• Published 24th Aug 2015
  • 1,827 Views, 24 Comments

The Story of Nightfall - Mega NewWays97

All Dawn wanted was to read from her favorite Library. Becoming a Alicorn pony and being sent to a totally new reality that from a fantasy book? Yeah no.

  • ...

A Spark in the Stars

A Spark in the Stars- Magic’s second Spark

The wooden staircase and the shelves of the school library was not what you would normally expect for a young child to be on a Friday Afternoon. But for a young girl named Dawn, she considered it as a safe haven. She was a fourth grade student who had a hard time making friends with the kids on the playground, but was able to make friends with the characters in her favorite storybooks. Each week, she immersed herself in the stories of the journey’s of different heroes and heroines as they tried to complete a grand quest or some kind of goal.

As she picked out books, it seems a new addition was added to the shelves, which caught her attention. She pulled it out to read the title, “Displaced: Heroes of the Multiverse, by Eric Smith.” Flipping it over, she began reading the backside, she said to herself “Heroes lost across the multiverse from a single world, listen as you read about several of their journeys. Similar yet unique.” She placed it with the others as she went to check out.

The Usual Librarian was sick so a temporary replacement had volunteered. Covering from head to toe was a long body cloak yet a long beard was seen coming out. “Got what you were looking for? Lets see… Displaced? My, that one came out not to long ago, I hear it's a great read.”

“Really? This is the first time I’ve heard of it.” Dawn replied back, smiling a little and presenting her Library card to the strange replacement.

“Well it was self published unlike the bigger well known authors.” With that, the card and books were handed back to her.

“Thank you Mr…… What’s your name, sir?” She asked, trying her best to sound polite.

“Smith, Eric Smith, but everyone calls me Loki for some strange reason.” The replacement said. With that he waved her goodbye. Dawn had not realized it though as she sat back down in her favorite spot of the library. A comfy chair underneath a tree like canopy and opened up the book. However, something seemed different about this book than any other one she read before.

There was a lock like mechanism on the side of it. Almost like if the book was a diary. Ignoring the chance to ask herself why that was there in the first place, she looked at the flap that resembled a six pointed star. Almost like a spark in the night sky.

“Come on… It shouldn’t be that hard just to open a simple latch-.” The library soon lit up as a vortex of light began to spin around her, covering her in the lavender colored light.

“W-what the!?” Dawn gasped at what was happening. She looked around, trying to find some help, until she realized that she was the only one in the library. Acting on fear, she ran to the doors, only to find herself getting pulled away from them like a rip current. As she was getting pulled in though, she knocked her head on the pile of books she had checked out, causing them to fall and having Dawn pass out. The girl along with Dawn was swallowed by a massive flash and soon, the library was empty once again.

The replacement librarian simply blinked as he scratched his chin with his eagle talon. Appearing was a blue light next to him. “Well that’s a surprise, that book has all she’ll need right?”

“Define, All she’ll need. Besides, you know Twilight will try to get her hooves on you for this right?” The Light spoke to him. All he did was chuckle a little as he sighed.

“Not to worry. She always wanted a student. So, I thought it might be best if she tried to teach someone like her.”

As the vortex stopped Dawn from herself outside in a park. But something was way off about her. Something to her didn’t feel right at all. When she tried to get up, something made it hard for her to try and walk on two legs as she fell backwards. That’s when she looked to see her hands…

… Or more likely what were her hands.

They were now a pair of lavender colored hooves. This scared Dawn, making her feel like she was a bad dream. She had to wake up at some point. Either that or she needed some MAJOR help.

The book she had was next to her but with a different title. “Tips on how to be Displaced, Written by former Displaced Loki CH Sparkle.”

“Hmm… Wait… Loki?” Dawn remembered that name. Then realized who it was. “Oh you have got to be kidding me...” Now she tried to turn the book over to read the book, but it was hard for her to do so with the lack of fingers. It got to the point where she was mentally trying to yell at the book to flip over. When she did do that though, Dawn soon found the book wrapped in a strange glow and a warm sensation on her forehead. Looking up, she soon saw that she had a horn.

The book page she was on glowed as it revealed some basic tips. “Rule 1, if you are in the past try not to get on the sisters bad side, this is so common it makes me what to throw up. Rule 2, If it's modern day try to befriend Fluttershy she the most open. Rule 3, being a villain maybe fun, but there are more heroic Displaced, most of them probably above your level of power. Rule 4, don’t make a token until you're settled in. Rule 5 check the page and timeline to figure out when in Equestria history you are.” All of this brought confusion to Dawn as she looked at it. Then she read the bottom part of the page. “If you have any questions; please refer to the Reference guide in the back of the book.”

‘Well, hopefully this helps me out as best as anything right now.’ She thought, fumbling around with the book using her newfound magic to turn to that specific section.

On the Reference guide she saw several pages of use. What was a Displaced, Celestia and Luna, Elements of harmony, and finally the multiverse. “Oh boy… I’m in another universe as a pony princess.”

“Hey who’s that… wait Twilight what are you doing here?” A Pink Earth pony asked hopping up to Dawn.

“Umm…… Hi?”

The pink pony was bouncing up again and again.

“C-can I help you… miss?”

“Twilight, it’s me… You know… Pinkie Pie? Super Duper best party planner in ponyville?”

“I.. ahh.”

“Pinkie? What’s going on-?” Came the sound of another voice. This time, Dawn thought that she was hearing her voice. Looking up, she now was face to face with the actual pony that she looked like now… Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Umm… hi?” was the only words Dawn could muster because of her rising anxiety.

Pinkie pie looked between Twilight and Dawn. She did this over and over again. “Wait a moment... Am I seeing double?” She thee glared at Dawn. “Something not right? Are you a changeling... “ She put her hoof in Dawn mouth expecting fangs. No Fangs. “Not a changeling, can’t be mirror pool… Twilight from another universe sent by a cosmic being?”

“M-my name isn’t Twilight! It’s Dawn!!”

“Dawn? Dawn what?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Twilight decided to add into the conversation. “If you don’t mind me asking, Dawn, why are you here?”

“I-i don’t know… I just started reading this book the librarian gave me and then I woke up as you. Got it from some… Loki person.”

“Loki? Is there a picture in the book?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know. I just only read a few pages. It has his name on the front though. Like he’s an author?” Dawn handed the book to Twilight as she looked through the pages a bit and on the back was a picture of something in a cloak. However the fang and beard plus the glowing eyes gave away who “Loki” was.

“Oh boy…”

“W-what’s wrong? Am I in trouble?” Dawn asked, a little scared.

“No, But I know somepony who is.” Twilight said. Inside a pocket dimension of madness the Spirit of Chaos stopped for a moment. He felt as though he was taking the blame for someone else.

“So…” Dawn started, “How do I go back?”

“At this rate, I don’t know if there is a way to get you back to your home.” Twilight told her the truth, putting a hoof on her shoulder. “But I promise we’ll try to figure out a way to help you, Dawn. But there might be some things we need to do first.”

“Like what?” Dawn asked. This could not be possible. It had to be a dream. Dawn really hoped it was a dream.

“Well… We’ll need something to make you not look exactly like me… Second, I’m going to need to be able to teach you something important that you will need while you are here… Magic.” Twilight spoke. “Plus, I need to explain the situation to my friends and the princess-.”

“Hey, egghead. What’s up-?” Dawn looked up to see a Rainbow Maned pegasus with a cyan coat. “Who’s your clone? Is it a changeling? If so, can I beat it up?”



“You’re scaring Dawn!”


The princess of friendship pointed to the copyright in front of her. Dawn was a bit afraid at the whole ‘Can I beat it up’ statement, so she almost resembled Fluttershy trying to hide herself. “Wait, so she’s not a changeling?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No she some kinda, interuniversal Displaced…” Pinkie Pie said. She then stop for a moment. “Wait a minute.” She thought this seemed familiar.

“Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie Pie blinked. “What was I talking about?” Pinkie asked.

“You were saying something about Dawn?” Twilight reminded her. “Like Displaced?”

“Oh that? What is displaced even?” Pinkie Pie asked. Dawn had the book and showed the cover. “Oh that. never heard of them.” she answered after looking at it.

“I think the definition for Displaced is on the first page,” Dawn said, causing Twilight to start looking through the pages. As soon as she saw the page, Dawn pointed it out with her newfound hoof so Twilight knew where to look. “There it is.”

“Displaced, or Dimensionally Misplaced; means to end up in another world as another person or character and contract his or her abilities.” Twilight read it aloud. “So, you ended up here as me?”


“Well, it’s going to be very confusing seeing two Twilights around. Here.” Rainbow helped, getting a mane tie from her bag and typing Dawn’s newfound mane into a Ponytail. Followed by adding a small scarf around her neck. “How’s that?”

“It’ll work for now. I bet we might have some books at the castle on dealing with changing appearances, but we can worry about that later. Right now, a certain somepony is going to get in trouble for this.”

Discord was off in the Canterlot market looking over something for his home. Usually he would just materialize it with a snap of his talons, but he wanted to see what the old made by hoof craftsmanship was like. “Discord!” The spirit turned to see Twilight… with another Twilight.

“What in the name of Chaos? Twilight, I didn’t know you had a twin.” Discord exclaimed. “Or is she magic mirror clone? No wait, alternative self from another timeline.”

“You are in SO MUCH TROUBLE MISTER!!” Twilight snarled.

Discord couldn’t believe this. “What? But the hydra wanted to eat me! So I banished it to another dimension! What’s wrong about that!?” Discord screamed back at Twilight.

“Not that.” Twilight would have to look into that later. “This.” She said pointing to Dawn.

“What does yourself have to do with this?” Discord asked.

“Discord we know you sent her to this world!” Twilight answered.

“What? I would never!” Discord screamed back.

“Umm…” Dawn said, unsure of what was happening. Discord looked at her as she was looking at the cover of the book again, seeing something off about it. He then looked back at Twilight. “Maybe we should go somewhere where we won’t make a scene in public.”

Discord teleported them to his home dimension and was looking over book that Dawn had. “I’m afraid I couldn’t have created this.” Discord answer to them. “Don’t get me wrong it looks like me on the image, but here the thing, It’s hard to travel across universes, this…” He waved his talons at Dawn.

“So what are you saying?” Dawn asked.

“I didn’t send you here, nor do I have the power to send you back.” Discord answered.

‘I can’t go back?’ Dawn thought. She let this all sink in. She was lost, in another reality with no way home. She was now a pony, for life. Dawn mind did the only logical thing. She fainted.

Author's Note:

Well now that happened.

Can you guess her Displacer? :raritywink: