• Published 30th Jul 2012
  • 296 Views, 41 Comments

Twisted Friendship: An MLP story - CM Pony

Equestria becomes the new battleground for the devil's car combat tournament, Twisted Metal.

Comments ( 19 )

1566889 Because it's not good.


Discentia has left her domain of Reddit to hit this fic with the Hammer of Internet Smiting.


Like I said before in previous posts, everyone thinks that a crossover with Twisted Metal and MLP: FiM sounds stupid and gave this story so many dislikes. You have over 1,000 crossover fics with MLP mixed with popular games like Halo, Gears of War, Uncharted, Final Fantasy and such. However, when was there ever a story involving Twisted Metal? None. I'm the first person to do this and I've been planning, outlining, and rewriting this story for months on how I want it to be written.

If this is Twisted Metal, where is Sweet Tooth? Is he in the story? When does he show up? '

Yes, he's in it. You have to wait until he shows up.

As for dislikes, I can care less.

2408602 Well, since I don't understand the crossover material in the first place, sure.

I did not like the main character, as he felt like a flat, rather boring person. I place a big emphasis on characters.

However, you should pay some attention to downvotes. Yes, some subjects get spontaneous votes.

I write a Fallout: Equestria HiE sidefic. Two subjects that gather instant downvotes, especially that last one. Yet I have a 10:1 upvote/downvote ratio. Only one of ten people disliked. This is due to readers enjoying my characters, settings, situations, and overall story-line.

Since I have yet to receive a "negative" comment, I can assume that the downvotes came from my genre.

However, your fic has a 1:3 upvote/downvote ratio. for every person that upvoted, three downvoted. You can't blame genre for that. That's people responding to the quality of the story.


The character, Senshi Daniels, was originally created from a Star Fox fanfic that never got made in 2010. Instead of a stock car/Twisted Metal driver, my character was an ex-Marine turned Air Force pilot leading his team of other pilots to stop a global terrorist organization, called the Broken Legion Of Order Dishonor Society (aka The BLOODS). The BLOODS create an interdimensional portal that can be used to destroy major cities but Daniels ends up going through via mistake and ends up in the Lylat System. There, he meets the characters from Star Fox and decides to help them battle Andrew Oikonny's and his plans of domination.

Everything was planned and outline...but then I noticed that there are over 1,000 Star Fox/Human fanfics involving soldiers and pilots and to me, it's going to be tough for this fanfic to be a hit. So therefore, it was cancelled but I did not want to lose my character and kept him shelved for a long period.

In 2012, two things happened: I became a brony and Twisted Metal 2012 for the PS3 was released. When I got finished with Twisted Metal and around the time when MLP season 2 was still on the air, my ideas for fanfictions began to develop and I asked myself
"I see a bunch of MLP crossovers involving Halo, Gears, Borderlands, Uncharted, Red vs Blue, Call of Duty; etc....but...did anyone did Twisted Metal? Doesn't look like it. So, I write one."

However, one problem: who's going to be the main character? Twisted Metal only has three characters that appeared in more games than anyone else: Sweet Tooth, Calypso, and Mr. Grimm. None of these three are suitable to be the main character since you have a serial killer, a demon, and a grim reaper with their own motives. That's when I thought about Senshi Daniels, the character I shelved a long time ago, and brought him back with a new backstory and occupation.

So what is the situation, setting, storyline, and motivation that's happening with Senshi Daniels?

As stated before in the beginning of the story, Senshi Daniels is arrested by the LAPD because they believed he murdered Calypso. However, he claims he didn't as he tells the story through narration and flashbacks in his perspective that happened 8 weeks ago that lead to his disappearence and what was the fate of Calypso. His motivation was to find his sister, Stacy, who vanished as she competed in the previous tournament. Senshi ends up in Equestria after stealing Calpyso's ring but does not understand why and that's when the main focus of this story begins to pick up steam in later chapters. So right now, the fic is just developing.

2408457 fuck u this is the shit right here


fuck u this is the shit right here

See, your comment is almost right. Let's try a quick edit.

fuck u this is shit right here

Now I agree with you completely.

2412367 Well, I applaud the effort you've made into making this work. But, while this certainly isn't set in stone, not everything can be crossed over with MLP. Some things just do not mesh with the MLP world.

2444271 sorry but nnope this is the best stuff here

2447862 But sadly, you are not best troll.

That title belongs to Regidar.



No fighting on my page please. I'm giving you both a warning.

... I like this fic... :fluttershysad:


I'm glad you do. thanks

update plz I love this fic

2444290 There are many cross over fictions in this sit that are sh** but they get tons of likes because people are too stupid. I once saw a Star Wars cross over that has an error on almost every word and is rushed. Guess what people, many people gave it a thumbs up.

5552240 Bud, that comment's more than a year old

5560794 So that means I can't reply to your comment?

5561915 Means that I'll receive a notification for a comment I made more than a year ago, by which time I'd have long forgotten any context surrounding the comment or why I made it.

It's just a very odd thing to do. Like going on a forum that hasn't been posted on in a year and just randomly replying to people.

5570301 Hmmm, I get it. Sorry for disturbing you then.

Is this story dead or alive ?

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