less savory things during her work day turned beautiful—nearly ethereal—under the water. She giggled to herself deep in her lavender-scented bath, gently pushing her hooves through the water and watching her hair twist and dance softly beneath the surface. I wonder if this is what seapony hair looks like all the time? It must be so wonderful...

Deep in her own fascination with her hair and thoughts of seaponies (which, Fluttershy knew, Twilight would call a myth but then again, so was Tirek and he certainly existed), she missed the tell-tale hoofsteps until they were already in her bathroom, reverberating through the water to her ears. She squeaked and shot up, one hoof still tangled in her hair, to see her stallion standing beside the tub with an amused half smile on his face and a bag at his feet.

Blushing, she felt her stomach rumble again at the fragrant aroma of daisies and cheese and... blueberries? She watched with interest from her warm envelope of water as the stallion unpacked their suppers, balancing Fluttershy's salad on the edge of the tub, along with her cottage cheese. They both set to with a vengeance, the pegasus still attempting dainty bites even as her stomach demanded a much faster feeding. Even with Angel Bunny hopping in to filch a couple sliced cucumbers from both salads, it was a pleasant, if strangely set, meal.

Big Mac let his eyes roam the half-submerged pegasus, noting that while she was much cleaner, her feathers were in quite a bit of disarray still. Both ponies finished their meals, Big Mac clearing away their takeaway into the bag again to take out later. First, though, he removed the cheesecake, balancing it in front of his marefriend, who giggled and pecked her stallion on the nose in thanks. It was her favorite.

As she began dainty bites of that, Big Mac leaned over the side of the tub, nuzzling at her wings. She looked back, blush intensifying, before he opened his mouth and she realized what he was doing. Fluttershy admitted to herself that it made her nervous, sometimes, but that was a natural pegasine reaction to what was about to happen.

Earth ponies, as a general rule, don't know too much about preening. They don't need to, really, unless they happen to be close to a pegasus; though, even between pegasi, it was a very intimate thing to do to another pegasus. It stood then as a testament to their trust of one another that Fluttershy extended a soaked wing, allowing Big Mac easier access to straighten her feathers. The gentle touch of his mouth had come as a surprise to her the first time he'd done that, and same as each time, she felt herself relax as the out-of-place feathers were manipulated back to their rightful places, the sweet and creamy blueberry cheesecake calming her further.

Warmth spread through her, from her nose to the tips of her hooves, and she finished her dessert. Rolling to her belly in the water, she laid her head on the side of the tub and watched with soft eyes as Big Mac moved to her other wing, stretching over the water to snag at the last of the askew pinions. Thus preened, Fluttershy folded her wings comfortably, rolling to her back again and sitting up to nuzzle her coltfriend.

He returned the nuzzle, eyes closing as he breathed in her scent, feeling her delicate forelegs snake around him. She's so gentle, and so soft, and so... so Fluttershy. Big Mac smiled to himself, leaning into her hug, and thus giving Fluttershy her opening to haul the large red pony into the bath with her with a resounding splash.

Soaking wet, Big Mac floundered for a moment before he righted himself in the bath, shaking the water out of his ears. O'course, she also does chiropractic work for bears, so... A grin replaced his initial surprise as he spied Fluttershy across the bath from him, reclining back into the now-overfull tub and giving him an impish smile, wings extending beneath the water as her rear hoof came up to poke him playfully in the stomach.

He took in her half lidded teal eyes, wet mane half plastered to her head and half floating gently in the water, and his grin only grew.

Both ponies were completely content to ignore the waterfall now occurring in the bathroom as the stallion moved through the water to his mare.

An hour and some extensive cleanup later (including drying one very disgruntled Angel, who had hopped into the bathroom to investigate the noise), and Fluttershy laid snugly in her bed. Big Mac laid beside her, holding her from behind and nuzzling into her damp mane. The pegasus sighed and relaxed back into his embrace, content with his strong red foreleg wrapped around her barrel. Safe. Happy.

She turned over in bed, meeting Big Mac's eyes with her own. A bittersweet smile crossed the stallion's muzzle, and Fluttershy just nodded, the same smile mirroring onto her own face. With some effort, the earth pony heaved himself out of the bed, reaching a hoof out to smooth the comforter back into place around his mare. A final peck on the lips later, and Big Mac moved from the room, making his way through the dark cottage and out into the deep, starry night.

The path home always seemed so much longer when he was leaving her, so long that he could almost convince himself it was more efficient to simply sleep at the cottage. Reason always won out in the big stallion, for he knew it was a walk of a scarce five minutes and the morning held chores and cleaning and caring for their small, fractured family. Applebloom needed to be reminded of her responsibility to the chickens sometimes, and Applejack could always use help with the fields. Even though he knew it was at least midnight by now, he knew he'd have to wake in four hours regardless.

Of course, if Fluttershy came to the farm... There's room enough for her animal friends, I reckon, and she can get on with her work just as well from here. I'm sure the family would love her...

His thoughts trailed off as he looked up to the moon, before smiling to himself and shaking his head.

But shoot. What would they even talk about?

And so, he continued home, his own secret smile on his face.

Author's Note:

Pre-read by FoughtDragon01 and the lovely TheMaskedFerret. Thank you both.

Inspired by a comment made by Professor Plum like two years ago because my brain is weird and brings things up at weird times.

Hope you enjoy.

Comments ( 109 )

Wow... that was pretty damn fantastic. :3 The internal thoughts regarding their feelings for one another is perfect in this. The bewilderment from other ponies cast against the glorious sweetness of just knowing another is meant to be with you was epic in this piece. And of course, ethereal-maned Fluttershy is like an auto win.

6405224 Thank you!

6405254 'kay

6405310 Thank you, Wing! It's what I was going for ;) And thanks for adding it to your favorites! ALSO, awesome new avatar.

Oh and yes, I realize the title is fairly stupid but honestly that was what prompted the fic idea (thanks, Plum), so I kept it.


The cute is strong with this one.

6405364 Thank ya kindly, Rob.

6405324 :P Thanks

All kinds of adorable. And better a disgruntled Angel that investigated rather than a disgruntled Lily. :ajsmug:

The feels are strong with this one.

6405481 Heh. Trust me, it was tempting ;)

6405494 Thanks ^_^

A FlutterMac ship...

...that...that talks about their quietness being a point.

Thank you, madam. I have seen the ultimate FlutterMac oneshot.

6405509 Thanks, Alex. Their silence can define them, and words aren't always needed when love is in play, in my opinion, so that's part of why I wrote it :)

6405511 That's exactly why I love this ship.

Just beautiful. I remember a few years ago, trying to tell someone about this ship and what made it so cute. I wish this fic had existed then. But now I'll have it for next time, so thank you! :ajsmug:

6405726 High praise indeed :) Thanks, Bookplayer.

>mfw that title

So, I always do this thing where I read a fic I like, and I comment to let the author know how much I liked it, then a few minutes later I look at it again to make sure it's in a lot of groups so everyone will see it. And that's when I remember I'm a Story Scout and I'm supposed to put good fics in Tag-a-long's Book Club.

So have a ribbon!


Majin Syeekoh

I could—



Nah, this is sweeter than any dumb nitpicking I could ever make.

Well done.:twilightsmile:

6405831 Heh. Thanks. I know it's far from my best work, but I really enjoyed writing it and re-reading it, so up it went :twilightsmile:

Majin Syeekoh

6405837 You can really tell, too—oftentimes a writer's enjoyment writing a story bleeds out into the fic itself.

That was cute. Well done.

I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen the question that this fic tackles asked. This is as great a response as I've ever seen. Cheers. :eeyup:

6406528 Thank you both very much!

That was just adorable!!! :twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:

6406729 Thank you so much! I am so happy at the warm reception (and the feature)! :yay:

Not bad at all. Thoroughly enjoyed that. It was a nice pallete cleanser from writing about death and madness. hehe

I have a soft spot for the ship, and I too have wondered--what would they even talk about?

That was one of the most BEAUTIFUL FlutterMac stories I've ever read.

I've always enjoyed FlutterMac for this specific reason, and it's about time someone actually wrote it out.

So... Good work.:eeyup:

Did anyone else expect this to devolve into shameless clop?

Sometimes it's nice to see a break from all the yarns about polyamorous slut harems, or incest, or gender swapped, changeling gang-bangs and read something eloquently written that's not afraid to be simple, cute and cuddly.

Good job!

Finally, someone wrote the fluttermac Fic I Always Wanted to see. I'm not huge on shipping fluttermac, but if you ARE gonna do it, then this is how it should be done.

See if more fluttermac stuff was like this I'd like the ship a lot more.

Besides, with a love like that? Who needs words?

6407373 I agree. There are some shipping stories that are just cute and nice, simple reads.
But there are those few, where the characters are portrayed so perfectly and story is genuine and well-written.
Over-all, to reach that level of awesome, has to be my ultimate goal when writing, and it's an inspiration to me when people do it right!

Kudos to the author.

6407496 Yeah, and I think it's a problem with many fanfics. as much as I love the way fan-fiction opens up a universe, Far too often people forget that the characters they are writing for, are not their own creations. They embellish too much and forget to let the established character write the story for them, and something is lost when that happens. It doesn't necessarily ruin a great story, Or change a well developed plot. Often times you won't even notice it happening unless you are looking for it.

But when you find that story that does it 'just right" Like this one, You can tell the difference.

A wonderful little read. How cute :twilightsmile:

The feature box must have made me jaded. I first read the title as 'What's the Sound of Two Mimes Mating' and nearly missed this.

This was a nice little story, not so often I see Fluttershy and Big Mac. After all, who needs words when our actions say it all.

Too cute for words. I don't totally ship them, and honestly, if people wrote more about this beforehand, them both being less than great conversationalists or just shy (as I always thought that would cause an awkward start if they ever dated), I think I'd be a sucker for it and never leave, because it highlights it nicely while showing words aren't important. Nonetheless, lovely and cute story that does show that even the quietest of pairings can work.

Alright Chums, let's read this.


Well now I have diabeetus, thanks.

Maximum adorable though, thank you!

Yay, Fluttermac!

Bathtub sex though might be a bit too much, I can't imagine having soap in your...you know, when Fluttershy is part of it xD

Nice work on the fic. And you're in the box. Molodets. :)

I can dig it.
I'm not the biggest Fluttermac fan, because I prefer my ships more adventurous and challenging, but this stuff is just too cute sometimes.
Excellent job.

I gotta see what lily will try to do next! following and favoring!

6408564 this was a one shot, s' why it's marked complete. But thank you!

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