• Published 28th May 2012
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The Foal in The Basket - PonyBlue

Twilight Sparkles gets a new niece, the daughter of Chrysalis and Shining Armour.

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Honeydew Wisp

Chapter 6
Honeydew Wisp

There was much on Twilight Sparkle’s mind, and most of it weighed heavily upon her back. Foremost was the upcoming meeting with her big brother on the morrow. In her dazzlingly sharp mind, she played out a great many scenarios of how to introduce Shining Armour to Wisp. Some were sombre and foreboding, a great discussion of family, duty, and the value of blood over breed. The last took a page from Pinkie Pie, and consisted of Wisp hidden in a colourful gift wrapped box, a blue bow in her mane, and balloon tied to her hoof, accompanied by a shower of confetti. Spike would have been disturbed.

“The good news is Wisp is putting on weight, almost a full four pounds.” Nurse Redheart declared with satisfaction, as she moved the foal off the weighing scale. “She seems to be on the road to recovery, but I am a little concerned that she appears so passive.”

Nurse Redheart’s words shook Twilight from her rumination, “Passive?” It was the first word the purple Unicorn had spoken since she sat on the floor cushion by Redheart’s table.

Redheart nodded her head. “I usually come to these examinations expecting at least some crying, flailing of legs, wings, or even a bit of unfocused magic.” Nurse Redheart let out a wry smile “Young foals do their utmost best to run and hide beside their mothers. They are not the most cooperative of patients.”

Twilight Sparkle stopped brooding. She turned towards Wisp. The foal was none of those things. She did not cry nor did she struggle. She sat on the countertop with her legs folded under her body, and for the most part was still, aside from the occasional flick of her ears and blink of her eyes.

“I had hoped she would become more energetic as her health improved.” Nurse Redheart continued. She then brought out a measuring tape and began to take measurements of Wisp’s length, from shoulder to hip, then barrel girth, and with a little prodding, got Wisp to stand so she could measure her height at her withers. “That’s a good girl,” Redheart affectionately brushed the foal along her side with her hoof.

“I guess I am expecting too much at this junction. Wisp is still recovering from an ordeal.” Nurse Redheart picked up a pencil with her mouth and began filling in Wisp’s health records.

Twilight Sparkle was not so certain. In their short week together, Twilight had come to think of her niece as a very well behaved foal, one that had already begun to appreciate the peace and quiet of a well-stocked library. Perhaps she wanted to believe that a little bit of herself had somehow slipped into Wisp by way of her brother. Now she watched with growing unease, as the little foal in front of her accepted every unfamiliar touch and prod without so much as a protesting sound.

Was she mistaken?

It all boiled down to love.

It was a magical force created by all living creatures. It surrounded them, permeated them. It bound Equestria together. Love was one of the most powerful expressions of magic. It grew, it changed, it was consuming, it was chaotic, and it could move mountains. Changelings fed on that wonderful, beautiful thing.

‘Has Wisp simply not gotten enough magical energy to do more than sit and stare?’ Twilight wondered.

“Am I not loving her enough?” She whispered.

Nurse Redheart paused as she caught that softly spoken question. “Oh Twilight Sparkle,” She put down her stethoscope. “You’ve only had Wisp for a week. She came into your life unasked and unexpected. You are still very much in shock. As long as you take care of Wisp’s basic needs and cuddle with her regularly, she won't suffer if you don't feel a strong bond at first sight.”

“But… I… I have to. I have to love her.”

How could she explain to Nurse Redheart? Changelings were monsters. Even now, her feelings were mixed. How could they not be after what the Changeling did to her BBBFF and Cadance? Yet, she realised that more than anything else, she didn’t want any harm to come to Wisp. She might love Wisp just a little, or she might just be a good pony, because the thought of Wisp, the skinny foal sleeping on the countertop, starving to death in her hooves was deeply upsetting.

“You can't force yourself to love a foal. Wisp may be cute and cuddly, but she's also an entirely new individual, one you'll have to get used to before you can begin bonding. Parent-foal bonding is complicated and is truly an individual experience. A few mares fall in love with their foals in the first few days — or even minutes — of birth. Yet it's just as reasonable that most others take a little longer. There's no time table to gel with a foal. You shouldn’t feel guilt if you don’t feel some incredible attachment.”

Twilight Sparkle knew Nurse Redheart was wrong. Wisp fed on love. To a changeling foal, love was a basic need just as much as milk and diaper changes. What if she couldn’t love Wisp enough?

Nurse Redheart looked at the young mare, “A true parent-child bond is a by-product of everyday care giving. Over time, as you get to know, and learn how to soothe, her and enjoy her presence, your feelings will deepen. And one day — it may be the first time you truly see her smile— you'll realize you're utterly, ineffably filled with joy and love for her.”

“It just takes time?”


The room fell silent.

Nurse Redheart picked Wisp up and placed the skinny foal back into her basket. She seemed happy to have been returned to her comfortable basket, and quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

“And what of yourself?” Nurse Redheart turned around so that her body faced Twilight Sparkle. “Have you been eating enough?”

“I read the pamphlet you gave me. I’ve been following the recommended nutritional guide lines. I even stopped drinking coffee… I think I’m experiencing withdrawal symptoms.” The purple Unicorn paused, remembering the headache she had experienced on the first day and constipation on the third. “I haven’t been sleeping much either. She wakes me nearly every hour of the night to nurse.”

“Her sleeping hours will become more regular after the first month.” Nurse Redheart comforted. “It doesn’t look like it now, but it’ll get better, and within a year she will be even toilet trained.” The Earth Pony paused.

“Have you decided if you want to become Wisp’s legal guardian?”

“I haven’t decided.” Twilight finally answered. “I am going speak to...”

Between one heart beat and the next, a dozen thoughts raced through her mind. Should she hide Shining Armour’s involvement? What of the scandal? Was there even a point? Ponyville was such a small village that news of Shining Armour’s visit would be known as soon as she spoke to him at Pokey Pierce’s restaurant. It was not as if she was admitting anything.

“… my brother tomorrow.”

“I see. I guess the pertinent question is, will he consider taking Wisp in?”

“I don’t know.” Twilight looked away. “It is complicated.” Twilight let out a shuddering breath. “I… How do I even begin?”

“The common advice is that it’s always easiest to start from the beginning. Nothing spoken in these four walls will leave it.”

Could she risk it? Twilight stared down at her hooves looking for an answer that they did not have. “I think Wisp is my niece. I think she is my brother’s daughter.”

There. She said it, and her mouth seemed to take on a life of its own as she recounted Wisp’s arrival at the library, the Royal Wedding at Canterlot a year ago, her brother, Cadance, and… Chrysalis.

As she talked, she felt the pressure that had built up inside her over the last week ease just a tiny bit. Maybe it was because Redheart already knew Wisp wasn’t a normal pony foal. Maybe it was because Redheart was a nurse, and would always have Wisp’s best interest at heart. Or maybe it was the act of confiding to an older mare, a subconscious substitute for Princess Celestia. Nonetheless, Twilight Sparkle didn’t tell the whole truth, just enough of it.

“I see.” Nurse Redheart kept her tone neutral. “And what of the scullery maid, Wisp’s mother? Where did Chrysalis go after she was dismissed?”

“I don’t care where Chrysalis is hiding!” Twilight’s snout twisted in to a rippled snarl. “She is evil! That’s right, evil!” She snapped. “I don’t ever want to see her again. I think she forced herself on my bother. I think she…” Twilight shuddered. “I think she raped him.”

Twilight’s outburst did not surprise Nurse Redheart. As much as she or any mare would condemn Chrysalis for what she had done, her sympathy for the pony that was Wisp’s mother had not entirely vanished.

This wasn’t the first time a poor young mare had set her sights on an unobtainable stallion; and what stallion was more unattainable, and thus desirable, than one chosen by an alicorn princess? Chrysalis’s head was doubtlessly dazzled by the imagination that she too could have a place upstairs if she captured the eye of the Stallion of the House.

Neither was it the first time a foolish young thing had used her natural beauty, the allure of her pheromones, and fire of her heat to entrap a stallion’s interest for a single night of passion. And when the harsh light of day arrived, had naively hoped that a pregnancy and foal would somehow secure a place in his herd.

It was a selfish, foolish thing. Often the results were what Nurse Redheart saw in her hooves now, a family disaster with all parties hurting in some manner. The desperate Chrysalis that couldn’t care for herself, let alone a newborn foal, forced to abandon her child and depend on the benevolence of ponies who would rightfully show her none. She didn’t even have a legal leg to stand on in an Equestrian court of law, which favoured the injured herd.

Redheart sighed. Chrysalis would doubtlessly be haunted by guilt for the rest of her life.

As for the wronged mare, she knew precious little of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. But she expected few lead mares, let alone an alicorn and princess, would allow such an interloper entry into her herd or near her stallion again.

Then there was the stallion, no doubt emotionally traumatised. The emotional fallout and betrayal between Shining Armour and Princess Cadance would be hurtful. And finally there was the foal, an orphan in everything but name, that no pony wanted or could care for. It was a horrible mess. Wisp was luckier than most, she had a chance with her aunt.

“I can offer a parental test for Wisp to put to rest her relationship to your family. We don’t have a Unicorn trained to perform the test here, but I can collect blood samples from you, your brother, and Wisp and have it tested in Canterlot. The results are confidential and anonymous.”

“Thank you, but I can perform the spell myself.”

Nurse Redheart nodded her head. “If it is of any help, I would strongly advise that Princess Cadance be told about what happened between Chrysalis and your brother. The longer Wisp is hidden, the worse it will be for Shining Armour and yourself.”


“She is your friend, a close family friend. Would you be happy if your friends kept such a secret from you?”

“No,” Twilight paused. “I guess not.”

“Do you think Princess Cadance will consider adopting Wisp?” Nurse Redheart knew that this was going to be a tender, delicate topic for the princess, no matter what the answer was.

“I don’t know. There will be problems.”

Redheart nodded her head. A pony could scarcely imagine how the press would react if Wisp or her unwed mother came to light. A scandal barely a year into a Royal Wedding that was followed across Equestria would be humiliating to the Crown.

“If you don’t mind some advice, I would recommend counselling for your brother and Princess Cadance. What happened with Chrysalis will be a sore point in their relationship. You should also involve another mare to help mediate between Shining Armour and Princess Cadance.”

“Princess Celestia?”

“Princess Celestia is Princess Cadance’s aunt, Sun Goddess, and undying monarch of Equestria.” Nurse Redheart expression was uncomfortable as she spoke. “I was thinking more along the lines of your mother. She would be Wisp’s grandmother.