• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 3,346 Views, 151 Comments

Queens to Check, Dragon to Mate - dracone

Spike and Chrysalis are now raising a family, but her "side of the family" threatens the peace when they arrive.

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You Can Fight Facts...But You Can't Change Them

“Rarity, could you handle the mending of the dress during the next interlude? I already took care of sending it to your shop,” said Chrysalis as she took her seat.

“Certainly, darling,” said Rarity, “I’m so glad you had an alternate attire ready. Although, I would be a little lost on why you chose beach attire if the prior incident hadn’t occurred.”

“It’ll be a while before the staff for the high-security facility arrive for pickup,” said Twilight, “might as well give a more detailed explanation...that’s acceptable for young foals to hear.”

“As you know, when changelings mate with creatures they take on several of that creature's properties, physically and mentally.” Chrysalis started, much to the annoyance of most of the other queens.

“So what? You gained the ability to make your exterior more durable at will, that’s something we’ve known about one of those pony variants,” said Cicada.

“Ah feel lahke Ah should bae insulted,” said Applejack.

“A few things,” said Chrysalis, “first of all, my mate is literally in the room and not a pony, the only reason he’s here in the first place is because he made the choice to of his own volition. Secondly, Spike, the dragon, is an earth dragon hence the reason he has no wings. I brought this up for a few simple reasons. The biggest one being, as I’ve stated a few times since your arrival, he is my mate,” she put extreme emphasis on last two words, “and as such, I have acquired several of his physiological and psychological properties. Among them are intense strength, immense durability, sharp claws with immense durability, sharper fangs that are tough enough to handle gemstones with a jaw to match, cooking skills, dance knowledge, etiquette rules, cleanliness rules, willing helpfulness, compassion, and a variety of other traits you have varying degrees of approval or disapproval for. For now, let’s focus on the durability of my exterior. I no longer have a hard, rigid, and fragile carapace. Instead, my exterior is more flexible and more pleasing to the touch. It’s more akin to a dragon’s hide than anything else, in particular, that of an earth dragon’s.”

“In case you weren’t aware,” said Spike, quickly handing Emerald to Luna, who was more than happy to hold the infant, “earth dragons, like myself, have some of the most durable hides found anywhere. They need to be, mostly because they are required protect our insides from pressure exerted on us from the earth around us when we dig deep or falling pieces of rock in the surprisingly numerous cavities within the earth. And Chrys was rather prolific in her acts of intimacy, not that I’m complaining.”

“I honestly don’t know why queens like to keep count with acts of intimacy,” said Chrysalis, “I did so during my first few bouts of intercourse with Spike, but stopped before the end of our first week together.”

“Considering how often we were at it, that was probably a good call,” said Spike, “I had no idea a mare could be so…” he noticed Emerald staring at him with vested interest, “Um, Chrys, how much of our intimate moments have you shared with our girls?”

“Pretty much all of it, but only with our first three. Is that a problem, dear,” the beginning of the banter caused Cicada, Culicidae, Vespa and Nymph to all blanch. Arachne seemed to get some level of amusement out of it.”

After giving a cough-like ‘Ahem’ Spike continued,“suffice to say, Chrys has taken numerous properties from me. Her hide is just as resistant as mine, which has taken high power blows from means magical and mundane and been completely unblemished. Her overall strength is almost a match for mine. Although her healing factor is more intense than mine, which isn’t all too surprising when you take into account how rapidly changelings tend to heal.”

“A likely story,” said Culicidae, “the defect always was a slow healer, it made ‘play’ time far more amusing.”

“I’m willing to let references to the more traumatic parts of my life slide,” said Chrysalis, for now, “but if you continue to refer to them with pride I’m not liable for what follows.”

“You or your pet dragon retaliating,” said Nymph, “you’ve pretty much proven how weak you are in refusing to fight us.”

“And the way you measure strength is painfully narrow,” said Pinkie, “so much so it’s almost funny.”

“But only ‘almost’, not that you’d really care,” said Rainbow.

“The point is,” said Chrysalis, “my changes were a bit more in-depth, in addition to being a bit more dramatic when compared to changes in other changelings. I didn’t just go at it with Spike on a single day, we’ve had several highly intimate moments over the course of our time together. And I don’t force him or try to ‘influence’ his decisions, our relationship is built on mutual trust and genuine willingness.”

“And to be fair,” said Spike, “that makes our moments of intimacy all the more enjoyable, neither of us wants to give the other up.”

“And definitely not without a fight,” said Chrysalis, “dragons have a tendency to be very territorial, especially when it comes to their mates and families.”

“It took pretty much all my willpower to just let Chrys handle that little stunt Cicada and Vespa pulled on her own,” said Spike.

“Also, the reason I said it all that way is because of how much I knew you would gag if I said it the way I really wanted to,” said Chrysalis, “This big, purple, dork of a dragon,” she said teasingly as she gestured to Spike, “is a massive teddybear. That is to say, he’s sweet, kind, supportive, gentle, and very cuddly. Some of those traits were passed on to me, in the best ways possible.” The visiting queens, except Arachne, blanched, “Dragons also happen to be quite virile, especially earth dragons like Spike. His virility translated into fertility for me, but I’m not taking advantage of it. Truth is, we only have twenty-four offspring right now, all girls by the way. However, none of them are aggressive, mean spirited or devoid thought. Every single one of our daughters is a complete sweetheart with free will and independent thoughts. We still have a hive link, it just operates a bit differently than how other hives do. It doesn’t matter if my hive has twenty-four or twenty million members, I will not abandon any of them, every single one of them has something to contribute.”

“I really wasn’t expecting Chrys to go into this speech, at least not until around dinner,” said Spike, “guess you really struck a nerve,” he knew full well the implications of his wording and had, in fact, chosen that wording for those very reasons.

“You’re an even bigger failure than initially thought,” said Vespa, “even in success you manage to fail beyond what any queen has achieved before.”

“Well now, that’s your opinion,” Chrysalis in an amazingly calm voice. “The only things you care about I have little to no care for. Why dominate when a mutual relationship can be formed? Why conquer when you can befriend? An alliance built on understanding and trust is more stable and long lasting than an alliance of convenience. I've embraced an entirely different approach and viewpoint than any queen prior. I genuinely care for my offspring, I let them go and do things they want to within the level of reason any parent should.” Throughout the entire speech, Chrysalis put emphasis on words like trust, understanding, befriend, embraced, care and parent. It was when she seemingly paused for dramatic emphasis that Vespa made another attempt on her, with her long spike-like stinger. Without even turning her head Chrysalis caught the stinger with a good foot and a half between Vespa’s intended target and the changeling in question. Almost effortlessly, Chrysalis flicked her wrist and snapped the stinger, “I was being courteous,” it was clear she was addressing the room, while not even looking, “but it seems the concept is going over the heads of some present here, for those who go this far,” she presented the stinger piece to the room, “my courtesy is rescinded, I’ll still be nice but will not be giving any courtesy.” She blew a burst of flame on the stinger piece in her grasp, turning it to a small pile's worth of dust-like ash. “Be thankful I’m being so nice, you’ll be regenerating your missing piece within a few hours, if memory serves correctly.”

“You just had to make another pass at Chrys, didn’t you,” said Spike with a shake of his head, “you’re already in deep trouble being marked for your own ‘accommodations’ at the supermax facility, this stunt just made things less hospitable for you. What did this just do for her, exactly?”

“Double her time at the facility and move her to one of the isolation cells for the first half of the stay,” said Celestia, “or am I missing something?”

“No, you’re completely right,” said Twilight, “standard protocol for pickup is to do just that if the offense is repeated during the waiting period for complete apprehension.”

“Now, if everyone is done trying to kill me,” said Chrysalis, who got some amusement out of seeing how the visiting queens were astonished at her display of abilities, “can we please get back to doing things in a civil manner? I don’t really know about the rest of you, but I want this wrapped up quickly so I can get back to my regular routine, we had to reschedule game night because of this.”

“And we were getting to a really good part too,” said Spike, “what, with the lady paladin about to render judgment on the evil cult and all.”

“What is that even a reference to? I feel like I have to know,” said Nymph.

“Ogres and Oubliettes,” said Chrysalis, “I’m the lady paladin he was talking about, or rather I play the lady paladin he was talking about. Role Playing Games, like Ogres and Oubliettes, offer up quite a satisfying feeling, for me anyway.”

“Yes, and I’m sure you getting high powered items that are beneficial to your choice of build has nothing to do with it,” snarked Discord.

“Oh, behave dear,” said Celestia, “you’re in the same boat, no need to complain about it.”

“Yes, well I did take the time improve my navigation skill,” said Discord, switching to an admiral’s attire that completely matched up with his pompadour hat.

Twenty minutes or so after Twilight had given Cicada and Vespa their new accessories, twelve guards in outfits that were colored like Discord’s main body (it’s usual color anyway), with sleeves that bore stripes in the coat colors of each of the princess and shoulder pads that had splotches that tastefully seemed to splatter together in the coat colors of Twilight's friends with boots and gloves colored like Spike and Chrysalis showed up to escort the two marked changeling queens. Everyone was aware of the hodgepodge look of the attire, especially Rarity, but since it had started as Discord’s idea he got to design the outfits, all of them, to Rarity’s dismay, she spent the first week of working on the attire with him downing several gallons of ice cream while twitching like a nervous wreck every twenty seconds or so. Rarity would have loved to block the memory of creating the ensembles but couldn’t because of how prolific Discord had been in displaying it all for the first four months after it was all done.

Standard protocol for these guards was six guards to each detainee, two of each tribe. Cicada and Vespa were led out to wagon designed for detaining problematic individuals, and while doing so Twilight informed Vespa’s guards of what she had done while they had been waiting.

“We really need to work on response time,” said Chrysalis as the two changeling queens were led out, “things could have been much worse.”

“We’ll be sure to bring it up at the next joint guard briefing,” said Celestia, “do any of our other ‘guests’ have any input on what just transpired?”

“It was bound to happen eventually,” said Arachne, “those two were some of the most impulsive queens I ever knew, frankly I’m almost surprised they made it this long without an incident like what we just saw. Since we have to be honest here, I rather like the idea of having a location for holding problematic individuals.”

“Not really,” said Nymph, “but honestly, I want to know how you seem to look more attractive than me.”

“It all comes down to what lies inside,” said Chrysalis, “as miss Rarity would likely say,” she gestured to the white mare, “it’s a case of wine and the bottle. You are a beverage with an attractive bottle but the drink within has something that ruins the vintage. I, on the other hand, was a vintage that was left in a nondescript bottle and not really touched, but my bottle’s placement worked wonders for my vintage when someone decided to finally come by sample me, and liked me so much they moved me to a more attractive bottle and decided to share. You were hoarded in a manner that worked against your maturation, to the point that the aspects that truly matter were compromised. To put it simply, your exterior might attract others but once they get a proper taste they are repulsed.”

“I rather like that analogy,” said Culicidae, “it teaches the importance of knowing the right time to claim your prize. Tell me more of this ‘wine’ of which you speak.”

“It’s a beverage created by fermenting the juice of grapes for months, sometimes years or decades, to get the best flavor and texture from the beverage,” said Twilight.

“The process of fermentation can be applied various other beverages and liquids to produce a similar effect,” said Chrysalis, “Spike prefers a kind of fermented dragon fruit juice we’ve taken to calling ‘Dragon’s Fang’ on account of the bite it has. I personally prefer the beverage known as sake, a sort of wine made from rice that was introduced to this region through trade with an eastern nation whose name I’m sure you don’t really care for.”

“Properly aging the drink for better taste, I like that concept,” said Culicidae.

“Yes, well beverages have to be chilled at the appropriate temperatures to prevent, or at least hinder, spoiling,” said Rarity, “and if memory serves correct, Chrysalis wasn’t shy about pointing out how changelings have an extreme aversion to cooler temperatures. Which means, you probably won’t like that sort of approach. Not to mention, from what I can tell, you all have the aspect of creatures that are not properly suited for operation in cooler environments.”

Arachne narrowed her eyes and looked closely at the assembled queens left present, “That is an accurate assessment, the closest is Culicidae, but even she has trouble operating in cooler temperate zones.”

“Like what’s supposed to be going on outside,” said Rainbow, “we set to pushing back preparations for fall and winter after Chrys shared the plan for this meeting, we were just in the beginnings for prep work for the seasonal change when she did share new regarding this meeting, so no real harm done.”

Author's Note:

Leave your thoughts on the chapter in the comments, as always. And also, feel free to do some art pieces based on Queen Takes Dragon and Queens to Check, Dragon to Mate. While I personally don't mind not having any art for any of my stories, I would still appreciate seeing artistic pieces inspired by them. As always, contact me regarding the pieces so that I can assist when needed and send a link to or copy of the piece when done.

I foresee at least one comment on the uniforms described, I had a bit of fun coming up with them. It would be funny to see those outfits, but I have a feeling would be almost as infuriating as they are amusing, what with lack of any real cohesion.